Nimbus has been tested all major execution clients - see the [execution client comparison]( for more information.
Syncing an execution client may take hours or even days, depending on your hardware! The backup providers will be synced only when the primary becomes unavailable, which may lead to a small gap in validation duties - this limitation may be lifted in future versions.
## Steps
### 1. Install execution client
Select an execution client and install it, configuring it such that that WebSockets are enabled and a JWT secret file is created.
In parallel to `nimbus-eth2`, we are working hard on the [Nimbus execution client]( While this is very much a project in development (i.e. not yet ready for public consumption), we welcome you to experiment with it.
Once you have geth installed, make sure to enable the JSON-RPC WebSocket interface when running geth, along with the options for creating an [autheticated RPC endpoint](
Geth accepts connections from the localhost interface (``), with default authenticated RPC port `8551`. This means that your default Web3 provider URL should be: `ws://`
Make sure to enable the [JSON-RPC]( interface over WebSockets, and pass `--JsonRpc.JwtSecretFile=/tmp/jwtsecret` to select a JWT secret file location.
Make sure to enable the [JSON-RPC]( WebSocket interface and store the JWT token in `/tmp/jwtsecret`.
See the [Erigon README]( for instructions on setting up Erigon.
Make sure to enable the [JSON-RPC]( WebSocket interface and use `--authrpc.jwtsecret=/tmp/jwtsecret` to set a path to the JWT token file.
The execution client will be syncing the chain through the merge transition block. Once it reaches this point, it will wait for the beacon node to provide further sync instructions.
Once started, the execution client will create a file containing a JWT secret token. The token file is needed for Nimbus to authenticate itself with the execution client and perform trusted operations. You will need to pass the path to the token file to Nimbus together with the web3 URL.
=== "Mainnet"
./ \
--web3-url=ws:// \
=== "Prater"
./ \
--web3-url=ws:// \
!!! tip
You can pass one or more `--web3-url` parameters to the node as long as they share JWT secret. Any additional web3 url:s will be used for backup, should the first one become unavailable: