Fixing QML Connections warnings due to deprecated onFoo handlers. Now we're using function onFoo(params).
Fixing QML compilation error due to js filename format.
Fixing cyclic dependencies between qml components.
We're using a base ubuntu:18.04 Docker image and install Qt5.15.2 on top using aqt installer and linuxdeplyqt.
Upgrade of is left to a separate PR due to Squish being tied to old Qt.
connect to the correct signal
the store node (aka mailserver) is no longer a dialog that would let the
user select a new available mailserver; we care about a working and
_active_ mailserver here
This adjust the front-end for the import tool by handling new
properties that have been added to the discord import progress signals.
Namely, the import is now done in chunks, so the progress signal
contains information about how many chunks have been processed.
This needs:
Adds the `TEST_ENVIRONMENT` that stops banners from showing and touch id to be activated (needs to be tested by someone on Mac).
Also improves the waiting time on verifying screens. Will undo that change if it becomes flaky.
To make sure your local tests still work well and hide the banner as well, make sure to put `TEST_ENVIRONMENT=1` in the suite settings' env vars
@mentions have a special `onRelease()` key handler that makes sure a
space is inserted around the mention when needed. Fix the `onRelease()`
handler to prevent control or otherwise unprintable characters being
inserted as text.
Fixes: #7685
Fixed StatusBaseButton to expose a property to load either normal
icon or a round one.
Implemented new wallet navigation according to design in Figma.
Fixed regression: small accounts icons in accounts list view.
Updated wallet test.
Happens occasionally that the app crashes during the profile keypair migration flow.
It happens cause during that flow in one moment the app gets locked, cause encryption
gets changed, but some parts of the app may still try to get some data from the db (as an
action for some async event or so). That action results as the app crash. In such cases
an exception will be thrown, but it needs to be handled in functions which are doing a call.
`fetchAccounts` is guarded in this commit, cause crash was initiated there, cause it didn't
handle a call appropriately using try/catch block.
A custom `IS_MACOS` constant introduced which represents os defined
macosx, cause for devs working on macos is easier to change a single constant
in a single place to simulate some how the app would behave in some cases on
other platforms.
For example if the dev is working on macos, it's not possible to simulate linux only or
win only features that way, but it's definitely possible to check if mac only features are
not visible on other platforms.
since this component is performance critical, optimize it some more by
extracting some common constants so that they don't have to revaluted
every time