> **Note:** If you have a > 500GB SSD, and your [hardware](./hardware.md) can handle it, we strongly recommend running your own eth1 client. This will help ensure the network stays as decentralised as possible. If you can't however, the next best option is to set up a 3rd part provider like [infura](./infura-guide.md).
In parallel to `nimbus-eth2` we are working hard on our [our EL client](https://github.com/status-im/nimbus-eth1). While this is very much a project in development (i.e. not yet ready for public consumption), we welcome you to experiment with it.
If you're running MacOS, follow the instructions [listed here](https://github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/wiki/Installation-Instructions-for-Mac) to install geth. Otherwise [see here](https://github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/wiki/Installing-Geth).
Geth accepts connections from the loopback interface (``), with default WebSocket port `8546`. This means that your default Web3 provider URL should be: `ws://`