
255 lines
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import QtQuick 2.13
import QtQuick.Controls 2.13
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.13
import "../imports"
import "./status"
import "./"
Item {
id: root
width: parent.width
height: Style.current.smallPadding + prioritytext.height +
(advancedMode ? advancedModeItemGroup.height : selectorButtons.height)
property double slowestGasPrice: 0
property double fastestGasPrice: 100
property double stepSize: ((root.fastestGasPrice - root.slowestGasPrice) / 10).toFixed(1)
property var getGasEthValue: function () {}
property var getFiatValue: function () {}
property string defaultCurrency: "USD"
property alias selectedGasPrice: inputGasPrice.text
property alias selectedGasLimit: inputGasLimit.text
property double selectedGasEthValue
property double selectedGasFiatValue
//% "Must be greater than 0"
property string greaterThan0ErrorMessage: qsTrId("must-be-greater-than-0")
feat(tx-comps): Send transaction modal Fixes #669. Composes all tx components to create a send transaction modal for the wallet. 1. Add a reusable TransactionStackView component that wraps a StackView component to show the screens of the Send Tx modal and handles back/forward/reset functionality. 2. Add a reusable TransactionStackGroup which holds tx components and allows modal header and button text to be defined and handles validation for all child components. 3. Add an isValid property to all tx comps for pristine validation state. 4. Reset all components in modal once modal is closed. This consists of a `resetInternal` function that each component should implement to reinstate its original starting state, and a `reset` function that parent components can use to reinstate the overridden properties. 5. Tx error handling to display either a StatusGo error message in the dialog, or wrong password in the TransactionSigner. 6. Fix ReceiveModal to allow for pre-selected account based on current wallet account. 7. Add focused border colour to Input component. 8. Fix issue with last TransactionStackGroup input not being able to obtain focus. 9. Fix fiatBalance not appearing on initial load on AccountSelector. 10. Fix selected asset updated properly when assets changed in the AssetSelector component. 11. AccountSelector is pre-populated with selected wallet account. Supporting work on the components has been done to suppor this. 12. Changing accounts in the "from account" updates the asset balances in the AssetAndAmountInput component. 13. Move validation from ContactSelector to the Select component. 1. Test sending of tokens. This requires that tokens contracts are setup on testnet. Right now, they are set up for contract addresses on mainnet. 2. Loading state once transaction is sent. Button in modal needs to move to a loading state and the "toast" messages in the wallet need to appear informaing user of tx progress. 3. Need to clarify (and implement?) support of ENS names in the AddressInput. It appears that ENS names could be resolved. This would be a long operation and require some kind of UI loading indication. 4. Wallet balances need to be updated on every block, so for example, sending funds between accounts I should be able to see the balance updated in real time. 1. Sending to a contact currently doesn't work because the ContactSelector component selects the Contact's whipser key, instead of his/her wallet address. May need to figure out how this is done in status-react. As it stands, attempting to send to a contact will crash the app. 2. Sending *from* an imported account does not work, with an error from StatusGo `cannot locate account for address: 0x123...`
2020-08-20 14:45:29 +10:00
//% "This needs to be a number"
property string invalidInputErrorMessage: qsTrId("this-needs-to-be-a-number")
//% "Please enter an amount"
property string noInputErrorMessage: qsTrId("please-enter-an-amount")
feat(tx-comps): Send transaction modal Fixes #669. Composes all tx components to create a send transaction modal for the wallet. 1. Add a reusable TransactionStackView component that wraps a StackView component to show the screens of the Send Tx modal and handles back/forward/reset functionality. 2. Add a reusable TransactionStackGroup which holds tx components and allows modal header and button text to be defined and handles validation for all child components. 3. Add an isValid property to all tx comps for pristine validation state. 4. Reset all components in modal once modal is closed. This consists of a `resetInternal` function that each component should implement to reinstate its original starting state, and a `reset` function that parent components can use to reinstate the overridden properties. 5. Tx error handling to display either a StatusGo error message in the dialog, or wrong password in the TransactionSigner. 6. Fix ReceiveModal to allow for pre-selected account based on current wallet account. 7. Add focused border colour to Input component. 8. Fix issue with last TransactionStackGroup input not being able to obtain focus. 9. Fix fiatBalance not appearing on initial load on AccountSelector. 10. Fix selected asset updated properly when assets changed in the AssetSelector component. 11. AccountSelector is pre-populated with selected wallet account. Supporting work on the components has been done to suppor this. 12. Changing accounts in the "from account" updates the asset balances in the AssetAndAmountInput component. 13. Move validation from ContactSelector to the Select component. 1. Test sending of tokens. This requires that tokens contracts are setup on testnet. Right now, they are set up for contract addresses on mainnet. 2. Loading state once transaction is sent. Button in modal needs to move to a loading state and the "toast" messages in the wallet need to appear informaing user of tx progress. 3. Need to clarify (and implement?) support of ENS names in the AddressInput. It appears that ENS names could be resolved. This would be a long operation and require some kind of UI loading indication. 4. Wallet balances need to be updated on every block, so for example, sending funds between accounts I should be able to see the balance updated in real time. 1. Sending to a contact currently doesn't work because the ContactSelector component selects the Contact's whipser key, instead of his/her wallet address. May need to figure out how this is done in status-react. As it stands, attempting to send to a contact will crash the app. 2. Sending *from* an imported account does not work, with an error from StatusGo `cannot locate account for address: 0x123...`
2020-08-20 14:45:29 +10:00
property bool isValid: true
feat: load installed stickers while offline When the network connection is changed, the sticker packs are cleared and then re-loaded (either loading the offline (installed) sticker packs, or all the sticker packs from the network). Stickers can be sent while offline, though the sticker images do not load once offline (this is likely a side effect of the bug described below). There is a known bug in QNetworkAccessManager ( that was re-introduced in 5.14.1 that does not allow us to download resources if we go offline then come back online. The workaround employed in this PR manually sets the NetworkAccessible property of QNetworkAccessManager once we have been connected back online. The NetworkAccessible property is marked as obsolete and will be removed in Qt6, so it is something that we need to be aware of when we upgrade. However the hope is that the bug has been fixed. Close StickersPopup when disconnected from network (so that re-loading of sticker packs doesn't look out of place). fix: set network status correctly at load feat: stickers gas estimate async feat: When network re-connected, any http images that were not properly loaded in an ImageLoader component will automatically be reloaded. fix: Sticker button loading icon chore: Bump nimqml and dotherside NOTE: This PR uses an updated nimqml and dotherside. The respective changes should be merged first, and the commit hash should be bumped in this PR prior to merging. Relevant PRs: []( [](
2020-12-14 16:50:47 +11:00
readonly property string uuid: Utils.uuid()
property bool advancedMode: false
function updateGasEthValue() {
// causes error on application load without this null check
if (!inputGasPrice || !inputGasLimit) {
let ethValue = root.getGasEthValue(inputGasPrice.text, inputGasLimit.text)
let fiatValue = root.getFiatValue(ethValue, "ETH", root.defaultCurrency)
selectedGasEthValue = ethValue
selectedGasFiatValue = fiatValue
Component.onCompleted: updateGasEthValue()
function validate() {
// causes error on application load without a null check
if (!inputGasLimit || !inputGasPrice) {
inputGasLimit.validationError = ""
inputGasPrice.validationError = ""
const noInputLimit = inputGasLimit.text === ""
const noInputPrice = inputGasPrice.text === ""
if (noInputLimit) {
inputGasLimit.validationError = root.noInputErrorMessage
if (noInputPrice) {
inputGasPrice.validationError = root.noInputErrorMessage
if (isNaN(inputGasLimit.text)) {
inputGasLimit.validationError = invalidInputErrorMessage
if (isNaN(inputGasPrice.text)) {
inputGasPrice.validationError = invalidInputErrorMessage
let inputLimit = parseFloat(inputGasLimit.text || "0.00")
let inputPrice = parseFloat(inputGasPrice.text || "0.00")
if (inputLimit <= 0) {
inputGasLimit.validationError = root.greaterThan0ErrorMessage
if (inputPrice <= 0) {
inputGasPrice.validationError = root.greaterThan0ErrorMessage
const isValid = inputGasLimit.validationError === "" && inputGasPrice.validationError === ""
return isValid
StyledText {
id: prioritytext
anchors.left: parent.left
//% "Priority"
text: qsTrId("priority")
font.weight: Font.Medium
font.pixelSize: 13
color: Style.current.textColor
StatusButton {
id: buttonAdvanced
anchors.verticalCenter: prioritytext.verticalCenter
anchors.right: parent.right
text: advancedMode ?
//% "Use suggestions"
qsTrId("use-suggestions") :
//% "Use custom"
flat: true
font.pixelSize: 13
onClicked: advancedMode = !advancedMode
Row {
id: selectorButtons
visible: !advancedMode prioritytext.bottom
anchors.topMargin: Style.current.halfPadding
spacing: 11
ButtonGroup {
id: gasGroup
onClicked: updateGasEthValue()
GasSelectorButton {
buttonGroup: gasGroup
//% "Low"
text: qsTrId("low")
price: slowestGasPrice
gasLimit: inputGasLimit ? inputGasLimit.text : ""
getGasEthValue: root.getGasEthValue
getFiatValue: root.getFiatValue
defaultCurrency: root.defaultCurrency
onChecked: inputGasPrice.text = price
GasSelectorButton {
id: optimalGasButton
buttonGroup: gasGroup
checkedByDefault: true
//% "Optimal"
text: qsTrId("optimal")
price: {
const price = (fastestGasPrice + slowestGasPrice) / 2
// Setting the gas price field here because the binding didn't work
inputGasPrice.text = price
return price
gasLimit: inputGasLimit ? inputGasLimit.text : ""
getGasEthValue: root.getGasEthValue
getFiatValue: root.getFiatValue
defaultCurrency: root.defaultCurrency
onChecked: inputGasPrice.text = price
GasSelectorButton {
buttonGroup: gasGroup
//% "High"
text: qsTrId("high")
price: fastestGasPrice
gasLimit: inputGasLimit ? inputGasLimit.text : ""
getGasEthValue: root.getGasEthValue
getFiatValue: root.getFiatValue
defaultCurrency: root.defaultCurrency
onChecked: inputGasPrice.text = price
Item {
id: advancedModeItemGroup prioritytext.bottom
anchors.topMargin: 14
visible: root.advancedMode
width: parent.width
height: childrenRect.height
feat(tx-comps): Send transaction modal Fixes #669. Composes all tx components to create a send transaction modal for the wallet. 1. Add a reusable TransactionStackView component that wraps a StackView component to show the screens of the Send Tx modal and handles back/forward/reset functionality. 2. Add a reusable TransactionStackGroup which holds tx components and allows modal header and button text to be defined and handles validation for all child components. 3. Add an isValid property to all tx comps for pristine validation state. 4. Reset all components in modal once modal is closed. This consists of a `resetInternal` function that each component should implement to reinstate its original starting state, and a `reset` function that parent components can use to reinstate the overridden properties. 5. Tx error handling to display either a StatusGo error message in the dialog, or wrong password in the TransactionSigner. 6. Fix ReceiveModal to allow for pre-selected account based on current wallet account. 7. Add focused border colour to Input component. 8. Fix issue with last TransactionStackGroup input not being able to obtain focus. 9. Fix fiatBalance not appearing on initial load on AccountSelector. 10. Fix selected asset updated properly when assets changed in the AssetSelector component. 11. AccountSelector is pre-populated with selected wallet account. Supporting work on the components has been done to suppor this. 12. Changing accounts in the "from account" updates the asset balances in the AssetAndAmountInput component. 13. Move validation from ContactSelector to the Select component. 1. Test sending of tokens. This requires that tokens contracts are setup on testnet. Right now, they are set up for contract addresses on mainnet. 2. Loading state once transaction is sent. Button in modal needs to move to a loading state and the "toast" messages in the wallet need to appear informaing user of tx progress. 3. Need to clarify (and implement?) support of ENS names in the AddressInput. It appears that ENS names could be resolved. This would be a long operation and require some kind of UI loading indication. 4. Wallet balances need to be updated on every block, so for example, sending funds between accounts I should be able to see the balance updated in real time. 1. Sending to a contact currently doesn't work because the ContactSelector component selects the Contact's whipser key, instead of his/her wallet address. May need to figure out how this is done in status-react. As it stands, attempting to send to a contact will crash the app. 2. Sending *from* an imported account does not work, with an error from StatusGo `cannot locate account for address: 0x123...`
2020-08-20 14:45:29 +10:00
Input {
id: inputGasLimit
//% "Gas amount limit"
label: qsTrId("gas-amount-limit")
text: "21000"
customHeight: 56
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: inputGasPrice.left
anchors.rightMargin: Style.current.padding
placeholderText: "21000"
validator: IntValidator{
bottom: 1
validationErrorAlignment: TextEdit.AlignRight
validationErrorTopMargin: 8
onTextChanged: {
if (root.validate()) {
feat(tx-comps): Send transaction modal Fixes #669. Composes all tx components to create a send transaction modal for the wallet. 1. Add a reusable TransactionStackView component that wraps a StackView component to show the screens of the Send Tx modal and handles back/forward/reset functionality. 2. Add a reusable TransactionStackGroup which holds tx components and allows modal header and button text to be defined and handles validation for all child components. 3. Add an isValid property to all tx comps for pristine validation state. 4. Reset all components in modal once modal is closed. This consists of a `resetInternal` function that each component should implement to reinstate its original starting state, and a `reset` function that parent components can use to reinstate the overridden properties. 5. Tx error handling to display either a StatusGo error message in the dialog, or wrong password in the TransactionSigner. 6. Fix ReceiveModal to allow for pre-selected account based on current wallet account. 7. Add focused border colour to Input component. 8. Fix issue with last TransactionStackGroup input not being able to obtain focus. 9. Fix fiatBalance not appearing on initial load on AccountSelector. 10. Fix selected asset updated properly when assets changed in the AssetSelector component. 11. AccountSelector is pre-populated with selected wallet account. Supporting work on the components has been done to suppor this. 12. Changing accounts in the "from account" updates the asset balances in the AssetAndAmountInput component. 13. Move validation from ContactSelector to the Select component. 1. Test sending of tokens. This requires that tokens contracts are setup on testnet. Right now, they are set up for contract addresses on mainnet. 2. Loading state once transaction is sent. Button in modal needs to move to a loading state and the "toast" messages in the wallet need to appear informaing user of tx progress. 3. Need to clarify (and implement?) support of ENS names in the AddressInput. It appears that ENS names could be resolved. This would be a long operation and require some kind of UI loading indication. 4. Wallet balances need to be updated on every block, so for example, sending funds between accounts I should be able to see the balance updated in real time. 1. Sending to a contact currently doesn't work because the ContactSelector component selects the Contact's whipser key, instead of his/her wallet address. May need to figure out how this is done in status-react. As it stands, attempting to send to a contact will crash the app. 2. Sending *from* an imported account does not work, with an error from StatusGo `cannot locate account for address: 0x123...`
2020-08-20 14:45:29 +10:00
Input {
id: inputGasPrice
//% "Per-gas overall limit"
label: qsTrId("per-gas-overall-limit")
anchors.left: undefined
anchors.right: parent.right
width: 130
customHeight: 56
placeholderText: "20"
onTextChanged: {
if (root.validate()) {
StyledText {
color: Style.current.secondaryText
2020-08-26 11:52:26 -04:00
//% "Gwei"
text: qsTrId("gwei")
anchors.topMargin: 42
anchors.right: inputGasPrice.right
anchors.rightMargin: Style.current.padding
font.pixelSize: 15
StyledText {
id: maxPriorityFeeText
//% "Maximum priority fee: %1 ETH"
text: qsTrId("maximum-priority-fee---1-eth").arg(selectedGasEthValue) inputGasLimit.bottom
anchors.topMargin: 19
font.pixelSize: 13
StyledText {
id: maxPriorityFeeFiatText
text: `${selectedGasFiatValue} ${root.defaultCurrency}`
anchors.verticalCenter: maxPriorityFeeText.verticalCenter
anchors.left: maxPriorityFeeText.right
anchors.leftMargin: 6
color: Style.current.secondaryText
anchors.topMargin: 19
font.pixelSize: 13
StyledText {
id: maxPriorityFeeDetailsText
//% "Maximum overall price for the transaction. If the block base fee exceeds this, it will be included in a following block with a lower base fee."
text: qsTrId("maximum-overall-price-for-the-transaction--if-the-block-base-fee-exceeds-this--it-will-be-included-in-a-following-block-with-a-lower-base-fee-")
width: parent.width maxPriorityFeeText.bottom
anchors.topMargin: Style.current.smallPadding
font.pixelSize: 13
color: Style.current.secondaryText
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap