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Fluffy with Portal-hive#

Fluffy is one of the Portal clients that is being tested with hive.

To see the status of the tests for the current version you can access

Run the hive tests locally#

Build hive:

git clone
cd ./hive
go build .

Example commands for running test suites:

# Run the portal tests with only the fluffy client
./hive --sim portal --client fluffy

# Run the portal tests with the 3 different clients
./hive --sim portal --client fluffy,trin,ultralight

# Access results through web-ui:
go build ./cmd/hiveview
./hiveview --serve --logdir ./workspace/logs


You can see all the implemented simulators in

Build a local development Docker image for portal-hive#

To debug & develop Fluffy code against portal-hive tests you might want to create a local development docker image for Fluffy.

To do that follow next steps:

1) Clone and build portal-hive, see above.

2) Build the local development Docker image using the following command:

docker build --tag fluffy-dev --file ./fluffy/tools/docker/Dockerfile.portalhive .

3) Modify the FROM tag in the portal-hive Dockerfile of fluffy at portal-hive/clients/fluffy/Dockerfile to use the image that was buid in step 2.

4) Run the tests as usually.


The ./vendors dir is dockerignored and cached. If you have to make local changes to one of the dependencies in that directory you will have to remove vendors/ from ./fluffy/tools/docker/Dockerfile.portalhive.dockerignore.