
1429 lines
60 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import QtQuick 2.13
import QtQuick.Controls 2.13
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.13
import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.3
import DotherSide 0.1
import utils 1.0
import shared 1.0
import shared.panels 1.0
import shared.popups 1.0
import shared.stores 1.0
//TODO remove this dependency
2022-03-08 18:49:33 +00:00
import AppLayouts.Chat.panels 1.0
import StatusQ.Core 0.1
import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1
import StatusQ.Core.Utils 0.1 as StatusQUtils
import StatusQ.Components 0.1
import StatusQ.Controls 0.1 as StatusQ
Rectangle {
id: control
signal sendTransactionCommandButtonClicked()
signal receiveTransactionCommandButtonClicked()
signal stickerSelected(string hashId, string packId, string url)
signal sendMessage(var event)
signal unblockChat()
property var usersStore
property var store
property var emojiPopup: null
// Use this to only enable the Connections only when this Input opens the Emoji popup
property bool emojiPopupOpened: false
property bool closeGifPopupAfterSelection: true
property bool emojiEvent: false
property bool isColonPressed: false
property bool isReply: false
property string replyMessageId: replyArea.messageId
property bool isImage: false
2021-06-29 14:49:32 +00:00
property bool isEdit: false
property bool isContactBlocked: false
property bool isActiveChannel: false
property var recentStickers
property var stickerPackList
property int messageLimit: 2000
property int messageLimitVisible: 200
property int chatType
property string chatInputPlaceholder: qsTr("Message")
property alias textInput: messageInputField
property var fileUrls: []
property var imageErrorMessageLocation: StatusChatInput.ImageErrorMessageLocation.Top // TODO: Remove this proeprty?
property var messageContextMenu
property alias suggestions: suggestionsBox
enum ImageErrorMessageLocation {
objectName: "statusChatInput"
function parseMessage(message) {
let mentionsMap = new Map()
let index = 0
while (true) {
index = message.indexOf("<a href=", index)
if (index < 0) {
const startIndex = index
const endIndex = message.indexOf("</a>", index) + 4
if (endIndex < 0) {
index += 8 // "<a href="
const addrIndex = message.indexOf("0x", index + 8)
if (addrIndex < 0) {
index += 8 // "<a href="
const addrEndIndex = message.indexOf("\"", addrIndex)
if (addrEndIndex < 0) {
index += 8 // "<a href="
const mentionLink = message.substring(startIndex, endIndex)
const linkTag = message.substring(index, endIndex)
const linkText = linkTag.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig,"").trim()
const atSymbol = linkText.startsWith("@") ? '' : '@'
const mentionTag = Constants.mentionSpanTag + atSymbol + linkText + '</span> '
mentionsMap.set(mentionLink, mentionTag)
index += linkTag.length
let text = message;
for (let [key, value] of mentionsMap)
text = text.replace(new RegExp(key, 'g'), value)
textInput.text = text
textInput.cursorPosition = textInput.length
implicitWidth: layout.implicitWidth + layout.anchors.leftMargin + layout.anchors.rightMargin
implicitHeight: layout.implicitHeight + layout.anchors.topMargin + layout.anchors.bottomMargin
2021-06-29 14:49:32 +00:00
color: Style.current.transparent
2022-02-09 09:43:23 +00:00
QtObject {
id: d
//mentions helper properties
property string copiedTextPlain: ""
property string copiedTextFormatted: ""
property var copiedMentionsPos: []
property int copyTextStart: 0
// set to true when pasted text comes from this component (was copied within this component)
property bool internalPaste: false
property int leftOfMentionIndex: -1
property int rightOfMentionIndex: -1
readonly property StateGroup emojiPopupTakeover: StateGroup {
states: State {
when: control.emojiPopupOpened
PropertyChanges {
target: emojiPopup
parent: control
closePolicy: Popup.CloseOnEscape | Popup.CloseOnPressOutsideParent
x: control.width - emojiPopup.width - Style.current.halfPadding
y: -emojiPopup.height
function copyMentions(start, end) {
copiedMentionsPos = []
for (let k = 0; k < mentionsPos.length; k++) {
if (mentionsPos[k].leftIndex >= start && mentionsPos[k].rightIndex <= end) {
const mention = {
name: mentionsPos[k].name,
pubKey: mentionsPos[k].pubKey,
leftIndex: mentionsPos[k].leftIndex - start,
rightIndex: mentionsPos[k].rightIndex - start
function sortMentions() {
if (mentionsPos.length < 2) {
mentionsPos = mentionsPos.sort(function(a, b){
return a.leftIndex - b.leftIndex
function updateMentionsPositions() {
if (mentionsPos.length == 0) {
const unformattedText = messageInputField.getText(0, messageInputField.length)
if (!unformattedText.includes("@")) {
const keyEvent = messageInputField.keyEvent
if ((keyEvent.key === Qt.Key_Right) || (keyEvent.key === Qt.Key_Left)
|| (keyEvent.key === Qt.Key_Up) || (keyEvent.key === Qt.Key_Down)) {
let lastRightIndex = -1
for (var k = 0; k < mentionsPos.length; k++) {
const aliasIndex = unformattedText.indexOf(mentionsPos[k].name, lastRightIndex)
if (aliasIndex === -1) {
lastRightIndex = aliasIndex + mentionsPos[k].name.length
if (aliasIndex - 1 !== mentionsPos[k].leftIndex) {
mentionsPos[k].leftIndex = aliasIndex - 1
mentionsPos[k].rightIndex = aliasIndex + mentionsPos[k].name.length
function insertInTextInput(start, text) {
// Repace new lines with entities because `insert` gets rid of them
messageInputField.insert(start, text.replace(/\n/g, "<br/>"));
function togglePopup(popup, btn) {
if (popup !== stickersPopup) {
if (popup !== gifPopup) {
if (popup !== emojiPopup) {
if (popup.opened) {
btn.highlighted = false
} else {
btn.highlighted = true
Connections {
enabled: control.emojiPopupOpened
target: emojiPopup
onEmojiSelected: function (text, atCursor) {
insertInTextInput(atCursor ? messageInputField.cursorPosition : messageInputField.length, text)
emojiBtn.highlighted = false
onClosed: {
emojiBtn.highlighted = false
control.emojiPopupOpened = false
property var mentionsPos: []
function insertMention(aliasName, publicKey, lastAtPosition, lastCursorPosition) {
let startInd = aliasName.indexOf("(");
if (startInd > 0){
aliasName = aliasName.substring(0, startInd-1)
const hasEmoji = StatusQUtils.Emoji.hasEmoji(messageInputField.text)
const spanPlusAlias = `${Constants.mentionSpanTag}@${aliasName}</a></span> `;
let rightIndex = hasEmoji ? lastCursorPosition + 2 : lastCursorPosition
messageInputField.remove(lastAtPosition, rightIndex)
messageInputField.insert(lastAtPosition, spanPlusAlias)
messageInputField.cursorPosition = lastAtPosition + aliasName.length + 2;
if (messageInputField.cursorPosition === 0) {
// It reset to 0 for some reason, go back to the end
messageInputField.cursorPosition = messageInputField.length
mentionsPos.push({name: aliasName, pubKey: publicKey, leftIndex: lastAtPosition, rightIndex: (lastAtPosition+aliasName.length + 1)});
function isUploadFilePressed(event) {
return (event.key === Qt.Key_U) && (event.modifiers & Qt.ControlModifier) && imageBtn.visible && !imageDialog.visible
function checkTextInsert() {
if (emojiSuggestions.visible) {
replaceWithEmoji(extrapolateCursorPosition(), emojiSuggestions.shortname, emojiSuggestions.unicode);
return true
if (suggestionsBox.visible) {
return true
return false
function onKeyPress(event) {
if (event.modifiers === Qt.NoModifier && (event.key === Qt.Key_Enter || event.key === Qt.Key_Return)) {
if (checkTextInsert()) {
event.accepted = true;
if (messageInputField.length <= messageLimit) {
event.accepted = true
if (event) {
event.accepted = true
const symbolPressed = event.text.length > 0 &&
event.key !== Qt.Key_Backspace &&
event.key !== Qt.Key_Delete &&
event.key !== Qt.Key_Escape
if (mentionsPos.length > 0 && symbolPressed) {
for (var i = 0; i < mentionsPos.length; i++) {
if (messageInputField.cursorPosition === mentionsPos[i].leftIndex) {
d.leftOfMentionIndex = i
event.accepted = true
} else if (messageInputField.cursorPosition === mentionsPos[i].rightIndex) {
d.rightOfMentionIndex = i
event.accepted = true
if (event.key === Qt.Key_Tab) {
if (checkTextInsert()) {
event.accepted = true;
2020-12-10 19:54:21 +00:00
const message = control.extrapolateCursorPosition();
// handle new line in blockquote
2020-12-10 19:54:21 +00:00
if ((event.key === Qt.Key_Enter || event.key === Qt.Key_Return) && (event.modifiers & Qt.ShiftModifier) &&">")) {
if(">") && !"\n\n")) {
let newMessage1 = ""
if ("\n> ")) {
newMessage1 =,"> ")) + "\n\n"
} else {
newMessage1 = + "\n> ";
messageInputField.remove(0, messageInputField.cursorPosition);
insertInTextInput(0, StatusQUtils.Emoji.parse(newMessage1));
event.accepted = true
// handle backspace when entering an existing blockquote
if ((event.key === Qt.Key_Backspace || event.key === Qt.Key_Delete)) {
if(">") &&"\n\n")) {
const newMessage =,"\n")) + "> ";
messageInputField.remove(0, messageInputField.cursorPosition);
insertInTextInput(0, StatusQUtils.Emoji.parse(newMessage));
event.accepted = true
if (event.matches(StandardKey.Copy) || event.matches(StandardKey.Cut)) {
if (messageInputField.selectedText !== "") {
d.copiedTextPlain = messageInputField.getText(
messageInputField.selectionStart, messageInputField.selectionEnd)
d.copiedTextFormatted = messageInputField.getFormattedText(
messageInputField.selectionStart, messageInputField.selectionEnd)
d.copyMentions(messageInputField.selectionStart, messageInputField.selectionEnd)
if (event.matches(StandardKey.Paste)) {
messageInputField.remove(messageInputField.selectionStart, messageInputField.selectionEnd)
// cursor position must be stored in a helper property because setting readonly to true causes change
// of the cursor position to the end of the input
d.copyTextStart = messageInputField.cursorPosition
messageInputField.readOnly = true
const clipboardText = globalUtils.plainText(QClipboardProxy.text)
const copiedText = globalUtils.plainText(d.copiedTextPlain)
if (copiedText === clipboardText) {
d.internalPaste = true
} else {
d.copiedTextPlain = ""
d.copiedTextFormatted = ""
d.copiedMentionsPos = []
// ⌘⇧U
if (isUploadFilePressed(event)) {
event.accepted = true
if (event.key === Qt.Key_Down) {
return emojiSuggestions.listView.incrementCurrentIndex()
if (event.key === Qt.Key_Up) {
return emojiSuggestions.listView.decrementCurrentIndex()
isColonPressed = (event.key === Qt.Key_Colon) && (event.modifiers & Qt.ShiftModifier);
if (suggestionsBox.visible) {
let aliasName = suggestionsBox.formattedPlainTextFilter;
let lastCursorPosition = suggestionsBox.suggestionFilter.cursorPosition;
let lastAtPosition = suggestionsBox.suggestionFilter.lastAtPosition;
let suggestionItem = suggestionsBox.suggestionsModel.get(suggestionsBox.listView.currentIndex);
if (aliasName.toLowerCase() ===
&& (event.key !== Qt.Key_Backspace) && (event.key !== Qt.Key_Delete)) {
insertMention(aliasName, suggestionItem.publicKey, lastAtPosition, lastCursorPosition);
} else if (event.key === Qt.Key_Space) {
var plainTextToReplace = messageInputField.getText(lastAtPosition, lastCursorPosition);
messageInputField.remove(lastAtPosition, lastCursorPosition);
messageInputField.insert(lastAtPosition, plainTextToReplace);
function getLineStartPosition(selectionStart) {
const text = getPlainText()
const lastNewLinePos = text.lastIndexOf("\n\n", messageInputField.selectionStart)
return lastNewLinePos === -1 ? 0 : lastNewLinePos + 2
function prefixSelectedLine(prefix) {
const selectedLinePosition = getLineStartPosition(messageInputField.selectionStart)
insertInTextInput(selectedLinePosition, prefix)
function unprefixSelectedLine(prefix) {
if( isSelectedLinePrefixedBy(messageInputField.selectionStart, prefix) ) {
const selectedLinePosition = getLineStartPosition(messageInputField.selectionStart)
messageInputField.remove(selectedLinePosition, selectedLinePosition + prefix.length)
function isSelectedLinePrefixedBy(selectionStart, prefix) {
const selectedLinePosition = getLineStartPosition(selectionStart)
const text = getPlainText()
const selectedLine = text.substring(selectedLinePosition)
return selectedLine.startsWith(prefix)
function wrapSelection(wrapWith) {
if (messageInputField.selectionStart - messageInputField.selectionEnd === 0) return
// calulate the new selection start and end positions
var newSelectionStart = messageInputField.selectionStart + wrapWith.length
var newSelectionEnd = messageInputField.selectionEnd - messageInputField.selectionStart + newSelectionStart
insertInTextInput(messageInputField.selectionStart, wrapWith);
insertInTextInput(messageInputField.selectionEnd, wrapWith);, newSelectionEnd)
function unwrapSelection(unwrapWith, selectedTextWithFormationChars) {
if (messageInputField.selectionStart - messageInputField.selectionEnd === 0) return
// calulate the new selection start and end positions
var newSelectionStart = messageInputField.selectionStart - unwrapWith.length
var newSelectionEnd = messageInputField.selectionEnd-messageInputField.selectionStart + newSelectionStart
selectedTextWithFormationChars = selectedTextWithFormationChars.trim()
// Check if the selectedTextWithFormationChars has formation chars and if so, calculate how many so we can adapt the start and end pos
const selectTextDiff = (selectedTextWithFormationChars.length - messageInputField.selectedText.length) / 2
// Remove the deselected option from the before and after the selected text
const prefixChars = messageInputField.getText((messageInputField.selectionStart - selectTextDiff), messageInputField.selectionStart)
const updatedPrefixChars = prefixChars.replace(unwrapWith, '')
const postfixChars = messageInputField.getText(messageInputField.selectionEnd, (messageInputField.selectionEnd + selectTextDiff))
const updatedPostfixChars = postfixChars.replace(unwrapWith, '')
// Create updated selected string with pre and post formatting characters
const updatedSelectedStringWithFormatChars = updatedPrefixChars + messageInputField.selectedText + updatedPostfixChars
messageInputField.remove(messageInputField.selectionStart - selectTextDiff, messageInputField.selectionEnd + selectTextDiff)
insertInTextInput(messageInputField.selectionStart, updatedSelectedStringWithFormatChars), newSelectionEnd)
function getPlainText() {
const textWithoutMention = messageInputField.text.replace(/<span style="[ :#0-9a-z;\-\.,\(\)]+">(@([a-z\.]+(\ ?[a-z]+\ ?[a-z]+)?))<\/span>/ig, "\[\[mention\]\]$1\[\[mention\]\]")
const deparsedEmoji = StatusQUtils.Emoji.deparse(textWithoutMention);
return globalUtils.plainText(deparsedEmoji)
function removeMentions(currentText) {
return currentText.replace(/\[\[mention\]\]/g, '')
function parseMarkdown(markdownText) {
const htmlText = markdownText
.replace(/\~\~([^*]+)\~\~/gim, '~~<span style="text-decoration: line-through">$1</span>~~')
.replace(/\*\*([^*]+)\*\*/gim, ':asterisk::asterisk:<b>$1</b>:asterisk::asterisk:')
.replace(/\`([^*]+)\`/gim, '`<code>$1</code>`')
.replace(/\*([^*]+)\*/gim, ':asterisk:<i>$1</i>:asterisk:')
return htmlText.replace(/\:asterisk\:/gim, "*")
function getFormattedText(start, end) {
start = start || 0
end = end || messageInputField.length
const oldFormattedText = messageInputField.getFormattedText(start, end)
const found = oldFormattedText.match(/<!--StartFragment-->([\w\W\s]*)<!--EndFragment-->/m);
return found[1]
function getTextWithPublicKeys() {
let result = messageInputField.text
if (mentionsPos.length > 0) {
for (var k = 0; k < mentionsPos.length; k++) {
let leftIndex = result.indexOf(mentionsPos[k].name)
let rightIndex = leftIndex + mentionsPos[k].name.length
result = result.substring(0, leftIndex)
+ mentionsPos[k].pubKey
+ result.substring(rightIndex, result.length)
return result
function setFormatInInput(formationFunction, startTag, endTag, formationChar, numFormationChars) {
const inputText = getFormattedText()
const plainInputText = messageInputField.getText(0, messageInputField.length)
let lengthDifference
try {
const result = formationFunction(inputText)
if (!result) {
const parsed = JSON.parse(result)
let substring
let nbEmojis
parsed.forEach(function (match) {
match[1] += 1
const truncatedInputText = inputText.substring(0, match[1] + numFormationChars)
const truncatedPlainText = plainInputText.substring(0, messageInputField.cursorPosition)
const lengthDifference = truncatedInputText.length - truncatedPlainText.length
nbEmojis = StatusQUtils.Emoji.nbEmojis(truncatedInputText)
match[1] += (nbEmojis * -2)
match[0] += (nbEmojis * -2)
substring = inputText.substring(match[0], match[1])
if (plainInputText.charAt(match[0] - 1) !== formationChar) {
match[0] -= lengthDifference
match[1] -= lengthDifference
} else {
match[1] -= lengthDifference
messageInputField.remove(match[0], match[1])
insertInTextInput(match[0], `${startTag}${substring}${endTag}`)
} catch (e) {
function onRelease(event) {
if (event.key === Qt.Key_Backspace && textFormatMenu.opened) {
// the text doesn't get registered to the textarea fast enough
// we can only get it in the `released` event
let eventText = event.text
if(event.key === Qt.Key_Space) {
eventText = "&nbsp;"
if(d.rightOfMentionIndex !== -1) {
messageInputField.insert(mentionsPos[d.rightOfMentionIndex].rightIndex, eventText)
d.rightOfMentionIndex = -1
if(d.leftOfMentionIndex !== -1) {
messageInputField.insert(mentionsPos[d.leftOfMentionIndex].leftIndex, eventText)
d.leftOfMentionIndex = -1
messageInputField.readOnly = false
if (d.internalPaste) {
if (d.copiedTextPlain.includes("@")) {
d.copiedTextFormatted = d.copiedTextFormatted.replace(/span style="/g, "span style=\" text-decoration:none;")
let lastFoundIndex = -1
for (let j = 0; j < d.copiedMentionsPos.length; j++) {
const name = d.copiedMentionsPos[j].name
const indexOfName = d.copiedTextPlain.indexOf(name, lastFoundIndex)
lastFoundIndex += name.length
if (indexOfName === d.copiedMentionsPos[j].leftIndex + 1) {
const mention = {
name: name,
pubKey: d.copiedMentionsPos[j].pubKey,
leftIndex: (d.copiedMentionsPos[j].leftIndex + d.copyTextStart - 1),
rightIndex: (d.copiedMentionsPos[j].leftIndex + d.copyTextStart + name.length)
const prevLength = messageInputField.length
insertInTextInput(d.copyTextStart, d.copiedTextFormatted)
messageInputField.cursorPosition = d.copyTextStart + messageInputField.length - prevLength
d.internalPaste = false
} else if (event.matches(StandardKey.Paste)) {
insertInTextInput(d.copyTextStart, QClipboardProxy.text)
messageInputField.cursorPosition = d.copyTextStart + QClipboardProxy.text.length
if (event.key !== Qt.Key_Escape) {
emojiEvent = emojiHandler(event)
if (!emojiEvent) {
// since emoji length is not 1 we need to match that position that TextArea returns
// to the actual position in the string.
function extrapolateCursorPosition() {
// we need only the message part to be html
const text = getPlainText()
const completelyPlainText = removeMentions(text)
const plainText = StatusQUtils.Emoji.parse(text);
var bracketEvent = false;
var almostMention = false;
var mentionEvent = false;
var length = 0;
// This loop calculates the cursor position inside the plain text which contains the image tags (<img>) and the mention tags ([[mention]])
const cursorPos = messageInputField.cursorPosition
let character = ""
for (var i = 0; i < plainText.length; i++) {
if (length >= cursorPos) break;
character = plainText.charAt(i)
if (!bracketEvent && character !== '<' && !mentionEvent && character !== '[') {
} else if (!bracketEvent && character === '<') {
bracketEvent = true;
} else if (bracketEvent && character === '>') {
bracketEvent = false;
} else if (!mentionEvent && almostMention && plainText.charAt(i) === '[') {
almostMention = false
mentionEvent = true
} else if (!mentionEvent && !almostMention && plainText.charAt(i) === '[') {
almostMention = true
} else if (!mentionEvent && almostMention && plainText.charAt(i) !== '[') {
almostMention = false
} else if (mentionEvent && !almostMention && plainText.charAt(i) === ']') {
almostMention = true
} else if (mentionEvent && almostMention && plainText.charAt(i) === ']') {
almostMention = false
mentionEvent = false
let textBeforeCursor = StatusQUtils.Emoji.deparseFromParse(plainText.substr(0, i));
return {
cursor: countEmojiLengths(plainText.substr(0, i)) + messageInputField.cursorPosition + text.length - completelyPlainText.length,
data: textBeforeCursor,
function emojiHandler(event) {
let message = extrapolateCursorPosition();
// state machine to handle different forms of the emoji event state
if (!emojiEvent && isColonPressed) {
return ( <= 1 || Utils.isSpace( - 1))) ? true : false;
} else if (emojiEvent && isColonPressed) {
const index =':', message.cursor - 2);
if (index >= 0 && message.cursor > 0) {
const shortname =, message.cursor);
const codePoint = StatusQUtils.Emoji.getEmojiUnicode(shortname);
if (codePoint !== undefined) {
replaceWithEmoji(message, shortname, codePoint);
return false;
return true;
} else if (emojiEvent && isKeyValid(event.key) && !isColonPressed) {
// popup
const index2 =':', message.cursor - 1);
if (index2 >= 0 && message.cursor > 0) {
const emojiPart =, message.cursor);
if (emojiPart.length > 2) {
const emojis = StatusQUtils.Emoji.emojiJSON.emoji_json.filter(function (emoji) {
return ||
emoji.shortname.includes(emojiPart) ||
emoji.aliases.some(a => a.includes(emojiPart))
emojiSuggestions.openPopup(emojis, emojiPart)
return true;
} else if (emojiEvent && !isKeyValid(event.key) && !isColonPressed) {
return false;
return false;
function countEmojiLengths(value) {
const match = StatusQUtils.Emoji.getEmojis(value);
var length = 0;
if (match && match.length > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < match.length; i++) {
length += StatusQUtils.Emoji.deparseFromParse(match[i]).length;
length = length - match.length;
return length;
function replaceWithEmoji(message, shortname, codePoint) {
const encodedCodePoint = StatusQUtils.Emoji.getEmojiCodepoint(codePoint)
messageInputField.remove(messageInputField.cursorPosition - shortname.length, messageInputField.cursorPosition);
insertInTextInput(messageInputField.cursorPosition, StatusQUtils.Emoji.parse(encodedCodePoint) + " ");
emojiEvent = false
// check if user has placed cursor near valid emoji colon token
function pollEmojiEvent(message) {
const index =':', message.cursor);
if (index >= 0) {
emojiEvent = validSubstr(, message.cursor - index));
function validSubstr(substr) {
for(var i = 0; i < substr.length; i++) {
var c = substr.charAt(i);
if (Utils.isSpace(c) === true || Utils.isPunct(c) === true)
return false;
return true;
function isKeyValid(key) {
if (key === Qt.Key_Space || key === Qt.Key_Tab ||
(key >= Qt.Key_Exclam && key <= Qt.Key_Slash) ||
(key >= Qt.Key_Semicolon && key <= Qt.Key_Question) ||
(key >= Qt.Key_BracketLeft && key <= Qt.Key_hyphen))
return false;
return true;
function hideExtendedArea() {
isImage = false;
isReply = false;
control.fileUrls = []
imageArea.imageSource = [];
replyArea.userName = ""
replyArea.message = ""
for (let i=0; i<validators.children.length; i++) {
const validator = validators.children[i]
validator.images = []
function validateImages(imagePaths) {
// needed because imageArea.imageSource is not a normal js array
const existing = (imageArea.imageSource || []).map(x => x.toString())
let validImages = Utils.deduplicate(existing.concat(imagePaths))
for (let i=0; i<validators.children.length; i++) {
const validator = validators.children[i]
validator.images = validImages
validImages = validImages.filter(validImage => validator.validImages.includes(validImage))
return validImages
function showImageArea(imagePaths) {
isImage = true;
isReply = false;
imageArea.imageSource = imagePaths
control.fileUrls = imageArea.imageSource
function showReplyArea(messageId, userName, message, contentType, image, sticker) {
isReply = true
replyArea.userName = userName
replyArea.message = message
replyArea.contentType = contentType
replyArea.image = image
replyArea.stickerData = sticker
replyArea.messageId = messageId
function forceInputActiveFocus() {
Connections {
enabled: control.isActiveChannel
target: Global.dragArea
ignoreUnknownSignals: true
onDroppedOnValidScreen: (drop) => {
let validImages = validateImages(drop.urls)
if (validImages.length > 0) {
// This is used by Squish tests to not have to access the file dialog
function selectImageString(filePath) {
let validImages = validateImages([filePath])
if (validImages.length > 0) {
FileDialog {
id: imageDialog
title: qsTr("Please choose an image")
selectMultiple: true
nameFilters: [
qsTr("Image files (%1)").arg( => "*" + img).join(" "))
onAccepted: {
imageBtn.highlighted = false
let validImages = validateImages(imageDialog.fileUrls)
if (validImages.length > 0) {
onRejected: {
imageBtn.highlighted = false
MessageDialog {
id: messageTooLongDialog
title: qsTr("Your message is too long.")
icon: StandardIcon.Critical
text: qsTr("Please make your message shorter. We have set the limit to 2000 characters to be courteous of others.")
standardButtons: StandardButton.Ok
StatusEmojiSuggestionPopup {
id: emojiSuggestions
messageInput: messageInput
onClicked: function (index) {
if (index === undefined) {
index = emojiSuggestions.listView.currentIndex
const unicode = emojiSuggestions.modelList[index].unicode_alternates || emojiSuggestions.modelList[index].unicode
replaceWithEmoji(extrapolateCursorPosition(), emojiSuggestions.shortname, unicode);
SuggestionBoxPanel {
id: suggestionsBox
objectName: "suggestionsBox"
model: control.usersStore ? control.usersStore.usersModel : []
x : messageInput.x
y: -height - Style.current.smallPadding
width: messageInput.width
filter: messageInputField.text
cursorPosition: messageInputField.cursorPosition
property: ["name", "nickname", "ensName", "alias"]
inputField: messageInputField
onItemSelected: function (item, lastAtPosition, lastCursorPosition) {
let name ="@", "")
insertMention(name, item.publicKey, lastAtPosition, lastCursorPosition)
onVisibleChanged: {
if (!visible) {
ChatCommandsPopup {
id: chatCommandsPopup
x: 8
y: -height
onSendTransactionCommandButtonClicked: {
onReceiveTransactionCommandButtonClicked: {
onClosed: {
chatCommandsBtn.highlighted = false
onOpened: {
chatCommandsBtn.highlighted = true
StatusGifPopup {
id: gifPopup
width: 360
height: 440
x: control.width - width - Style.current.halfPadding
y: -height
gifSelected: function (event, url) {
messageInputField.text += "\n" + url
gifBtn.highlighted = false
if (control.closeGifPopupAfterSelection)
onClosed: {
gifBtn.highlighted = false
StatusStickersPopup {
id: stickersPopup
x: control.width - width - Style.current.halfPadding
y: -height
enabled: !!control.recentStickers && !!control.stickerPackList
recentStickers: control.recentStickers
stickerPackList: control.stickerPackList
onStickerSelected: {
control.stickerSelected(hashId, packId, url)
onClosed: {
stickersBtn.highlighted = false
RowLayout {
id: layout
anchors.fill: parent
spacing: 4
StatusQ.StatusFlatRoundButton {
id: chatCommandsBtn
Layout.preferredWidth: 32
Layout.preferredHeight: 32
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignBottom
Layout.bottomMargin: 4 "chat-commands"
type: StatusQ.StatusFlatRoundButton.Type.Tertiary
visible: RootStore.isWalletEnabled && !isEdit && control.chatType === Constants.chatType.oneToOne
enabled: !control.isContactBlocked
onClicked: {
chatCommandsPopup.opened ?
chatCommandsPopup.close() :
StatusQ.StatusFlatRoundButton {
id: imageBtn
Layout.preferredWidth: 32
Layout.preferredHeight: 32
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignBottom
Layout.bottomMargin: 4 "image"
type: StatusQ.StatusFlatRoundButton.Type.Tertiary
visible: !isEdit && control.chatType !== Constants.chatType.publicChat
enabled: !control.isContactBlocked
onClicked: {
highlighted = true
Rectangle {
id: messageInput
readonly property int defaultInputFieldHeight: 40
Layout.fillWidth: true
implicitHeight: inputLayout.implicitHeight + inputLayout.anchors.topMargin + inputLayout.anchors.bottomMargin
implicitWidth: inputLayout.implicitWidth + inputLayout.anchors.leftMargin + inputLayout.anchors.rightMargin
enabled: !control.isContactBlocked
color: isEdit ? Theme.palette.statusChatInput.secondaryBackgroundColor : Style.current.inputBackground
radius: 20
StatusTextFormatMenu {
id: textFormatMenu
StatusChatInputTextFormationAction {
wrapper: "**" "bold"
text: qsTr("Bold")
selectedTextWithFormationChars: RootStore.getSelectedTextWithFormationChars(messageInputField)
onActionTriggered: checked ?
unwrapSelection(wrapper, RootStore.getSelectedTextWithFormationChars(messageInputField)) :
StatusChatInputTextFormationAction {
wrapper: "*" "italic"
text: qsTr("Italic")
selectedTextWithFormationChars: RootStore.getSelectedTextWithFormationChars(messageInputField)
checked: (surroundedBy("*") && !surroundedBy("**")) || surroundedBy("***")
onActionTriggered: checked ?
unwrapSelection(wrapper, RootStore.getSelectedTextWithFormationChars(messageInputField)) :
StatusChatInputTextFormationAction {
wrapper: "~~" "strikethrough"
text: qsTr("Strikethrough")
selectedTextWithFormationChars: RootStore.getSelectedTextWithFormationChars(messageInputField)
onActionTriggered: checked ?
unwrapSelection(wrapper, RootStore.getSelectedTextWithFormationChars(messageInputField)) :
StatusChatInputTextFormationAction {
wrapper: "`" "code"
text: qsTr("Code")
selectedTextWithFormationChars: RootStore.getSelectedTextWithFormationChars(messageInputField)
onActionTriggered: checked ?
unwrapSelection(wrapper, RootStore.getSelectedTextWithFormationChars(messageInputField)) :
StatusChatInputTextFormationAction {
wrapper: "> " "quote"
text: qsTr("Quote")
checked: messageInputField.selectedText && isSelectedLinePrefixedBy(messageInputField.selectionStart, wrapper)
onActionTriggered: checked
? unprefixSelectedLine(wrapper)
: prefixSelectedLine(wrapper)
onClosed: {
ColumnLayout {
id: validators
anchors.bottom: control.imageErrorMessageLocation === StatusChatInput.ImageErrorMessageLocation.Top ? : undefined
anchors.bottomMargin: control.imageErrorMessageLocation === StatusChatInput.ImageErrorMessageLocation.Top ? -4 : undefined control.imageErrorMessageLocation === StatusChatInput.ImageErrorMessageLocation.Bottom ? parent.bottom : undefined
anchors.topMargin: control.imageErrorMessageLocation === StatusChatInput.ImageErrorMessageLocation.Bottom ? (isImage ? -4 : 4) : undefined
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
width: parent.width
z: 1
StatusChatImageExtensionValidator {
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
StatusChatImageSizeValidator {
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
StatusChatImageQtyValidator {
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
Rectangle {
// Bottom right corner has different radius
color: parent.color
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
anchors.right: parent.right
height: parent.height / 2
width: 32
radius: Style.current.radius
ColumnLayout {
id: inputLayout
anchors.fill: parent
spacing: 4
StatusChatInputReplyArea {
id: replyArea
visible: isReply
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.margins: 2
onCloseButtonClicked: {
isReply = false
StatusChatInputImageArea {
id: imageArea
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.leftMargin: Style.current.halfPadding
Layout.rightMargin: Style.current.halfPadding
visible: isImage
onImageClicked: Global.openImagePopup(chatImage, messageContextMenu)
onImageRemoved: {
if (control.fileUrls.length > index && control.fileUrls[index]) {
control.fileUrls.splice(index, 1)
isImage = control.fileUrls.length > 0
RowLayout {
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.fillHeight: true
spacing: Style.current.radius
StatusScrollView {
id: inputScrollView
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.fillHeight: true
Layout.leftMargin: 12
Layout.rightMargin: 12
Layout.maximumHeight: 112
ScrollBar.horizontal.policy: ScrollBar.AlwaysOff
padding: 0
TextArea {
id: messageInputField
objectName: "messageInputField"
property var lastClick: 0
property int cursorWhenPressed: 0
width: inputScrollView.availableWidth
textFormat: Text.RichText
font.pixelSize: 15
wrapMode: TextArea.Wrap
placeholderText: control.chatInputPlaceholder
placeholderTextColor: Style.current.secondaryText
selectByMouse: true
color: isEdit ? Theme.palette.directColor1 : Style.current.textColor
topPadding: 9
bottomPadding: 9
leftPadding: 0
padding: 0
Keys.onPressed: {
if (mentionsPos.length > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < mentionsPos.length; i++) {
if ((messageInputField.cursorPosition === (mentionsPos[i].leftIndex))
&& (event.key === Qt.Key_Delete)) {
messageInputField.remove(mentionsPos[i].rightIndex, mentionsPos[i].leftIndex)
keyEvent = event;
cursorWhenPressed = cursorPosition;
Keys.onReleased: onRelease(event) // gives much more up to date cursorPosition
Keys.onShortcutOverride: event.accepted = isUploadFilePressed(event)
selectionColor: Style.current.primarySelectionColor
persistentSelection: true
property var keyEvent
Component.onDestruction: {
// NOTE: Without losing focus the app crashes on apply/cancel message editing.
onCursorPositionChanged: {
if (mentionsPos.length > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < mentionsPos.length; i++) {
if ((messageInputField.cursorPosition === (mentionsPos[i].leftIndex + 1)) && (keyEvent.key === Qt.Key_Right)) {
messageInputField.cursorPosition = mentionsPos[i].rightIndex;
} else if (messageInputField.cursorPosition === (mentionsPos[i].rightIndex - 1)) {
if (keyEvent.key === Qt.Key_Left) {
messageInputField.cursorPosition = mentionsPos[i].leftIndex;
} else if ((keyEvent.key === Qt.Key_Backspace) || (keyEvent.key === Qt.Key_Delete)) {
messageInputField.remove(mentionsPos[i].rightIndex, mentionsPos[i].leftIndex);
} else if (((messageInputField.cursorPosition > mentionsPos[i].leftIndex) &&
(messageInputField.cursorPosition < mentionsPos[i].rightIndex)) &&
((keyEvent.key === Qt.Key_Left) && ((keyEvent.modifiers & Qt.AltModifier) ||
(keyEvent.modifiers & Qt.ControlModifier)))) {
messageInputField.cursorPosition = mentionsPos[i].leftIndex;
} else if ((keyEvent.key === Qt.Key_Up) || (keyEvent.key === Qt.Key_Down)) {
if (messageInputField.cursorPosition >= mentionsPos[i].leftIndex &&
messageInputField.cursorPosition <= (((mentionsPos[i].leftIndex + mentionsPos[i].rightIndex)/2))) {
messageInputField.cursorPosition = mentionsPos[i].leftIndex;
} else if (messageInputField.cursorPosition <= mentionsPos[i].rightIndex &&
messageInputField.cursorPosition > (((mentionsPos[i].leftIndex + mentionsPos[i].rightIndex)/2))) {
messageInputField.cursorPosition = mentionsPos[i].rightIndex;
onTextChanged: {
if (length <= control.messageLimit) {
var symbols = ":='xX><0O;*dB8-D#%\\";
if ((length > 1) && (symbols.indexOf(getText((cursorPosition - 2), (cursorPosition - 1))) !== -1)
&& (!getText((cursorPosition - 7), cursorPosition).includes("http"))) {
const emojis = StatusQUtils.Emoji.emojiJSON.emoji_json.filter(function (emoji) {
if (emoji.aliases_ascii.includes(getText((cursorPosition - 2), cursorPosition)) ||
emoji.aliases_ascii.includes(getText((cursorPosition - 3), cursorPosition))) {
var has2Chars = emoji.aliases_ascii.includes(getText((cursorPosition - 2), cursorPosition));
replaceWithEmoji("", getText(cursorPosition - (has2Chars ? 2 : 3), cursorPosition), emoji.unicode);
if (length === 0) {
mentionsPos = [];
} else {
var removeFrom = (cursorPosition < messageLimit) ? cursorWhenPressed : messageLimit;
remove(removeFrom, cursorPosition);
messageLengthLimit.remainingChars = (messageLimit - length);
onReleased: function (event) {
const now =
if (messageInputField.selectedText.trim() !== "") {
// If it's a double click, just check the mouse position
// If it's a mouse select, use the start and end position average)
let x = now < messageInputField.lastClick + 500 ? x = event.x :
(messageInputField.cursorRectangle.x + event.x) / 2
x -= textFormatMenu.width / 2
textFormatMenu.popup(x, messageInputField.y - textFormatMenu.height - 5)
lastClick = now
cursorDelegate: Rectangle {
color: Theme.palette.primaryColor1
implicitWidth: 2
implicitHeight: 22
radius: 1
visible: messageInputField.cursorVisible
SequentialAnimation on visible {
loops: Animation.Infinite
running: messageInputField.cursorVisible
PropertyAnimation { to: false; duration: 600; }
PropertyAnimation { to: true; duration: 600; }
StatusSyntaxHighlighter {
quickTextDocument: messageInputField.textDocument
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
acceptedButtons: Qt.NoButton
enabled: parent.hoveredLink
cursorShape: parent.hoveredLink ? Qt.PointingHandCursor : Qt.IBeamCursor
Shortcut {
enabled: messageInputField.activeFocus
sequence: StandardKey.Bold
onActivated: wrapSelection("**")
Shortcut {
enabled: messageInputField.activeFocus
sequence: StandardKey.Italic
onActivated: wrapSelection("*")
Shortcut {
enabled: messageInputField.activeFocus
sequence: "Ctrl+Shift+Alt+C"
onActivated: wrapSelection("```")
Shortcut {
enabled: messageInputField.activeFocus
sequence: "Ctrl+Shift+C"
onActivated: wrapSelection("`")
Shortcut {
enabled: messageInputField.activeFocus
sequence: "Ctrl+Alt+-"
onActivated: wrapSelection("~~")
Shortcut {
enabled: messageInputField.activeFocus
sequence: "Ctrl+Shift+X"
onActivated: wrapSelection("~~")
Shortcut {
enabled: messageInputField.activeFocus
sequence: "Ctrl+Meta+Space"
onActivated: emojiBtn.clicked(null)
Column {
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignBottom
Layout.bottomMargin: 3
StyledText {
id: messageLengthLimit
property int remainingChars: -1
leftPadding: Style.current.halfPadding
rightPadding: Style.current.halfPadding
visible: ((messageInputField.length >= control.messageLimitVisible) && (messageInputField.length <= control.messageLimit))
color: (remainingChars <= messageLimitVisible) ? Style.current.danger : Style.current.textColor
text: visible ? remainingChars.toString() : ""
Row {
id: actions
spacing: 2
StatusQ.StatusFlatRoundButton {
id: emojiBtn
objectName: "statusChatInputEmojiButton"
implicitHeight: 32
implicitWidth: 32 "emojis"
icon.color: (hovered || highlighted) ? Theme.palette.primaryColor1
: Theme.palette.baseColor1
type: StatusQ.StatusFlatRoundButton.Type.Tertiary
color: "transparent"
onClicked: {
control.emojiPopupOpened = true
togglePopup(emojiPopup, emojiBtn)
StatusQ.StatusFlatRoundButton {
id: gifBtn
objectName: "gifPopupButton"
implicitHeight: 32
implicitWidth: 32
visible: !isEdit && RootStore.isGifWidgetEnabled "gif"
icon.color: (hovered || highlighted) ? Theme.palette.primaryColor1
: Theme.palette.baseColor1
type: StatusQ.StatusFlatRoundButton.Type.Tertiary
color: "transparent"
onClicked: togglePopup(gifPopup, gifBtn)
StatusQ.StatusFlatRoundButton {
id: stickersBtn
objectName: "statusChatInputStickersButton"
implicitHeight: 32
implicitWidth: 32
width: visible ? 32 : 0 "stickers"
icon.color: (hovered || highlighted) ? Theme.palette.primaryColor1
: Theme.palette.baseColor1
type: StatusQ.StatusFlatRoundButton.Type.Tertiary
visible: !isEdit && emojiBtn.visible
color: "transparent"
onClicked: togglePopup(stickersPopup, stickersBtn)
StatusQ.StatusButton {
id: unblockBtn
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignBottom
Layout.bottomMargin: 4
visible: control.isContactBlocked
text: qsTr("Unblock")
type: StatusQ.StatusBaseButton.Type.Danger
onClicked: function (event) {