calexh-sar edited this page 2021-03-24 13:01:39 -04:00

Business Requirements

  • Within the Personnel entered in PB and pulled into CRC2, the Principal Investigator and Department Chair must be included
  • All Personnel entered in PB will be presented to the Coordinator, who will set whether they...
    • Should have full access to the study in CRC2
    • Should receive email notifications
  • The Coordinator should be able to confirm that the Department Chair's department is the Responsible Organization for the study and if not, either change the Department Chair to the Chair of the correct department or correct the incorrect School and/or Department.
  • The Coordinator will have the capability of running the workflow successive times to either change previously set access and email notifications settings or to update personnel changes made in PB/
    • If the Principal Investigator changes, all completed workflows and documents will be available for editing.
    • If the Department Chair changes, the Department Chair Approval workflow will be available for editing.
      • NOTE: Dept Chair and IA approvals are sent to the IRB-HSR together when the PI signs the IA. The design should account for when only the Dept Chair changes after the previous Dept Chair approval was sent to the IRB-HSR.

Protocol Builder Interface

This workflow pulls all personnel information from PB using study_info('investigators').

CRC1 Stats

This workflow does not have any CRC1 stats.

Study Dashboard Menu Dependencies

State Condition
Required PI and Department Chair have been specified in PB
Disabled PI and/or Department Chair have not been specified in PB

Workflow Description

The workflow starts by running the Load PB Personnel script which pulls all personnel entered in PB and loads their LDAP information. Based on the role entered in PB, each personnel is place in one of the following groups:

  • Primary Investigator (group)
    • Principal Investigator - PI (PB role - PB role code)
  • Department Chair
    • Department Chair - DEPT_CH
  • Primary Coordinators
    • Study Coordinator I - SC_I
    • Study Coordinator II - SC_II
    • IRB Coordinator - IRBC
  • Sub-Investigator
    • Sub-Investigator - SI
  • Additional Personnel
    • Additional Coordinators - AS_C
    • Department Contact - DC

The workflow then confirms that a Principal Investigator and Department Chair were available in the PB Personnel, and that both have valid Computing IDs. If any of these cases is false, a message that these are required and must be address is presented and the workflow is terminated until that time.

The workflow then checks to see if any of the other Computing IDs are invalid, and if so, lets the Coordinator know and give them the option to correct if needed before proceeding.


The next section of the workflow runs the PI and Dept. Chair LDAP E0 information through a script and parses out the School and Department abbreviations. These abbreviations are then passed through respective decision tables to obtain the full name of the School and Department. This information is then assigned to variables for later use.


The next section of the workflow then displays the School and Department information for the Dept. Chair and confirms if this is the Study's Responsible Organization. If not, the Coordinator is prompted to correct this information. If so, or after correcting the information, the Responsible Organization School and Department are stored in study datastores for future use.


The next section sets information needed for the PI and Dept. Chair. For the PI, and all remaining personnel, the Coordinator is asked if they should have full access to the study in CRC2 and/or be included in the email notification group. They are also asked to enter the PI's experience if that has not been done yet, or edit it if it has been previously entered, but needs updating. If either of the cases are true, the PI Experience is saved to a user datastore. Next the workflow determines if the PI and Dept. Chair are the same person, and if so, they are informed that someone else will need to sign the Dept. Chair Approval document and that is all that is needed. If they are not, the Coordinator is prompted to specify of the Dept. Chair should have full study access in CRC2 and/or receive email notifications, or not.


The last part of the workflow presents the remaining personnel by the group they were added to in the initial script task and allows the Coordinator to specify by group or individually if they should have full study access in CRC2 and/or receive email notifications, or not.



No documents are produced from this workflow.