Fetch missed range of messages

This commit is contained in:
Roman Volosovskyi 2019-04-04 16:55:35 +03:00
parent fbda69ff78
commit a4d8f57b09
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 0238A4B5ECEE70DE
16 changed files with 882 additions and 140 deletions

View File

@ -5,7 +5,8 @@
[status-im.chat.commands.core :as commands]
[status-im.chat.commands.input :as commands.input]
[status-im.group-chats.db :as group-chats.db]
[status-im.utils.gfycat.core :as gfycat]))
[status-im.utils.gfycat.core :as gfycat]
[status-im.transport.partitioned-topic :as topic]))
(defn group-chat-name
[{:keys [public? name]}]
@ -49,11 +50,28 @@
(defn topic-by-current-chat
[{:keys [current-chat-id chats] :as db}]
(let [{:keys [public?]} (get chats current-chat-id)
public-key (get-in db [:account/account :public-key])]
(if public?
(get-in db [:transport/chats current-chat-id :topic])
(topic/public-key->discovery-topic-hash public-key))))
(defn messages-gap
[mailserver-topics topic]
(let [{:keys [gap-from gap-to]}
(get mailserver-topics topic)]
{:from gap-from
:to gap-to
:exists? (and gap-from gap-to
(> gap-to gap-from))}))
(defn sort-message-groups
"Sorts message groups according to timestamp of first message in group"
[message-groups messages]
(comp unchecked-negate :timestamp (partial get messages) :message-id first second)
(comp :timestamp (partial get messages) :message-id first second)
(defn quoted-message-data
@ -64,27 +82,93 @@
{:from from
:text (:text content)}))
(defn add-datemark
(let [{:keys [whisper-timestamp timestamp]} (first message-references)]
(conj message-references
{:value datemark
:type :datemark
:whisper-timestamp whisper-timestamp
:timestamp timestamp})))
(defn datemark? [{:keys [type]}]
(= type :datemark))
(defn transform-message
[messages message-statuses referenced-messages]
(fn [{:keys [message-id timestamp-str] :as reference}]
(if (datemark? reference)
(let [{:keys [content] :as message} (get messages message-id)
{:keys [response-to response-to-v2]} content
quote (some-> (or response-to-v2 response-to)
(quoted-message-data messages referenced-messages))]
(cond-> (-> message
(update :content dissoc :response-to :response-to-v2)
(assoc :timestamp-str timestamp-str
:user-statuses (get message-statuses message-id)))
;; quoted message reference
(assoc-in [:content :response-to] quote))))))
(defn check-gap
[{:keys [exists? from]} previous-message next-message gap-added?]
(let [previous-timestamp (:whisper-timestamp previous-message)
next-whisper-timestamp (:whisper-timestamp next-message)
next-timestamp (quot (:timestamp next-message) 1000)
ignore-next-message? (> (js/Math.abs
(- next-whisper-timestamp next-timestamp))
(and (not gap-added?)
(or (and exists? previous-timestamp next-whisper-timestamp
(not ignore-next-message?)
(< previous-timestamp from next-whisper-timestamp))
(and exists? (nil? next-message))))))
(defn add-gap [messages gap]
(conj messages
{:type :gap
:value (str (:from gap))}))
(defn messages-with-datemarks-and-statuses
"Converts message groups into sequence of messages interspersed with datemarks,
with correct user statuses associated into message"
[message-groups messages message-statuses referenced-messages]
(mapcat (fn [[datemark message-references]]
(into (list {:value datemark
:type :datemark})
(map (fn [{:keys [message-id timestamp-str]}]
(let [{:keys [content] :as message} (get messages message-id)
{:keys [response-to response-to-v2]} content
quote (some-> (or response-to-v2 response-to)
(quoted-message-data messages referenced-messages))]
(cond-> (-> message
(update :content dissoc :response-to :response-to-v2)
(assoc :datemark datemark
:timestamp-str timestamp-str
:user-statuses (get message-statuses message-id)))
quote ;; quoted message reference
(assoc-in [:content :response-to] quote)))))
[message-groups messages message-statuses referenced-messages messages-gap]
(mapcat add-datemark)
(map (transform-message messages message-statuses referenced-messages)))
(fn [{:keys [messages datemark-reference previous-message gap-added?]}
(let [new-datemark? (datemark? message)
add-gap? (check-gap messages-gap previous-message message gap-added?)]
{:messages (cond-> messages
(add-gap messages-gap)
(cond-> message
(not new-datemark?)
(:value datemark-reference)))))
:previous-message message
:datemark-reference (if new-datemark?
:gap-added? (or gap-added? add-gap?)}))
(fn [{:keys [messages previous-message gap-added?]}]
(let [add-gap? (check-gap messages-gap previous-message nil gap-added?)]
(cond-> messages
(add-gap messages-gap)))))
{:messages (list)
:previous-message nil}
(defn- set-previous-message-info [stream]
(let [{:keys [display-photo? message-type] :as previous-message} (peek stream)]

View File

@ -27,9 +27,11 @@
(update-in db [:chats chat-id :message-groups datemark]
(fn [message-references]
(->> grouped-messages
(map (fn [{:keys [message-id timestamp]}]
{:message-id message-id
:timestamp-str (time/timestamp->time timestamp)}))
(map (fn [{:keys [message-id timestamp whisper-timestamp]}]
{:message-id message-id
:timestamp-str (time/timestamp->time timestamp)
:timestamp timestamp
:whisper-timestamp whisper-timestamp}))
(into (or message-references '()))
(sort-references (get-in db [:chats chat-id :messages]))))))

View File

@ -273,7 +273,7 @@
(get all-chats chat-id)
{:keys [content content-type clock-value]}
(->> (chat.db/sort-message-groups message-groups messages)

View File

@ -166,17 +166,37 @@
(fn [{:keys [referenced-messages]}]
(or referenced-messages {})))
(fn [db]
(chat.db/topic-by-current-chat db)))
:<- [:get-in [:mailserver/topics]]
:<- [:chats/current-chat-topic]
(fn [[mailserver-topics topic]]
(chat.db/messages-gap mailserver-topics topic)))
:<- [:chats/current-chat-messages]
:<- [:chats/current-chat-message-groups]
:<- [:chats/current-chat-message-statuses]
:<- [:chats/current-chat-referenced-messages]
(fn [[messages message-groups message-statuses referenced-messages]]
:<- [:chats/messages-gap]
(fn [[messages message-groups message-statuses referenced-messages messages-gap]]
(-> (chat.db/sort-message-groups message-groups messages)
(chat.db/messages-with-datemarks-and-statuses messages message-statuses referenced-messages)
(chat.db/messages-with-datemarks-and-statuses messages message-statuses referenced-messages messages-gap)
(fn [db]
(let [chat-id (:current-chat-id db)
gaps (:mailserver/fetching-gaps-in-progress db)]
(contains? gaps chat-id))))
:<- [:chats/current-chat]

View File

@ -461,6 +461,21 @@
(def v41 [chat/v14
;; put schemas ordered by version
(def schemas [{:schema v1
:schemaVersion 1
@ -581,4 +596,7 @@
:migration (constantly nil)}
{:schema v40
:schemaVersion 40
:migration migrations/v40}])
:migration migrations/v40}
{:schema v41
:schemaVersion 41
:migration (constantly nil)}])

View File

@ -5,3 +5,14 @@
:properties {:topic :string
:chat-ids :string
:last-request {:type :int :default 1}}})
(def v2
(-> v1
[:properties :gap-from]
{:type :int
:optional true})
[:properties :gap-to]
{:type :int
:optional true})))

View File

@ -62,3 +62,9 @@
(-> v8
(assoc-in [:properties :raw-payload-hash]
{:type :string})))
(def v10
(-> v9
(assoc-in [:properties :whisper-timestamp]
{:type :int
:optional true})))

View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
; This entity is not used in the newer version of schema
(ns status-im.data-store.realm.schemas.account.transport-inbox-topic)
(def v1 {:name :transport-inbox-topic

View File

@ -54,7 +54,8 @@
[status-im.utils.config :as config]
[status-im.ui.components.bottom-sheet.core :as bottom-sheet]
[status-im.ui.components.react :as react]
[status-im.utils.build :as build]))
[status-im.utils.build :as build]
[status-im.chat.db :as chat.db]))
;; init module
@ -445,7 +446,7 @@
(fn [cofx [_ chat-id from-timestamp]]
(mailserver/fetch-history cofx chat-id from-timestamp)))
(mailserver/fetch-history cofx chat-id {:from from-timestamp})))
@ -721,8 +722,22 @@
(fn [cofx [_ chat-id]]
(mailserver/fetch-history cofx chat-id 1)))
(fn [{:keys [now] :as cofx} [_ chat-id]]
(mailserver/fetch-history cofx chat-id
{:from (- (quot now 1000) (* 24 3600))})))
(fn [{:keys [db] :as cofx}]
(let [mailserver-topics (:mailserver/topics db)
chat-id (:current-chat-id db)
topic (chat.db/topic-by-current-chat db)
gap (chat.db/messages-gap mailserver-topics topic)]
(assoc gap
:topic topic
:chat-id chat-id)))))

View File

@ -2,13 +2,11 @@
(:require [re-frame.core :as re-frame]
[status-im.accounts.db :as accounts.db]
[status-im.data-store.core :as data-store]
[status-im.fleet.core :as fleet]
[status-im.native-module.core :as status]
[status-im.utils.platform :as platform]
[status-im.transport.utils :as transport.utils]
[status-im.utils.fx :as fx]
[status-im.constants :as constants]
[status-im.utils.utils :as utils]
[taoensso.timbre :as log]
[status-im.transport.db :as transport.db]
@ -37,6 +35,7 @@
(def one-day (* 24 3600))
(def seven-days (* 7 one-day))
(def max-request-range one-day)
(def maximum-number-of-attempts 2)
(def request-timeout 30)
(def min-limit 100)
@ -298,7 +297,7 @@
(assoc-in [:mailserver/current-request :request-id] request-id))}
{:db (assoc-in db [:mailserver/current-request :request-id] request-id)}))))
(defn request-messages! [web3 {:keys [sym-key-id address]} {:keys [topics cursor to from] :as request}]
(defn request-messages! [web3 {:keys [sym-key-id address]} {:keys [topics cursor to from force-to?] :as request}]
;; Add some room to from, unless we break day boundaries so that messages that have
;; been received after the last request are also fetched
(let [actual-from (adjust-request-for-transit-time from)
@ -307,16 +306,20 @@
(log/info "mailserver: request-messages for: "
" topics " topics
" from " actual-from
" force-to? " force-to?
" to " to
" cursor " cursor
" limit " actual-limit)
(.requestMessages (transport.utils/shh web3)
(clj->js {:topics topics
:mailServerPeer address
:symKeyID sym-key-id
:timeout request-timeout
:limit actual-limit
:cursor cursor
:from actual-from})
(clj->js (cond-> {:topics topics
:mailServerPeer address
:symKeyID sym-key-id
:timeout request-timeout
:limit actual-limit
:cursor cursor
:from actual-from}
(assoc :to to)))
(fn [error request-id]
(if-not error
@ -341,25 +344,43 @@
(defn ->request
[now-in-s [last-request topics]]
(when (< last-request now-in-s)
{:topics topics
;; To is currently not sent to the mailserver, but we use to calculate
;; when the last-request was sent.
:to now-in-s
:from (max last-request
(- now-in-s one-day))}))
(defn topic->request
[default-request-to requests-from requests-to]
(fn [[topic {:keys [last-request]}]]
(let [force-request-from (get requests-from topic)
force-request-to (get requests-to topic)]
(when (or force-request-from
(> default-request-to last-request))
(let [from (or force-request-from
(max last-request
(- default-request-to max-request-range)))
to (or force-request-to default-request-to)]
{:topic topic
:from from
:to to
:force-to? (not (nil? force-request-to))})))))
(defn aggregate-requests
[acc {:keys [topic from to force-to?]}]
(update acc [from to force-to?]
(fn [{:keys [topics]}]
{:topics ((fnil conj #{}) topics topic)
:from from
:to to
;; To is sent to the mailserver only when force-to? is true,
;; also we use to calculate when the last-request was sent.
:force-to? force-to?})))
(defn prepare-messages-requests
[{:keys [db now] :as cofx} request-to]
(let [web3 (:web3 db)]
(:mailserver/topics db)
(reduce (fn [acc [topic {:keys [last-request]}]]
(update acc last-request conj topic))
(keep (partial ->request request-to)))))
[{{:keys [:mailserver/requests-from
:mailserver/topics]} :db}
(keep (topic->request default-request-to requests-from requests-to))
(completing aggregate-requests vals)
(fx/defn process-next-messages-request
[{:keys [db now] :as cofx}]
@ -372,6 +393,7 @@
(quot now 1000))
requests (prepare-messages-requests cofx request-to)
web3 (:web3 db)]
(log/debug "Mailserver: planned requests " requests)
(if-let [request (first requests)]
{:db (assoc db
:mailserver/pending-requests (count requests)
@ -382,7 +404,9 @@
:request request}}
{:db (dissoc db
(fx/defn add-mailserver-trusted
"the current mailserver has been trusted
@ -485,14 +509,100 @@
{:topic topic
:mailserver-topic mailserver-topic})]})))
(defn get-updated-mailserver-topics [db topics last-request]
(reduce (fn [acc topic]
(if-let [mailserver-topic (some-> (get-in db [:mailserver/topics topic])
(assoc :last-request last-request))]
(assoc acc topic mailserver-topic)
(defn calculate-gap
[{:keys [gap-from
last-request] :as config}
{:keys [request-from
(merge config
(nil? gap-from)
{:gap-from request-to
:gap-to request-to
:last-request request-to}
;;------GF GT--------LRT F---T
(> request-from last-request)
{:gap-from last-request
:gap-to request-from
:last-request request-to}
;;------GF GT--------LRT
;; F----------T
(and (>= last-request request-from gap-to)
(> request-to last-request))
{:last-request request-to}
;;------GF GT--------LRT
;; F----T
(and (>= last-request request-from gap-to)
(>= last-request request-to gap-to))
;;------GF GT--------LRT
;; F-------T
(and (> gap-to request-from gap-from)
(>= last-request request-to gap-to))
{:gap-to request-from}
;;------GF GT--------LRT
;; F-T
(and (> gap-to request-from gap-from)
(> gap-to request-to gap-from))
;;------GF GT--------LRT
;; F------T
(and (>= gap-from request-from)
(> gap-to request-to gap-from))
{:gap-from request-to}
;; F---T
(and (>= gap-from request-from)
(>= gap-from request-to)
(= gap-from last-request))
{:gap-from request-to}
;;------GF GT--------LRT
;; F---T
(and (>= gap-from request-from)
(>= gap-from request-to))
;;------GF GT--------LRT
;; F-------------T
(and (>= gap-from request-from)
(>= last-request request-to gap-to))
{:gap-from last-request
:gap-to last-request
:last-request last-request}
;;------GF GT--------LRT
;; F------------------------T
(and (>= gap-from request-from)
(>= request-to last-request))
{:gap-from request-to
:gap-to request-to
:last-request request-to}
;;------GF GT--------LRT
;; F-----------------T
(and (> gap-to request-from gap-from)
(>= request-to last-request))
{:gap-to request-from
:last-request request-to})))
(defn get-updated-mailserver-topics [db requested-topics from to]
(keep (fn [topic]
(when-let [config (get-in db [:mailserver/topics topic])]
[topic (calculate-gap config
{:request-from from
:request-to to})])))
(fx/defn update-mailserver-topics
"TODO: add support for cursors
@ -500,7 +610,7 @@
[{:keys [db now] :as cofx} {:keys [request-id cursor]}]
(when-let [request (get db :mailserver/current-request)]
(let [{:keys [from to topics]} request
mailserver-topics (get-updated-mailserver-topics db topics to)]
mailserver-topics (get-updated-mailserver-topics db topics from to)]
(log/info "mailserver: message request " request-id
"completed for mailserver topics" topics "from" from "to" to)
(if (empty? mailserver-topics)
@ -516,16 +626,31 @@
:mailserver/request-messages {:web3 (:web3 db)
:mailserver mailserver
:request request-with-cursor}}))
(fx/merge cofx
{:db (-> db
(dissoc :mailserver/current-request)
(update :mailserver/topics merge mailserver-topics))
:data-store/tx (mapv (fn [[topic mailserver-topic]]
{:topic topic
:mailserver-topic mailserver-topic}))
(let [{:keys [chat-id] :as current-request} (db :mailserver/current-request)
gaps (db :mailserver/fetching-gaps-in-progress)
fetching-gap-completed? (= (get gaps chat-id)
[:from :to :force-to? :topics :chat-id]))]
(fx/merge cofx
{:db (-> db
(dissoc :mailserver/current-request)
(update :mailserver/requests-from
#(apply dissoc % topics))
(update :mailserver/requests-to
#(apply dissoc % topics))
(update :mailserver/topics merge mailserver-topics)
(update :mailserver/fetching-gaps-in-progress
(fn [gaps]
(if fetching-gap-completed?
(dissoc gaps chat-id)
:data-store/tx (mapv (fn [[topic mailserver-topic]]
{:topic topic
:mailserver-topic mailserver-topic}))
(fx/defn retry-next-messages-request
[{:keys [db] :as cofx}]
@ -543,8 +668,8 @@
(fx/defn handle-request-completed
[{{:keys [chats] :as db} :db :as cofx}
{:keys [requestID lastEnvelopeHash cursor errorMessage] :as event}]
[{{:keys [chats]} :db :as cofx}
{:keys [requestID lastEnvelopeHash cursor errorMessage]}]
(when (accounts.db/logged-in? cofx)
(if (empty? errorMessage)
(let [never-synced-chats-in-request
@ -596,12 +721,13 @@
add the chat-id to the topic and reset last-request
there was no filter for the chat and messages for that
so the whole history for that topic needs to be re-fetched"
[{:keys [db] :as cofx} {:keys [topic chat-id]}]
[{:keys [db now] :as cofx} {:keys [topic chat-id]}]
(let [{:keys [chat-ids last-request] :as current-mailserver-topic}
(get-in db [:mailserver/topics topic] {:chat-ids #{}})]
(when-let [mailserver-topic (when-not (chat-ids chat-id)
(-> current-mailserver-topic
(assoc :last-request 1)
(assoc :last-request (- (quot now 1000)
(* 24 60 60)))
(update :chat-ids conj chat-id)))]
(fx/merge cofx
{:db (assoc-in db [:mailserver/topics topic] mailserver-topic)
@ -610,21 +736,42 @@
:mailserver-topic mailserver-topic})]}))))
(fx/defn fetch-history
[{:keys [db] :as cofx} chat-id from-timestamp]
(log/debug "fetch-history" "chat-id:" chat-id "from-timestamp:" from-timestamp)
[{:keys [db] :as cofx} chat-id {:keys [from to]}]
(log/debug "fetch-history" "chat-id:" chat-id "from-timestamp:" from)
(let [public-key (accounts.db/current-public-key cofx)
topic (or (get-in db [:transport/chats chat-id :topic])
(transport.topic/public-key->discovery-topic-hash public-key))
{:keys [chat-ids last-request] :as current-mailserver-topic}
(get-in db [:mailserver/topics topic] {:chat-ids #{}})]
(let [mailserver-topic (-> current-mailserver-topic
(assoc :last-request (min from-timestamp last-request)))]
(fx/merge cofx
{:db (assoc-in db [:mailserver/topics topic] mailserver-topic)
:data-store/tx [(data-store.mailservers/save-mailserver-topic-tx
{:topic topic
:mailserver-topic mailserver-topic})]}
(transport.topic/public-key->discovery-topic-hash public-key))]
(fx/merge cofx
{:db (cond-> (assoc-in db [:mailserver/requests-from topic] from)
(assoc-in [:mailserver/requests-to topic] to))}
(fx/defn fill-the-gap
[{:keys [db] :as cofx} {:keys [exists? from to topic chat-id]}]
(let [mailserver (get-mailserver-when-ready cofx)
request {:from from
:to to
:force-to? true
:topics [topic]
:chat-id chat-id}]
(when exists?
(-> db
:mailserver/pending-requests 1
:mailserver/current-request request
:mailserver/request-to to)
(update :mailserver/fetching-gaps-in-progress
assoc chat-id request))
{:web3 (:web3 db)
:mailserver mailserver
:request request}})))
(fx/defn resend-request
[{:keys [db] :as cofx} {:keys [request-id]}]

View File

@ -43,6 +43,13 @@
(pos-int? pending-requests)
(not (or connecting? connection-error? request-error?)))))
(fn [db]
(let [connected? (= :connected (:mailserver/state db))
online? (= :online (:network-status db))]
(and connected? online?))))
(fn [db]

View File

@ -113,7 +113,7 @@
(fx/merge cofx
(send-direct-message current-public-key nil this)
(send-with-pubkey params)))))
(receive [this chat-id signature _ cofx]
(receive [this chat-id signature timestamp cofx]
[(assoc (into {} this)
:old-message-id (transport.utils/old-message-id this)
@ -121,6 +121,7 @@
(.-payload (:js-obj cofx)))
:chat-id chat-id
:whisper-timestamp timestamp
:raw-payload-hash (transport.utils/sha3
(.-payload (:js-obj cofx)))
:from signature

View File

@ -70,6 +70,37 @@
[{{:keys [value]} :row}]
[message-datemark/chat-datemark-mobile value])
(defview gap []
(letsubs [in-progress? [:chats/fetching-gap-in-progress?]
connected? [:mailserver/connected?]]
[react/view {:align-self :stretch
:margin-top 24
:margin-bottom 24
:height 48
:align-items :center
:justify-content :center
:border-color colors/gray-light
:border-top-width 1
:border-bottom-width 1
:background-color :white}
{:on-press (when (and connected? (not in-progress?))
#(re-frame/dispatch [:chat.ui/fill-the-gap]))}
[react/view {:flex 1
:align-items :center
:justify-content :center}
(if in-progress?
{:style {:color (if connected?
(i18n/label :t/fetch-messages)])]]]))
(defmethod message-row :gap
(defmethod message-row :default
[{:keys [group-chat current-public-key modal? row]}]
[message/chat-message (assoc row

View File

@ -1,35 +1,35 @@
(ns status-im.test.chat.db
(:require [cljs.test :refer-macros [deftest is testing]]
[status-im.chat.db :as s]))
[status-im.chat.db :as db]))
(deftest group-chat-name
(testing "it prepends # if it's a public chat"
(is (= "#withhash" (s/group-chat-name {:group-chat true
:chat-id "1"
:public? true
:name "withhash"}))))
(is (= "#withhash" (db/group-chat-name {:group-chat true
:chat-id "1"
:public? true
:name "withhash"}))))
(testing "it leaves the name unchanged if it's a group chat"
(is (= "unchanged" (s/group-chat-name {:group-chat true
:chat-id "1"
:name "unchanged"})))))
(is (= "unchanged" (db/group-chat-name {:group-chat true
:chat-id "1"
:name "unchanged"})))))
(deftest message-stream-tests
(testing "messages with no interspersed datemarks"
(let [m1 {:from "1"
:datemark "a"
:outgoing false}
m2 {:from "2"
:datemark "a"
:outgoing true}
m3 {:from "2"
:datemark "a"
:outgoing true}
dm1 {:type :datemark
:value "a"}
(let [m1 {:from "1"
:datemark "a"
:outgoing false}
m2 {:from "2"
:datemark "a"
:outgoing true}
m3 {:from "2"
:datemark "a"
:outgoing true}
dm1 {:type :datemark
:value "a"}
messages [m1 m2 m3 dm1]
actual-m3] (s/messages-stream messages)]
actual-m3] (db/messages-stream messages)]
(testing "it marks only the first message as :last?"
(is (:last? actual-m1))
(is (not (:last? actual-m2)))
@ -59,29 +59,29 @@
(is (:last-in-group? actual-m2))
(is (not (:last-in-group? actual-m3))))))
(testing "messages with interspersed datemarks"
(let [m1 {:from "2" ; first & last in group
:timestamp 63000
:outgoing true}
dm1 {:type :datemark
:value "a"}
m2 {:from "2" ; first & last in group as more than 1 minute after previous message
:timestamp 62000
:outgoing false}
m3 {:from "2" ; last in group
:timestamp 1
:outgoing false}
m4 {:from "2" ; first in group
:timestamp 0
:outgoing false}
dm2 {:type :datemark
:value "b"}
(let [m1 {:from "2" ; first & last in group
:timestamp 63000
:outgoing true}
dm1 {:type :datemark
:value "a"}
m2 {:from "2" ; first & last in group as more than 1 minute after previous message
:timestamp 62000
:outgoing false}
m3 {:from "2" ; last in group
:timestamp 1
:outgoing false}
m4 {:from "2" ; first in group
:timestamp 0
:outgoing false}
dm2 {:type :datemark
:value "b"}
messages [m1 dm1 m2 m3 m4 dm2]
_] (s/messages-stream messages)]
_] (db/messages-stream messages)]
(testing "it marks the first outgoing message as :last-outgoing?"
(is (:last-outgoing? actual-m1))
(is (not (:last-outgoing? actual-m2)))
@ -103,12 +103,12 @@
(is (:last-in-group? actual-m3))
(is (not (:last-in-group? actual-m4))))))
(testing "system-messages"
(let [m1 {:from "system"
:message-type :system-message
:datemark "a"
:outgoing false}
(let [m1 {:from "system"
:message-type :system-message
:datemark "a"
:outgoing false}
messages [m1]
[actual-m1] (s/messages-stream messages)]
[actual-m1] (db/messages-stream messages)]
(testing "it does display the photo"
(is (:display-photo? actual-m1))
(testing "it does not display the username"
@ -122,4 +122,218 @@
"3" {:is-active false :chat-id "3"}}]
(testing "it returns only chats with is-active"
(is (= #{"1" "2"}
(set (keys (s/active-chats {} chats {}))))))))
(set (keys (db/active-chats {} chats {}))))))))
(deftest messages-with-datemarks-and-statuses
(testing "empty state"
(is (empty?
(testing "simple case"
(is (=
'({:whisper-timestamp 40
:timestamp 40
:content nil
:timestamp-str "14:00"
:user-statuses nil
:datemark "today"}
{:whisper-timestamp 30
:timestamp 30
:content nil
:timestamp-str "13:00"
:user-statuses nil
:datemark "today"}
{:value "today"
:type :datemark
:whisper-timestamp 30
:timestamp 30}
{:whisper-timestamp 20
:timestamp 20
:content nil
:timestamp-str "12:00"
:user-statuses nil
:datemark "yesterday"}
{:whisper-timestamp 10
:timestamp 10
:content nil
:timestamp-str "11:00"
:user-statuses nil
:datemark "yesterday"}
{:value "yesterday"
:type :datemark
:whisper-timestamp 10
:timestamp 10})
{:message-id :m1
:timestamp-str "11:00"
:whisper-timestamp 10
:timestamp 10}
{:message-id :m2
:timestamp-str "12:00"
:whisper-timestamp 20
:timestamp 20})
{:message-id :m3
:timestamp-str "13:00"
:whisper-timestamp 30
:timestamp 30}
{:message-id :m4
:timestamp-str "14:00"
:whisper-timestamp 40
:timestamp 40})}
{:m1 {:whisper-timestamp 10
:timestamp 10}
:m2 {:whisper-timestamp 20
:timestamp 20}
:m3 {:whisper-timestamp 30
:timestamp 30}
:m4 {:whisper-timestamp 40
:timestamp 40}}
(testing "simple case with gap"
(is (=
'({:whisper-timestamp 40
:timestamp 40
:content nil
:timestamp-str "14:00"
:user-statuses nil
:datemark "today"}
{:whisper-timestamp 30
:timestamp 30
:content nil
:timestamp-str "13:00"
:user-statuses nil
:datemark "today"}
{:value "today"
:type :datemark
:whisper-timestamp 30
:timestamp 30}
{:type :gap
:value "25"}
{:whisper-timestamp 20
:timestamp 20
:content nil
:timestamp-str "12:00"
:user-statuses nil
:datemark "yesterday"}
{:whisper-timestamp 10
:timestamp 10
:content nil
:timestamp-str "11:00"
:user-statuses nil
:datemark "yesterday"}
{:value "yesterday"
:type :datemark
:whisper-timestamp 10
:timestamp 10})
{:message-id :m1
:timestamp-str "11:00"
:whisper-timestamp 10
:timestamp 10}
{:message-id :m2
:timestamp-str "12:00"
:whisper-timestamp 20
:timestamp 20})
{:message-id :m3
:timestamp-str "13:00"
:whisper-timestamp 30
:timestamp 30}
{:message-id :m4
:timestamp-str "14:00"
:whisper-timestamp 40
:timestamp 40})}
{:m1 {:whisper-timestamp 10
:timestamp 10}
:m2 {:whisper-timestamp 20
:timestamp 20}
:m3 {:whisper-timestamp 30
:timestamp 30}
:m4 {:whisper-timestamp 40
:timestamp 40}}
{:from 25
:exists? true}))))
(testing "simple case with gap after all messages"
(is (=
'({:type :gap
:value "100"}
{:whisper-timestamp 40
:timestamp 40
:content nil
:timestamp-str "14:00"
:user-statuses nil
:datemark "today"}
{:whisper-timestamp 30
:timestamp 30
:content nil
:timestamp-str "13:00"
:user-statuses nil
:datemark "today"}
{:value "today"
:type :datemark
:whisper-timestamp 30
:timestamp 30}
{:whisper-timestamp 20
:timestamp 20
:content nil
:timestamp-str "12:00"
:user-statuses nil
:datemark "yesterday"}
{:whisper-timestamp 10
:timestamp 10
:content nil
:timestamp-str "11:00"
:user-statuses nil
:datemark "yesterday"}
{:value "yesterday"
:type :datemark
:whisper-timestamp 10
:timestamp 10})
{:message-id :m1
:timestamp-str "11:00"
:whisper-timestamp 10
:timestamp 10}
{:message-id :m2
:timestamp-str "12:00"
:whisper-timestamp 20
:timestamp 20})
{:message-id :m3
:timestamp-str "13:00"
:whisper-timestamp 30
:timestamp 30}
{:message-id :m4
:timestamp-str "14:00"
:whisper-timestamp 40
:timestamp 40})}
{:m1 {:whisper-timestamp 10
:timestamp 10}
:m2 {:whisper-timestamp 20
:timestamp 20}
:m3 {:whisper-timestamp 30
:timestamp 30}
:m4 {:whisper-timestamp 40
:timestamp 40}}
{:from 100
:exists? true})))))

View File

@ -627,3 +627,187 @@
(is (not (-> (mailserver/connect-to-mailserver {:db mailserver-with-sym-key-db})
(deftest calculate-gap
(testing "new topic"
(is (= {:gap-from 10
:gap-to 10
:last-request 10}
{:gap-from nil
:gap-to nil
:last-request nil}
{:request-from 5
:request-to 10}))))
(testing "calculate-gap#1"
(is (= {:gap-from 3
:gap-to 4
:last-request 5}
{:gap-from 1
:gap-to 2
:last-request 3}
{:request-from 4
:request-to 5}))))
(testing "calculate-gap#2"
(is (= {:gap-from 1
:gap-to 2
:last-request 5}
{:gap-from 1
:gap-to 2
:last-request 4}
{:request-from 3
:request-to 5}))))
(testing "calculate-gap#2-1"
(is (= {:gap-from 1
:gap-to 2
:last-request 4}
{:gap-from 1
:gap-to 2
:last-request 3}
{:request-from 3
:request-to 4}))))
(testing "calculate-gap#3"
(is (= {:gap-from 1
:gap-to 2
:last-request 5}
{:gap-from 1
:gap-to 2
:last-request 5}
{:request-from 3
:request-to 4}))))
(testing "calculate-gap#3-1"
(is (= {:gap-from 1
:gap-to 2
:last-request 3}
{:gap-from 1
:gap-to 2
:last-request 3}
{:request-from 2
:request-to 3}))))
(testing "calculate-gap#4"
(is (= {:gap-from 1
:gap-to 2
:last-request 5}
{:gap-from 1
:gap-to 2
:last-request 5}
{:request-from 3
:request-to 4}))))
(testing "calculate-gap#5"
(is (= {:gap-from 1
:gap-to 4
:last-request 5}
{:gap-from 1
:gap-to 4
:last-request 5}
{:request-from 2
:request-to 3}))))
(testing "calculate-gap#6"
(is (= {:gap-from 2
:gap-to 3
:last-request 4}
{:gap-from 2
:gap-to 3
:last-request 4}
{:request-from 1
:request-to 2}))))
(testing "calculate-gap#6-1"
(is (= {:gap-from 1
:gap-to 4
:last-request 5}
{:gap-from 1
:gap-to 4
:last-request 5}
{:request-from 2
:request-to 3}))))
(testing "calculate-gap#0"
(is (= {:gap-from 2
:gap-to 3
:last-request 3}
{:gap-from 3
:gap-to 3
:last-request 3}
{:request-from 1
:request-to 2}))))
(testing "calculate-gap#7"
(is (= {:gap-from 3
:gap-to 4
:last-request 5}
{:gap-from 3
:gap-to 4
:last-request 5}
{:request-from 1
:request-to 2}))))
(testing "calculate-gap#8"
(is (= {:gap-from 5
:gap-to 5
:last-request 5}
{:gap-from 2
:gap-to 3
:last-request 5}
{:request-from 1
:request-to 4}))))
(testing "calculate-gap#8-1"
(is (= {:gap-from 3
:gap-to 3
:last-request 3}
{:gap-from 1
:gap-to 2
:last-request 3}
{:request-from 1
:request-to 2}))))
(testing "calculate-gap#9"
(is (= {:gap-from 5
:gap-to 5
:last-request 5}
{:gap-from 2
:gap-to 3
:last-request 4}
{:request-from 1
:request-to 5}))))
(testing "calculate-gap#9-1"
(is (= {:gap-from 3
:gap-to 3
:last-request 3}
{:gap-from 1
:gap-to 2
:last-request 3}
{:request-from 1
:request-to 3}))))
(testing "calculate-gap#10"
(is (= {:gap-from 1
:gap-to 2
:last-request 5}
{:gap-from 1
:gap-to 3
:last-request 4}
{:request-from 2
:request-to 5}))))
(testing "calculate-gap#10-1"
(is (= {:gap-from 1
:gap-to 2
:last-request 3}
{:gap-from 1
:gap-to 2
:last-request 3}
{:request-from 2
:request-to 3})))))

View File

@ -997,5 +997,6 @@
"chaos-unicorn-day-details": "\uD83E\uDD84\uD83E\uDD84\uD83E\uDD84\uD83E\uDD84\uD83E\uDD84\uD83E\uDD84\uD83E\uDD84\uD83D\uDE80!",
"invalid-format": "Invalid format\nMust be {{format}}",
"mailserver-format": "enode://{enode-id}:{password}@{ip-address}:{port}",
"bootnode-format": "enode://{enode-id}@{ip-address}:{port}"
"bootnode-format": "enode://{enode-id}@{ip-address}:{port}",
"fetch-messages": "↓ Fetch messages"