
23 KiB

API available to QML

Wallet Model

The wallet model (exposed as walletModel) is used for functions pertaining to the wallet and accounts on the node.


The walletModel exposes the following signals, which can be consumed in QML using the Connections component (with a target of walletModel and prefixed with on).

Name Parameters Description
etherscanLinkChanged none fired when the etherscan link has changed
signingPhraseChanged none fired when the signing phrase has changed
currentCollectiblesListsChanged none fired when the list of collectibles for the currently selected account has changed
currentTransactionsChanged none fired when the transactions for the currently selected account have changed
currentAccountChanged none fired when the currently selected account in the wallet has changed
focusedAccountChanged none fired when the currently selected account in the chat transaction model has changed
currentAssetListChanged none fired when the token assets for the currently selected account have changed
totalFiatBalanceChanged none fired when the total equivalent fiat balance of all accounts has changed
accountListChanged none fired when accounts on the node have chagned
transactionWasSent txResult (string): JSON stringified result of sending a transaction fired when accounts on the node have chagned
defaultCurrencyChanged none fired when the user's default currency has chagned
gasPricePredictionsChanged none fired when the gas price predictions have changed, typically after getting a gas price prediction response
loadingTrxHistoryChanged isLoading (bool): true if the transaction history is loading fired when the loading of transfer history starts and completes
ensWasResolved resolvedAddress (string): address resolved from the ENS name
uuid (string): unique identifier that was used to identify the request in QML so that only specific components can respond when needed
fired when an ENS name was resolved
transactionCompleted success (bool): true if the transaction was successful
txHash (string): has of the transaction
revertReason (string): reason transaction was reverted (if provided and if the transaction was reverted)
fired when a tracked transction (from the wallet or ENS) was completed
dappBrowserAccountChanged none fired when the select dapp browser wallet account has changed


The following properties can be accessed directly on the walletModel, ie walletModel.etherscanLink

Name Type Accessibility Signal Description
etherscanLink QVariant<string> read etherscanLinkChanged link to Etherscan from the current network settings
signingPhrase QVariant<string> read signingPhraseChanged gets the signing phrase
collectiblesLists QVariant<CollectiblesList> read/write currentCollectiblesListsChanged gets or sets the list of collectibles for the currently selected wallet
transactions QVariant<TransactionList> read/write currentTransactionsChanged gets or sets the list of transactions for the currently selected wallet
currentAccount QVariant<AccountItemView> read/write currentAccountChanged gets or sets the currently selected account
focusedAccount QVariant<AccountItemView> read/write focusedAccountChanged gets or sets the currently focused account in the chat transaction modal
assets QVariant<AssetList> read/write currentAssetListChanged gets or sets list of token assets for the currently selected wallet account
totalFiatBalance QVariant<string> read/write totalFiatBalanceChanged gets or sets the total equivalent fiat balance of all wallets in the format #.##
accounts QVariant<AccountList> read accountListChanged returns list of accounts on the node
defaultCurrency QVariant<string> read/write defaultCurrencyChanged gets or sets the default currency in the current user's settings
safeLowGasPrice QVariant<string> read gasPricePredictionsChanged gets the current Ethereum networks's safe low gas price, in gwei
standardGasPrice QVariant<string> read gasPricePredictionsChanged gets the current Ethereum networks's standard gas price, in gwei
fastGasPrice QVariant<string> read gasPricePredictionsChanged gets the current Ethereum networks's fast gas price, in gwei
fastestGasPrice QVariant<string> read gasPricePredictionsChanged gets the current Ethereum networks's fastest gas price, in gwei
fastestGasPrice QVariant<string> read none gets the default gas limit for sending Ethereum, which is "21000"
defaultTokenList QVariant<TokenList> read none gets the non-custom list of ERC-20 tokens for the currently selected wallet account
customTokenList QVariant<TokenList> read none gets the custom list of ERC-20 tokens added by the user
dappBrowserAccount QVariant<AccountItemView> read dappBrowserAccountChanged the wallet account currently used in the dapp browser


Methods can be invoked by calling them directly on the walletModel, ie walletModel.getSigningPhrase().

Name Params Return type Description
getEtherscanLink none QVariant<string> Gets the link to Etherscan from the current network settings
getSigningPhrase none QVariant<string> Gets the link to Etherscan from the current network settings
getStatusToken none string Gets the Status token for the current network (ie SNT for mainnet and STT for Ropsten) and returns a stringified JSON object containing name, symbol, and address for the token.
getCurrentCollectiblesLists none QVariant<CollectiblesList> Gets the list of collectibles for the currently selected wallet.
getCurrentTransactions none QVariant<TransactionList> Gets the list of transactions for the currently selected wallet.
setCurrentAccountByIndex index (int): index of the account in the list of accounts void sets the currently selected account to the account at the provided index
getCurrentAccount none QVariant<AccountItemView> gets the currently selected account
setFocusedAccountByAddress address (string): address of the account to focus void sets the focused account in the chat transaction modal to the account with the provided address
getFocusedAccount none QVariant<AccountItemView> gets the currently focused account in the chat transaction modal
getCurrentAssetList none QVariant<AssetList> returns list of token assets for the currently selected wallet account
getTotalFiatBalance none QVariant<string> returns the total equivalent fiat balance of all wallets in the format #.##
getFiatValue cryptoBalance (string): balance whole (ie ETH)
cryptoSymbol (string): symbol to convert from
fiatSymbol (string) symbol of fiat currency to convert to
QVariant<string> returns the total equivalent fiat balance in the format #.##
getCryptoValue fiatBalance (string): balance whole (ie USD)
fiatSymbol (string): fiat currency symbol to convert from
cryptoSymbol (string) symbol of fiat currency to convert to
QVariant<string> returns the total equivalent crypto balance in the format #.##
getGasEthValue gweiValue (string): gas price in gwei
gasLimit (string): gas limit
string gets maximum gas spend by multiplying the gas limit by the gas price
generateNewAccount password (string): password for the current user account
accountName (string): name for the new wallet account
color (string) hex code of the custom wallet color
string creates a new account on the node with a custom name and color
addAccountsFromSeed seed (string): seed phrase of account
password (string): password of the current user account
accountName (string): name for the new wallet account
color (string) hex code of the custom wallet color
string adds an account to the status-go node from the provided seed phrase
addAccountsFromPrivateKey privateKey (string): private key of account
password (string): password of the current user account
accountName (string): name for the new wallet account
color (string) hex code of the custom wallet color
string adds an account to the status-go node from the provided private key
addWatchOnlyAccount address (string): address of account to watch
accountName (string): name for the new wallet account
color (string) hex code of the custom wallet color
string watches an account without adding it to the status-go node
changeAccountSettings address (string): address of account
accountName (string): updated name for the wallet account
color (string) updated hex code of the account
string updates the account's name and color
deleteAccount address (string): address of account string deletes an account from the status-go node and returns an error string or empty string if no error
getAccountList none QVariant<AccountList> returns list of accounts on status-go node
estimateGas from_addr (string): from address for the transaction
to (string): to address for the transaction
assetAddress (string): token contract address (use "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000" for Ethereum transactions)
value (string): amount of Ethereum to send (in whole Ethereum units)
data (string): encoded transaction data
string returns a stringified JSON response from status with the transaction gas estimate and an error field if an error occurred.
transactionSent txResult (string): transaction result
void fires the QML signal walletModel.transactionWasSent
sendTransaction from_addr (string): from address for the transaction
to (string): to address for the transaction
assetAddress (string): token contract address (use "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000" for Ethereum transactions)
value (string): amount of Ethereum to send (in whole Ethereum units)
gas (string): gas to use for the transaction
gas (string): gas price for the transaction
password (string): password of the current user account
uuid (string): a unique identifier for the transaction request,so it can be idenified in QML when upon asynchronous completion
void sends a transaction in a separate thread.
getDefaultAccount none string returns the address of the currently selected account
defaultCurrency none string returns the currency symbol from settings
setDefaultCurrency currency (string): currency symbol, ie "USD" string set a new default currency in the current user's settings
hasAsset account (string): account to check for enabled token
symbol (string): token symbol, ie "SNT"
bool returns true if token with symbol is enabled, false other wise
toggleAsset symbol (string): token symbol, ie "SNT" void enables a token with symbol or disables it it's already enabled
removeCustomToken tokenAddress (string): token contract address void removes the custom token from the list of tokens available in the wallet
addCustomToken address (string): token contract address
name (string): display name for the token
symbol (string): token symbol
decimals (string): number of decimals supported by the token
void adds the custom token to the list of tokens available in the wallet
setCollectiblesResult collectibleType (string): "cryptokitty", "kudo", "ethermon", "stickers" void sets the current wallet's collectibles
reloadCollectible collectiblesJSON (string): stringified JSON structure of collectibles void reloads the current wallet's collectibles in another thread
getGasPricePredictions none void gets current ethereum network gas predictions in a new thread
getGasPricePredictionsResult gasPricePredictionsJson (string): JSON stringified response of gas predictions void updates the current gas predictions for the ethereum network, and fires the gasPricePredictionsChanged signal
safeLowGasPrice none string returns the current Ethereum networks's safe low gas price, in gwei
standardGasPrice none string returns the current Ethereum networks's standard gas price, in gwei
fastGasPrice none string returns the current Ethereum networks's fast gas price, in gwei
fastestGasPrice none string returns the current Ethereum networks's fastest gas price, in gwei
defaultGasLimit none string returns the default gas limit for sending Ethereum, which is "21000"
getDefaultAddress none string returns the address of the first wallet account on the node
getDefaultTokenList none QVariant<TokenList> returns the non-custom list of ERC-20 tokens for the currently selected wallet account
loadCustomTokens none none loads the custom tokens in to the TokenList added by the user in to walletModel.customTokenList
getCustomTokenList none QVariant<TokenList> returns the custom list of ERC-20 tokens added by the user
isFetchingHistory address (string): address of the account to check bool returns true if status-go is currently fetching the transaction history for the specified account
isKnownTokenContract address (string): contract address bool returns true if the specified address is in the list of default or custom (user-added) contracts
decodeTokenApproval tokenAddress (string): contract address
data (string): response received from the ERC-20 token Approve function call
string Returns stringified JSON result of the decoding. The JSON will contain only an error field if there was an error during decoding. Otherwise, it will contain a symbol (the token symbol) and an amount (amount approved to spend) field.
loadTransactionsForAccount address (string): address of the account to load transactions for void loads the transfer history for the specified account (result of wallet_getTransfersByAddress) in a separate thread
setTrxHistoryResult historyJSON (string): stringified JSON result from status-go's response to wallet_getTransfersByAddress void sets the transaction history for the account requested. If the requested account was tracked by the walletModel, it will have its transactions updated (including currentAccount). The loadingTrxHistoryChanged signal is also fired with false as a parameter.
resolveENS ens (string): the ENS name to resolve void resolves an ENS name in a separate thread
ensResolved ens (string): the ENS name to resolve
uuid (string): a unique identifier to identify the request in QML so that only specific components can respond when needed
void fires the ensWasResolved signal with the resolved address (address) and the unique identifier (uuid)
setDappBrowserAddress none void sets the dapp browser account to the account specified in settings and then fires the dappBrowserAccountChanged signal
getDappBrowserAccount none QVariant<AccountItemView> returns the wallet account currently used in the dapp browser


QAbstractListModel to expose node accounts. The following roles are available to the model when bound to a QML control:

Name Description
name account name defined by user
address account address
iconColor account color chosen by user
balance equivalent fiat balance for display, in format $#.##
fiatBalance the wallet's equivalent fiat balance in the format #.## (no currency as in balance)
assets returns an AssetList (see below)
isWallet flag indicating whether the asset is a token or a wallet
walletType in the case of a wallet, indicates the type of wallet ("key", "seed", "watch", "generated"). See AccountItemViewfor more information on wallet types.


QAbstractListModel exposes ERC-20 token assets owned by a wallet account. The following roles are available to the model when bound to a QML control:

Name Description
name token name
symbol token ticker symbol
value amount of token (in wei or equivalent)
fiatBalanceDisplay equivalent fiat balance for display, in format $#.##
address token contract address
fiatBalance equivalent fiat balance (not for display)


QAbstractListModel exposes ERC-721 assets for a wallet account. The following roles are available to the model when bound to a QML control:

Name Description
collectibleType the type of collectible ("cryptokitty", "kudo", "ethermon", "stickers")
collectiblesJSON JSON representation of all collectibles in the list (schema is different for each type of collectible)
error error encountered while fetching the collectibles


QAbstractListModel to expose transactions for the currently selected wallet. The following roles are available to the model when bound to a QML control:

Name Description
typeValue the transaction type
address ??
blockNumber the block number the transaction was included in
blockHash the hash of the block
timestamp Unix timestamp of when the block was created
gasPrice gas price used in the transaction
gasLimit maximum gas allowed in this block
gasUsed amount of gas used in the transaction
nonce transaction nonce
txStatus transaction status
value value (in wei) of the transaction
fromAddress address the transaction was sent from
to address the transaction was sent to
contract ?? likely in a transfer transaction, the token contract interacted with


This type can be accessed by any of the properties in the walletModel that return QtObject<AccountItemView>, ie See the walletModeltable above.

Name Type Description
name* string display name given to the wallet by the user
address* string wallet's ethereum address
iconColor* string wallet hexadecimal colour assigned to the wallet by the user
balance* string the wallet's fiat balance used for display purposes in the format of #.## USD
fiatBalance* string the wallet's equivalent fiat balance in the format #.## (no currency as in balance)
path* string the wallet's HD derivation path
walletType* string type determined by how the wallet was created. Values include:
"key" - wallet was created with a private key
"seed" - wallet was created with a seed phrase
"watch" - wallet was created as to watch an Ethereum address (like a read-only wallet)
"generated" - wallet was generated by the app


QAbstractListModel exposes all displayable ERC-20 tokens. The following roles are available to the model when bound to a QML control:

Name Description
name token display name
symbol token ticker symbol
hasIcon flag indicating whether or not the token has an icon
address the token's ERC-20 contract address
decimals the number of decimals held by the token
isCustom flag indicating whether the token was added by the user

Chats Model

The wallet model (exposed as chatsModel) is used for functions pertaining to chatting.


The chatsModel exposes the following signals, which can be consumed in QML using the Connections component (with a target of chatsModel and prefixed with on).

Name Parameters Description
oldestMessageTimestampChanged none fired when the oldest message timestamp has changed


The following properties can be accessed directly on the chatsModel, ie chatsModel.oldestMsgTimestamp

Name Type Accessibility Signal Description
oldestMsgTimestamp QVariant<int64> read oldestMessageTimestampChanged Gets the last set UNIX timestamp of the oldest message. See setLastMessageTimestamp for logic on how this is determined.


Methods can be invoked by calling them directly on the chatsModel, ie chatsModel.getOldestMessageTimestamp().

Name Params Return type Description
getOldestMessageTimestamp none QVariant<int64> Returns the last set UNIX timestamp of the oldest message. See setLastMessageTimestamp for logic on how this is determined.


QAbstractListModel to expose chat channels. The following roles are available to the model when bound to a QML control:

Name Description
name name of the channel

chatsModel.chats - get channel list (list)

channel object:

  • name -
  • timestamp -
  • lastMessage.text -
  • unviewedMessagesCount -
  • identicon -
  • chatType -
  • color -

chatsModel.activeChannelIndex - chatsModel.activeChannel - return currently active channel (object)

active channel object:

  • id -
  • name -
  • color -
  • identicon -
  • chatType - (int)
  • members - (list)
    • userName
    • pubKey
    • isAdmin
    • joined
    • identicon
  • isMember(pubKey: string) - check if pubkey is a group member (bool)
  • isAdmin(pubKey: string) - check if pubkey is a group admin (bool)

chatsModel.messageList - returns messages for the current channel (list)

message object:

  • userName -
  • message -
  • timestamp -
  • clock -
  • identicon -
  • isCurrentUser -
  • contentType -
  • sticker -
  • fromAuthor -
  • chatId -
  • sectionIdentifier -
  • messageId -

chatsModel.sendMessage(message: string) - send a message to currently active channel

chatsModel.joinChat(channel: string, chatTypeInt: int) - join a channel

chatsModel.groups.join() - confirm joining group

chatsModel.leaveActiveChat() - leave currently active channel

chatsModel.clearChatHistory() - clear chat history of currently active channel

chatsModel.groups.rename(newName: string) - rename current active group

chatsModel.blockContact(id: string) - block contact

chatsModel.addContact(id: string)

chatsModel.groups.create(groupName: string, pubKeys: string)

TODO: document all exposed APIs to QML