Nimbus has been tested all major execution clients - see the [execution client comparison]( for more information.
Select an execution client and install it, configuring it such that that the authenticated JSON-RPC interface is enabled and a JWT secret file is created.
Once you have geth installed, make sure to enable the [authenticated JSON-RPC interface]( when running geth:
Make sure to enable the [JSON-RPC]( interface and pass `--JsonRpc.JwtSecretFile=/tmp/jwtsecret` to select a JWT secret file location.
Make sure to enable the [JSON-RPC]( interface and store the JWT token in `/tmp/jwtsecret`.
Make sure to enable the [JSON-RPC]( interface and use `--authrpc.jwtsecret=/tmp/jwtsecret` to set a path to the JWT token file.
By default, the execution client accepts connections on the localhost interface (``), with default authenticated RPC port `8551`.
When the `--el` option is not explicitly specified, Nimbus will assume that the execution client is running on the same machine with such default settings.
When the `--jwt-secret` option is not specified and the execution client is running on the same machine under default setting, Nimbus may be able to connect successfully to it by using the default secret value `0xd4e56740f876aef8c010b86a40d5f56745a118d0906a34e69aec8c0db1cb8fa3`.
This is a [proposed standard protocol]( that aims to simplify the required user configuration, but it's not yet adopted by all execution clients.
You can increase the resilience of your setup and eliminate any downtime during upgrade procedure of the execution client software by allowing your beacon node to manage multiple execution clients.
To enable this mode, just specify multiple URLs through the `--el` option when starting your beacon node:
You can use a different secret for each connection by specifying `jwt-secret` or `jwt-secret-file` as a query parameter in the anchor section of the URL (e.g. `` or ``).
If you use a [TOML config file](./, you can also use the following more natural syntax:
To carry out an upgrade procedure without any downtime, just restart the execution clients one by one, waiting for each instance to re-sync before moving to the next one.
If you use this mode with different execution client implementations, Nimbus will act as an execution layer consensus violation detector, preventing the publishing of blocks that may trigger a catastrophic partitioning in the network.