mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 12:45:37 +00:00
harden and speed up block sync (#3358)
* harden and speed up block sync The `GetBlockBy*` server implementation currently reads SSZ bytes from database, deserializes them into a Nim object then serializes them right back to SSZ - here, we eliminate the deser/ser steps and send the bytes straight to the network. Unfortunately, the snappy recoding must still be done because of differences in framing. Also, the quota system makes one giant request for quota right before sending all blocks - this means that a 1024 block request will be "paused" for a long time, then all blocks will be sent at once causing a spike in database reads which potentially will see the reading client time out before any block is sent. Finally, on the reading side we make several copies of blocks as they travel through various queues - this was not noticeable before but becomes a problem in two cases: bellatrix blocks are up to 10mb (instead of .. 30-40kb) and when backfilling, we process a lot more of them a lot faster. * fix status comparisons for nodes syncing from genesis (#3327 was a bit too hard) * don't hit database at all for post-altair slots in GetBlock v1 requests
This commit is contained in:
@ -502,8 +502,8 @@ proc getRequestProtoName(fn: NimNode): NimNode =
proc writeChunk*(conn: Connection,
responseCode: Option[ResponseCode],
payload: Bytes,
contextBytes: openarray[byte] = []): Future[void] =
payload: openArray[byte],
contextBytes: openArray[byte] = []): Future[void] =
var output = memoryOutput()
@ -558,13 +558,14 @@ proc sendNotificationMsg(peer: Peer, protocolId: string, requestBytes: Bytes) {.
await stream.close()
proc sendResponseChunkBytes(response: UntypedResponse, payload: Bytes): Future[void] =
proc sendResponseChunkBytes(
response: UntypedResponse, payload: openArray[byte],
contextBytes: openArray[byte] = []): Future[void] =
inc response.writtenChunks
response.stream.writeChunk(some Success, payload)
response.stream.writeChunk(some Success, payload, contextBytes)
proc sendResponseChunk*(response: UntypedResponse, val: auto): Future[void] =
inc response.writtenChunks
response.stream.writeChunk(some Success, SSZ.encode(val))
sendResponseChunkBytes(response, SSZ.encode(val))
template sendUserHandlerResultAsChunkImpl*(stream: Connection,
handlerResultFut: Future): untyped =
@ -617,6 +618,11 @@ template write*[M](r: MultipleChunksResponse[M], val: M): untyped =
mixin sendResponseChunk
sendResponseChunk(UntypedResponse(r), val)
template writeRawBytes*[M](
r: MultipleChunksResponse[M], bytes: openArray[byte],
contextBytes: openArray[byte]): untyped =
sendResponseChunkBytes(UntypedResponse(r), bytes, contextBytes)
template send*[M](r: SingleChunkResponse[M], val: M): untyped =
mixin sendResponseChunk
doAssert UntypedResponse(r).writtenChunks == 0
@ -53,13 +53,13 @@ proc init*(T: type RequestManager, network: Eth2Node,
proc checkResponse(roots: openArray[Eth2Digest],
blocks: openArray[ForkedSignedBeaconBlock]): bool =
blocks: openArray[ref ForkedSignedBeaconBlock]): bool =
## This procedure checks peer's response.
var checks = @roots
if len(blocks) > len(roots):
return false
for blk in blocks:
let res = checks.find(blk.root)
let res = checks.find(blk[].root)
if res == -1:
return false
@ -75,10 +75,11 @@ proc fetchAncestorBlocksFromNetwork(rman: RequestManager,
peer_score = peer.getScore()
let blocks = if peer.useSyncV2():
await peer.beaconBlocksByRoot_v2(BlockRootsList items)
await beaconBlocksByRoot_v2(peer, BlockRootsList items)
(await peer.beaconBlocksByRoot(BlockRootsList items)).map() do (blcks: seq[phase0.SignedBeaconBlock]) -> auto:
(await beaconBlocksByRoot(peer, BlockRootsList items)).map(
proc(blcks: seq[phase0.SignedBeaconBlock]): auto =
if blocks.isOk:
let ublocks = blocks.get()
@ -88,7 +89,7 @@ proc fetchAncestorBlocksFromNetwork(rman: RequestManager,
gotUnviableBlock = false
for b in ublocks:
let ver = await rman.blockVerifier(b)
let ver = await rman.blockVerifier(b[])
if ver.isErr():
case ver.error()
of BlockError.MissingParent:
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ type
slots*: uint64
SyncManagerError* = object of CatchableError
BeaconBlocksRes* = NetRes[seq[ForkedSignedBeaconBlock]]
BeaconBlocksRes* = NetRes[seq[ref ForkedSignedBeaconBlock]]
proc now*(sm: typedesc[SyncMoment], slots: uint64): SyncMoment {.inline.} =
SyncMoment(stamp: now(chronos.Moment), slots: slots)
@ -157,22 +157,15 @@ proc getBlocks*[A, B](man: SyncManager[A, B], peer: A,
slot = req.slot, slot_count = req.count, step = req.step,
peer_score = peer.getScore(), peer_speed = peer.netKbps(),
direction = man.direction, topics = "syncman"
if peer.useSyncV2():
let res =
if peer.useSyncV2():
await beaconBlocksByRange_v2(peer, req.slot, req.count, req.step)
except CancelledError:
debug "Interrupt, while waiting getBlocks response", peer = peer,
slot = req.slot, slot_count = req.count, step = req.step,
peer_speed = peer.netKbps(), direction = man.direction,
topics = "syncman"
except CatchableError as exc:
debug "Error, while waiting getBlocks response", peer = peer,
slot = req.slot, slot_count = req.count, step = req.step,
errName = exc.name, errMsg = exc.msg, peer_speed = peer.netKbps(),
direction = man.direction, topics = "syncman"
(await beaconBlocksByRange(peer, req.slot, req.count, req.step)).map(
proc(blcks: seq[phase0.SignedBeaconBlock]): auto =
if res.isErr():
debug "Error, while reading getBlocks response",
peer = peer, slot = req.slot, count = req.count,
@ -181,33 +174,18 @@ proc getBlocks*[A, B](man: SyncManager[A, B], peer: A,
error = $res.error()
return res
let res =
await beaconBlocksByRange(peer, req.slot, req.count, req.step)
except CancelledError:
debug "Interrupt, while waiting getBlocks response", peer = peer,
slot = req.slot, slot_count = req.count, step = req.step,
peer_speed = peer.netKbps(), direction = man.direction,
topics = "syncman"
except CatchableError as exc:
debug "Error, while waiting getBlocks response", peer = peer,
slot = req.slot, slot_count = req.count, step = req.step,
errName = exc.name, errMsg = exc.msg, peer_speed = peer.netKbps(),
direction = man.direction, topics = "syncman"
if res.isErr():
debug "Error, while reading getBlocks response",
peer = peer, slot = req.slot, count = req.count,
step = req.step, peer_speed = peer.netKbps(),
direction = man.direction, error = $res.error(),
topics = "syncman"
let forked =
res.map() do (blcks: seq[phase0.SignedBeaconBlock]) -> auto:
return forked
except CancelledError:
debug "Interrupt, while waiting getBlocks response", peer = peer,
slot = req.slot, slot_count = req.count, step = req.step,
peer_speed = peer.netKbps(), direction = man.direction,
topics = "syncman"
except CatchableError as exc:
debug "Error, while waiting getBlocks response", peer = peer,
slot = req.slot, slot_count = req.count, step = req.step,
errName = exc.name, errMsg = exc.msg, peer_speed = peer.netKbps(),
direction = man.direction, topics = "syncman"
proc remainingSlots(man: SyncManager): uint64 =
if man.direction == SyncQueueKind.Forward:
@ -59,8 +59,9 @@ type
BlockRootsList* = List[Eth2Digest, Limit MAX_REQUEST_BLOCKS]
proc readChunkPayload*(conn: Connection, peer: Peer,
MsgType: type ForkedSignedBeaconBlock): Future[NetRes[ForkedSignedBeaconBlock]] {.async.} =
proc readChunkPayload*(
conn: Connection, peer: Peer, MsgType: type (ref ForkedSignedBeaconBlock)):
Future[NetRes[MsgType]] {.async.} =
var contextBytes: ForkDigest
await conn.readExactly(addr contextBytes, sizeof contextBytes)
@ -70,42 +71,24 @@ proc readChunkPayload*(conn: Connection, peer: Peer,
if contextBytes == peer.network.forkDigests.phase0:
let res = await readChunkPayload(conn, peer, phase0.SignedBeaconBlock)
if res.isOk:
return ok ForkedSignedBeaconBlock.init(res.get)
return ok newClone(ForkedSignedBeaconBlock.init(res.get))
return err(res.error)
elif contextBytes == peer.network.forkDigests.altair:
let res = await readChunkPayload(conn, peer, altair.SignedBeaconBlock)
if res.isOk:
return ok ForkedSignedBeaconBlock.init(res.get)
return ok newClone(ForkedSignedBeaconBlock.init(res.get))
return err(res.error)
elif contextBytes == peer.network.forkDigests.bellatrix:
let res = await readChunkPayload(conn, peer, bellatrix.SignedBeaconBlock)
if res.isOk:
return ok ForkedSignedBeaconBlock.init(res.get)
return ok newClone(ForkedSignedBeaconBlock.init(res.get))
return err(res.error)
return neterr InvalidContextBytes
proc sendResponseChunk*(response: UntypedResponse,
val: ForkedSignedBeaconBlock): Future[void] =
inc response.writtenChunks
case val.kind
of BeaconBlockFork.Phase0:
response.stream.writeChunk(some ResponseCode.Success,
of BeaconBlockFork.Altair:
response.stream.writeChunk(some ResponseCode.Success,
of BeaconBlockFork.Bellatrix:
response.stream.writeChunk(some ResponseCode.Success,
func shortLog*(s: StatusMsg): auto =
forkDigest: s.forkDigest,
@ -153,7 +136,9 @@ proc checkStatusMsg(state: BeaconSyncNetworkState, status: StatusMsg):
if status.finalizedEpoch <= dag.finalizedHead.slot.epoch:
let blockId = dag.getBlockIdAtSlot(status.finalizedEpoch.start_slot())
if status.finalizedRoot != blockId.bid.root and blockId.bid.root != Eth2Digest():
if status.finalizedRoot != blockId.bid.root and
blockId.bid.root != Eth2Digest() and
status.finalizedRoot != Eth2Digest():
return err("peer following different finality")
@ -224,47 +209,73 @@ p2pProtocol BeaconSync(version = 1,
reqStep: uint64,
response: MultipleChunksResponse[phase0.SignedBeaconBlock])
{.async, libp2pProtocol("beacon_blocks_by_range", 1).} =
# TODO Semantically, this request should return a non-ref, but doing so
# runs into extreme inefficiency due to the compiler introducing
# hidden copies - in future nim versions with move support, this should
# be revisited
# TODO This code is more complicated than it needs to be, since the type
# of the multiple chunks response is not actually used in this server
# implementation (it's used to derive the signature of the client
# function, not in the code below!)
# TODO although you can't tell from this function definition, a magic
# client call that returns `seq[ref SignedBeaconBlock]` will
# will be generated by the libp2p macro - we guarantee that seq items
# are `not-nil` in the implementation
trace "got range request", peer, startSlot,
count = reqCount, step = reqStep
if reqCount > 0'u64 and reqStep > 0'u64:
var blocks: array[MAX_REQUEST_BLOCKS, BlockId]
dag = peer.networkState.dag
# Limit number of blocks in response
count = int min(reqCount, blocks.lenu64)
endIndex = count - 1
startIndex =
dag.getBlockRange(startSlot, reqStep, blocks.toOpenArray(0, endIndex))
blockByRangeLookupCost +
max(0, endIndex - startIndex + 1).float * blockResponseCost)
for i in startIndex..endIndex:
trace "wrote response block",
slot = blocks[i].slot, roor = shortLog(blocks[i].root)
let blk = dag.getForkedBlock(blocks[i])
if blk.isSome():
let blck = blk.get()
case blck.kind
of BeaconBlockFork.Phase0:
await response.write(blck.phase0Data.asSigned)
# Skipping all subsequent blocks should be OK because the spec says:
# "Clients MAY limit the number of blocks in the response."
# https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/blob/dev/specs/phase0/p2p-interface.md#beaconblocksbyrange
# Also, our response would be indistinguishable from a node
# that have been synced exactly to the altair transition slot.
debug "Block range request done",
peer, startSlot, count, reqStep, found = count - startIndex
if reqCount == 0'u64 or reqStep == 0'u64:
raise newException(InvalidInputsError, "Empty range requested")
dag = peer.networkState.dag
if startSlot.epoch >= dag.cfg.ALTAIR_FORK_EPOCH:
# "Clients MAY limit the number of blocks in the response."
# https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/blob/dev/specs/phase0/p2p-interface.md#beaconblocksbyrange
debug "Block range v1 request for post-altair range",
peer, startSlot, reqCount, reqStep
var blocks: array[MAX_REQUEST_BLOCKS, BlockId]
# Limit number of blocks in response
count = int min(reqCount, blocks.lenu64)
endIndex = count - 1
startIndex =
dag.getBlockRange(startSlot, reqStep, blocks.toOpenArray(0, endIndex))
found = 0
bytes: seq[byte]
for i in startIndex..endIndex:
if blocks[i].slot.epoch >= dag.cfg.ALTAIR_FORK_EPOCH:
# Skipping all subsequent blocks should be OK because the spec says:
# "Clients MAY limit the number of blocks in the response."
# https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/blob/dev/specs/phase0/p2p-interface.md#beaconblocksbyrange
# Also, our response would be indistinguishable from a node
# that have been synced exactly to the altair transition slot.
if dag.getBlockSSZ(blocks[i], bytes):
trace "writing response block",
slot = blocks[i].slot, roor = shortLog(blocks[i].root)
await response.writeRawBytes(bytes, []) # phase0 bytes
inc found
debug "Block range request done",
peer, startSlot, count, reqStep, found
proc beaconBlocksByRoot(
peer: Peer,
# Please note that the SSZ list here ensures that the
@ -272,6 +283,19 @@ p2pProtocol BeaconSync(version = 1,
blockRoots: BlockRootsList,
response: MultipleChunksResponse[phase0.SignedBeaconBlock])
{.async, libp2pProtocol("beacon_blocks_by_root", 1).} =
# TODO Semantically, this request should return a non-ref, but doing so
# runs into extreme inefficiency due to the compiler introducing
# hidden copies - in future nim versions with move support, this should
# be revisited
# TODO This code is more complicated than it needs to be, since the type
# of the multiple chunks response is not actually used in this server
# implementation (it's used to derive the signature of the client
# function, not in the code below!)
# TODO although you can't tell from this function definition, a magic
# client call that returns `seq[ref SignedBeaconBlock]` will
# will be generated by the libp2p macro - we guarantee that seq items
# are `not-nil` in the implementation
if blockRoots.len == 0:
raise newException(InvalidInputsError, "No blocks requested")
@ -279,28 +303,33 @@ p2pProtocol BeaconSync(version = 1,
dag = peer.networkState.dag
count = blockRoots.len
found = 0
bytes: seq[byte]
peer.updateRequestQuota(count.float * blockByRootLookupCost)
var found = 0
for i in 0..<count:
let blockRef = dag.getBlockRef(blockRoots[i])
if blockRef.isSome():
let blk = dag.getForkedBlock(blockRef[])
case blk.kind
of BeaconBlockFork.Phase0:
await response.write(blk.phase0Data.asSigned)
inc found
of BeaconBlockFork.Altair, BeaconBlockFork.Bellatrix:
# Skipping this block should be fine because the spec says:
# "Clients MAY limit the number of blocks in the response."
# https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/blob/dev/specs/phase0/p2p-interface.md#beaconblocksbyroot
# Also, our response would be indistinguishable from a node
# that have been synced exactly to the altair transition slot.
blockRef = dag.getBlockRef(blockRoots[i]).valueOr:
peer.updateRequestQuota(found.float * blockResponseCost)
if blockRef.slot.epoch >= dag.cfg.ALTAIR_FORK_EPOCH:
# Skipping this block should be fine because the spec says:
# "Clients MAY limit the number of blocks in the response."
# https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/blob/dev/specs/phase0/p2p-interface.md#beaconblocksbyroot
# Also, our response would be indistinguishable from a node
# that have been synced exactly to the altair transition slot.
if dag.getBlockSSZ(blockRef.bid, bytes):
await response.writeRawBytes(bytes, []) # phase0 bytes
inc found
debug "Block root request done",
peer, roots = blockRoots.len, count, found
@ -310,47 +339,75 @@ p2pProtocol BeaconSync(version = 1,
startSlot: Slot,
reqCount: uint64,
reqStep: uint64,
response: MultipleChunksResponse[ForkedSignedBeaconBlock])
response: MultipleChunksResponse[ref ForkedSignedBeaconBlock])
{.async, libp2pProtocol("beacon_blocks_by_range", 2).} =
# TODO Semantically, this request should return a non-ref, but doing so
# runs into extreme inefficiency due to the compiler introducing
# hidden copies - in future nim versions with move support, this should
# be revisited
# TODO This code is more complicated than it needs to be, since the type
# of the multiple chunks response is not actually used in this server
# implementation (it's used to derive the signature of the client
# function, not in the code below!)
# TODO although you can't tell from this function definition, a magic
# client call that returns `seq[ref ForkedSignedBeaconBlock]` will
# will be generated by the libp2p macro - we guarantee that seq items
# are `not-nil` in the implementation
trace "got range request", peer, startSlot,
count = reqCount, step = reqStep
if reqCount > 0'u64 and reqStep > 0'u64:
var blocks: array[MAX_REQUEST_BLOCKS, BlockId]
dag = peer.networkState.dag
# Limit number of blocks in response
count = int min(reqCount, blocks.lenu64)
endIndex = count - 1
startIndex =
dag.getBlockRange(startSlot, reqStep,
blocks.toOpenArray(0, endIndex))
blockByRangeLookupCost +
max(0, endIndex - startIndex + 1).float * blockResponseCost)
for i in startIndex..endIndex:
blck = dag.getForkedBlock(blocks[i]).valueOr:
await response.write(blck.asSigned)
debug "Block range request done",
peer, startSlot, count, reqStep, found = count - startIndex
if reqCount == 0 or reqStep == 0:
raise newException(InvalidInputsError, "Empty range requested")
var blocks: array[MAX_REQUEST_BLOCKS, BlockId]
dag = peer.networkState.dag
# Limit number of blocks in response
count = int min(reqCount, blocks.lenu64)
endIndex = count - 1
startIndex =
dag.getBlockRange(startSlot, reqStep,
blocks.toOpenArray(0, endIndex))
found = 0
bytes: seq[byte]
for i in startIndex..endIndex:
if dag.getBlockSSZ(blocks[i], bytes):
await response.writeRawBytes(
bytes, dag.forkDigestAtEpoch(blocks[i].slot.epoch).data)
inc found
debug "Block range request done",
peer, startSlot, count, reqStep
proc beaconBlocksByRoot_v2(
peer: Peer,
# Please note that the SSZ list here ensures that the
# spec constant MAX_REQUEST_BLOCKS is enforced:
blockRoots: BlockRootsList,
response: MultipleChunksResponse[ForkedSignedBeaconBlock])
response: MultipleChunksResponse[ref ForkedSignedBeaconBlock])
{.async, libp2pProtocol("beacon_blocks_by_root", 2).} =
# TODO Semantically, this request should return a non-ref, but doing so
# runs into extreme inefficiency due to the compiler introducing
# hidden copies - in future nim versions with move support, this should
# be revisited
# TODO This code is more complicated than it needs to be, since the type
# of the multiple chunks response is not actually used in this server
# implementation (it's used to derive the signature of the client
# function, not in the code below!)
# TODO although you can't tell from this function definition, a magic
# client call that returns `seq[ref ForkedSignedBeaconBlock]` will
# will be generated by the libp2p macro - we guarantee that seq items
# are `not-nil` in the implementation
if blockRoots.len == 0:
raise newException(InvalidInputsError, "No blocks requested")
@ -361,15 +418,23 @@ p2pProtocol BeaconSync(version = 1,
peer.updateRequestQuota(count.float * blockByRootLookupCost)
var found = 0
for i in 0..<count:
let blockRef = dag.getBlockRef(blockRoots[i])
if blockRef.isSome():
let blk = dag.getForkedBlock(blockRef[])
await response.write(blk.asSigned)
inc found
found = 0
bytes: seq[byte]
peer.updateRequestQuota(found.float * blockResponseCost)
for i in 0..<count:
blockRef = dag.getBlockRef(blockRoots[i]).valueOr:
if dag.getBlockSSZ(blockRef.bid, bytes):
await response.writeRawBytes(
bytes, dag.forkDigestAtEpoch(blockRef.slot.epoch).data)
inc found
debug "Block root request done",
peer, roots = blockRoots.len, count, found
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ type
SyncResult*[T] = object
request*: SyncRequest[T]
data*: seq[ForkedSignedBeaconBlock]
data*: seq[ref ForkedSignedBeaconBlock]
SyncWaiter* = ref object
future: Future[void]
@ -72,12 +72,12 @@ type
blockVerifier: BlockVerifier
SyncManagerError* = object of CatchableError
BeaconBlocksRes* = NetRes[seq[ForkedSignedBeaconBlock]]
BeaconBlocksRes* = NetRes[seq[ref ForkedSignedBeaconBlock]]
chronicles.formatIt SyncQueueKind: $it
proc getShortMap*[T](req: SyncRequest[T],
data: openArray[ForkedSignedBeaconBlock]): string =
data: openArray[ref ForkedSignedBeaconBlock]): string =
## Returns all slot numbers in ``data`` as placement map.
var res = newStringOfCap(req.count)
var slider = req.slot
@ -85,11 +85,11 @@ proc getShortMap*[T](req: SyncRequest[T],
for i in 0 ..< req.count:
if last < len(data):
for k in last ..< len(data):
if slider == data[k].slot:
if slider == data[k][].slot:
last = k + 1
elif slider < data[k].slot:
elif slider < data[k][].slot:
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ proc cmp*[T](a, b: SyncRequest[T]): int =
cmp(uint64(a.slot), uint64(b.slot))
proc checkResponse*[T](req: SyncRequest[T],
data: openArray[ForkedSignedBeaconBlock]): bool =
data: openArray[ref ForkedSignedBeaconBlock]): bool =
if len(data) == 0:
# Impossible to verify empty response.
return true
@ -120,9 +120,9 @@ proc checkResponse*[T](req: SyncRequest[T],
var dindex = 0
while (rindex < req.count) and (dindex < len(data)):
if slot < data[dindex].slot:
if slot < data[dindex][].slot:
elif slot == data[dindex].slot:
elif slot == data[dindex][].slot:
return false
@ -360,7 +360,7 @@ proc hasEndGap*[T](sr: SyncResult[T]): bool {.inline.} =
let lastslot = sr.request.slot + sr.request.count - 1'u64
if len(sr.data) == 0:
return true
if sr.data[^1].slot != lastslot:
if sr.data[^1][].slot != lastslot:
return true
return false
@ -371,7 +371,7 @@ proc getLastNonEmptySlot*[T](sr: SyncResult[T]): Slot {.inline.} =
# If response has only empty slots we going to use original request slot
proc toDebtsQueue[T](sq: SyncQueue[T], sr: SyncRequest[T]) =
@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ proc getRewindPoint*[T](sq: SyncQueue[T], failSlot: Slot,
iterator blocks*[T](sq: SyncQueue[T],
sr: SyncResult[T]): ForkedSignedBeaconBlock =
sr: SyncResult[T]): ref ForkedSignedBeaconBlock =
case sq.kind
of SyncQueueKind.Forward:
for i in countup(0, len(sr.data) - 1):
@ -503,7 +503,7 @@ proc notInRange[T](sq: SyncQueue[T], sr: SyncRequest[T]): bool =
(sq.queueSize > 0) and (sr.slot + sr.count - 1'u64 != sq.outSlot)
proc push*[T](sq: SyncQueue[T], sr: SyncRequest[T],
data: seq[ForkedSignedBeaconBlock],
data: seq[ref ForkedSignedBeaconBlock],
processingCb: ProcessingCallback = nil) {.async.} =
## Push successful result to queue ``sq``.
mixin updateScore
@ -579,13 +579,13 @@ proc push*[T](sq: SyncQueue[T], sr: SyncRequest[T],
res: Result[void, BlockError]
for blk in sq.blocks(item):
res = await sq.blockVerifier(blk)
res = await sq.blockVerifier(blk[])
if res.isOk():
hasOkBlock = true
case res.error()
of BlockError.MissingParent:
missingParentSlot = some(blk.slot)
missingParentSlot = some(blk[].slot)
of BlockError.Duplicate:
# Keep going, happens naturally
@ -595,7 +595,7 @@ proc push*[T](sq: SyncQueue[T], sr: SyncRequest[T],
# quarantine
if unviableBlock.isNone:
# Remember the first unviable block, so we can log it
unviableBlock = some((blk.root, blk.slot))
unviableBlock = some((blk[].root, blk[].slot))
of BlockError.Invalid:
hasInvalidBlock = true
@ -41,22 +41,26 @@ proc collector(queue: AsyncQueue[BlockEntry]): BlockVerifier =
return verify
suite "SyncManager test suite":
proc createChain(start, finish: Slot): seq[ForkedSignedBeaconBlock] =
proc createChain(start, finish: Slot): seq[ref ForkedSignedBeaconBlock] =
doAssert(start <= finish)
let count = int(finish - start + 1'u64)
var res = newSeq[ForkedSignedBeaconBlock](count)
var res = newSeq[ref ForkedSignedBeaconBlock](count)
var curslot = start
for item in res.mitems():
item.phase0Data.message.slot = curslot
item = new ForkedSignedBeaconBlock
item[].phase0Data.message.slot = curslot
curslot = curslot + 1'u64
proc getSlice(chain: openarray[ForkedSignedBeaconBlock], startSlot: Slot,
request: SyncRequest[SomeTPeer]): seq[ForkedSignedBeaconBlock] =
proc getSlice(chain: openArray[ref ForkedSignedBeaconBlock], startSlot: Slot,
request: SyncRequest[SomeTPeer]): seq[ref ForkedSignedBeaconBlock] =
startIndex = int(request.slot - startSlot)
finishIndex = int(request.slot - startSlot) + int(request.count) - 1
var res = newSeq[ref ForkedSignedBeaconBlock](1 + finishIndex - startIndex)
for i in 0..<res.len:
res[i] = newClone(chain[i + startIndex][])
template startAndFinishSlotsEqual(kind: SyncQueueKind) =
let p1 = SomeTPeer()
@ -508,7 +512,7 @@ suite "SyncManager test suite":
f14.finished == false
var missingSlice = chain.getSlice(startSlot, r13)
blck.message.proposer_index = 0xDEADBEAF'u64
var f13 = queue.push(r13, missingSlice)
await allFutures(f13, f14)
@ -672,7 +676,7 @@ suite "SyncManager test suite":
f14.finished == false
var missingSlice = chain.getSlice(startSlot, r13)
blck.message.proposer_index = 0xDEADBEAF'u64
var f13 = queue.push(r13, missingSlice)
await allFutures(f13, f14)
@ -709,7 +713,7 @@ suite "SyncManager test suite":
test "[SyncQueue] hasEndGap() test":
let chain1 = createChain(Slot(1), Slot(1))
let chain2 = newSeq[ForkedSignedBeaconBlock]()
let chain2 = newSeq[ref ForkedSignedBeaconBlock]()
for counter in countdown(32'u64, 2'u64):
let req = SyncRequest[SomeTPeer](slot: Slot(1), count: counter,
@ -726,7 +730,7 @@ suite "SyncManager test suite":
test "[SyncQueue] getLastNonEmptySlot() test":
let chain1 = createChain(Slot(10), Slot(10))
let chain2 = newSeq[ForkedSignedBeaconBlock]()
let chain2 = newSeq[ref ForkedSignedBeaconBlock]()
for counter in countdown(32'u64, 2'u64):
let req = SyncRequest[SomeTPeer](slot: Slot(10), count: counter,
Reference in New Issue
Block a user