mirror of
synced 2025-02-22 15:48:50 +00:00
Contact updates & pairing in status-go
Signed-off-by: Andrea Maria Piana <andrea.maria.piana@gmail.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ var TopLevel = {
"confirmMessagesProcessedByID" : function () {},
"connectionChange" : function () {},
"console" : function () {},
"contacts": function () {},
"ContactRequest" : function () {},
"ContactRequestConfirmed" : function () {},
"ContactRequestConfirmedHandler" : function () {},
@ -145,6 +146,7 @@ var TopLevel = {
"extractGroupMembershipSignatures" : function () {},
"identicon": function() {},
"identiconAsync": function() {},
"installations": function() {},
"generateAlias": function() {},
"generateAliasAsync": function() {},
"generateAliasAndIdenticonAsync": function() {},
@ -98,8 +98,13 @@
(let [chat (merge
(or (get (:chats db) chat-id)
(create-new-chat chat-id cofx))
{:db (update-in db [:chats chat-id] merge chat)}))
new? (not (get-in db [:chats chat-id]))
public? (public-chat? chat)]
(fx/merge cofx
{:db (update-in db [:chats chat-id] merge chat)}
(when (and public? new?)
(transport.filters/load-chat chat-id)))))
(fx/defn upsert-chat
"Upsert chat when not deleted"
@ -1,10 +1,13 @@
(ns status-im.contact.core
[re-frame.core :as re-frame]
[taoensso.timbre :as log]
[status-im.multiaccounts.update.core :as multiaccounts.update]
[status-im.multiaccounts.model :as multiaccounts.model]
[status-im.transport.filters.core :as transport.filters]
[status-im.contact.db :as contact.db]
[status-im.ethereum.core :as ethereum]
[status-im.ethereum.json-rpc :as json-rpc]
[status-im.data-store.contacts :as contacts-store]
[status-im.mailserver.core :as mailserver]
[status-im.transport.message.contact :as message.contact]
@ -51,6 +54,27 @@
:profile-image photo-path
:address address}))
(fx/defn handle-update-from-contact-request [{:keys [db] :as cofx} {:keys [last-updated photo-path]}]
(when (> last-updated (get-in db [:multiaccount :last-updated]))
(fx/merge cofx
(multiaccounts.update/multiaccount-update :last-updated last-updated {:dont-sync? true})
(multiaccounts.update/multiaccount-update :photo-path photo-path {:dont-sync? true}))))
(fx/defn ensure-contact
[{:keys [db] :as cofx}
{:keys [public-key] :as contact}]
(let [new? (get-in db [:contacts/contacts public-key])
us? (= public-key (multiaccounts.model/current-public-key cofx))]
(fx/merge cofx
{:db (-> db
(update-in [:contacts/contacts public-key] merge contact))}
(handle-update-from-contact-request contact)
(transport.filters/load-contact contact)))))
(fx/defn upsert-contact
[{:keys [db] :as cofx}
{:keys [public-key] :as contact}]
@ -62,9 +86,10 @@
(fx/defn send-contact-request
[{:keys [db] :as cofx} {:keys [public-key] :as contact}]
(if (contact.db/pending? contact)
(protocol/send (message.contact/map->ContactRequest (own-info db)) public-key cofx)
(protocol/send (message.contact/map->ContactRequestConfirmed (own-info db)) public-key cofx)))
(let [{:keys [name profile-image]} (own-info db)]
{::json-rpc/call [{:method "shhext_sendContactUpdate"
:params [public-key name profile-image]
:on-success #(log/debug "contact request sent" public-key)}]}))
(fx/defn add-contact
"Add a contact and set pending to false"
@ -186,4 +211,4 @@
{:name ens-name
:ens-verified-at (quot (time/timestamp) 1000)
:ens-verified true})})
:ens-verified true})})
@ -4,8 +4,6 @@
[status-im.utils.platform :as platform]
[status-im.ui.components.react :as react]
[reagent.core :as reagent]
[status-im.react-native.js-dependencies :as js-dependencies]
[status-im.utils.logging.core :as utils.logs]
@ -30,6 +30,8 @@
"shh_generateSymKeyFromPassword" {}
"shh_getSymKey" {}
"shh_markTrustedPeer" {}
"shhext_sendPairInstallation" {}
"shhext_syncDevices" {}
"shhext_requestMessages" {}
"shhext_sendDirectMessage" {}
"shhext_sendPublicMessage" {}
@ -49,6 +51,8 @@
"shhext_loadFilters" {}
"shhext_loadFilter" {}
"shhext_removeFilters" {}
"shhext_sendContactUpdate" {}
"shhext_sendContactUpdates" {}
"shhext_chats" {}
"shhext_addSystemMessages" {}
"shhext_deleteMessagesFrom" {}
@ -507,10 +507,7 @@
(fn [cofx [_ topic opts]]
(chat/start-public-chat topic opts)
(pairing/sync-public-chat topic))))
(chat/start-public-chat cofx topic opts)))
@ -1248,7 +1245,8 @@
(fn [cofx _]
(pairing/pair-installation cofx)))
(log/info "Sending pair installation")
(pairing/send-pair-installation cofx)))
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
(ns status-im.multiaccounts.update.core
(:require [status-im.contact.db :as contact.db]
[status-im.ethereum.json-rpc :as json-rpc]
[status-im.transport.message.contact :as message.contact]
[status-im.transport.message.protocol :as protocol]
@ -8,43 +7,19 @@
[status-im.utils.types :as types]
[taoensso.timbre :as log]))
(fx/defn multiaccount-update-message [{:keys [db] :as cofx}]
(fx/defn send-multiaccount-update [{:keys [db]}]
(let [multiaccount (:multiaccount db)
{:keys [name preferred-name photo-path address]} multiaccount]
(message.contact/ContactUpdate. (or preferred-name name) photo-path address nil nil)))
(fx/defn send-multiaccount-update [cofx]
(multiaccount-update-message cofx)
(fx/defn send-contact-update-fx
[{:keys [db] :as cofx} chat-id payload]
(protocol/send-with-pubkey cofx
{:chat-id chat-id
:payload payload
:success-event [:transport/contact-message-sent chat-id]}))
(fx/defn contact-public-keys [{:keys [db]}]
(reduce (fn [acc [_ {:keys [public-key] :as contact}]]
(if (contact.db/active? contact)
(conj acc public-key)
(:contacts/contacts db)))
(fx/defn send-contact-update [cofx payload]
(let [public-keys (contact-public-keys cofx)]
;;NOTE: chats with contacts use public-key as chat-id
(map #(send-contact-update-fx % payload) public-keys)))
{::json-rpc/call [{:method "shhext_sendContactUpdates"
:params [(or preferred-name name) photo-path]
:on-success #(log/debug "sent contact update")}]}))
(fx/defn multiaccount-update
"Takes effects (containing :db) + new multiaccount fields, adds all effects necessary for multiaccount update.
Optionally, one can specify a success-event to be dispatched after fields are persisted."
[{:keys [db] :as cofx}
setting setting-value
{:keys [on-success] :or {on-success #()}}]
{:keys [dont-sync? on-success] :or {on-success #()}}]
(let [current-multiaccount (:multiaccount db)]
(if (empty? current-multiaccount)
;; NOTE: this should never happen, but if it does this is a critical error
@ -58,7 +33,8 @@
[{:method "settings_saveSetting"
:params [setting setting-value]
:on-success on-success}]}
(when (#{:name :photo-path :prefered-name} setting)
(when (and (not dont-sync?)
(#{:name :photo-path :prefered-name} setting))
(fx/defn clean-seed-phrase
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
(ns status-im.multiaccounts.update.publisher
(:require [status-im.constants :as constants]
(:require [taoensso.timbre :as log]
[status-im.constants :as constants]
[status-im.multiaccounts.update.core :as multiaccounts]
[status-im.ethereum.json-rpc :as json-rpc]
[status-im.pairing.core :as pairing]
[status-im.transport.shh :as shh]))
@ -17,21 +19,10 @@
(pos? last-updated)
(< publish-updates-interval
(- now last-updated)))
(let [public-keys (multiaccounts/contact-public-keys {:db db})
payload (multiaccounts/multiaccount-update-message {:db db})
sync-message (pairing/sync-installation-multiaccount-message {:db db})]
(doseq [pk public-keys]
(shh/send-direct-message! {:pubKey pk
:sig my-public-key
:chat constants/contact-discovery
:payload payload}
(shh/send-direct-message! {:pubKey my-public-key
:sig my-public-key
:chat constants/contact-discovery
:payload sync-message}
(let [multiaccount (:multiaccount db)
{:keys [name preferred-name photo-path address]} multiaccount]
(log/debug "sending contact updates")
(json-rpc/call {:method "shhext_sendContactUpdates"
:params [(or preferred-name name) photo-path]
:on-success #(log/debug "sent contact updates")})))))
@ -43,8 +43,6 @@
:on-success on-success
:on-failure on-failure}))
(def contact-batch-n 4)
(defn compare-installation
"Sort installations, first by our installation-id, then on whether is
enabled, and last on timestamp value"
@ -66,17 +64,11 @@
[our-installation-id installations]
(sort (partial compare-installation our-installation-id) installations))
(defn pair-installation [cofx]
(let [installation-id (get-in cofx [:db :multiaccount :installation-id])
installation-name (get-in cofx [:db :pairing/installations installation-id :name])
device-type utils.platform/os]
(protocol/send (transport.pairing/PairInstallation. installation-id device-type installation-name nil) nil cofx)))
(defn send-pair-installation
[cofx payload]
(let [current-public-key (multiaccounts.model/current-public-key cofx)]
{:shh/send-pairing-message {:src current-public-key
:payload payload}}))
{::json-rpc/call [{:method "shhext_sendPairInstallation"
:params []
:on-success #(log/info "sent pair installation message")}]})
(defn merge-contact [local remote]
;;TODO we don't sync contact/blocked for now, it requires more complex handling
@ -136,46 +128,6 @@
(= :installations (:view-id db)))
(prompt-user-on-new-installation %))))))
(defn sync-installation-multiaccount-message [{:keys [db]}]
(let [multiaccount (-> db
(select-keys multiaccount-mergeable-keys))]
(transport.pairing/SyncInstallation. {} multiaccount {})))
(defn- contact->pairing [contact]
(cond-> (-> contact
(dissoc :photo-path)
(update :system-tags disj :contact/blocked))
;; for compatibility with version < contact.v7
(contact.db/added? contact) (assoc :pending? false)
(contact.db/legacy-pending? contact) (assoc :pending? true)))
(defn- contact-batch->sync-installation-message [batch]
(let [contacts-to-sync
(reduce (fn [acc {:keys [public-key system-tags] :as contact}]
(assoc acc
(contact->pairing contact)))
(transport.pairing/SyncInstallation. contacts-to-sync {} {})))
(defn- chats->sync-installation-messages [{:keys [db]}]
(->> db
(filter :public?)
(filter :is-active)
(map #(select-keys % [:chat-id :public?]))
(map #(transport.pairing/SyncInstallation. {} {} %))))
(defn sync-installation-messages [{:keys [db] :as cofx}]
(let [contacts (contact.db/get-active-contacts (:contacts/contacts db))
contact-batches (partition-all contact-batch-n contacts)]
(concat (mapv contact-batch->sync-installation-message contact-batches)
[(sync-installation-multiaccount-message cofx)]
(chats->sync-installation-messages cofx))))
(fx/defn enable [{:keys [db]} installation-id]
{:db (assoc-in db
[:pairing/installations installation-id :enabled?]
@ -253,116 +205,19 @@
(fx/defn send-sync-installation
[cofx payload]
(let [current-public-key (multiaccounts.model/current-public-key cofx)]
[{:src current-public-key
:dst current-public-key
:payload payload}]}))
(defn send-installation-messages [{:keys [db]}]
(let [multiaccount (:multiaccount db)
{:keys [name preferred-name photo-path]} multiaccount]
{::json-rpc/call [{:method "shhext_syncDevices"
:params [(or preferred-name name) photo-path]
:on-success #(log/debug "successfully synced devices")}]}))
(fx/defn send-installation-message-fx [cofx payload]
(when (pairing.utils/has-paired-installations? cofx)
(protocol/send payload nil cofx)))
(fx/defn sync-public-chat [cofx chat-id]
(let [sync-message (transport.pairing/SyncInstallation. {} {} {:public? true
:chat-id chat-id})]
(send-installation-message-fx cofx sync-message)))
(fx/defn sync-contact
[cofx {:keys [public-key] :as contact}]
(let [sync-message (transport.pairing/SyncInstallation.
{public-key (cond-> contact
;; for compatibility with version < contact.v7
(contact.db/added? contact) (assoc :pending? false)
(contact.db/legacy-pending? contact) (assoc :pending? true))}
{} {})]
(send-installation-message-fx cofx sync-message)))
(defn send-installation-messages [cofx]
;; The message needs to be broken up in chunks as we hit the whisper size limit
(let [sync-messages (sync-installation-messages cofx)
sync-messages-fx (map send-installation-message-fx sync-messages)]
(apply fx/merge cofx sync-messages-fx)))
(defn ensure-photo-path
"Make sure a photo path is there, generate otherwise"
(reduce-kv (fn [acc k {:keys [public-key photo-path] :as v}]
(assoc acc k
(if (string/blank? photo-path)
(identicon/identicon public-key)
(defn ensure-system-tags
"Make sure system tags is there"
(reduce-kv (fn [acc k {:keys [system-tags] :as v}]
(assoc acc k
(if system-tags
(if (and (contains? v :pending?) (not (:pending? v)))
(defn handle-sync-installation
[{:keys [db] :as cofx} {:keys [contacts account chat]} sender]
(let [confirmation (:metadata cofx)]
(when (= sender (multiaccounts.model/current-public-key cofx))
(let [new-contacts (when (seq contacts)
(vals (merge-contacts (:contacts/contacts db)
((comp ensure-photo-path
ensure-system-tags) contacts))))
{old-name :name
old-photo-path :photo-path
old-last-updated :last-updated
:as multiaccount} (:multiaccount db)
{:keys [name photo-path last-updated]}
(merge-multiaccount multiaccount account)
contacts-fx (when new-contacts
(mapv contact/upsert-contact new-contacts))]
(apply fx/merge
[{:db (-> db
(assoc-in [:multiaccount :name] name)
(assoc-in [:multiaccount :last-updated] last-updated)
(assoc-in [:multiaccount :photo-path] photo-path))
[(when (not= old-name name)
{:method "settings_saveConfig"
:params [:name name]
:on-success #(log/debug "handled sync of name field successfully")})
(when (not= old-photo-path photo-path)
{:method "settings_saveConfig"
:params [:photo-path photo-path]
:on-success #(log/debug "handled sync of photo-path field successfully")})
(when (not= old-last-updated last-updated)
{:method "settings_saveConfig"
:params [:last-updated last-updated]
:on-success #(log/debug "handled sync of last-updated field successfully")})]}
#(when (:public? chat)
(models.chat/start-public-chat % (:chat-id chat) {:dont-navigate? true}))]
(defn handle-pair-installation
[{:keys [db] :as cofx} {:keys [name installation-id
device-type]} timestamp sender]
(when (and (= sender (multiaccounts.model/current-public-key cofx))
(not= (get-in db [:multiaccount :installation-id]) installation-id))
{:pairing/set-installation-metadata [[installation-id {:name name
:deviceType device-type}]]}))
(defn installation<-rpc [{:keys [metadata id enabled]}]
{:installation-id id
:name (:name metadata)
:timestamp (:timestamp metadata)
:device-type (:deviceType metadata)
:enabled? enabled})
(fx/defn update-installation [{:keys [db]} installation-id metadata]
{:db (update-in db [:pairing/installations installation-id]
@ -371,14 +226,13 @@
:name (:name metadata)
:device-type (:deviceType metadata))})
(fx/defn handle-installation [{:keys [db]} {:keys [id] :as i}]
{:db (assoc-in db [:pairing/installations id] (installation<-rpc i))})
(fx/defn load-installations [{:keys [db]} installations]
{:db (assoc db :pairing/installations (reduce
(fn [acc {:keys [metadata id enabled] :as i}]
(fn [acc {:keys [id] :as i}]
(assoc acc id
{:installation-id id
:name (:name metadata)
:timestamp (:timestamp metadata)
:device-type (:deviceType metadata)
:enabled? enabled}))
(installation<-rpc i)))
@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
(ns status-im.transport.impl.receive
(:require [status-im.group-chats.core :as group-chats]
[status-im.contact.core :as contact]
[status-im.utils.fx :as fx]
[status-im.chat.models.message :as chat.message]
[status-im.ens.core :as ens]
[status-im.pairing.core :as pairing]
[status-im.transport.message.contact :as transport.contact]
[status-im.transport.message.pairing :as transport.pairing]
[status-im.transport.message.core :as transport.message]
[status-im.transport.message.protocol :as protocol]))
(extend-type transport.contact/ContactRequest
(receive [this _ signature timestamp cofx]
(contact/handle-contact-update cofx signature timestamp this)
(ens/verify-names-from-contact-request this signature))))
(extend-type transport.contact/ContactRequestConfirmed
(receive [this _ signature timestamp cofx]
(contact/handle-contact-update cofx signature timestamp this)
(ens/verify-names-from-contact-request this signature))))
(extend-type transport.contact/ContactUpdate
(receive [this _ signature timestamp cofx]
(contact/handle-contact-update cofx signature timestamp this)
(ens/verify-names-from-contact-request this signature))))
(extend-type transport.pairing/SyncInstallation
(receive [this _ signature _ cofx]
(pairing/handle-sync-installation cofx this signature)))
(extend-type transport.pairing/PairInstallation
(receive [this _ signature timestamp cofx]
(pairing/handle-pair-installation cofx this timestamp signature)))
(extend-type protocol/Message
(receive [this chat-id signature timestamp {:keys [db] :as cofx}]
(let [message (assoc (into {} this)
(get-in cofx [:metadata :messageId])
:chat-id chat-id
:whisper-timestamp (* 1000 timestamp)
:alias (get-in cofx [:metadata :author :alias])
:identicon (get-in cofx [:metadata :author :identicon])
:from signature
:metadata (:metadata cofx))]
(fx/merge cofx
(chat.message/receive-one message)
(ens/verify-names-from-message this signature)))))
@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
(ns status-im.transport.impl.send
(:require [status-im.group-chats.core :as group-chats]
[status-im.utils.fx :as fx]
[status-im.pairing.core :as pairing]
[status-im.multiaccounts.update.core :as multiaccounts.update]
[status-im.transport.db :as transport.db]
[status-im.transport.message.pairing :as transport.pairing]
[status-im.transport.message.contact :as transport.contact]
[status-im.transport.message.protocol :as protocol]))
(extend-type transport.pairing/PairInstallation
(send [this _ cofx]
(pairing/send-pair-installation cofx this)))
(extend-type transport.pairing/SyncInstallation
(send [this _ cofx]
(pairing/send-sync-installation cofx this)))
(extend-type transport.contact/ContactRequest
(send [this chat-id cofx]
(let [sync-message (transport.pairing/SyncInstallation.
{chat-id (pairing/contact->pairing
(get-in cofx [:db :contacts/contacts chat-id]))}
(fx/merge cofx
(protocol/send-with-pubkey {:chat-id chat-id
:payload this
:success-event [:transport/contact-message-sent chat-id]})
(pairing/send-installation-message-fx sync-message)))))
(extend-type transport.contact/ContactRequestConfirmed
(send [this chat-id {:keys [db] :as cofx}]
(let [sync-message (transport.pairing/SyncInstallation.
(get-in cofx [:db :contacts/contacts])
success-event [:transport/contact-message-sent chat-id]]
(fx/merge cofx
(protocol/send-with-pubkey {:chat-id chat-id
:payload this
:success-event success-event})
(pairing/send-installation-message-fx sync-message)))))
(extend-type transport.contact/ContactUpdate
(send [this _ {:keys [db] :as cofx}]
(let [send-contact-update-fxs (multiaccounts.update/send-contact-update cofx this)
sync-message (pairing/sync-installation-multiaccount-message cofx)
fxs (conj send-contact-update-fxs
(pairing/send-installation-message-fx sync-message))]
(apply fx/merge cofx fxs))))
@ -4,7 +4,10 @@
[re-frame.core :as re-frame]
[status-im.chat.models.message :as models.message]
[status-im.chat.models :as models.chat]
[status-im.contact.core :as models.contact]
[status-im.pairing.core :as models.pairing]
[status-im.data-store.messages :as data-store.messages]
[status-im.data-store.contacts :as data-store.contacts]
[status-im.data-store.chats :as data-store.chats]
[status-im.constants :as constants]
[status-im.utils.handlers :as handlers]
@ -57,16 +60,32 @@
;; over it
(models.chat/ensure-chat cofx (dissoc chat :unviewed-messages-count)))
(fx/defn handle-message-2 [cofx message]
(fx/defn handle-contact [cofx contact]
(models.contact/ensure-contact cofx contact))
(fx/defn handle-message [cofx message]
(fx/merge cofx
(models.message/receive-one message)
(ens/verify-names-from-message message (:from message))))
(fx/defn process-response [cofx response-js]
(let [chats (.-chats response-js)
contacts (.-contacts response-js)
installations (.-installations response-js)
raw-messages (.-rawMessages response-js)
messages (.-messages response-js)]
(seq installations)
(let [installation (.pop installations)]
(fx/merge cofx
{:dispatch-later [{:ms 20 :dispatch [::process response-js]}]}
(models.pairing/handle-installation (clj-bean/->clj installation))))
(seq contacts)
(let [contact (.pop contacts)]
(fx/merge cofx
{:dispatch-later [{:ms 20 :dispatch [::process response-js]}]}
(handle-contact (-> contact (clj-bean/->clj) (data-store.contacts/<-rpc)))))
(seq chats)
(let [chat (.pop chats)]
(fx/merge cofx
@ -88,7 +107,7 @@
(let [message (.pop messages)]
(fx/merge cofx
{:dispatch-later [{:ms 20 :dispatch [::process response-js]}]}
(handle-message-2 (-> message (clj-bean/->clj) (data-store.messages/<-rpc))))))))
(handle-message (-> message (clj-bean/->clj) (data-store.messages/<-rpc))))))))
@ -71,10 +71,7 @@
(fx/defn handle-public-chat [cofx public-chat]
(log/info "universal-links: handling public chat" public-chat)
(chat/start-public-chat public-chat {})
(pairing/sync-public-chat public-chat)))
(chat/start-public-chat cofx public-chat {}))
(fx/defn handle-view-profile [{:keys [db] :as cofx} public-key]
(log/info "universal-links: handling view profile" public-key)
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"_comment": "DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE BY HAND. USE 'scripts/update-status-go.sh <tag>' instead",
"owner": "status-im",
"repo": "status-go",
"version": "v0.39.2",
"commit-sha1": "88a1d0111e9a9d51370f14ad6b2c998f4514639b",
"src-sha256": "0vdkjxi3vj6fv5ypq98g6swrq4v020dzm45n9d3vwbk3j7ln6p40"
"version": "v0.39.4",
"commit-sha1": "e11e0b5d6c9e8222aa47c342aaa3e3ca8d83bd9d",
"src-sha256": "1sg5hbpdwj1xclqgw051rxxs3qpx3fgvw02ramlr0bgxhb3xgdi9"
@ -1,308 +0,0 @@
(ns status-im.test.pairing.core
(:require [cljs.test :refer-macros [deftest is testing]]
[status-im.utils.gfycat.core :as gfycat]
[status-im.utils.identicon :as identicon]
[status-im.transport.message.pairing :as transport.pairing]
[status-im.utils.pairing :as pairing.utils]
[status-im.utils.config :as config]
[status-im.pairing.core :as pairing]))
(deftest merge-contact-test
(testing "vanilla contacts"
(let [contact-1 {:system-tags #{:contact/added}
:this-should-be-kept true
:last-updated 1
:name "name-v1"
:photo-path "photo-v1"}
contact-2 {:system-tags #{:contact/added}
:last-updated 2
:name "name-v2"
:photo-path "photo-v2"}
expected {:system-tags #{:contact/added}
:this-should-be-kept true
:last-updated 2
:name "name-v2"
:photo-path "photo-v2"}]
(is (= expected (pairing/merge-contact contact-1 contact-2)))))
(testing "without last-updated"
(let [contact-1 {:system-tags #{:contact/added}
:name "name-v1"
:photo-path "photo-v1"}
contact-2 {:system-tags #{:contact/added}
:last-updated 2
:name "name-v2"
:photo-path "photo-v2"}
expected {:system-tags #{:contact/added}
:last-updated 2
:name "name-v2"
:photo-path "photo-v2"}]
(is (= expected (pairing/merge-contact contact-1 contact-2)))))
(testing "nil contact"
(let [contact-1 nil
contact-2 {:system-tags #{:contact/added}
:last-updated 2
:name "name-v2"
:photo-path "photo-v2"}
expected {:system-tags #{:contact/added}
:last-updated 2
:name "name-v2"
:photo-path "photo-v2"}]
(is (= expected (pairing/merge-contact contact-1 contact-2)))))
(testing "added in one device but updated less recently"
(let [contact-1 {:system-tags #{:contact/added}
:last-updated 1
:name "name-v1"
:photo-path "photo-v1"}
contact-2 {:system-tags #{}
:last-updated 2
:name "name-v2"
:photo-path "photo-v2"}
expected {:system-tags #{}
:last-updated 2
:name "name-v2"
:photo-path "photo-v2"}]
(is (= expected (pairing/merge-contact contact-1 contact-2)))))
(testing "added in one device updated more recently"
(let [contact-1 {:system-tags #{}
:last-updated 1
:name "name-v1"
:photo-path "photo-v1"}
contact-2 {:system-tags #{:contact/added}
:last-updated 2
:name "name-v2"
:photo-path "photo-v2"}
expected {:system-tags #{:contact/added}
:last-updated 2
:name "name-v2"
:photo-path "photo-v2"}]
(is (= expected (pairing/merge-contact contact-1 contact-2)))))
(testing "pending in one device and nil"
(let [contact-1 nil
contact-2 {:system-tags #{}
:last-updated 2
:name "name-v2"
:photo-path "photo-v2"}
expected {:system-tags #{}
:last-updated 2
:name "name-v2"
:photo-path "photo-v2"}]
(is (= expected (pairing/merge-contact contact-1 contact-2))))))
(deftest handle-sync-installation-test
(with-redefs [gfycat/generate-gfy (constantly "generated")
identicon/identicon (constantly "generated")]
(testing "syncing contacts"
(let [old-contact-1 {:name "old-contact-one"
:public-key "contact-1"
:last-updated 0
:photo-path "old-contact-1"
:system-tags #{}}
new-contact-1 {:name "new-contact-one"
:public-key "contact-1"
:last-updated 1
:photo-path "new-contact-1"
:system-tags #{:contact/added}}
old-contact-2 {:name "old-contact-2"
:public-key "contact-2"
:last-updated 0
:photo-path "old-contact-2"
:system-tags #{:contact/added}}
new-contact-2 {:name "new-contact-2"
:public-key "contact-2"
:last-updated 1
:photo-path "new-contact-2"
:system-tags #{:contact/added}}
contact-3 {:name "contact-3"
:public-key "contact-3"
:photo-path "contact-3"
:system-tags #{:contact/added}}
contact-4 {:name "contact-4"
:public-key "contact-4"
:system-tags #{}}
local-contact-5 {:name "contact-5"
:photo-path "local"
:public-key "contact-5"
:system-tags #{}
:last-updated 1}
remote-contact-5 {:name "contact-5"
:public-key "contact-5"
:photo-path "remote"
:system-tags #{}
:last-updated 1}
cofx {:db {:multiaccount {:public-key "us"}
:contacts/contacts {"contact-1" old-contact-1
"contact-2" new-contact-2
"contact-3" contact-3
"contact-5" local-contact-5}}}
sync-message {:contacts {"contact-1" new-contact-1
"contact-2" old-contact-2
"contact-4" contact-4
"contact-5" remote-contact-5}}
expected {"contact-1" new-contact-1
"contact-2" new-contact-2
"contact-3" contact-3
"contact-4" (assoc contact-4
:photo-path "generated")
"contact-5" local-contact-5}]
(testing "not coming from us"
(is (not (:db (pairing/handle-sync-installation cofx sync-message "not-us")))))
(testing "coming from us"
(is (= expected (get-in
(pairing/handle-sync-installation cofx sync-message "us")
[:db :contacts/contacts]))))))
(testing "syncing multiaccount"
(let [old-multiaccount {:name "old-name"
:public-key "us"
:photo-path "old-photo-path"
:last-updated 0}
new-multiaccount {:name "new-name"
:public-key "us"
:photo-path "new-photo-path"
:last-updated 1}]
(testing "newer update"
(let [cofx {:db {:multiaccount old-multiaccount}}
sync-message {:account new-multiaccount}]
(is (= new-multiaccount (get-in (pairing/handle-sync-installation cofx sync-message "us")
[:db :multiaccount])))))
(testing "older update"
(let [cofx {:db {:multiaccount new-multiaccount}}
sync-message {:multiaccount old-multiaccount}]
(is (= new-multiaccount (get-in (pairing/handle-sync-installation cofx sync-message "us")
[:db :multiaccount])))))))
(testing "syncing public chats"
(let [cofx {:db {:multiaccount {:public-key "us"}}}]
(testing "a new chat"
(let [sync-message {:chat {:public? true
:chat-id "status"
:is-active true}}]
(is (get-in (pairing/handle-sync-installation cofx sync-message "us")
[:db :chats "status"]))))))))
(deftest handle-pair-installation-test
(let [cofx {:db {:multiaccount {:public-key "us"}
:pairing/installations {"1" {:has-bundle? true
:installation-id "1"}
"2" {:has-bundle? false
:installation-id "2"}}}}
pair-message {:device-type "ios"
:name "name"
:installation-id "1"}]
(testing "not coming from us"
(is (not (:db (pairing/handle-pair-installation cofx pair-message 1 "not-us")))))
(testing "coming from us"
(is (= [["1"
{:name "name"
:deviceType "ios"}]]
(pairing/handle-pair-installation cofx pair-message 1 "us")))))))
(deftest sync-installation-messages-test
(testing "it creates a sync installation message"
(let [cofx {:db {:multiaccount {:public-key "us"
:name "name"
:photo-path "photo-path"
:last-updated 1}
:chats {"status" {:public? true
:is-active true
:chat-id "status"}}
:contacts/contacts {"contact-1" {:name "contact-1"
:public-key "contact-1"
:system-tags #{:contact/added}}
"contact-2" {:name "contact-2"
:public-key "contact-2"
:system-tags #{:contact/added}}
"contact-3" {:name "contact-3"
:public-key "contact-3"
:system-tags #{:contact/added}}
"contact-4" {:name "contact-4"
:public-key "contact-4"
:system-tags #{:contact/added}}
"contact-5" {:name "contact-5"
:public-key "contact-5"
:system-tags #{:contact/added}}
"contact-6" {:name "contact-6"
:public-key "contact-6"
:system-tags #{:contact/blocked}}}}}
expected [(transport.pairing/SyncInstallation. {"contact-1" {:name "contact-1"
:public-key "contact-1"
:pending? false
:system-tags #{:contact/added}}
"contact-2" {:name "contact-2"
:pending? false
:public-key "contact-2"
:system-tags #{:contact/added}}
"contact-3" {:name "contact-3"
:pending? false
:public-key "contact-3"
:system-tags #{:contact/added}}
"contact-4" {:name "contact-4"
:pending? false
:public-key "contact-4"
:system-tags #{:contact/added}}}
{} {})
(transport.pairing/SyncInstallation. {"contact-5" {:name "contact-5"
:public-key "contact-5"
:pending? false
:system-tags #{:contact/added}}} {} {})
(transport.pairing/SyncInstallation. {} {:photo-path "photo-path"
:name "name"
:last-updated 1} {})
(transport.pairing/SyncInstallation. {} {} {:public? true
:chat-id "status"})]]
(is (= expected (pairing/sync-installation-messages cofx))))))
(deftest handle-bundles-added-test
(let [installation-1 {:has-bundle? false
:installation-id "installation-1"}
cofx {:db {:multiaccount {:public-key "us"}
:pairing/installations {"installation-1" installation-1}}}]
(testing "new installations"
(let [new-installation {:identity "us" :installationID "installation-2"}
expected {"installation-1" installation-1
"installation-2" {:has-bundle? true
:installation-id "installation-2"}}]
(is ((into #{} (keys (pairing/handle-bundles-added cofx new-installation)))
(testing "not from us"
(let [new-installation {:identity "not-us" :installationID "does-not-matter"}]
(is (not (pairing/handle-bundles-added cofx new-installation)))))))
(deftest has-paired-installations-test
(testing "no paired devices"
(is (not (pairing.utils/has-paired-installations? {:db {:multiaccount {:installation-id "1"}
:pairing/installations {"1" {:installation-id "1"
:enabled? true}
"2" {:installation-id "2"}
"3" {:installation-id "3"}}}}))))
(testing "has paired devices"
(is (pairing.utils/has-paired-installations? {:db {:pairing/installations {:multiaccount {:instllation-id "1"}
"1" {:installation-id "1"
:enabled? true}
"2" {:installation-id "2"}
"3" {:installation-id "3"
:enabled? true}}}}))))
(deftest sort-installations
(let [id "0"
expected [{:installation-id id
:timestamp (rand-int 200)
:enabled? false}
{:installation-id "1"
:timestamp 3
:enabled? true}
{:installation-id "2"
:timestamp 2
:enabled? true}
{:installation-id "3"
:timestamp 10
:enabled? false}
{:installation-id "4"
:timestamp 9
:enabled? false}]]
(is (= expected (pairing/sort-installations id (shuffle expected))))))
@ -31,7 +31,6 @@
@ -103,7 +102,6 @@
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
(ns status-im.test.transport.core
(:require [cljs.test :refer-macros [deftest is testing]]
[status-im.utils.fx :as fx]
[status-im.protocol.core :as protocol]
[status-im.transport.core :as transport]
[status-im.transport.message.core :as message]))
Reference in New Issue
Block a user