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(:require [clojure.string :as string]
[re-frame.core :as re-frame]
[status-im.multiaccounts.core :as multiaccounts]
Fix message ordering and improve performance rec. messages This commit does a few things: ==== Ordering of messages ==== Change the ordering of messages from a mixture of timestamp/clock-value to use only clock-value. Datemarks are now not used for sorting anymore, which means that the order of messages is always causally related (not the case before, as we were breaking this property by sorting by datemark), but datemark calculation is unreliable (a reply to a message might have a timestamp < then the message that is replied to). So for timestamp calculation we naively group them ignoring "out-of-order timestamp" messages, although there's much to improve. It fixes an issue whereby the user would change their time and the message will be displayed in the past, although it is still possible to craft a message with a lower clock value and order it in the past (there's no way we can prevent this to some extent, but there are ways to mitigate, but outside the scope of this PR). ==== Performance of receiving messages ==== The app would freeze on pulling messages from a mailserver (100 or so). This is due to the JS Thread being hogged by CPU calculation, coupled with the fact that we always tried to process messages all in one go. This strategy can't scale, and given x is big enough (200,300,1000) the UI will freeze. Instead, each message is now processed separately, and we leave a gap between processing each message for the UI to respond to user input (otherwise the app freezes again). Pulling messages will be longer overall, but the app will be usuable while this happen (albeit it might slow down). Other strategies are possible (calculate off-db and do a big swap, avoiding many re-renders etc), but this is the reccommended strategy by re-frame author (Solving the CPU Hog problem), so sounds like a safe base point. The underlying data structure for holding messages was also changed, we used an immutable Red and Black Tree, same as a sorted map for clojure, but we use a js library as is twice as performing then clojure sorted map. We also don't sort messages again each time we receive them O(nlogn), but we insert them in order O(logn). Other data structures considered but discarded: 1) Plain vector, but performance prepending/insertion in the middle (both O(n)) were not great, as not really suited for these operations. 2) Linked list, appealing as append/prepend is O(1), while insertion is O(n). This is probably acceptable as messages tend to come in order (from the db, so adding N messages is O(n)), or the network (most of them prepends, or close to the head), while mailserver would not follow this path. An implementation of a linked list was built, which performed roughtly the same as a clojure sorted-map (although faster append/prepend), but not worth the complexity of having our own implementation. 3) Clojure sorted-map, probably the most versatile, performance were acceptable, but nowhere near the javascript implementation we decided on 4) Priority map, much slower than a sorted map (twice as slow) 5) Mutable sorted map, js implementation, (bintrees), not explored this very much, but from just a quick benchmark, performance were much worse that clojure immutable sorted map Given that each message is now processed separately, saving the chat / messages is also debounced to avoid spamming status-go with network requests. This is a temporary measure for now until that's done directly in status-go, without having to ping-pong with status-react. Next steps performance wise is to move stuff to status-go, parsing of transit, validation, which is heavy, at which point we can re-consider performance and how to handle messages. Fixes also an issue with the last message in the chat, we were using the last message in the chat list, which might not necessarely be the last message the chat has seen, in case messages were not loaded and a more recent message is the database (say you fetch historical messages for 1-to-1 A, you don't have any messages in 1-to-1 chat B loaded, you receive an historical message for chat B, it sets it as last message). Also use clj beans instead of js->clj for type conversion Signed-off-by: Andrea Maria Piana <>
2019-10-24 14:23:20 +00:00
[ :as data-store.messages]
[ :as data-store.chats]
[status-im.multiaccounts.create.core :as multiaccounts.create]
[status-im.multiaccounts.login.core :as multiaccounts.login]
[status-im.multiaccounts.logout.core :as multiaccounts.logout]
[status-im.multiaccounts.recover.core :as multiaccounts.recover]
[status-im.multiaccounts.update.core :as multiaccounts.update]
[status-im.bootnodes.core :as bootnodes]
[status-im.browser.core :as browser]
[status-im.browser.permissions :as browser.permissions]
[ :as chat.db]
2018-09-24 16:27:04 +00:00
[ :as chat]
[ :as chat.input]
[ :as chat.loading]
[ :as chat.message]
[ :as contact.block]
[ :as contact]
[status-im.ethereum.core :as ethereum]
[status-im.ethereum.ens :as ethereum.ens]
[status-im.ethereum.subscriptions :as ethereum.subscriptions]
[status-im.ethereum.transactions.core :as ethereum.transactions]
[status-im.fleet.core :as fleet]
[ :as group-chats]
[status-im.signing.keycard :as signing.keycard]
[status-im.i18n :as i18n]
[status-im.init.core :as init]
[status-im.log-level.core :as log-level]
[status-im.utils.universal-links.core :as universal-links]
[status-im.mailserver.core :as mailserver]
[status-im.mailserver.constants :as mailserver.constants]
[status-im.mailserver.topics :as mailserver.topics]
[status-im.node.core :as node]
[status-im.pairing.core :as pairing]
[status-im.privacy-policy.core :as privacy-policy]
[status-im.protocol.core :as protocol]
[status-im.qr-scanner.core :as qr-scanner]
[ :as search]
[status-im.signals.core :as signals]
[status-im.stickers.core :as stickers]
[status-im.transport.core :as transport]
[status-im.transport.message.core :as transport.message]
[status-im.ui.components.bottom-sheet.core :as bottom-sheet]
[status-im.ui.components.react :as react]
[ :as new-chat.db]
[status-im.navigation :as navigation]
[ :as build]
[status-im.utils.config :as config]
[status-im.utils.fx :as fx]
[status-im.utils.handlers :as handlers]
[status-im.utils.logging.core :as logging]
[status-im.utils.utils :as utils]
[status-im.wallet.core :as wallet]
[status-im.wallet.custom-tokens.core :as custom-tokens]
[status-im.wallet.db :as wallet.db]
[taoensso.timbre :as log]
[ :as money]
[ :as message-seen]
[status-im.hardwallet.core :as hardwallet]
[status-im.utils.dimensions :as dimensions]
[status-im.multiaccounts.biometric.core :as biometric]
[status-im.constants :as constants]
[status-im.native-module.core :as status]
[status-im.ui.components.permissions :as permissions]
[status-im.utils.http :as http]
;; init module
(fn [cofx _]
(init/start-app cofx)))
;; multiaccounts module
(fn [{:keys [now] :as cofx} _]
(multiaccounts.update/multiaccount-update cofx :last-updated now {})))
(fn [{:keys [now] :as cofx} [_ message]]
(log/warn "failed to publish multiaccount update" message)
(multiaccounts.update/multiaccount-update cofx :last-updated now {})))
(fn [cofx [_ dev-mode?]]
(multiaccounts/switch-dev-mode cofx dev-mode?)))
2019-03-19 12:24:57 +00:00
(def CUD-url "")
(defn open-chaos-unicorn-day-link []
(.openURL ^js react/linking CUD-url))
2019-03-19 12:24:57 +00:00
2019-03-19 12:24:57 +00:00
(fn [{:keys [db] :as cofx} [_ chaos-mode?]]
2019-08-01 20:11:59 +00:00
(let [old-chaos-mode? (get-in db [:multiaccount :chaos-mode?])]
(when (and chaos-mode?
(not= old-chaos-mode? chaos-mode?))
{:title (i18n/label :t/chaos-unicorn-day)
:content (i18n/label :t/chaos-unicorn-day-details)
:confirm-button-text (i18n/label :t/see-details)
:cancel-button-text (i18n/label :t/cancel)
:on-accept open-chaos-unicorn-day-link}})
(multiaccounts/switch-chaos-mode chaos-mode?)))))
(fn [cofx [_ desktop-notifications?]]
(multiaccounts/enable-notifications cofx desktop-notifications?)))
(fn [cofx [_ private?]]
(multiaccounts/switch-preview-privacy-mode cofx private?)))
(fn [cofx _]
(multiaccounts/confirm-wallet-set-up cofx)))
(fn [cofx _]
(multiaccounts/confirm-home-tooltip cofx)))
;; multiaccounts login module
(fn [{:keys [db] :as cofx} [_ key-uid]]
(let [{:keys [photo-path name public-key]}
(get-in db [:multiaccounts/multiaccounts key-uid])]
{:db (-> db
(dissoc :intro-wizard)
(update :hardwallet dissoc :application-info))}
(multiaccounts.login/open-login key-uid photo-path name public-key)))))
(fn [cofx]
(universal-links/process-stored-event cofx)))
;; multiaccounts update module
(fn [cofx _]
(multiaccounts.logout/logout cofx)))
;; mailserver module
(fn [cofx [_ mailserver-id]]
(mailserver/edit cofx mailserver-id)))
(fn [cofx [_ mailserver-id]]
(mailserver/show-connection-confirmation cofx mailserver-id)))
(fn [cofx _]
(navigation/navigate-to-cofx cofx :edit-mailserver nil)))
2018-09-24 16:27:04 +00:00
[(re-frame/inject-cofx :random-id-generator)]
(fn [cofx _]
(mailserver/upsert cofx)))
(fn [cofx [_ input-key value]]
(mailserver/set-input cofx input-key value)))
(fn [cofx [_ mailserver-id]]
(mailserver/delete cofx mailserver-id)))
(fn [cofx [_ mailserver-id]]
(mailserver/show-delete-confirmation cofx mailserver-id)))
(fn [cofx [_ url _]]
(mailserver/set-url-from-qr cofx url)))
(fn [cofx [_ request]]
(mailserver/resend-request cofx request)))
2019-03-19 12:24:57 +00:00
(fn [cofx [_ mailserver-id]]
(mailserver/show-connection-confirmation cofx mailserver-id)))
(fn [cofx [_ current-fleet mailserver-id]]
(mailserver/save-settings cofx current-fleet mailserver-id)))
(fn [cofx _]
(mailserver/unpin cofx)))
(fn [cofx _]
(mailserver/pin cofx)))
(fn [cofx _]
(mailserver/show-request-error-popup cofx)))
(fn [cofx [_ args]]
(mailserver/retry-next-messages-request cofx)))
(fn [cofx _]
(mailserver/check-connection cofx)))
(fn [cofx [_ chat-id from-timestamp]]
2019-04-04 13:55:35 +00:00
(mailserver/fetch-history cofx chat-id {:from from-timestamp})))
(fn [cofx [_ mailserver sym-key-id]]
(mailserver/add-mailserver-sym-key cofx mailserver sym-key-id)))
(fn [cofx _]
(mailserver/add-mailserver-trusted cofx)))
(fn [cofx [_ error]]
(log/error "Error on mark-trusted-peer: " error)
(mailserver/check-connection cofx)))
(fn [cofx [_ error]]
(mailserver/handle-request-error cofx error)))
(fn [cofx [_ request-id]]
(mailserver/handle-request-success cofx request-id)))
;; fleet module
(fn [cofx [_ fleet]]
(fleet/save cofx fleet)))
(fn [cofx [_ fleet]]
(fleet/show-save-confirmation cofx fleet)))
;; bootnodes module
(fn [cofx [_ bootnode-id]]
(bootnodes/edit cofx bootnode-id)))
(fn [cofx [_ url _]]
(bootnodes/set-bootnodes-from-qr cofx url)))
(fn [cofx [_ input-key value]]
(bootnodes/set-input cofx input-key value)))
2018-09-24 16:27:04 +00:00
[(re-frame/inject-cofx :random-id-generator)]
(fn [cofx _]
(bootnodes/upsert cofx)))
(fn [cofx [_ id]]
(bootnodes/show-delete-bootnode-confirmation cofx id)))
(fn [cofx [_ bootnode-id]]
(bootnodes/delete-bootnode cofx bootnode-id)))
;; logging module
(fn [cofx _]
(logging/send-logs cofx)))
;; log-level module
(fn [cofx [_ log-level]]
(log-level/save-log-level cofx log-level)))
(fn [cofx [_ log-level]]
(log-level/show-change-log-level-confirmation cofx log-level)))
(fn [cofx [_ enabled]]
(log/debug "### :log-level.ui/logging-enabled" enabled)
(log-level/show-logging-enabled-confirmation cofx enabled)))
(fn [cofx [_ enabled]]
;;FIXME desktop only
#_(log-level/save-logging-enabled cofx enabled)))
;; Browser bridge module
(fn [cofx [_ data qr-code-data]]
(browser/handle-scanned-qr-code cofx data (:data qr-code-data))))
(fn [cofx [_ qr-code-data _]]
(browser/handle-canceled-qr-code cofx (:data qr-code-data))))
;; qr-scanner module
(fn [cofx [_ opts]]
(qr-scanner/scan-qr-code cofx opts)))
(fn [cofx [_ opts data]]
(qr-scanner/set-qr-code cofx opts data)))
(fn [cofx [_ opts]]
(fx/merge cofx
(qr-scanner/set-qr-code-cancel opts)
;; privacy-policy module
(fn [cofx _]
(privacy-policy/open-privacy-policy-link cofx)))
;; wallet modules
(fn [cofx [_ currency]]
(currency-settings.models/set-currency cofx currency)))
;; chat module
(fn [_ [_ chat-id]]
2018-09-24 16:27:04 +00:00
{:ui/show-confirmation {:title (i18n/label :t/clear-history-title)
:content (i18n/label :t/clear-history-confirmation-content)
:confirm-button-text (i18n/label :t/clear-history-action)
:on-accept #(re-frame/dispatch [:chat.ui/clear-history chat-id])}}))
2018-12-12 08:55:59 +00:00
2019-04-04 13:55:35 +00:00
(fn [{:keys [now] :as cofx} [_ chat-id]]
(mailserver/fetch-history cofx chat-id
{:from (- (quot now 1000) mailserver.constants/one-day)})))
2019-04-16 19:09:18 +00:00
(fn [{:keys [now] :as cofx} [_ chat-id]]
(let [now (quot now 1000)]
(mailserver/fetch-history cofx chat-id
{:from (- now (* 2.5 mailserver.constants/one-day))
:to (- now (* 2 mailserver.constants/one-day))}))))
2019-04-16 19:09:18 +00:00
(fn [{:keys [now] :as cofx} [_ chat-id]]
(let [now (quot now 1000)]
(mailserver/fetch-history cofx chat-id
{:from (- now (* 4 mailserver.constants/one-day))
:to (- now (* 3.5 mailserver.constants/one-day))}))))
2019-04-04 13:55:35 +00:00
2019-04-16 19:09:18 +00:00
(fn [{:keys [db] :as cofx} [_ gap-ids]]
(let [chat-id (:current-chat-id db)
topics (mailserver.topics/topics-for-current-chat db)
gaps (keep
(fn [id]
(get-in db [:mailserver/gaps chat-id id]))
2019-04-04 13:55:35 +00:00
2019-04-16 19:09:18 +00:00
{:gaps gaps
:topics topics
2019-04-16 19:09:18 +00:00
:chat-id chat-id}))))
2018-12-12 08:55:59 +00:00
(fn [{:keys [db] :as cofx}]
(let [chat-id (:current-chat-id db)
{:keys [lowest-request-from]}
(get-in db [:mailserver/ranges chat-id])
topics (mailserver.topics/topics-for-current-chat db)
gaps [{:id :first-gap
:to lowest-request-from
:from (- lowest-request-from mailserver.constants/one-day)}]]
{:gaps gaps
:topics topics
:chat-id chat-id}))))
2018-09-24 16:27:04 +00:00
(fn [_ [_ chat-id]]
2018-09-24 16:27:04 +00:00
{:ui/show-confirmation {:title (i18n/label :t/delete-confirmation)
:content (i18n/label :t/delete-chat-confirmation)
:confirm-button-text (i18n/label :t/delete)
:on-accept #(re-frame/dispatch [:chat.ui/remove-chat chat-id])}}))
(fn [{:keys [db]} [_ kvs]]
{:db (chat/set-chat-ui-props db kvs)}))
(fn [cofx [_ chat-id]]
(chat/join-time-messages-checked cofx chat-id)))
2018-09-24 16:27:04 +00:00
(fn [{:keys [db]} [_ options]]
{:db (chat/set-chat-ui-props db {:show-message-options? true
:message-options options})}))
(fn [cofx [_ chat-id _]]
(chat/navigate-to-chat cofx chat-id)))
2018-09-24 16:27:04 +00:00
(fn [cofx _]
(chat.loading/load-more-messages cofx)))
2018-09-24 16:27:04 +00:00
(fn [cofx [_ contact-id opts]]
(chat/start-chat cofx contact-id opts)))
2018-10-17 11:02:34 +00:00
(fn [cofx [_ topic opts]]
(chat/start-public-chat cofx topic opts)))
2018-09-24 16:27:04 +00:00
(fn [cofx [_ chat-id]]
(chat/remove-chat cofx chat-id)))
(fn [cofx [_ chat-id]]
(chat/clear-history cofx chat-id)))
2018-09-24 16:27:04 +00:00
(fn [{:keys [db] :as cofx} [_ chat-id message-id]]
(let [message (get-in db [:chats chat-id :messages message-id])]
(transport.message/set-message-envelope-hash chat-id message-id (:message-type message) 1)
(chat.message/resend-message chat-id message-id)))))
2018-09-24 16:27:04 +00:00
(fn [cofx [_ chat-id message-id]]
(chat.message/delete-message cofx chat-id message-id)))
2018-10-18 00:05:39 +00:00
(fn [cofx [_ chat-id message-id]]
(chat.message/toggle-expand-message cofx chat-id message-id)))
2018-09-24 16:27:04 +00:00
(fn [cofx [_ text]]
(chat.input/set-chat-input-text cofx text)))
(fn [cofx _]
(chat.input/cancel-message-reply cofx)))
(fn [cofx [_ message-id]]
(chat.input/reply-to-message cofx message-id)))
2018-09-24 16:27:04 +00:00
(fn [cofx _]
(chat.input/send-current-message cofx)))
(defn- mark-messages-seen
[{:keys [db] :as cofx}]
(let [{:keys [current-chat-id]} db]
(message-seen/mark-messages-seen cofx current-chat-id)))
(fn [{:keys [db] :as cofx} [_ view-id]]
(fx/merge cofx
{:db (assoc db :view-id view-id)}
#(mark-messages-seen %))))
(fn [{{:keys [current-chat-id multiaccount]} :db :as cofx} [_ {:keys [hash] :as sticker}]]
2019-08-01 20:11:59 +00:00
(conj (remove #(= hash %) (:stickers/recent-stickers multiaccount)) hash)
2019-08-01 20:11:59 +00:00
(chat.input/send-sticker-fx sticker current-chat-id))))
2018-09-24 16:27:04 +00:00
(fn [cofx _]
(chat/disable-chat-cooldown cofx)))
(fn [cofx [_ chat-id message-id status]]
(chat.message/update-message-status cofx chat-id message-id status)))
;; signal module
(fn [cofx [_ event-str]]
(log/debug :event-str event-str)
(signals/process cofx event-str)))
;; hardwallet module
(fn [_ _]
{:hardwallet/open-nfc-settings nil}))
(fn [{:keys [db]} _]
{:db (assoc-in db [:hardwallet :setup-step] :enter-pair-code)}))
(fn [{:keys [db]} [_ pair-code]]
{:db (assoc-in db [:hardwallet :secrets :password] pair-code)}))
(fn [{:keys [db]} _]
{:db (assoc-in db [:hardwallet :setup-step] :recovery-phrase)}))
(fn [{:keys [db]} [_ input]]
{:db (assoc-in db [:hardwallet :recovery-phrase :input-word] input)}))
(fn [{:keys [db]} _]
{:db (assoc-in db [:hardwallet :setup-step] :recovery-phrase)}))
(fn [{:keys [db]} [_ step]]
(when-not (empty? (get-in db [:hardwallet :pin step]))
{:db (update-in db [:hardwallet :pin step] pop)})))
(fn [{:keys [db]} _]
{:db (-> db
(assoc-in [:hardwallet :setup-step] :pin)
(assoc-in [:hardwallet :pin :enter-step] :original))}))
;; browser module
(fn [cofx [_ browser-id]]
(browser/open-existing-browser cofx browser-id)))
(fn [cofx _]
(browser/update-browser-option cofx :url-editing? true)))
(fn [cofx _]
(browser/update-browser-option cofx :url-editing? false)))
(fn [cofx [_ url]]
(browser/open-url-in-current-browser cofx url)))
(fn [cofx [_ link]]
(browser/handle-message-link cofx link)))
(fn [cofx [_ browser-id]]
(browser/remove-browser cofx browser-id)))
(fn [cofx [_ secure?]]
(browser/update-browser-option cofx :show-tooltip (if secure? :secure :not-secure))))
(fn [cofx _]
(browser/update-browser-option cofx :show-tooltip nil)))
(fn [cofx _]
(browser/navigate-to-previous-page cofx)))
(fn [cofx _]
(browser/navigate-to-next-page cofx)))
(fn [cofx [_ event error?]]
(browser/navigation-state-changed cofx event error?)))
(fn [cofx [_ message]]
(browser/process-bridge-message cofx message)))
(fn [cofx _]
(browser/handle-browser-error cofx)))
(fn [cofx _]
(browser/update-browser-options cofx {:error? false :loading? true})))
(fn [cofx [_ m]]
(browser/resolve-ens-multihash-success cofx m)))
(fn [cofx _]
(browser/resolve-ens-multihash-error cofx)))
(fn [cofx _]
(browser/resolve-ens-contenthash cofx)))
(fn [cofx [_ message]]
(browser/send-to-bridge cofx message)))
(fn [cofx _]
(browser.permissions/allow-permission cofx)))
(fn [cofx _]
(browser.permissions/deny-permission cofx)))
(fn [cofx [_ dapp-name]]
(browser.permissions/process-next-permission cofx dapp-name)))
2019-06-08 04:04:07 +00:00
(fn [cofx [_ url]]
(browser/open-url cofx url)))
(fn [cofx [_ host]]
(browser/open-chat-from-browser cofx host)))
(fn [cofx [_ dapp]]
(browser.permissions/revoke-dapp-permissions cofx dapp)))
;; group-chats module
[(re-frame/inject-cofx :random-guid-generator)]
(fn [cofx [_ chat-name]]
(group-chats/create cofx chat-name)))
(fn [cofx _]
(group-chats/add-members cofx)))
(fn [cofx [_ chat-id public-key]]
(group-chats/remove-member cofx chat-id public-key)))
(fn [cofx [_ chat-id public-key]]
(group-chats/make-admin cofx chat-id public-key)))
(fn [_ [_ chat-id group?]]
{:ui/show-confirmation {:title (i18n/label :t/leave-confirmation)
:content (i18n/label :t/leave-chat-confirmation)
:confirm-button-text (i18n/label :t/leave)
:on-accept #(re-frame/dispatch [:group-chats.ui/leave-chat-confirmed chat-id])}}))
(fn [cofx [_ chat-id]]
(group-chats/join-chat cofx chat-id)))
;; transport module
(fn [{:keys [db] :as cofx} [_ err]]
(log/error :send-status-message-error err)))
(fx/defn handle-update [cofx {:keys [chats messages] :as response}]
(let [chats (map data-store.chats/<-rpc chats)
messages (map data-store.messages/<-rpc messages)
message-fxs (map chat.message/receive-one messages)
chat-fxs (map #(chat/ensure-chat (dissoc % :unviewed-messages-count)) chats)]
(apply fx/merge cofx (concat chat-fxs message-fxs))))
(fn [cofx [_ response messages-count]]
(let [set-hash-fxs (map (fn [{:keys [localChatId id messageType]}]
(transport.message/set-message-envelope-hash localChatId id messageType messages-count))
(:messages response))]
(apply fx/merge cofx
(conj set-hash-fxs
(handle-update response))))))
(fn [cofx [_ node-info]]
(transport/set-node-info cofx node-info)))
;; contact module
[(re-frame/inject-cofx :random-id-generator)]
(fn [cofx [_ public-key]]
(contact/add-contact cofx public-key)))
(fn [cofx [_ public-key]]
(contact.block/block-contact cofx public-key)))
(fn [cofx [_ public-key]]
(contact.block/unblock-contact cofx public-key)))
(defn get-validation-label [value]
(case value
(i18n/label :t/use-valid-contact-code)
(i18n/label :t/can-not-add-yourself)))
[(re-frame/inject-cofx :random-id-generator)]
(fn [{:keys [db] :as cofx} [_ contact-identity _]]
(let [public-key? (and (string? contact-identity)
(string/starts-with? contact-identity "0x"))
validation-result (new-chat.db/validate-pub-key db contact-identity)]
(and public-key? (not (some? validation-result)))
(chat/start-chat cofx contact-identity {:navigation-reset? true})
(and (not public-key?) (string? contact-identity))
(let [chain (ethereum/chain-keyword db)]
{:resolve-public-key {:chain chain
:contact-identity contact-identity
:cb #(re-frame/dispatch [:contact/qr-code-scanned %])}})
{:utils/show-popup {:title (i18n/label :t/unable-to-read-this-code)
:content (get-validation-label validation-result)
:on-dismiss #(re-frame/dispatch [:navigate-to-clean :home])}}))))
(fn [{:keys [db] :as cofx} _]
(contact/open-contact-toggle-list cofx)))
[(re-frame/inject-cofx :random-id-generator)]
(fn [cofx [_ {:keys [public-key]}]]
(chat/start-chat cofx public-key {:navigation-reset? true})))
[(re-frame/inject-cofx :random-id-generator)]
(fn [{{:contacts/keys [new-identity]} :db :as cofx} _]
(let [{:keys [public-key ens-name]} new-identity]
(fx/merge cofx
(chat/start-chat public-key {:navigation-reset? true})
#(when ens-name
(contact/name-verified % public-key ens-name))))))
;; pairing module
(fn [cofx _]
(log/info "Sending pair installation")
(pairing/send-pair-installation cofx)))
(fn [cofx [_ installation-name]]
(pairing/set-name cofx installation-name)))
(fn [cofx _]
(pairing/send-installation-messages cofx)))
(fn [cofx [_ installations]]
(pairing/load-installations cofx installations)))
(fn [cofx [_ installation-id metadata]]
(pairing/update-installation cofx installation-id metadata)))
(fn [cofx [_ initial-props]]
{:db (assoc (:db cofx) :initial-props initial-props)}))
(fn [cofx [_ installation-id]]
(pairing/enable-fx cofx installation-id)))
(fn [cofx [_ installation-id]]
(pairing/disable-fx cofx installation-id)))
2018-11-30 15:11:32 +00:00
(fn [cofx _]
(pairing/prompt-dismissed cofx)))
(fn [cofx _]
(pairing/prompt-accepted cofx)))
(fn [cofx [_ installation-id]]
(fx/merge cofx
(pairing/enable installation-id)
(fn [cofx [_ installation-id]]
(fx/merge cofx
(pairing/disable installation-id)
(fn [cofx [_ edn-string id price]]
(stickers/load-sticker-pack-success cofx edn-string id price)))
(fn [cofx [_ id]]
(stickers/install-stickers-pack cofx id)))
(fn [cofx _]
(stickers/load-packs cofx)))
(fn [cofx [_ url id price]]
(stickers/load-pack cofx url id price)))
(fn [{:keys [db]} [_ id]]
{:db (assoc db :stickers/selected-pack id)}))
(fn [cofx [_ id]]
(stickers/open-sticker-pack cofx id)))
(fn [cofx [_ id price]]
(stickers/approve-pack cofx id price)))
(fn [cofx [_ id]]
(stickers/pack-owned cofx id)))
(fn [cofx [_ id]]
(stickers/pending-pack cofx id)))
(fn [cofx _]
(stickers/pending-timeout cofx)))
;; Tribute to Talk
;; bottom-sheet events
(fn [cofx [_ view options]]
{:view view
:options options})))
(fn [cofx _]
(bottom-sheet/hide-bottom-sheet cofx)))
;;custom tokens
(fn [cofx [_ result]]
(custom-tokens/decimals-result cofx result)))
(fn [cofx [_ contract result]]
(custom-tokens/symbol-result cofx contract result)))
(fn [cofx [_ contract result]]
(custom-tokens/name-result cofx contract result)))
(fn [cofx [_ contract result]]
(custom-tokens/balance-result cofx contract result)))
(fn [cofx [_ contract result]]
(custom-tokens/total-supply-result cofx contract result)))
(fn [cofx [_ contract]]
(custom-tokens/contract-address-is-changed cofx contract)))
(fn [_ _]
{:wallet.custom-token/contract-address-paste nil}))
(fn [cofx [_ field-key value]]
(custom-tokens/field-is-edited cofx field-key value)))
;; ethereum subscriptions events
(fn [cofx [_ id handler]]
(ethereum.subscriptions/register-subscription cofx id handler)))
;; wallet events
(fn [{:keys [db]} [_ id]]
{:db (update-in db [:wallet :filters] conj id)}))
(fn [{:keys [db]} [_ id]]
{:db (update-in db [:wallet :filters] disj id)}))
(fn [{:keys [db]} _]
{:db (assoc-in db [:wallet :filters]
(fn [cofx [_ symbol checked?]]
(wallet/toggle-visible-token cofx symbol checked?)))
(fn [cofx [_ on-close]]
(fx/merge cofx
(when on-close
{:dispatch on-close})
2019-08-23 23:21:38 +00:00
(fn [cofx [_ hash address]]
(wallet/open-transaction-details cofx hash address)))
(fn [{:keys [db] :as cofx}]
(fx/merge cofx
{:db (assoc-in db [:wallet :send-transaction] {})}
2019-05-07 06:37:43 +00:00
(fn [cofx _]
(logging/show-logs-dialog cofx)))
(fn []
(fn [_]
{:dismiss-keyboard nil}))
(fn [{:keys [db] :as cofx} [_ public-key amount symbol decimals]]
(assert public-key)
(let [request-command (get-in db [:id->command ["request" #{:personal-chats}]])]
(fx/merge cofx
(chat/start-chat public-key nil)
;; TODO send
#_(commands.sending/send public-key
{:asset (name symbol)
:amount (str (money/internal->formatted amount symbol decimals))})))))
(fn [{:keys [db]} [_ path identicon]]
{:db (assoc-in db path identicon)}))
(fn [{:keys [db]} [_ path gfycat]]
{:db (assoc-in db path gfycat)}))
2020-03-16 13:02:35 +00:00
(fn [{:keys [db]} [_ theme]]
(let [cur-theme (get-in db [:multiaccount :appearance])]
(when (or (nil? cur-theme) (zero? cur-theme))
{::multiaccounts/switch-theme (if (= :dark theme) 2 1)}))))
(defn- http-get [{:keys [url response-validator success-event-creator failure-event-creator timeout-ms]}]
(let [on-success #(re-frame/dispatch (success-event-creator %))
on-error (when failure-event-creator #(re-frame/dispatch (failure-event-creator %)))
opts {:valid-response? response-validator
:timeout-ms timeout-ms}]
(http/get url on-success on-error opts)))
(defn- http-raw-get [{:keys [url success-event-creator failure-event-creator timeout-ms]}]
(let [on-success #(when-let [event (success-event-creator %)] (re-frame/dispatch event))
on-error (when failure-event-creator #(re-frame/dispatch (failure-event-creator %)))
opts {:timeout-ms timeout-ms}]
(http/raw-get url on-success on-error opts)))
(fn [calls]
(doseq [call calls]
(http-get call))))
(defn- http-post [{:keys [url data response-validator success-event-creator failure-event-creator timeout-ms opts]}]
(let [on-success #(re-frame/dispatch (success-event-creator %))
on-error (when failure-event-creator #(re-frame/dispatch (failure-event-creator %)))
all-opts (assoc opts
:valid-response? response-validator
:timeout-ms timeout-ms)]
(http/post url data on-success on-error all-opts)))
(defn- http-raw-post [{:keys [url body response-validator success-event-creator failure-event-creator timeout-ms opts]}]
(let [on-success #(re-frame/dispatch (success-event-creator %))
on-error (when failure-event-creator #(re-frame/dispatch (failure-event-creator %)))
all-opts (assoc opts
:valid-response? response-validator
:timeout-ms timeout-ms)]
(http/raw-post url body on-success on-error all-opts)))
(fn [options]
(permissions/request-permissions options)))
(fn []
(fn [content]
(utils/show-popup "Error" content)))
(fn [options]
(utils/show-confirmation options)))
(fn [_]
(fn [state]
(status/app-state-change state)))
(fn [{:keys [db]} [_ k v]]
{:db (assoc db k v)}))
(fn [{:keys [db]} [_ k v]]
(when-not (get db k)
{:db (assoc db k v)})))
(fn [{:keys [db]} [_ path v]]
{:db (assoc-in db path v)}))
(def authentication-options
{:reason (i18n/label :t/biometric-auth-reason-login)})
(defn- on-biometric-auth-result [{:keys [bioauth-success bioauth-code bioauth-message]}]
(when-not bioauth-success
(if (= bioauth-code "USER_FALLBACK")
(re-frame/dispatch [:multiaccounts.logout.ui/logout-confirmed])
(utils/show-confirmation {:title (i18n/label :t/biometric-auth-confirm-title)
:content (or bioauth-message (i18n/label :t/biometric-auth-confirm-message))
:confirm-button-text (i18n/label :t/biometric-auth-confirm-try-again)
:cancel-button-text (i18n/label :t/biometric-auth-confirm-logout)
:on-accept #(biometric/authenticate nil on-biometric-auth-result authentication-options)
:on-cancel #(re-frame/dispatch [:multiaccounts.logout.ui/logout-confirmed])}))))
(fx/defn on-return-from-background [{:keys [db now] :as cofx}]
(let [app-in-background-since (get db :app-in-background-since)
signed-up? (get-in db [:multiaccount :signed-up?])
biometric-auth? (= (:auth-method db) "biometric")
requires-bio-auth (and
(some? app-in-background-since)
(>= (- now app-in-background-since)
(fx/merge cofx
{:db (-> db
(dissoc :app-in-background-since)
(assoc :app-active-since now))}
#(when requires-bio-auth
(biometric/authenticate % on-biometric-auth-result authentication-options)))))
(fx/defn on-going-in-background [{:keys [db now]}]
{:db (-> db
(dissoc :app-active-since)
(assoc :app-in-background-since now))})
(defn app-state-change [state {:keys [db] :as cofx}]
(let [app-coming-from-background? (= state "active")
app-going-in-background? (= state "background")]
(fx/merge cofx
{::app-state-change-fx state
:db (assoc db :app-state state)}
#(when app-coming-from-background?
(on-return-from-background %))
#(when app-going-in-background?
(on-going-in-background %)))))
(fn [cofx [_ state]]
(app-state-change state cofx)))
(fn [_ [_ options]]
{:request-permissions-fx options}))
(fn [{:keys [db]} [_ type item-id value]]
{:db (assoc-in db [:animations type item-id :delete-swiped] value)}))
(fn [{:keys [db]} [_ dimensions]]
{:db (assoc db :dimensions/window (dimensions/window dimensions))}))
(fn [{:keys [db]} [_ enabled?]]
{:db (assoc db :two-pane-ui-enabled? enabled?)}))
;; NOTE: Will be removed with the keycard PR
(fn [{:keys [db] :as cofx} [_ view-id]]
(fx/merge cofx
#(case view-id
:keycard-settings (hardwallet/settings-screen-did-load %)
:reset-card (hardwallet/reset-card-screen-did-load %)
:enter-pin-settings (hardwallet/enter-pin-screen-did-load %)
:keycard-login-pin (hardwallet/enter-pin-screen-did-load %)
:add-new-account-pin (hardwallet/enter-pin-screen-did-load %)
:hardwallet-authentication-method (hardwallet/authentication-method-screen-did-load %)
;; We need this as if you click on universal-links you transition
;; from chat to chat, and therefore we won't be loading new
;; messages
:chat (chat.loading/load-messages %)
:multiaccounts (hardwallet/multiaccounts-screen-did-load %)