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We see design as a form of activism that has the potential to inspire change, promote justice, and resist inhuman ideologies. To us, design goes beyond aesthetics; it's about connecting people to ideas in significant ways. Our design philosophy is grounded in creating meaningful and broad-reaching design solutions.

Central to our approach is the belief that “the message is the message.” We prioritize the message over its medium, giving it precedence over the platform it's on or the form it takes. In parallel, we strive to deliver designs that are functional and utilitarian, not trendy or fashionable, because creating meaning, purpose, and impact is what we value most.

We also believe that in design modularity and scalability foster collaboration and diversity. We prioritize solutions that are accessible to as many people as possible, regardless of their technical expertise, physical abilities, or other circumstances.


On this page, we'll outline our design principles and how they shape the co-branding system for Logos and its subdivisions.

Our design philosophy is built on the notion that messages often get muddled in excessive presentation. We counter this by focusing on clear, utility-based designs that emphasize content over form; thus substance over spectacle.

Core Principles

Activist: We use design to challenge inhuman ideologies, promoting social and political activism. We emphasize community, cooperation, privacy, and censorship resistance..

Permissive: We champion a collaborative approach, moving away from singular design authorities. Our emphasis is on enabling everyone to participate in the creative process without being anchored to specific design styles.

Material Focus: We create tangible digital objects, not images. For us, a website is straightforward — texts and data presented clearly.

Inclusion: We emphasize transparency, ensuring our designs are inclusive and accessible. This includes compatibility across various internet conditions and devices. In essence, our approach prioritizes function, inclusivity, and resistance to dominant designs and ideologies.