- Added new global scripts folder `global_shared` where global hooks, names and steps will be stored.
- Created new `suite_onboarding` and moved existing test case related to it as a poc.
- Updated all `test.py` files to use global files and fit the new structure.
- Feature and basic scenarios definition: Change language by selection and change language by search.
- Added `StatusLanguageScreen` class and related methods to change and validate language.
- Added support to scroll at a specific list view index.
- Added support to directly type into a focused element.
- Added support for object names related to `side bar` options.
- Unified some nomenclature related to settings objects.
- Updated to allow registering the change on Linux before the restart popup is shown so the language test can work.
Note: interaction between clients is not tested here to avoid dependency
on mailserver. When mailserver is mocked more comprehensive tests should
be provided, that is: verify if identity properties are propagated
and read correctly between two different clients.
closes: #6950
- Commented out bc of `mailserver` issues and then weak.
- Added basic test scenario for sending a mention in a public chat with needed validations.
- Added basic test scenario to check a mention cannot be done if it is a non existing user.
`StatusChatScreen` updates:
- Updated join room method to validate the chat is loaded.
- Added methods for doing and verifying a mention.
`SquishDriver` updates:
- Added support in `SquishDriver` to click into a link in a text or label component.
- Minor function renames.
Exposes status-go API for retrieving networks and tokens
Tests for the exposed API
Introduced boost for the multiprecision library and 256 bits support
for balance.
Update build instructions
Updates: #6321
- Created new test case with basic create group chat scenario.
- Added specific data folder for `tst_groupChat`.
- Removed deprecated data folder.
- Added dynamic login (depending on the account).
- Added global account information in `suite_status/data` folder.
- Added new group chat validations, title, history texts, members added and send chat message.
- Replaced some ids by objectNames.
- Some improvements in `names.py`.
- Onboarding objects refactor.
Important changes:
- Converted the easy to mix strings to named types as phantom types
- Renamed `AccountDto`s to `MultiAccount` to better match the status-go
domain knowledge.
- Renamed MultiAccount to ChatOrWalletAccount to better match its multi
purpose and don't confuse with the MultiAccount domain knowledge.
- Remove libs/CMakeLists.txt
Note: Tried to use the fluent::NamedType but it doesn't work with
nlohmann_json, gave up finding why. Therefore I extracted only
the needed functionality for the simple types we use.
Updates: #6321
- MultiAccountStoreAccount is required for generating a new account.
MultiAccountStoreDerivedAccounts won't be enough even that it works
for creating initial account and login code
- Validate the understanding that `rootAccount.address` is `walletAccount.derivedFrom`
Updates: 6321
Contains minimal account creation and login
- migrated status-go wrapper and login code from the fix/cpp-structure (241eec)
- Minimal refactoring and changes at the moment. Expect further refactoring
follow up to reach the desired state.
- Fix missing keychain initialization
- Fix accounts DB initialization call done by startup -> Controller.openedAccounts -> status-go.OpenAccounts calls
- Small refactoring and todos for other steps
- fix SignalsManager
- fix async access to dereferenced status-go memory from SignalsManager
- fix SignalsManager not starting when registering
- finish dev end to end test for create account and login
- small improvements and added TODOs for future work
- add onboarding test helpers and start messaging test
- Refactoring towards Login UI integration
Closes: #5909Closes: #6028
- Use versioned files. Versioned Qt CMake APIs are disabled to force explicit calls and say that we don't support older `QT`s
- Don't use blobbing. Use `target_sources` and `qt_target_qml_sources`
- Distribute `CMake` definitions closer to the context: main folders with their own `CMakeLists.txt`
- Everything in libraries under `Status` namespace for cleaner code.
- Includes are exposed with Module folder externally and without prefix internally
- File/Folders name matches definitions they contain for uniformity that leads to cleaner code
- All source files (cpp, qml, js ...) have to be added to one of the CMakeLists.txt files to be tracked by CMake build system.
- Use BUILD_DEBUG, BUILD_RELEASE and BUILD_DEVELOPMENT variables from Helpers library
- Avoid Include directories. Not needed anymore CMake `target_*` APIs handles this through `INTERFACE`, `PUBLIC` and `PRIVATE` scope identifiers
- `StatusQ` is meant to be compiled as an external library, therefore StatusQ tests are kept inside its own directory
- Forced CMake version to `3.21` for the latest features and fixes. It is desired to be kept as recent as possible due to its backward compatibility. Following Qt's shipped version might be an option
- Depends on status-go changes to allow forcing of arm for apple silicon
Found limitations to CMake Qt API with Qt 6.3
- Having `0` as major version when using `qt_add_qml_module` doesn't work. Qml engine reports loading the `qmldir` but won't load the plugin library and no error is reported outside that exposed types are not found.
- `qt_target_qml_sources` doesn't work now, it generate a double copy error when deploying qml files in bin-directory. For now we stick with adding files using `qt_add_qml_module` central place
- Need to add `OUTPUT_DIRECTORY` to `qt_add_qml_module` to use the workaround
- If `MACOSX_BUNDLE` target property is set breaks importing of QML files. Disabled until fixed or workaround found
- For an unknown reason application executable tries to include the `QML_ELEMENT` include files, therefore for now I include all the C++ qml elements in INTERFACE