ajski edited this page 2021-04-14 13:15:13 -04:00

Welcome to the cr-connect-configuration wiki!

You might also enjoy the CR Connect Workflow-Configurator User Guide and other related pages in our sister repo's wiki, cr-connect-bpmn.

Terms and Abbreviations

PB - Protocol Builder


ZenHub Board - where we'll track each workflow through the sign-off process
BPMN Configurator - where the Configurator edits workflows.
Protocol Builder Mock - tool for building studies for testing.
Main Dashboard - where the Study Coordinator (or other personnel with permission) accesses all studies they are associated with. Select a study to see individual Study Dashboard.
Notifications: check emails in mailtrap.

Scenarios from PB

If applicable for the workflow, modify configuration of study in protocol builder mock to trigger alternate scenarios, and test each one.

Bug Reporting

  • Study setup from PB (copied and pasted) in use when you noticed the bug
  • Steps to reproduce and/or screenshots of error

Editing and formatting a wiki

Basic markdown syntax Template