## API available to QML ### Wallet Model The wallet model (exposed as `walletModel`) is used for functions pertaining to the wallet and accounts on the node. #### Signals The `walletModel` exposes the following signals, which can be consumed in QML using the `Connections` component (with a target of `walletModel` and prefixed with `on`). | Name | Parameters | Description | |---------------|----------|--------------| | `etherscanLinkChanged` | none | fired when the etherscan link has changed | | `signingPhraseChanged` | none | fired when the signing phrase has changed | | `currentCollectiblesListsChanged` | none | fired when the list of collectibles for the currently selected account has changed | | `currentTransactionsChanged` | none | fired when the transactions for the currently selected account have changed | | `currentAccountChanged` | none | fired when the currently selected account in the wallet has changed | | `focusedAccountChanged` | none | fired when the currently selected account in the chat transaction model has changed | | `currentAssetListChanged` | none | fired when the token assets for the currently selected account have changed | | `totalFiatBalanceChanged` | none | fired when the total equivalent fiat balance of all accounts has changed | | `accountListChanged` | none | fired when accounts on the node have chagned | | `transactionWasSent` | `txResult` (`string`): JSON stringified result of sending a transaction | fired when accounts on the node have chagned | | `defaultCurrencyChanged` | none | fired when the user's default currency has chagned | | `gasPricePredictionsChanged` | none | fired when the gas price predictions have changed, typically after getting a gas price prediction response | | `loadingTrxHistoryChanged` | `isLoading` (`bool`): `true` if the transaction history is loading | fired when the loading of transfer history starts and completes | | `ensWasResolved` | `resolvedAddress` (`string`): address resolved from the ENS name
`uuid` (`string`): unique identifier that was used to identify the request in QML so that only specific components can respond when needed | fired when an ENS name was resolved | | `transactionCompleted` | `success` (`bool`): `true` if the transaction was successful
`txHash` (`string`): has of the transaction
`revertReason` (`string`): reason transaction was reverted (if provided and if the transaction was reverted) | fired when a tracked transction (from the wallet or ENS) was completed | | `dappBrowserAccountChanged` | none | fired when the select dapp browser wallet account has changed | ### QtProperties The following properties can be accessed directly on the `walletModel`, ie `walletModel.etherscanLink` | Name | Type | Accessibility | Signal | Description | |---------------|------|---------------|--------|--------------| | `etherscanLink` | `QVariant` | `read` | `etherscanLinkChanged` | link to Etherscan from the current network settings | | `signingPhrase` | `QVariant` | `read` | `signingPhraseChanged` | gets the signing phrase | | `collectiblesLists` | `QVariant` | `read`/`write` | `currentCollectiblesListsChanged` | gets or sets the list of collectibles for the currently selected wallet | | `transactions` | `QVariant` | `read`/`write` | `currentTransactionsChanged` | gets or sets the list of transactions for the currently selected wallet | | `currentAccount` | `QVariant` | `read`/`write` | `currentAccountChanged` | gets or sets the currently selected account | | `focusedAccount` | `QVariant` | `read`/`write` | `focusedAccountChanged` | gets or sets the currently focused account in the chat transaction modal | | `assets` | `QVariant` | `read`/`write` | `currentAssetListChanged` | gets or sets list of token assets for the currently selected wallet account | | `totalFiatBalance` | `QVariant` | `read`/`write` | `totalFiatBalanceChanged` | gets or sets the total equivalent fiat balance of all wallets in the format `#.##` | | `accounts` | `QVariant` | `read` | `accountListChanged` | returns list of accounts on the node | | `defaultCurrency` | `QVariant` | `read`/`write` | `defaultCurrencyChanged` | gets or sets the default currency in the current user's settings | | `safeLowGasPrice` | `QVariant` | `read` | `gasPricePredictionsChanged` | gets the current Ethereum networks's safe low gas price, in gwei | | `standardGasPrice` | `QVariant` | `read` | `gasPricePredictionsChanged` | gets the current Ethereum networks's standard gas price, in gwei | | `fastGasPrice` | `QVariant` | `read` | `gasPricePredictionsChanged` | gets the current Ethereum networks's fast gas price, in gwei | | `fastestGasPrice` | `QVariant` | `read` | `gasPricePredictionsChanged` | gets the current Ethereum networks's fastest gas price, in gwei | | `fastestGasPrice` | `QVariant` | `read` | none | gets the default gas limit for sending Ethereum, which is `"21000"` | | `defaultTokenList` | `QVariant` | `read` | none | gets the non-custom list of ERC-20 tokens for the currently selected wallet account | | `customTokenList` | `QVariant` | `read` | none | gets the custom list of ERC-20 tokens added by the user | | `dappBrowserAccount` | `QVariant` | `read` | `dappBrowserAccountChanged` | the wallet account currently used in the dapp browser | ### Methods Methods can be invoked by calling them directly on the `walletModel`, ie `walletModel.getSigningPhrase()`. | Name | Params | Return type | Description | |-----------------------------------|---------|-----|-------------------------------------| | `getEtherscanLink` | none | `QVariant`| Gets the link to Etherscan from the current network settings | | `getSigningPhrase` | none | `QVariant`| Gets the link to Etherscan from the current network settings | | `getStatusToken` | none | `string`| Gets the Status token for the current network (ie SNT for mainnet and STT for Ropsten) and returns a stringified JSON object containing `name`, `symbol`, and `address` for the token. | | `getCurrentCollectiblesLists` | none | `QVariant`| Gets the list of collectibles for the currently selected wallet. | | `getCurrentTransactions` | none | `QVariant`| Gets the list of transactions for the currently selected wallet. | | `setCurrentAccountByIndex` | `index` (`int`): index of the account in the list of accounts | `void`| sets the currently selected account to the account at the provided index | | `getCurrentAccount` | none | `QVariant`| gets the currently selected account | | `setFocusedAccountByAddress` | `address` (`string`): address of the account to focus | `void`| sets the focused account in the chat transaction modal to the account with the provided address | | `getFocusedAccount` | none | `QVariant`| gets the currently focused account in the chat transaction modal | | `getCurrentAssetList` | none | `QVariant`| returns list of token assets for the currently selected wallet account | | `getTotalFiatBalance` | none | `QVariant`| returns the total equivalent fiat balance of all wallets in the format `#.##` | | `getFiatValue` | `cryptoBalance` (`string`): balance whole (ie ETH)
`cryptoSymbol` (`string`): symbol to convert from
`fiatSymbol` (`string`) symbol of fiat currency to convert to | `QVariant`| returns the total equivalent fiat balance in the format `#.##` | | `getCryptoValue` | `fiatBalance` (`string`): balance whole (ie USD)
`fiatSymbol` (`string`): fiat currency symbol to convert from
`cryptoSymbol` (`string`) symbol of fiat currency to convert to | `QVariant`| returns the total equivalent crypto balance in the format `#.##` | | `getGasEthValue` | `gweiValue` (`string`): gas price in gwei
`gasLimit` (`string`): gas limit | `string` | gets maximum gas spend by multiplying the gas limit by the gas price | | `generateNewAccount` | `password` (`string`): password for the current user account
`accountName` (`string`): name for the new wallet account
`color` (`string`) hex code of the custom wallet color | `string` | creates a new account on the node with a custom name and color | | `addAccountsFromSeed` | `seed` (`string`): seed phrase of account
`password` (`string`): password of the current user account
`accountName` (`string`): name for the new wallet account
`color` (`string`) hex code of the custom wallet color | `string` | adds an account to the status-go node from the provided seed phrase | | `addAccountsFromPrivateKey` | `privateKey` (`string`): private key of account
`password` (`string`): password of the current user account
`accountName` (`string`): name for the new wallet account
`color` (`string`) hex code of the custom wallet color | `string` | adds an account to the status-go node from the provided private key | | `addWatchOnlyAccount` | `address` (`string`): address of account to watch
`accountName` (`string`): name for the new wallet account
`color` (`string`) hex code of the custom wallet color | `string` | watches an account without adding it to the status-go node | | `changeAccountSettings` | `address` (`string`): address of account
`accountName` (`string`): updated name for the wallet account
`color` (`string`) updated hex code of the account | `string` | updates the account's name and color | | `deleteAccount` | `address` (`string`): address of account | `string` | deletes an account from the status-go node and returns an error string or empty string if no error | | `getAccountList` | none | `QVariant` | returns list of accounts on status-go node | | `estimateGas` | `from_addr` (`string`): from address for the transaction
`to` (`string`): to address for the transaction
`assetAddress` (`string`): token contract address (use `"0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"` for Ethereum transactions)
`value` (`string`): amount of Ethereum to send (in whole Ethereum units)
`data` (`string`): encoded transaction data | `string` |returns a stringified JSON response from status with the transaction gas estimate and an `error` field if an error occurred. | | `transactionSent` | `txResult` (`string`): transaction result
| `void` | fires the QML signal `walletModel.transactionWasSent` | | `sendTransaction` | `from_addr` (`string`): from address for the transaction
`to` (`string`): to address for the transaction
`assetAddress` (`string`): token contract address (use `"0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"` for Ethereum transactions)
`value` (`string`): amount of Ethereum to send (in whole Ethereum units)
`gas` (`string`): gas to use for the transaction
`gas` (`string`): gas price for the transaction
`password` (`string`): password of the current user account
`uuid` (`string`): a unique identifier for the transaction request,so it can be idenified in QML when upon asynchronous completion
| `void` | sends a transaction in a separate thread. | | `getDefaultAccount` | none | `string` | returns the address of the currently selected account | | `defaultCurrency` | none | `string` | returns the currency symbol from settings | | `setDefaultCurrency` | `currency` (`string`): currency symbol, ie `"USD"` | `string` | set a new default currency in the current user's settings | | `hasAsset` | `account` (`string`): account to check for enabled token
`symbol` (`string`): token symbol, ie `"SNT"` | `bool` | returns true if token with `symbol` is enabled, false other wise | | `toggleAsset` | `symbol` (`string`): token symbol, ie `"SNT"` | `void` | enables a token with `symbol` or disables it it's already enabled | | `removeCustomToken` | `tokenAddress` (`string`): token contract address | `void` | removes the custom token from the list of tokens available in the wallet | | `addCustomToken` | `address` (`string`): token contract address
`name` (`string`): display name for the token
`symbol` (`string`): token symbol
`decimals` (`string`): number of decimals supported by the token | `void` | adds the custom token to the list of tokens available in the wallet | | `setCollectiblesResult` | `collectibleType` (`string`): `"cryptokitty"`, `"kudo"`, `"ethermon"`, `"stickers"` | `void` | sets the current wallet's collectibles | | `reloadCollectible` | `collectiblesJSON` (`string`): stringified JSON structure of collectibles | `void` | reloads the current wallet's collectibles in another thread | | `getGasPricePredictions` | none | `void` | gets current ethereum network gas predictions in a new thread | | `getGasPricePredictionsResult` | `gasPricePredictionsJson` (`string`): JSON stringified response of gas predictions | `void` | updates the current gas predictions for the ethereum network, and fires the `gasPricePredictionsChanged` signal | | `safeLowGasPrice` | none | `string` | returns the current Ethereum networks's safe low gas price, in gwei | | `standardGasPrice` | none | `string` | returns the current Ethereum networks's standard gas price, in gwei | | `fastGasPrice` | none | `string` | returns the current Ethereum networks's fast gas price, in gwei | | `fastestGasPrice` | none | `string` | returns the current Ethereum networks's fastest gas price, in gwei | | `defaultGasLimit` | none | `string` | returns the default gas limit for sending Ethereum, which is `"21000"` | | `getDefaultAddress` | none | `string` | returns the address of the first wallet account on the node | | `getDefaultTokenList` | none | `QVariant` | returns the non-custom list of ERC-20 tokens for the currently selected wallet account | | `loadCustomTokens` | none | none | loads the custom tokens in to the `TokenList` added by the user in to `walletModel.customTokenList` | | `getCustomTokenList` | none | `QVariant` | returns the custom list of ERC-20 tokens added by the user | | `isFetchingHistory` | `address` (`string`): address of the account to check | `bool` | returns `true` if `status-go` is currently fetching the transaction history for the specified account | | `isKnownTokenContract` | `address` (`string`): contract address | `bool` | returns `true` if the specified address is in the list of default or custom (user-added) contracts | | `decodeTokenApproval` | `tokenAddress` (`string`): contract address
`data` (`string`): response received from the ERC-20 token `Approve` function call | `string` | Returns stringified JSON result of the decoding. The JSON will contain only an `error` field if there was an error during decoding. Otherwise, it will contain a `symbol` (the token symbol) and an `amount` (amount approved to spend) field. | | `loadTransactionsForAccount` | `address` (`string`): address of the account to load transactions for | `void` | loads the transfer history for the specified account (result of `wallet_getTransfersByAddress`) in a separate thread | | `setTrxHistoryResult` | `historyJSON` (`string`): stringified JSON result from `status-go`'s response to `wallet_getTransfersByAddress` | `void` | sets the transaction history for the account requested. If the requested account was tracked by the `walletModel`, it will have its transactions updated (including `currentAccount`). The `loadingTrxHistoryChanged` signal is also fired with `false` as a parameter. | | `resolveENS` | `ens` (`string`): the ENS name to resolve | `void` | resolves an ENS name in a separate thread | | `ensResolved` | `ens` (`string`): the ENS name to resolve
`uuid` (`string`): a unique identifier to identify the request in QML so that only specific components can respond when needed | `void` | fires the `ensWasResolved` signal with the resolved address (`address`) and the unique identifier (`uuid`) | | `setDappBrowserAddress` | none | `void` | sets the dapp browser account to the account specified in settings and then fires the `dappBrowserAccountChanged` signal | | `getDappBrowserAccount` | none | `QVariant` | returns the wallet account currently used in the dapp browser | #### AccountList `QAbstractListModel` to expose node accounts. The following roles are available to the model when bound to a QML control: | Name | Description | |---------------|--------------| | `name` | account name defined by user | | `address` | account address | | `iconColor` | account color chosen by user | | `balance` | equivalent fiat balance for display, in format `$#.##` | | `fiatBalance` | the wallet's equivalent fiat balance in the format `#.##` (no currency as in `balance`) | | `assets` | returns an `AssetList` (see below) | | `isWallet` | flag indicating whether the asset is a token or a wallet | | `walletType` | in the case of a wallet, indicates the type of wallet ("key", "seed", "watch", "generated"). See `AccountItemView`for more information on wallet types. | #### AssetList `QAbstractListModel` exposes ERC-20 token assets owned by a wallet account. The following roles are available to the model when bound to a QML control: | Name | Description | |---------------|--------------| | `name` | token name | | `symbol` | token ticker symbol | | `value` | amount of token (in wei or equivalent) | | `fiatBalanceDisplay` | equivalent fiat balance for display, in format `$#.##` | | `address` | token contract address | | `fiatBalance` | equivalent fiat balance (not for display) | #### CollectiblesList `QAbstractListModel` exposes ERC-721 assets for a wallet account. The following roles are available to the model when bound to a QML control: | Name | Description | |---------------|--------------| | `collectibleType` | the type of collectible ("cryptokitty", "kudo", "ethermon", "stickers") | | `collectiblesJSON` | JSON representation of all collectibles in the list (schema is different for each type of collectible) | | `error` | error encountered while fetching the collectibles | #### TransactionList `QAbstractListModel` to expose transactions for the currently selected wallet. The following roles are available to the model when bound to a QML control: | Name | Description | |---------------|--------------| | `typeValue` | the transaction type | | `address` | ?? | | `blockNumber` | the block number the transaction was included in | | `blockHash` | the hash of the block | | `timestamp` | Unix timestamp of when the block was created | | `gasPrice` | gas price used in the transaction | | `gasLimit` | maximum gas allowed in this block | | `gasUsed` | amount of gas used in the transaction | | `nonce` | transaction nonce | | `txStatus` | transaction status | | `value` | value (in wei) of the transaction | | `fromAddress` | address the transaction was sent from | | `to` | address the transaction was sent to | | `contract` | ?? likely in a transfer transaction, the token contract interacted with | #### AccountItemView This type can be accessed by any of the properties in the `walletModel` that return `QtObject`, ie `walletModel.currentAccount.name`. See the `walletModel`table above. | Name | Type | Description | |---------------|----------|--------------| | `name*` | `string` | display name given to the wallet by the user | | `address*` | `string` | wallet's ethereum address | | `iconColor*` | `string` | wallet hexadecimal colour assigned to the wallet by the user | | `balance*` | `string` | the wallet's fiat balance used for display purposes in the format of `#.## USD` | | `fiatBalance*` | `string` | the wallet's equivalent fiat balance in the format `#.##` (no currency as in `balance`) | | `path*` | `string` | the wallet's HD derivation path | | `walletType*` | `string` | type determined by how the wallet was created. Values include: | | | | `"key"` - wallet was created with a private key | | | | `"seed"` - wallet was created with a seed phrase | | | | `"watch"` - wallet was created as to watch an Ethereum address (like a read-only wallet) | | | | `"generated"` - wallet was generated by the app | #### TokenList `QAbstractListModel` exposes all displayable ERC-20 tokens. The following roles are available to the model when bound to a QML control: | Name | Description | |---------------|--------------| | `name` | token display name | | `symbol` | token ticker symbol | | `hasIcon` | flag indicating whether or not the token has an icon | | `address` | the token's ERC-20 contract address | | `decimals` | the number of decimals held by the token | | `isCustom` | flag indicating whether the token was added by the user | ### Chats Model The wallet model (exposed as `chatsModel`) is used for functions pertaining to chatting. #### Signals The `chatsModel` exposes the following signals, which can be consumed in QML using the `Connections` component (with a target of `chatsModel` and prefixed with `on`). | Name | Parameters | Description | |---------------|----------|--------------| | `oldestMessageTimestampChanged` | none | fired when the oldest message timestamp has changed | **WIP** ### QtProperties The following properties can be accessed directly on the `chatsModel`, ie `chatsModel.oldestMsgTimestamp` | Name | Type | Accessibility | Signal | Description | |---------------|------|---------------|--------|--------------| | `oldestMsgTimestamp` | `QVariant` | `read` | `oldestMessageTimestampChanged` | Gets the last set UNIX timestamp of the oldest message. See `setLastMessageTimestamp` for logic on how this is determined. | **WIP** ### Methods Methods can be invoked by calling them directly on the `chatsModel`, ie `chatsModel.getOldestMessageTimestamp()`. | Name | Params | Return type | Description | |-----------------------------------|---------|-----|-------------------------------------| | `getOldestMessageTimestamp` | none | `QVariant`| Returns the last set UNIX timestamp of the oldest message. See `setLastMessageTimestamp` for logic on how this is determined. | **WIP** #### ChannelsList `QAbstractListModel` to expose chat channels. The following roles are available to the model when bound to a QML control: | Name | Description | |---------------|--------------| | `name` | name of the channel | **WIP** *chatsModel.chats* - get channel list (list) channel object: * name - * timestamp - * lastMessage.text - * unviewedMessagesCount - * identicon - * chatType - * color - *chatsModel.activeChannelIndex* - *chatsModel.activeChannel* - return currently active channel (object) active channel object: * id - * name - * color - * identicon - * chatType - (int) * members - (list) * userName * pubKey * isAdmin * joined * identicon * isMember(pubKey: string) - check if `pubkey` is a group member (bool) * isAdmin(pubKey: string) - check if `pubkey` is a group admin (bool) *chatsModel.messageList* - returns messages for the current channel (list) message object: * userName - * message - * timestamp - * clock - * identicon - * isCurrentUser - * contentType - * sticker - * fromAuthor - * chatId - * sectionIdentifier - * messageId - *chatsModel.sendMessage(message: string)* - send a message to currently active channel *chatsModel.joinChat(channel: string, chatTypeInt: int)* - join a channel *chatsModel.groups.join()* - confirm joining group *chatsModel.leaveActiveChat()* - leave currently active channel *chatsModel.clearChatHistory()* - clear chat history of currently active channel *chatsModel.groups.rename(newName: string)* - rename current active group *chatsModel.blockContact(id: string)* - block contact *chatsModel.addContact(id: string)* *chatsModel.groups.create(groupName: string, pubKeys: string)* **TODO**: document all exposed APIs to QML