vbuterin 2a91b43eaf
Remove shard block chunking
Only store a 32 byte root for every shard block

Rationale: originally, I added shard block chunking (store 4 chunks for every shard block instead of one root) to facilitate construction of data availability roots. However, it turns out that there is an easier technique. Set the width of the data availability rectangle's rows to be 1/4 the max size of a shard block, so each block would fill multiple rows. Then, non-full blocks will generally create lots of zero rows. For example if the block bodies are `31415926535` and `897932` with a max size of 24 bytes, the rows might look like this:

Zero rows would extend rightward to complete zero rows, and when extending downward we can count the number of zero rows, and reduce the number of extra rows that we make, so we only make a new row for every nonzero row in the original data. This way we get only a close-to-optimal ~4-5x blowup in the data even if the data has zero rows in the middle.
2020-01-28 17:31:51 -07:00

16 KiB

Ethereum 2.0 Phase 1 -- Custody Game

Notice: This document is a work-in-progress for researchers and implementers.

Table of contents


This document details the beacon chain additions and changes in Phase 1 of Ethereum 2.0 to support the shard data custody game, building upon the Phase 0 specification.



| Name | Value | Unit | | - | - | | BLS12_381_Q | 4002409555221667393417789825735904156556882819939007885332058136124031650490837864442687629129015664037894272559787 | | BYTES_PER_CUSTODY_ATOM | 48 | bytes |


Time parameters

Name Value Unit Duration
RANDAO_PENALTY_EPOCHS 2**1 (= 2) epochs 12.8 minutes
EPOCHS_PER_CUSTODY_PERIOD 2**11 (= 2,048) epochs ~9 days
CUSTODY_PERIOD_TO_RANDAO_PADDING 2**11 (= 2,048) epochs ~9 days
MAX_REVEAL_LATENESS_DECREMENT 2**7 (= 128) epochs ~14 hours

Max operations per block

Name Value

Reward and penalty quotients

Name Value

Signature domain types

The following types are defined, mapping into DomainType (little endian):

Name Value
DOMAIN_CUSTODY_BIT_SLASHING DomainType('0x83000000')

Data structures

New Beacon Chain operations


class CustodySlashing(Container):
    # Attestation.custody_bits_blocks[data_index][committee.index(malefactor_index)] is the target custody bit to check.
    # ( as ShardTransition).shard_data_roots[data_index] is the root of the data.
    data_index: uint64
    malefactor_index: ValidatorIndex
    malefactor_secret: BLSSignature
    whistleblower_index: ValidatorIndex
    shard_transition: ShardTransition
    attestation: Attestation
    data: ByteList[MAX_SHARD_BLOCK_SIZE]


class SignedCustodySlashing(Container):
    message: CustodySlashing
    signature: BLSSignature


class CustodyKeyReveal(Container):
    # Index of the validator whose key is being revealed
    revealer_index: ValidatorIndex
    # Reveal (masked signature)
    reveal: BLSSignature


Represents an early (punishable) reveal of one of the derived secrets, where derived secrets are RANDAO reveals and custody reveals (both are part of the same domain).

class EarlyDerivedSecretReveal(Container):
    # Index of the validator whose key is being revealed
    revealed_index: ValidatorIndex
    # RANDAO epoch of the key that is being revealed
    epoch: Epoch
    # Reveal (masked signature)
    reveal: BLSSignature
    # Index of the validator who revealed (whistleblower)
    masker_index: ValidatorIndex
    # Mask used to hide the actual reveal signature (prevent reveal from being stolen)
    mask: Bytes32



Returns the Legendre symbol (a/q) normalizes as a bit (i.e. ((a/q) + 1) // 2). In a production implementation, a well-optimized library (e.g. GMP) should be used for this.

def legendre_bit(a: int, q: int) -> int:
    if a >= q:
        return legendre_bit(a % q, q)
    if a == 0:
        return 0
    assert(q > a > 0 and q % 2 == 1)
    t = 1
    n = q
    while a != 0:
        while a % 2 == 0:
            a //= 2
            r = n % 8
            if r == 3 or r == 5:
                t = -t
        a, n = n, a
        if a % 4 == n % 4 == 3:
            t = -t
        a %= n
    if n == 1:
        return (t + 1) // 2
        return 0


Given one set of data, return the custody atoms: each atom will be combined with one legendre bit.

def get_custody_atoms(bytez: bytes) -> Sequence[bytes]:
    bytez += b'\x00' * (-len(bytez) % BYTES_PER_CUSTODY_ATOM)  # right-padding
    return [bytez[i:i + BYTES_PER_CUSTODY_ATOM]
            for i in range(0, len(bytez), BYTES_PER_CUSTODY_ATOM)]


def compute_custody_bit(key: BLSSignature, data: bytes) -> bit:
    full_G2_element = bls.signature_to_G2(key)
    s = full_G2_element[0].coeffs
    bits = [legendre_bit(sum(s[i % 2]**i * int.from_bytes(atom, "little")), BLS12_381_Q)
            for i, atom in enumerate(get_custody_atoms(data))]
    # XOR all atom bits
    return bit(sum(bits) % 2)


def get_randao_epoch_for_custody_period(period: uint64, validator_index: ValidatorIndex) -> Epoch:
    next_period_start = (period + 1) * EPOCHS_PER_CUSTODY_PERIOD - validator_index % EPOCHS_PER_CUSTODY_PERIOD
    return Epoch(next_period_start + CUSTODY_PERIOD_TO_RANDAO_PADDING)


def get_custody_period_for_validator(validator_index: ValidatorIndex, epoch: Epoch) -> int:
    Return the reveal period for a given validator.
    return (epoch + validator_index % EPOCHS_PER_CUSTODY_PERIOD) // EPOCHS_PER_CUSTODY_PERIOD

Per-block processing

Custody Game Operations

def process_custody_game_operations(state: BeaconState, body: BeaconBlockBody) -> None:
    def for_ops(operations: Sequence[Any], fn: Callable[[BeaconState, Any], None]) -> None:
        for operation in operations:
            fn(state, operation)

    for_ops(body.custody_key_reveals, process_custody_key_reveal)
    for_ops(body.early_derived_secret_reveals, process_early_derived_secret_reveal)
    for_ops(body.custody_slashings, process_custody_slashing)

Custody key reveals

def process_custody_key_reveal(state: BeaconState, reveal: CustodyKeyReveal) -> None:
    Process ``CustodyKeyReveal`` operation.
    Note that this function mutates ``state``.
    revealer = state.validators[reveal.revealer_index]
    epoch_to_sign = get_randao_epoch_for_custody_period(revealer.next_custody_secret_to_reveal, reveal.revealer_index)

    custody_reveal_period = get_custody_period_for_validator(reveal.revealer_index, get_current_epoch(state))
    assert revealer.next_custody_secret_to_reveal < custody_reveal_period

    # Revealed validator is active or exited, but not withdrawn
    assert is_slashable_validator(revealer, get_current_epoch(state))

    # Verify signature
    domain = get_domain(state, DOMAIN_RANDAO, epoch_to_sign)
    signing_root = compute_signing_root(epoch_to_sign, domain)
    assert bls.Verify(revealer.pubkey, signing_root, reveal.reveal)

    # Decrement max reveal lateness if response is timely
    if epoch_to_sign + EPOCHS_PER_CUSTODY_PERIOD >= get_current_epoch(state):
        if revealer.max_reveal_lateness >= MAX_REVEAL_LATENESS_DECREMENT:
            revealer.max_reveal_lateness -= MAX_REVEAL_LATENESS_DECREMENT
            revealer.max_reveal_lateness = 0
        revealer.max_reveal_lateness = max(
            get_current_epoch(state) - epoch_to_sign - EPOCHS_PER_CUSTODY_PERIOD

    # Process reveal
    revealer.next_custody_secret_to_reveal += 1

    # Reward Block Proposer
    proposer_index = get_beacon_proposer_index(state)
        Gwei(get_base_reward(state, reveal.revealer_index) // MINOR_REWARD_QUOTIENT)

Early derived secret reveals

def process_early_derived_secret_reveal(state: BeaconState, reveal: EarlyDerivedSecretReveal) -> None:
    Process ``EarlyDerivedSecretReveal`` operation.
    Note that this function mutates ``state``.
    revealed_validator = state.validators[reveal.revealed_index]
    derived_secret_location = reveal.epoch % EARLY_DERIVED_SECRET_PENALTY_MAX_FUTURE_EPOCHS

    assert reveal.epoch >= get_current_epoch(state) + RANDAO_PENALTY_EPOCHS
    assert reveal.epoch < get_current_epoch(state) + EARLY_DERIVED_SECRET_PENALTY_MAX_FUTURE_EPOCHS
    assert not revealed_validator.slashed
    assert reveal.revealed_index not in state.exposed_derived_secrets[derived_secret_location]

    # Verify signature correctness
    masker = state.validators[reveal.masker_index]
    pubkeys = [revealed_validator.pubkey, masker.pubkey]

    domain = get_domain(state, DOMAIN_RANDAO, reveal.epoch)
    signing_roots = [compute_signing_root(root, domain) for root in [hash_tree_root(reveal.epoch), reveal.mask]]
    assert bls.AggregateVerify(zip(pubkeys, signing_roots), reveal.reveal)

    if reveal.epoch >= get_current_epoch(state) + CUSTODY_PERIOD_TO_RANDAO_PADDING:
        # Full slashing when the secret was revealed so early it may be a valid custody
        # round key
        slash_validator(state, reveal.revealed_index, reveal.masker_index)
        # Only a small penalty proportional to proposer slot reward for RANDAO reveal
        # that does not interfere with the custody period
        # The penalty is proportional to the max proposer reward

        # Calculate penalty
        max_proposer_slot_reward = (
            get_base_reward(state, reveal.revealed_index)
            * SLOTS_PER_EPOCH
            // len(get_active_validator_indices(state, get_current_epoch(state)))
        penalty = Gwei(
            * (len(state.exposed_derived_secrets[derived_secret_location]) + 1)

        # Apply penalty
        proposer_index = get_beacon_proposer_index(state)
        whistleblower_index = reveal.masker_index
        whistleblowing_reward = Gwei(penalty // WHISTLEBLOWER_REWARD_QUOTIENT)
        proposer_reward = Gwei(whistleblowing_reward // PROPOSER_REWARD_QUOTIENT)
        increase_balance(state, proposer_index, proposer_reward)
        increase_balance(state, whistleblower_index, whistleblowing_reward - proposer_reward)
        decrease_balance(state, reveal.revealed_index, penalty)

        # Mark this derived secret as exposed so validator cannot be punished repeatedly

Custody Slashings

def process_custody_slashing(state: BeaconState, signed_custody_slashing: SignedCustodySlashing) -> None:
    custody_slashing = signed_custody_slashing.message
    attestation = custody_slashing.attestation

    # Any signed custody-slashing should result in at least one slashing.
    # If the custody bits are valid, then the claim itself is slashed.
    malefactor = state.validators[custody_slashing.malefactor_index] 
    whistleblower = state.validators[custody_slashing.whistleblower_index]
    domain = get_domain(state, DOMAIN_CUSTODY_BIT_SLASHING, get_current_epoch(state))
    signing_root = compute_signing_root(custody_slashing, domain)
    assert bls.Verify(whistleblower.pubkey, signing_root, signed_custody_slashing.signature)
    # Verify that the whistleblower is slashable
    assert is_slashable_validator(whistleblower, get_current_epoch(state))
    # Verify that the claimed malefactor is slashable
    assert is_slashable_validator(malefactor, get_current_epoch(state))

    # Verify the attestation
    assert is_valid_indexed_attestation(state, get_indexed_attestation(state, attestation))

    # TODO: is not chunked like shard blocks yet, result is lots of padding.

    # TODO: can do a single combined merkle proof of data being attested.
    # Verify the shard transition is indeed attested by the attestation
    shard_transition = custody_slashing.shard_transition
    assert hash_tree_root(shard_transition) == attestation.shard_transition_root
    # Verify that the provided data matches the shard-transition
    assert hash_tree_root( == shard_transition.shard_data_roots[custody_slashing.data_index]

    # Verify existence and participation of claimed malefactor
    attesters = get_attesting_indices(state,, attestation.aggregation_bits)
    assert custody_slashing.malefactor_index in attesters
    # Verify the malefactor custody key
    epoch_to_sign = get_randao_epoch_for_custody_period(
    domain = get_domain(state, DOMAIN_RANDAO, epoch_to_sign)
    signing_root = compute_signing_root(epoch_to_sign, domain)
    assert bls.Verify(malefactor.pubkey, signing_root, custody_slashing.malefactor_secret)

    # Get the custody bit
    custody_bits = attestation.custody_bits_blocks[custody_slashing.data_index]
    committee = get_beacon_committee(state,,
    claimed_custody_bit = custody_bits[committee.index(custody_slashing.malefactor_index)]
    # Compute the custody bit
    computed_custody_bit = compute_custody_bit(custody_slashing.malefactor_secret,
    # Verify the claim
    if claimed_custody_bit != computed_custody_bit:
        # Slash the malefactor, reward the other committee members
        slash_validator(state, custody_slashing.malefactor_index)
        others_count = len(committee) - 1
        whistleblower_reward = Gwei(malefactor.effective_balance // WHISTLEBLOWER_REWARD_QUOTIENT // others_count)
        for attester_index in attesters:
            if attester_index != custody_slashing.malefactor_index:
                increase_balance(state, attester_index, whistleblower_reward)
        # No special whisteblower reward: it is expected to be an attester. Others are free to slash too however. 
        # The claim was false, the custody bit was correct. Slash the whistleblower that induced this work.
        slash_validator(state, custody_slashing.whistleblower_index)

Per-epoch processing

Handling of reveal deadlines

Run process_reveal_deadlines(state) after process_registry_updates(state):

def process_reveal_deadlines(state: BeaconState) -> None:
    epoch = get_current_epoch(state)
    for index, validator in enumerate(state.validators):
        if get_custody_period_for_validator(ValidatorIndex(index), epoch) > validator.next_custody_secret_to_reveal:
            slash_validator(state, ValidatorIndex(index))

Final updates

After process_final_updates(state), additional updates are made for the custody game:

def process_custody_final_updates(state: BeaconState) -> None:
    # Clean up exposed RANDAO key reveals
    state.exposed_derived_secrets[get_current_epoch(state) % EARLY_DERIVED_SECRET_PENALTY_MAX_FUTURE_EPOCHS] = []