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ETH 2.0 Networking Spec - RPC Interface


The Ethereum 2.0 networking stack uses two modes of communication: a broadcast protocol that gossips information to interested parties via GossipSub, and an RPC protocol that retrieves information from specific clients. This specification defines the RPC protocol.

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL", NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.


This specification assumes familiarity with the Messaging, Node Identification, and Beacon Chain specifications.


Message Schemas

Message body schemas are notated like this:

    field_name_1: type
    field_name_2: type

Embedded types are serialized as SSZ Containers unless otherwise noted.

All referenced data structures can be found in the 0-beacon-chain specification.

libp2p Protocol Names

A "Protocol ID" in libp2p parlance refers to a human-readable identifier libp2p uses in order to identify sub-protocols and stream messages of different types over the same connection. Peers exchange supported protocol IDs via the Identify protocol upon connection. When opening a new stream, peers pin a particular protocol ID to it, and the stream remains contextualised thereafter. Since messages are sent inside a stream, they do not need to bear the protocol ID.


To facilitate RPC-over-libp2p, a single protocol name is used: /eth/serenity/beacon/rpc/1. The version number in the protocol name is neither backwards or forwards compatible, and will be incremented whenever changes to the below structures are required.

Remote method calls are wrapped in a "request" structure:

    id: uint64
    method_id: uint16
    body: Request

and their corresponding responses are wrapped in a "response" structure:

    id: uint64
    response_code: uint16
    result: bytes

If an error occurs, a variant of the response structure is returned:

    id: uint64
    response_code: uint16
    result: bytes

The details of the RPC-Over-libp2p protocol are similar to JSON-RPC 2.0. Specifically:

  1. The id member is REQUIRED.
  2. The id member in the response MUST be the same as the value of the id in the request.
  3. The id member MUST be unique within the context of a single connection. Monotonically increasing ids are RECOMMENDED.
  4. The method_id member is REQUIRED.
  5. The result member is REQUIRED on success.
  6. The result member is OPTIONAL on errors, and MAY contain additional information about the error.
  7. response_code MUST be 0 on success.

Structuring RPC requests in this manner allows multiple calls and responses to be multiplexed over the same stream without switching. Note that this implies that responses MAY arrive in a different order than requests.

The "method ID" fields in the below messages refer to the method field in the request structure above.

The first 1,000 values in response_code are reserved for system use. The following response codes are predefined:

  1. 0: No error.
  2. 10: Parse error.
  3. 20: Invalid request.
  4. 30: Method not found.
  5. 40: Server error.

Alternative for Non-libp2p Clients

Since some clients are waiting for libp2p implementations in their respective languages. As such, they MAY listen for raw TCP messages on port 9000. To distinguish RPC messages from other messages on that port, a byte prefix of ETH (0x455448) MUST be prepended to all messages. This option will be removed once libp2p is ready in all supported languages.



Method ID: 0


    network_id: uint8
    chain_id: uint64
    latest_finalized_root: bytes32
    latest_finalized_epoch: uint64
    best_root: bytes32
    best_slot: uint64

Clients exchange hello messages upon connection, forming a two-phase handshake. The first message the initiating client sends MUST be the hello message. In response, the receiving client MUST respond with its own hello message.

Clients SHOULD immediately disconnect from one another following the handshake above under the following conditions:

  1. If network_id belongs to a different chain, since the client definitionally cannot sync with this client.
  2. If the latest_finalized_root shared by the peer is not in the client's chain at the expected epoch. For example, if Peer 1 in the diagram below has (root, epoch) of (A, 5) and Peer 2 has (B, 3), Peer 1 would disconnect because it knows that B is not the root in their chain at epoch 3:
              Root A

              |xxx|  +----+ Epoch 5
              |   |  +----+ Epoch 4
Root B          ^
+---+         +-+-+
|xxx+<---+--->+   |  +----+ Epoch 3
+---+    |    +---+
       |   |  +-----------+ Epoch 2
       |   |  +-----------+ Epoch 1

Once the handshake completes, the client with the higher latest_finalized_epoch or best_slot (if the clients have equal latest_finalized_epochs) SHOULD request beacon block roots from its counterparty via beacon_block_roots (i.e., RPC method 10).


Method ID: 1


    reason: uint64

Client MAY send goodbye messages upon disconnection. The reason field MAY be one of the following values:

  • 1: Client shut down.
  • 2: Irrelevant network.
  • 3: Fault/error.

Clients MAY define custom goodbye reasons as long as the value is larger than 1000.

Get Status

Method ID: 2

Request Body:

	sha: bytes32
	user_agent: bytes
	timestamp: uint64

Response Body:

	sha: bytes32
	user_agent: bytes
	timestamp: uint64

Returns metadata about the remote node.

Request Beacon Block Roots

Method ID: 10

Request Body

	start_slot: uint64
	count: uint64

Response Body:

# BlockRootSlot
    block_root: bytes32
    slot: uint64

    roots: []BlockRootSlot

Requests a list of block roots and slots from the peer. The count parameter MUST be less than or equal to 32768. The slots MUST be returned in ascending slot order.

Beacon Block Headers

Method ID: 11

Request Body

    start_root: HashTreeRoot
    start_slot: uint64
    max_headers: uint64
    skip_slots: uint64

Response Body:

    headers: []BeaconBlockHeader

Requests beacon block headers from the peer starting from (start_root, start_slot). The response MUST contain no more than max_headers headers. skip_slots defines the maximum number of slots to skip between blocks. For example, requesting blocks starting at slots 2 a skip_slots value of 1 would return the blocks at [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]. In cases where a slot is empty for a given slot number, the closest previous block MUST be returned. For example, if slot 4 were empty in the previous example, the returned array would contain [2, 3, 6, 8, 10]. If slot three were further empty, the array would contain [2, 6, 8, 10] - i.e., duplicate blocks MUST be collapsed. A skip_slots value of 0 returns all blocks.

The function of the skip_slots parameter helps facilitate light client sync - for example, in #459 - and allows clients to balance the peers from whom they request headers. Clients could, for instance, request every 10th block from a set of peers where each per has a different starting block in order to populate block data.

Beacon Block Bodies

Method ID: 12

Request Body:

    block_roots: []HashTreeRoot

Response Body:

    block_bodies: []BeaconBlockBody

Requests the block_bodies associated with the provided block_roots from the peer. Responses MUST return block_roots in the order provided in the request. If the receiver does not have a particular block_root, it must return a zero-value block_body (i.e., a block_body container with all zero fields).

Beacon Chain State

Note: This section is preliminary, pending the definition of the data structures to be transferred over the wire during fast sync operations.

Method ID: 13

Request Body:

    hashes: []HashTreeRoot

Response Body: TBD

Requests contain the hashes of Merkle tree nodes that when merkelized yield the block's state_root.

The response will contain the values that, when hashed, yield the hashes inside the request body.