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Quick start - Windows#

This page takes you through the steps of getting the Fluffy Portal node running on the public network.

The guide assumes Windows is being used. For Linux/macOS users follow this tutorial.


Running Fluffy on Windows is more experimental and less tested!



  • Developer tools (C compiler, Make, Bash, CMake, Git 2.9.4 or newer)

If you need help installing these tools, you can consult our prerequisites page.


To build Fluffy on Windows, the MinGW-w64 build environment is recommended. The build commands in the rest of this page assume the MinGW build environment is used.

Build the Fluffy client#

git clone
cd nimbus-eth1
mingw32-make fluffy

# Test if binary was successfully build by running the help command.
./build/fluffy --help

Run a Fluffy client on the public testnet#

# Connect to the Portal testnet bootstrap nodes and enable the JSON-RPC APIs
./build/fluffy --rpc

Try requesting a execution layer block from the network#

The Portal testnet is slowly being filled up with historical data through bridge nodes. Because of this, more recent history data is more likely to be available. This can be tested by using the eth_getBlockByHash JSON-RPC from the execution JSON-RPC API.

# Get the hash of a block from your favorite block explorer, e.g.:
BLOCKHASH=0x34eea44911b19f9aa8c72f69bdcbda3ed933b11a940511b6f3f58a87427231fb # Replace this to the block hash of your choice
# Run this command to get the block:
curl -s -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"1","method":"eth_getBlockByHash","params":["'${BLOCKHASH}'", true]}' http://localhost:8545 | jq

Update and rebuild the Fluffy client#

In order to stay up to date you can pull the latest version from our master branch. There are currently released versions tagged.

# From the nimbus-eth1 repository
git pull
# To bring the git submodules up to date
mingw32-make update

mingw32-make fluffy