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# EIP-7594 -- Polynomial Commitments Sampling
## Table of contents
<!-- TOC -->
<!-- START doctoc generated TOC please keep comment here to allow auto update -->
- [Introduction](#introduction)
- [Public Methods](#public-methods)
- [Custom types](#custom-types)
- [Preset](#preset)
- [Cells](#cells)
- [Helper functions](#helper-functions)
- [BLS12-381 helpers](#bls12-381-helpers)
- [`cell_to_coset_evals`](#cell_to_coset_evals)
- [`coset_evals_to_cell`](#coset_evals_to_cell)
- [Linear combinations](#linear-combinations)
- [`g2_lincomb`](#g2_lincomb)
- [FFTs](#ffts)
- [`_fft_field`](#_fft_field)
- [`fft_field`](#fft_field)
- [`coset_fft_field`](#coset_fft_field)
- [`compute_verify_cell_kzg_proof_batch_challenge`](#compute_verify_cell_kzg_proof_batch_challenge)
- [Polynomials in coefficient form](#polynomials-in-coefficient-form)
- [`polynomial_eval_to_coeff`](#polynomial_eval_to_coeff)
- [`add_polynomialcoeff`](#add_polynomialcoeff)
- [`neg_polynomialcoeff`](#neg_polynomialcoeff)
- [`multiply_polynomialcoeff`](#multiply_polynomialcoeff)
- [`divide_polynomialcoeff`](#divide_polynomialcoeff)
- [`interpolate_polynomialcoeff`](#interpolate_polynomialcoeff)
- [`vanishing_polynomialcoeff`](#vanishing_polynomialcoeff)
- [`evaluate_polynomialcoeff`](#evaluate_polynomialcoeff)
- [KZG multiproofs](#kzg-multiproofs)
- [`compute_kzg_proof_multi_impl`](#compute_kzg_proof_multi_impl)
- [`verify_cell_kzg_proof_batch_impl`](#verify_cell_kzg_proof_batch_impl)
- [Cell cosets](#cell-cosets)
- [`coset_shift_for_cell`](#coset_shift_for_cell)
- [`coset_for_cell`](#coset_for_cell)
- [Cells](#cells-1)
- [Cell computation](#cell-computation)
- [`compute_cells_and_kzg_proofs_polynomialcoeff`](#compute_cells_and_kzg_proofs_polynomialcoeff)
- [`compute_cells_and_kzg_proofs`](#compute_cells_and_kzg_proofs)
- [Cell verification](#cell-verification)
- [`verify_cell_kzg_proof_batch`](#verify_cell_kzg_proof_batch)
- [Reconstruction](#reconstruction)
- [`construct_vanishing_polynomial`](#construct_vanishing_polynomial)
- [`recover_polynomialcoeff`](#recover_polynomialcoeff)
- [`recover_cells_and_kzg_proofs`](#recover_cells_and_kzg_proofs)
<!-- END doctoc generated TOC please keep comment here to allow auto update -->
<!-- /TOC -->
## Introduction
This document extends [polynomial-commitments.md](../../deneb/polynomial-commitments.md) with the functions required for data availability sampling (DAS). It is not part of the core Deneb spec but an extension that can be optionally implemented to allow nodes to reduce their load using DAS.
## Public Methods
For any KZG library extended to support DAS, functions flagged as "Public method" MUST be provided by the underlying KZG library as public functions. All other functions are private functions used internally by the KZG library.
Public functions MUST accept raw bytes as input and perform the required cryptographic normalization before invoking any internal functions.
The following is a list of the public methods:
- [`compute_cells_and_kzg_proofs`](#compute_cells_and_kzg_proofs)
- [`verify_cell_kzg_proof_batch`](#verify_cell_kzg_proof_batch)
- [`recover_cells_and_kzg_proofs`](#recover_cells_and_kzg_proofs)
## Custom types
| Name | SSZ equivalent | Description |
| - | - | - |
| `PolynomialCoeff` | `List[BLSFieldElement, FIELD_ELEMENTS_PER_EXT_BLOB]` | A polynomial in coefficient form |
| `Coset` | `Vector[BLSFieldElement, FIELD_ELEMENTS_PER_CELL]` | The evaluation domain of a cell |
| `CosetEvals` | `Vector[BLSFieldElement, FIELD_ELEMENTS_PER_CELL]` | The internal representation of a cell (the evaluations over its Coset) |
| `Cell` | `ByteVector[BYTES_PER_FIELD_ELEMENT * FIELD_ELEMENTS_PER_CELL]` | The unit of blob data that can come with its own KZG proof |
| `CellIndex` | `uint64` | Validation: `x < CELLS_PER_EXT_BLOB` |
| `CommitmentIndex` | `uint64` | The type which represents the index of an element in the list of commitments |
## Preset
### Cells
Cells are the smallest unit of blob data that can come with their own KZG proofs. Samples can be constructed from one or several cells (e.g. an individual cell or line).
| Name | Value | Description |
| - | - | - |
| `FIELD_ELEMENTS_PER_EXT_BLOB` | `2 * FIELD_ELEMENTS_PER_BLOB` | Number of field elements in a Reed-Solomon extended blob |
| `FIELD_ELEMENTS_PER_CELL` | `uint64(64)` | Number of field elements in a cell |
| `BYTES_PER_CELL` | `FIELD_ELEMENTS_PER_CELL * BYTES_PER_FIELD_ELEMENT` | The number of bytes in a cell |
| `CELLS_PER_EXT_BLOB` | `FIELD_ELEMENTS_PER_EXT_BLOB // FIELD_ELEMENTS_PER_CELL` | The number of cells in an extended blob |
## Helper functions
### BLS12-381 helpers
#### `cell_to_coset_evals`
def cell_to_coset_evals(cell: Cell) -> CosetEvals:
Convert an untrusted ``Cell`` into a trusted ``CosetEvals``.
evals = []
for i in range(FIELD_ELEMENTS_PER_CELL):
value = bytes_to_bls_field(cell[start:end])
return CosetEvals(evals)
#### `coset_evals_to_cell`
def coset_evals_to_cell(coset_evals: CosetEvals) -> Cell:
Convert a trusted ``CosetEval`` into an untrusted ``Cell``.
cell = []
for i in range(FIELD_ELEMENTS_PER_CELL):
cell += bls_field_to_bytes(coset_evals[i])
return Cell(cell)
### Linear combinations
#### `g2_lincomb`
def g2_lincomb(points: Sequence[G2Point], scalars: Sequence[BLSFieldElement]) -> Bytes96:
BLS multiscalar multiplication in G2. This can be naively implemented using double-and-add.
assert len(points) == len(scalars)
if len(points) == 0:
return bls.G2_to_bytes96(bls.Z2())
points_g2 = []
for point in points:
result = bls.multi_exp(points_g2, scalars)
return Bytes96(bls.G2_to_bytes96(result))
### FFTs
#### `_fft_field`
def _fft_field(vals: Sequence[BLSFieldElement],
roots_of_unity: Sequence[BLSFieldElement]) -> Sequence[BLSFieldElement]:
if len(vals) == 1:
return vals
L = _fft_field(vals[::2], roots_of_unity[::2])
R = _fft_field(vals[1::2], roots_of_unity[::2])
o = [BLSFieldElement(0) for _ in vals]
for i, (x, y) in enumerate(zip(L, R)):
y_times_root = (int(y) * int(roots_of_unity[i])) % BLS_MODULUS
o[i] = BLSFieldElement((int(x) + y_times_root) % BLS_MODULUS)
o[i + len(L)] = BLSFieldElement((int(x) - y_times_root + BLS_MODULUS) % BLS_MODULUS)
return o
#### `fft_field`
def fft_field(vals: Sequence[BLSFieldElement],
roots_of_unity: Sequence[BLSFieldElement],
inv: bool=False) -> Sequence[BLSFieldElement]:
if inv:
# Inverse FFT
invlen = pow(len(vals), BLS_MODULUS - 2, BLS_MODULUS)
return [BLSFieldElement((int(x) * invlen) % BLS_MODULUS)
for x in _fft_field(vals, list(roots_of_unity[0:1]) + list(roots_of_unity[:0:-1]))]
# Regular FFT
return _fft_field(vals, roots_of_unity)
#### `coset_fft_field`
def coset_fft_field(vals: Sequence[BLSFieldElement],
roots_of_unity: Sequence[BLSFieldElement],
inv: bool=False) -> Sequence[BLSFieldElement]:
Computes an FFT/IFFT over a coset of the roots of unity.
This is useful for when one wants to divide by a polynomial which
vanishes on one or more elements in the domain.
vals = vals.copy()
def shift_vals(vals: Sequence[BLSFieldElement], factor: BLSFieldElement) -> Sequence[BLSFieldElement]:
Multiply each entry in `vals` by succeeding powers of `factor`
i.e., [vals[0] * factor^0, vals[1] * factor^1, ..., vals[n] * factor^n]
shift = 1
for i in range(len(vals)):
vals[i] = BLSFieldElement((int(vals[i]) * shift) % BLS_MODULUS)
shift = (shift * int(factor)) % BLS_MODULUS
return vals
# This is the coset generator; it is used to compute a FFT/IFFT over a coset of
# the roots of unity.
shift_factor = BLSFieldElement(PRIMITIVE_ROOT_OF_UNITY)
if inv:
vals = fft_field(vals, roots_of_unity, inv)
shift_inv = bls_modular_inverse(shift_factor)
return shift_vals(vals, shift_inv)
vals = shift_vals(vals, shift_factor)
return fft_field(vals, roots_of_unity, inv)
#### `compute_verify_cell_kzg_proof_batch_challenge`
def compute_verify_cell_kzg_proof_batch_challenge(commitments: Sequence[KZGCommitment],
commitment_indices: Sequence[CommitmentIndex],
cell_indices: Sequence[CellIndex],
cosets_evals: Sequence[CosetEvals],
proofs: Sequence[KZGProof]) -> BLSFieldElement:
Compute a random challenge ``r`` used in the universal verification equation. To compute the
challenge, ``RANDOM_CHALLENGE_KZG_CELL_BATCH_DOMAIN`` and all data that can influence the
verification is hashed together to deterministically generate a "random" field element via
the Fiat-Shamir heuristic.
hashinput += int.to_bytes(FIELD_ELEMENTS_PER_BLOB, 8, KZG_ENDIANNESS)
hashinput += int.to_bytes(FIELD_ELEMENTS_PER_CELL, 8, KZG_ENDIANNESS)
hashinput += int.to_bytes(len(commitments), 8, KZG_ENDIANNESS)
hashinput += int.to_bytes(len(cell_indices), 8, KZG_ENDIANNESS)
for commitment in commitments:
hashinput += commitment
for k, coset_evals in enumerate(cosets_evals):
hashinput += int.to_bytes(commitment_indices[k], 8, KZG_ENDIANNESS)
hashinput += int.to_bytes(cell_indices[k], 8, KZG_ENDIANNESS)
for coset_eval in coset_evals:
hashinput += bls_field_to_bytes(coset_eval)
hashinput += proofs[k]
return hash_to_bls_field(hashinput)
### Polynomials in coefficient form
#### `polynomial_eval_to_coeff`
def polynomial_eval_to_coeff(polynomial: Polynomial) -> PolynomialCoeff:
Interpolates a polynomial (given in evaluation form) to a polynomial in coefficient form.
roots_of_unity = compute_roots_of_unity(FIELD_ELEMENTS_PER_BLOB)
polynomial_coeff = fft_field(bit_reversal_permutation(list(polynomial)), roots_of_unity, inv=True)
return polynomial_coeff
#### `add_polynomialcoeff`
def add_polynomialcoeff(a: PolynomialCoeff, b: PolynomialCoeff) -> PolynomialCoeff:
Sum the coefficient form polynomials ``a`` and ``b``.
a, b = (a, b) if len(a) >= len(b) else (b, a)
length_a = len(a)
length_b = len(b)
return [(a[i] + (b[i] if i < length_b else 0)) % BLS_MODULUS for i in range(length_a)]
#### `neg_polynomialcoeff`
def neg_polynomialcoeff(a: PolynomialCoeff) -> PolynomialCoeff:
Negative of coefficient form polynomial ``a``
return [(BLS_MODULUS - x) % BLS_MODULUS for x in a]
#### `multiply_polynomialcoeff`
def multiply_polynomialcoeff(a: PolynomialCoeff, b: PolynomialCoeff) -> PolynomialCoeff:
Multiplies the coefficient form polynomials ``a`` and ``b``
assert len(a) + len(b) <= FIELD_ELEMENTS_PER_EXT_BLOB
r = [0]
for power, coef in enumerate(a):
summand = [0] * power + [int(coef) * int(x) % BLS_MODULUS for x in b]
r = add_polynomialcoeff(r, summand)
return r
#### `divide_polynomialcoeff`
def divide_polynomialcoeff(a: PolynomialCoeff, b: PolynomialCoeff) -> PolynomialCoeff:
Long polynomial division for two coefficient form polynomials ``a`` and ``b``
a = a.copy() # Make a copy since `a` is passed by reference
o: List[BLSFieldElement] = []
apos = len(a) - 1
bpos = len(b) - 1
diff = apos - bpos
while diff >= 0:
quot = div(a[apos], b[bpos])
o.insert(0, quot)
for i in range(bpos, -1, -1):
a[diff + i] = (int(a[diff + i]) - int(b[i] + BLS_MODULUS) * int(quot)) % BLS_MODULUS
apos -= 1
diff -= 1
return [x % BLS_MODULUS for x in o]
#### `interpolate_polynomialcoeff`
def interpolate_polynomialcoeff(xs: Sequence[BLSFieldElement], ys: Sequence[BLSFieldElement]) -> PolynomialCoeff:
Lagrange interpolation: Finds the lowest degree polynomial that takes the value ``ys[i]`` at ``x[i]``
for all i.
Outputs a coefficient form polynomial. Leading coefficients may be zero.
assert len(xs) == len(ys)
r = [0]
for i in range(len(xs)):
summand = [ys[i]]
for j in range(len(ys)):
if j != i:
weight_adjustment = bls_modular_inverse(int(xs[i]) - int(xs[j]))
summand = multiply_polynomialcoeff(
summand, [((BLS_MODULUS - int(weight_adjustment)) * int(xs[j])) % BLS_MODULUS, weight_adjustment]
r = add_polynomialcoeff(r, summand)
return r
#### `vanishing_polynomialcoeff`
def vanishing_polynomialcoeff(xs: Sequence[BLSFieldElement]) -> PolynomialCoeff:
Compute the vanishing polynomial on ``xs`` (in coefficient form)
p = [1]
for x in xs:
p = multiply_polynomialcoeff(p, [-int(x) + BLS_MODULUS, 1])
return p
#### `evaluate_polynomialcoeff`
def evaluate_polynomialcoeff(polynomial_coeff: PolynomialCoeff, z: BLSFieldElement) -> BLSFieldElement:
Evaluate a coefficient form polynomial at ``z`` using Horner's schema
y = 0
for coef in polynomial_coeff[::-1]:
y = (int(y) * int(z) + int(coef)) % BLS_MODULUS
return BLSFieldElement(y % BLS_MODULUS)
### KZG multiproofs
Extended KZG functions for multiproofs
#### `compute_kzg_proof_multi_impl`
def compute_kzg_proof_multi_impl(
polynomial_coeff: PolynomialCoeff,
zs: Coset) -> Tuple[KZGProof, CosetEvals]:
Compute a KZG multi-evaluation proof for a set of `k` points.
This is done by committing to the following quotient polynomial:
Q(X) = f(X) - I(X) / Z(X)
- I(X) is the degree `k-1` polynomial that agrees with f(x) at all `k` points
- Z(X) is the degree `k` polynomial that evaluates to zero on all `k` points
We further note that since the degree of I(X) is less than the degree of Z(X),
the computation can be simplified in monomial form to Q(X) = f(X) / Z(X)
# For all points, compute the evaluation of those points
ys = [evaluate_polynomialcoeff(polynomial_coeff, z) for z in zs]
# Compute Z(X)
denominator_poly = vanishing_polynomialcoeff(zs)
# Compute the quotient polynomial directly in monomial form
quotient_polynomial = divide_polynomialcoeff(polynomial_coeff, denominator_poly)
return KZGProof(g1_lincomb(KZG_SETUP_G1_MONOMIAL[:len(quotient_polynomial)], quotient_polynomial)), ys
#### `verify_cell_kzg_proof_batch_impl`
def verify_cell_kzg_proof_batch_impl(commitments: Sequence[KZGCommitment],
commitment_indices: Sequence[CommitmentIndex],
cell_indices: Sequence[CellIndex],
cosets_evals: Sequence[CosetEvals],
proofs: Sequence[KZGProof]) -> bool:
Helper: Verify that a set of cells belong to their corresponding commitment.
Given a list of ``commitments`` (which contains no duplicates) and four lists representing
tuples of (``commitment_index``, ``cell_index``, ``evals``, ``proof``), the function
verifies ``proof`` which shows that ``evals`` are the evaluations of the polynomial associated
with ``commitments[commitment_index]``, evaluated over the domain specified by ``cell_index``.
This function is the internal implementation of ``verify_cell_kzg_proof_batch``.
assert len(commitment_indices) == len(cell_indices) == len(cosets_evals) == len(proofs)
assert len(commitments) == len(set(commitments))
for commitment_index in commitment_indices:
assert commitment_index < len(commitments)
# The verification equation that we will check is pairing (LL, LR) = pairing (RL, [1]), where
# LL = sum_k r^k proofs[k],
# LR = [s^n]
# RL = RLC - RLI + RLP, where
# RLC = sum_i weights[i] commitments[i]
# RLI = [sum_k r^k interpolation_poly_k(s)]
# RLP = sum_k (r^k * h_k^n) proofs[k]
# Here, the variables have the following meaning:
# - k < len(cell_indices) is an index iterating over all cells in the input
# - r is a random coefficient, derived from hashing all data provided by the prover
# - s is the secret embedded in the KZG setup
# - n = FIELD_ELEMENTS_PER_CELL is the size of the evaluation domain
# - i ranges over all provided commitments
# - weights[i] is a weight computed for commitment i
# - It depends on r and on which cells are associated with commitment i
# - interpolation_poly_k is the interpolation polynomial for the kth cell
# - h_k is the coset shift specifying the evaluation domain of the kth cell
# Preparation
num_cells = len(cell_indices)
num_commitments = len(commitments)
# Step 1: Compute a challenge r and its powers r^0, ..., r^{num_cells-1}
r = compute_verify_cell_kzg_proof_batch_challenge(
r_powers = compute_powers(r, num_cells)
# Step 2: Compute LL = sum_k r^k proofs[k]
ll = bls.bytes48_to_G1(g1_lincomb(proofs, r_powers))
# Step 3: Compute LR = [s^n]
lr = bls.bytes96_to_G2(KZG_SETUP_G2_MONOMIAL[n])
# Step 4: Compute RL = RLC - RLI + RLP
# Step 4.1: Compute RLC = sum_i weights[i] commitments[i]
# Step 4.1a: Compute weights[i]: the sum of all r^k for which cell k is associated with commitment i.
# Note: we do that by iterating over all k and updating the correct weights[i] accordingly
weights = [0] * num_commitments
for k in range(num_cells):
i = commitment_indices[k]
weights[i] = (weights[i] + int(r_powers[k])) % BLS_MODULUS
# Step 4.1b: Linearly combine the weights with the commitments to get RLC
rlc = bls.bytes48_to_G1(g1_lincomb(commitments, weights))
# Step 4.2: Compute RLI = [sum_k r^k interpolation_poly_k(s)]
# Note: an efficient implementation would use the IDFT based method explained in the blog post
sum_interp_polys_coeff = [0] * n
for k in range(num_cells):
interp_poly_coeff = interpolate_polynomialcoeff(coset_for_cell(cell_indices[k]), cosets_evals[k])
interp_poly_scaled_coeff = multiply_polynomialcoeff([r_powers[k]], interp_poly_coeff)
sum_interp_polys_coeff = add_polynomialcoeff(sum_interp_polys_coeff, interp_poly_scaled_coeff)
rli = bls.bytes48_to_G1(g1_lincomb(KZG_SETUP_G1_MONOMIAL[:n], sum_interp_polys_coeff))
# Step 4.3: Compute RLP = sum_k (r^k * h_k^n) proofs[k]
weighted_r_powers = []
for k in range(num_cells):
h_k = int(coset_shift_for_cell(cell_indices[k]))
h_k_pow = pow(h_k, n, BLS_MODULUS)
wrp = (int(r_powers[k]) * h_k_pow) % BLS_MODULUS
rlp = bls.bytes48_to_G1(g1_lincomb(proofs, weighted_r_powers))
# Step 4.4: Compute RL = RLC - RLI + RLP
rl = bls.add(rlc, bls.neg(rli))
rl = bls.add(rl, rlp)
# Step 5: Check pairing (LL, LR) = pairing (RL, [1])
return (bls.pairing_check([
[ll, lr],
[rl, bls.neg(bls.bytes96_to_G2(KZG_SETUP_G2_MONOMIAL[0]))],
### Cell cosets
#### `coset_shift_for_cell`
def coset_shift_for_cell(cell_index: CellIndex) -> BLSFieldElement:
Get the shift that determines the coset for a given ``cell_index``.
Precisely, consider the group of roots of unity of order FIELD_ELEMENTS_PER_CELL * CELLS_PER_EXT_BLOB.
Let G = {1, g, g^2, ...} denote its subgroup of order FIELD_ELEMENTS_PER_CELL.
Then, the coset is defined as h * G = {h, hg, hg^2, ...} for an element h.
This function returns h.
assert cell_index < CELLS_PER_EXT_BLOB
roots_of_unity_brp = bit_reversal_permutation(
return roots_of_unity_brp[FIELD_ELEMENTS_PER_CELL * cell_index]
#### `coset_for_cell`
def coset_for_cell(cell_index: CellIndex) -> Coset:
Get the coset for a given ``cell_index``.
Precisely, consider the group of roots of unity of order FIELD_ELEMENTS_PER_CELL * CELLS_PER_EXT_BLOB.
Let G = {1, g, g^2, ...} denote its subgroup of order FIELD_ELEMENTS_PER_CELL.
Then, the coset is defined as h * G = {h, hg, hg^2, ...}.
This function, returns the coset.
assert cell_index < CELLS_PER_EXT_BLOB
roots_of_unity_brp = bit_reversal_permutation(
return Coset(roots_of_unity_brp[FIELD_ELEMENTS_PER_CELL * cell_index:FIELD_ELEMENTS_PER_CELL * (cell_index + 1)])
## Cells
### Cell computation
#### `compute_cells_and_kzg_proofs_polynomialcoeff`
def compute_cells_and_kzg_proofs_polynomialcoeff(polynomial_coeff: PolynomialCoeff) -> Tuple[
Helper function which computes cells/proofs for a polynomial in coefficient form.
cells, proofs = [], []
for i in range(CELLS_PER_EXT_BLOB):
coset = coset_for_cell(CellIndex(i))
proof, ys = compute_kzg_proof_multi_impl(polynomial_coeff, coset)
return cells, proofs
#### `compute_cells_and_kzg_proofs`
def compute_cells_and_kzg_proofs(blob: Blob) -> Tuple[
Compute all the cell proofs for an extended blob. This is an inefficient O(n^2) algorithm,
for performant implementation the FK20 algorithm that runs in O(n log n) should be
used instead.
Public method.
assert len(blob) == BYTES_PER_BLOB
polynomial = blob_to_polynomial(blob)
polynomial_coeff = polynomial_eval_to_coeff(polynomial)
return compute_cells_and_kzg_proofs_polynomialcoeff(polynomial_coeff)
### Cell verification
#### `verify_cell_kzg_proof_batch`
def verify_cell_kzg_proof_batch(commitments_bytes: Sequence[Bytes48],
cell_indices: Sequence[CellIndex],
cells: Sequence[Cell],
proofs_bytes: Sequence[Bytes48]) -> bool:
Verify that a set of cells belong to their corresponding commitments.
Given four lists representing tuples of (``commitment``, ``cell_index``, ``cell``, ``proof``),
the function verifies ``proof`` which shows that ``cell`` are the evaluations of the polynomial
associated with ``commitment``, evaluated over the domain specified by ``cell_index``.
This function implements the universal verification equation that has been introduced here:
Public method.
assert len(commitments_bytes) == len(cells) == len(proofs_bytes) == len(cell_indices)
for commitment_bytes in commitments_bytes:
assert len(commitment_bytes) == BYTES_PER_COMMITMENT
for cell_index in cell_indices:
assert cell_index < CELLS_PER_EXT_BLOB
for cell in cells:
assert len(cell) == BYTES_PER_CELL
for proof_bytes in proofs_bytes:
assert len(proof_bytes) == BYTES_PER_PROOF
# Create the list of deduplicated commitments we are dealing with
deduplicated_commitments = [bytes_to_kzg_commitment(commitment_bytes)
for commitment_bytes in set(commitments_bytes)]
# Create indices list mapping initial commitments (that may contain duplicates) to the deduplicated commitments
commitment_indices = [deduplicated_commitments.index(commitment_bytes) for commitment_bytes in commitments_bytes]
cosets_evals = [cell_to_coset_evals(cell) for cell in cells]
proofs = [bytes_to_kzg_proof(proof_bytes) for proof_bytes in proofs_bytes]
# Do the actual verification
return verify_cell_kzg_proof_batch_impl(
## Reconstruction
### `construct_vanishing_polynomial`
def construct_vanishing_polynomial(missing_cell_indices: Sequence[CellIndex]) -> Sequence[BLSFieldElement]:
Given the cells indices that are missing from the data, compute the polynomial that vanishes at every point that
corresponds to a missing field element.
This method assumes that all of the cells cannot be missing. In this case the vanishing polynomial
could be computed as Z(x) = x^n - 1, where `n` is FIELD_ELEMENTS_PER_EXT_BLOB.
We never encounter this case however because this method is used solely for recovery and recovery only
works if at least half of the cells are available.
# Get the small domain
roots_of_unity_reduced = compute_roots_of_unity(CELLS_PER_EXT_BLOB)
# Compute polynomial that vanishes at all the missing cells (over the small domain)
short_zero_poly = vanishing_polynomialcoeff([
roots_of_unity_reduced[reverse_bits(missing_cell_index, CELLS_PER_EXT_BLOB)]
for missing_cell_index in missing_cell_indices
# Extend vanishing polynomial to full domain using the closed form of the vanishing polynomial over a coset
zero_poly_coeff = [BLSFieldElement(0)] * FIELD_ELEMENTS_PER_EXT_BLOB
for i, coeff in enumerate(short_zero_poly):
zero_poly_coeff[i * FIELD_ELEMENTS_PER_CELL] = coeff
return zero_poly_coeff
### `recover_polynomialcoeff`
def recover_polynomialcoeff(cell_indices: Sequence[CellIndex],
cells: Sequence[Cell]) -> Sequence[BLSFieldElement]:
Recover the polynomial in coefficient form that when evaluated at the roots of unity will give the extended blob.
# Get the extended domain. This will be referred to as the FFT domain.
roots_of_unity_extended = compute_roots_of_unity(FIELD_ELEMENTS_PER_EXT_BLOB)
# Flatten the cells into evaluations
# If a cell is missing, then its evaluation is zero.
# We let E(x) be a polynomial of degree FIELD_ELEMENTS_PER_EXT_BLOB - 1
# that interpolates the evaluations including the zeros for missing ones.
extended_evaluation_rbo = [0] * FIELD_ELEMENTS_PER_EXT_BLOB
for cell_index, cell in zip(cell_indices, cells):
start = cell_index * FIELD_ELEMENTS_PER_CELL
end = (cell_index + 1) * FIELD_ELEMENTS_PER_CELL
extended_evaluation_rbo[start:end] = cell
extended_evaluation = bit_reversal_permutation(extended_evaluation_rbo)
# Compute the vanishing polynomial Z(x) in coefficient form.
# Z(x) is the polynomial which vanishes on all of the evaluations which are missing.
missing_cell_indices = [CellIndex(cell_index) for cell_index in range(CELLS_PER_EXT_BLOB)
if cell_index not in cell_indices]
zero_poly_coeff = construct_vanishing_polynomial(missing_cell_indices)
# Convert Z(x) to evaluation form over the FFT domain
zero_poly_eval = fft_field(zero_poly_coeff, roots_of_unity_extended)
# Compute (E*Z)(x) = E(x) * Z(x) in evaluation form over the FFT domain
# Note: over the FFT domain, the polynomials (E*Z)(x) and (P*Z)(x) agree, where
# P(x) is the polynomial we want to reconstruct (degree FIELD_ELEMENTS_PER_BLOB - 1).
extended_evaluation_times_zero = [BLSFieldElement(int(a) * int(b) % BLS_MODULUS)
for a, b in zip(zero_poly_eval, extended_evaluation)]
# We know that (E*Z)(x) and (P*Z)(x) agree over the FFT domain,
# and we know that (P*Z)(x) has degree at most FIELD_ELEMENTS_PER_EXT_BLOB - 1.
# Thus, an inverse FFT of the evaluations of (E*Z)(x) (= evaluations of (P*Z)(x))
# yields the coefficient form of (P*Z)(x).
extended_evaluation_times_zero_coeffs = fft_field(extended_evaluation_times_zero, roots_of_unity_extended, inv=True)
# Next step is to divide the polynomial (P*Z)(x) by polynomial Z(x) to get P(x).
# We do this in evaluation form over a coset of the FFT domain to avoid division by 0.
# Convert (P*Z)(x) to evaluation form over a coset of the FFT domain
extended_evaluations_over_coset = coset_fft_field(extended_evaluation_times_zero_coeffs, roots_of_unity_extended)
# Convert Z(x) to evaluation form over a coset of the FFT domain
zero_poly_over_coset = coset_fft_field(zero_poly_coeff, roots_of_unity_extended)
# Compute P(x) = (P*Z)(x) / Z(x) in evaluation form over a coset of the FFT domain
reconstructed_poly_over_coset = [div(a, b) for a, b in zip(extended_evaluations_over_coset, zero_poly_over_coset)]
# Convert P(x) to coefficient form
reconstructed_poly_coeff = coset_fft_field(reconstructed_poly_over_coset, roots_of_unity_extended, inv=True)
return reconstructed_poly_coeff[:FIELD_ELEMENTS_PER_BLOB]
### `recover_cells_and_kzg_proofs`
def recover_cells_and_kzg_proofs(cell_indices: Sequence[CellIndex],
cells: Sequence[Cell]) -> Tuple[
Given at least 50% of cells for a blob, recover all the cells/proofs.
This algorithm uses FFTs to recover cells faster than using Lagrange
implementation, as can be seen here:
A faster version thanks to Qi Zhou can be found here:
Public method.
# Check we have the same number of cells and indices
assert len(cell_indices) == len(cells)
# Check we have enough cells to be able to perform the reconstruction
assert CELLS_PER_EXT_BLOB / 2 <= len(cell_indices) <= CELLS_PER_EXT_BLOB
# Check for duplicates
assert len(cell_indices) == len(set(cell_indices))
# Check that the cell indices are within bounds
for cell_index in cell_indices:
assert cell_index < CELLS_PER_EXT_BLOB
# Check that each cell is the correct length
for cell in cells:
assert len(cell) == BYTES_PER_CELL
# Convert cells to coset evaluations
cosets_evals = [cell_to_coset_evals(cell) for cell in cells]
# Given the coset evaluations, recover the polynomial in coefficient form
polynomial_coeff = recover_polynomialcoeff(cell_indices, cosets_evals)
# Recompute all cells/proofs
return compute_cells_and_kzg_proofs_polynomialcoeff(polynomial_coeff)