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[WIP] SimpleSerialiZe (SSZ)

This is a work in progress describing typing, serialization and Merkleization of Ethereum 2.0 objects.

Table of contents


Name Value Definition
LENGTH_BYTES 4 Number of bytes for the length of variable-length serialized objects.
MAX_LENGTH 2**(8 * LENGTH_BYTES) Maximum serialization length.


Primitive types

  • uintN: N-bit unsigned integer (where N in [8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256])
  • bool: 1-bit unsigned integer

Composite types

  • Container: ordered heterogenous collection of values
  • Tuple: ordered fixed-length homogeneous collection of values
  • List: ordered variable-length homogenous collection of values


  • Container: key-pair notation {}, e.g. {'key1': uint64, 'key2': bool}
  • Tuple: angle-braket notation [N], e.g. uint64[N]
  • List: angle-braket notation [], e.g. uint64[]


For convenience we alias:

  • byte to uint8
  • bytes to byte[]
  • bytesN to byte[N]
  • bit to bool


We reccursively define the serialize function which consumes an object o (of the type specified) and returns a byte string []byte.


assert N in [8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256]
return o.to_bytes(N / 8, 'little')


assert o in (True, False)
return b'\x01' if o is True else b'\x00'


serialized_elements = [serialize(element) for element in o]
serialized_bytes = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, serialized_elements)
assert len(serialized_bytes) < MAX_LENGTH
serialized_length = len(serialized_bytes).to_bytes(LENGTH_BYTES, 'little')
return serialized_length + serialized_bytes


serialized_elements = [serialize(element) for element in o]
serialized_bytes = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, serialized_elements)
return serialized_bytes


serialized_elements = [serialize(element) for element in o]
serialized_bytes = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, serialized_elements)
assert len(serialized_elements) < MAX_LENGTH
serialized_length = len(serialized_elements).to_bytes(LENGTH_BYTES, 'little')
return serialized_length + serialized_bytes


Given a type, serialization is an injective function from objects of that type to byte strings. That is, deserialization—the inverse function—is well-defined.


We first define helper functions:

  • pack: Given ordered objects of the same basic type, serialize them, pack them into 32-byte chunks, right-pad the last chunk with zero bytes, and return the chunks.
  • merkleize: Given ordered 32-byte chunks, right-pad them with zero chunks to the closest power of two, Merkleize the chunks, and return the root.
  • mix_in_length: Given a Merkle root root and a length length (32-byte little-endian serialization) return hash(root + length).

Let o be an object. We now define object Merkleization hash_tree_root(o) recursively:

  • merkleize(pack(o)) if o is a basic object or a tuple of basic objects
  • mix_in_length(merkleize(pack(o)), len(o)) if o is a list of basic objects
  • merkleize([hash_tree_root(element) for element in o]) if o is a tuple of composite objects or a container
  • mix_in_length(merkleize([hash_tree_root(element) for element in o]), len(o)) if o is a list of composite objects

Signed containers

Let container be a self-signed container object. The convention is that the signature (e.g. a bytes96 BLS12-381 signature) be the last field of container. Further, the signed message for container is signed_root(container) = hash_tree_root(truncate_last(container)) where truncate_last truncates the last element of container.


Language Implementation Description
Python Python implementation of SSZ
Rust Lighthouse (Rust Ethereum 2.0 Node) maintained SSZ
Nim Nim Implementation maintained SSZ
Rust Shasper implementation of SSZ maintained by ParityTech
Javascript Javascript Implementation maintained SSZ
Java SSZ Java library part of the Cava suite
Go Go implementation of SSZ mantained by Prysmatic Labs
Swift Swift implementation maintained SSZ
C# C# implementation maintained SSZ
C++ C++ implementation maintained SSZ