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Phase 0 Wire API [WIP]

This is the minimal wire API required for Phase 0 of Eth2.0. Note that this is not the wire protocol but the interface right above. Once we settle on the API required, we can specify the underlying protocol.

All API methods are specified as the plural list version, assuming that if singular objects are sent or requested that the input will just be a list of length 1.

"Bad form" is any action that is not explicitly against the protocol but is not in the best interest of one's peers or the protocol in general. Messages/requests that are considered bad form may reduce the reputation of the sending node and may result in being dropped.

Network topology

Ethereum 2.0 network topology consists of a pubsub mapping of peers to "topics". These topics along with peer mappings effectively form subnets.

The primary topics of core protocol consideration are:

  • beacon: All messages for the beacon chain are mapped to topic beacon.
  • shard-{number} for all integers, number in range(SHARD_SUBNET_COUNT): Messages for a given shard defined by shard_number are mapped to topic shard-{shard_number % SHARD_SUBNET_COUNT}.

We use discv5 to discover peers of select topics, and we use gossipsub, a libp2p routing protocol, to route messages of a particular topic to the subnet in question.

Note: attempting to broadcast or request messages about a topic not subscribed to by the peer is considered bad form. For example, running send_attestations(attestations) where one or more of the attestations have == 5 to a peer not subscribed to shard-5 might result in that peer dropping the node.


This document depends on:



The following is a basic sync protocol akin to eth1.0. This is very likely to change pending input from those intimately familiar with the pain points of 1.0 sync.

status message is sent in the initial handshake between two peers. After handshake and status exchange, the peer with higher latest_finalized_epoch or, if epochs are equal, the higher best_slot sends a list of beacon_block_roots via send_beacon_block_roots.

Status handshake fields:

  • protocol_version
  • network_id
  • latest_finalized_root
  • latest_finalized_epoch
  • best_root
  • best_slot

Beacon Blocks

Supported pubsub topics:

  • beacon

The following definitions are used in the API:

  • block_header: a serialized BeaconBlock in which BeaconBlock.body is the hash_tree_root of the associated BeaconBlockBody.
  • block_body: a serialied BeaconBlockBody.
  • block_root: the hash_tree_root of a BeaconBlock.


  • send_beacon_block_roots(block_roots): Sends list of block_roots to peer.
  • send_beacon_block_headers(block_headers): Sends list of block_headers to peer.
  • request_beacon_block_headers(block_roots): Requests the associated block_headers for the given block_roots from peer.
  • send_beacon_block_bodies(block_bodies): Sends list of block_bodies to peer.
  • request_beacon_block_bodies(block_roots): Requests the associated block_bodies for the given block_roots from peer.


  • It is assumed that both the associated BeaconBlock and BeaconBlockBody can be looked up via block_root.


Supported pubsub topics:

  • beacon
  • all shard-{number} topics

The following definitions are used in the API:

  • attestation: a serialized Attestation with full serialized AttestationData for


  • send_attestations(attestations): Sends list of attestations to peer.


  • It is expected that an attestation is only broadcast to either beacon topic or shard-{} topic. Broadcasting to mismatched shard topics is considered bad form.
  • It is expected that only aggregate attestations are broadcast to the beacon topic. Repeated broadcasting of attestations with a signle signer to the beacon topic is considered bad form.
  • There is a shard subnet design decision here. Due to the likelihood of to be highly repeated across a committee during a given slot, it could be valuable to just pass the attestation with a root in the field. If the recipient does not already have an AttestationData for the received root, then the recipient would explicitly request the root. This reduces the total data passed by 184 bytes in the case that the recipient has already received the but increases the rounds of communication when they haven't.
  • We do not currently specify a getter method for an attestation by its root. Due to the diverse ways attestations might both be aggregated and stored, it is not feasible to reliably lookup via a root. The attestations that a client cares about are (1) those that made it on-chain into a BeaconBlock and (2) the most recent set of attestations being actively broadcast on the wire. We might provide a request_attestations(slot) or request_attestations(epoch) but do not provide it in this minimal API specification.


Supported pubsub topics:

  • beacon

The following definitions are used in the API:

  • exit: a serialized Exit.


  • send_exit(exit): Sends exit to peer.


  • We do not specify a getter for an exit by its root. Standard usage is for