6 Department Chair Approval
calexh-sar edited this page 2021-03-12 11:20:39 -05:00

Business Requirements

  • CRC2 will validate that the user authenticated via NetBadge is the user specified to approve, and only that person can approve.
  • CRC2 will provide a means to designate a proxy for the Department Chair if the Department Chair is not available to approve.
  • CRC2 will provide easy access to the documents the Approver needs to review, which include:
    • Protocol
  • CRC2 will provide a means for the Approver to provide notes if the request is denied.
  • CRC2 will produce the Department Chair Approval document which is included in the IRB Review package to verify the Department Chair or their proxy has reviewed and approved the study.
  • CRC2 will provide email notifications of the following events associated with this workflow:
    • Notify the Approver when the approval is requested.
      • Notify Associates as well
    • Notify the Requester when the Approver has approved the study.
      • Notify Associates as well
    • Notify the Requester when the Approver has denied approval of the study.
      • Notify Associates as well
    • Notify the Approver if the Requester has cancelled a previously requested and not yet completed approval.
      • Notify Associates as well

Protocol Builder Interface

This workflow uses the Dept. Chair entered in PB as the default Approver.

CRC1 Stats

This workflow does not have any CRC1 stats.

Study Dashboard Menu Dependencies

State Condition
required Valid PI and DC entered in PB
disabled Missing or invalid PI and/or DC entered in PB
hidden Funding?

Workflow Description


No documents are produced from this workflow.