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Building protocols and products at all layers of the stack including underlying transports, p2p overlays and routing, initial trust establishment, and semantics for things like group chat.
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<p class="work__heading lg:uppercase font-semibold text-s lg:text-base group-hover:text-white">Waku</p>
<p class="work__text text-s lg:text-base mt-4 lg:mt-2.5 opacity-75 text-left max-w-screen-xxs group-hover:text-white">
A gossip based messaging protocol for private, secure, p2p messaging with implementations written in go, nim, java script.
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<p class="link link--external group-hover:text-white">Visit Waku</p>
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d="M48.1706 9.25283C42.8204 6.21844 37.6207 3.26952 32.421 0.320607C31.5401 -0.170879 30.6806 -0.085403 29.8212 0.406083C20.3241 5.8338 10.8271 11.2401 1.35162 16.6679C1.05081 16.8388 0.771486 17.3303 0.771486 17.6722C0.75 28.5062 0.728514 39.3189 0.792973 50.1316C0.792973 50.8368 1.33013 51.8411 1.91027 52.183C7.02404 55.1961 12.2023 58.0809 17.3805 61.0084C17.4235 61.0298 17.5094 61.0084 17.7458 61.0084C17.7458 60.6024 17.7458 60.175 17.7458 59.769C17.7458 49.1273 17.7673 38.5069 17.7243 27.8652C17.7243 26.8608 18.0896 26.3907 18.906 25.942C28.4245 20.557 37.9215 15.1507 47.4185 9.74431C47.6119 9.63747 47.8268 9.48788 48.1706 9.25283Z"
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<p class="work__heading lg:uppercase font-semibold text-s lg:text-base group-hover:text-peach">DApp Connect</p>
<p class="work__text text-s lg:text-base mt-4 lg:mt-2.5 opacity-75 text-left max-w-screen-xxs group-hover:text-peach">The communication layer for Ethereum. A tech stack enabling decentralized communication between DApps and people.</p>
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<p class="link link--external link--dapp group-hover:text-peach">Visit DApp Connect</p>
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<h2 class="text-sm font-semibold mb-5 s:text-center lg:text-center">About</h2>
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<p class="section__text text-s lg:text-base italic mb-5 l:max-w-md l:mb-8">Our research is designed to remove centralized third parties from our communication. We believe in the right to privacy, security, and autonomy of the individual.</p>
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<div class="about__card flex flex-col w-full sm:w-1/2 lm:max-w-screen-xscard mb-6 lg:mb-10 lm:mr-5">
<p class="about__heading mb-4 font-semibold text-s lg:text-sm text-left">Researching All Layers</p>
<p class="about__text text-s lg:text-base opacity-75 md:mr-5 lg:mr-0">Concerned with all layers in the stack including underlying transports, p2p overlays and routing, initial trust establishment, and semantics for things like group chat.</p>
<div class="about__card flex flex-col w-full sm:w-1/2 lm:max-w-screen-xscard mb-6 lg:mb-10 lm:mr-5">
<p class="about__heading mb-4 font-semibold text-s lg:text-sm text-left">Peer-to-Peer</p>
<p class="about__text text-s lg:text-base opacity-75 md:mr-5 lg:mr-0">The protocols we work on are pure peer-to-peer, and aim to minimize centralization. This too is in opposition to many initiatives in the secure messaging space.</p>
<div class="about__card flex flex-col w-full sm:w-1/2 lm:max-w-screen-xscard mb-6 lg:mb-10 lm:mr-5">
<p class="about__heading mb-4 font-semibold text-s lg:text-sm text-left">Security, Privacy, Censorship Resistance</p>
<p class="about__text text-s lg:text-base opacity-75 md:mr-5 lg:mr-0">Assumes the basics such as end-to-end encryption, forward secrecy, avoiding MITM-attacks. Vac also places a premium on privacy and censorship resistance from port blocking, traffic analysis, and similar.</p>
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<p class="about__heading mb-4 font-semibold text-s lg:text-sm text-left">Modular System</p>
<p class="about__text text-s lg:text-base opacity-75 md:mr-5 lg:mr-0">Provide options at each layer in the stack, instead of having a tightly coupled set of protocols. Allowing developers to choose what they use and ensure they know each choice comes with different trade-offs.</p>
<div class="about__card flex flex-col w-full sm:w-1/2 lm:max-w-screen-xscard mb-6 lg:mb-10 lm:mr-5">
<p class="about__heading mb-4 font-semibold text-s lg:text-sm text-left">Generalized Messaging</p>
<p class="about__text text-s lg:text-base opacity-75 md:mr-5 lg:mr-0"> This includes both human to human communication, as well as machine to machine communication. Texting, data transfer, financial transactions, state channels and more.</p>
<section id="research-log" class="log container max-w-screen-xl flex flex-col sm:flex-row py-10 border-b">
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<h2 class="text-sm font-semibold mb-5 s:text-center lg:text-center">Research log</h2>
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<time class="text-xxs opacity-75">December 03, 2021</time>
<a href="/ethics-surveillance-tech" class="text-xs lg:text-base font-semibold hover:underline">Opinion: Pseudo-ethics in the Surveillance Tech Industry</a>
<li class="flex flex-col w-full sm:w-1/2 lm:max-w-screen-xs mb-5 lg:mb-8">
<time class="text-xxs opacity-75">November 03, 2021</time>
<a href="/waku-v1-v2-bandwidth-comparison" class="text-xs lg:text-base font-semibold hover:underline">Waku v1 vs Waku v2: Bandwidth Comparison</a>
<li class="flex flex-col w-full sm:w-1/2 lm:max-w-screen-xs mb-5 lg:mb-8">
<time class="text-xxs opacity-75">August 06, 2021</time>
<a href="/waku-v2-ethereum-coscup" class="text-xs lg:text-base font-semibold hover:underline">[Talk at COSCUP] Vac, Waku v2 and Ethereum Messaging</a>
<li class="flex flex-col w-full sm:w-1/2 lm:max-w-screen-xs mb-5 lg:mb-8">
<time class="text-xxs opacity-75">June 04, 2021</time>
<a href="/presenting-js-waku" class="text-xs lg:text-base font-semibold hover:underline">Presenting JS-Waku: Waku v2 in the Browser</a>
<li class="flex flex-col w-full sm:w-1/2 lm:max-w-screen-xs mb-5 lg:mb-8">
<time class="text-xxs opacity-75">March 05, 2021</time>
<a href="/rln-relay" class="text-xs lg:text-base font-semibold hover:underline">Privacy-preserving p2p economic spam protection in Waku v2</a>
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<time class="text-xxs opacity-75">November 10, 2020</time>
<a href="/waku-v2-ethereum-messaging" class="text-xs lg:text-base font-semibold hover:underline">[Talk] Vac, Waku v2 and Ethereum Messaging</a>
<li class="flex flex-col w-full sm:w-1/2 lm:max-w-screen-xs mb-5 lg:mb-8">
<time class="text-xxs opacity-75">September 28, 2020</time>
<a href="/waku-v2-update" class="text-xs lg:text-base font-semibold hover:underline">Waku v2 Update</a>
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<time class="text-xxs opacity-75">July 01, 2020</time>
<a href="/waku-v2-plan" class="text-xs lg:text-base font-semibold hover:underline">What's the Plan for Waku v2?</a>
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<time class="text-xxs opacity-75">December 03, 2021</time>
<a href="/ethics-surveillance-tech" class="text-xs lg:text-base font-semibold hover:underline">Opinion: Pseudo-ethics in the Surveillance Tech Industry</a>
<li class="flex flex-col w-full sm:w-1/2 lm:max-w-screen-xs mb-5 lg:mb-8">
<time class="text-xxs opacity-75">November 03, 2021</time>
<a href="/waku-v1-v2-bandwidth-comparison" class="text-xs lg:text-base font-semibold hover:underline">Waku v1 vs Waku v2: Bandwidth Comparison</a>
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<time class="text-xxs opacity-75">August 06, 2021</time>
<a href="/waku-v2-ethereum-coscup" class="text-xs lg:text-base font-semibold hover:underline">[Talk at COSCUP] Vac, Waku v2 and Ethereum Messaging</a>
<li class="flex flex-col w-full sm:w-1/2 lm:max-w-screen-xs mb-5 lg:mb-8">
<time class="text-xxs opacity-75">June 04, 2021</time>
<a href="/presenting-js-waku" class="text-xs lg:text-base font-semibold hover:underline">Presenting JS-Waku: Waku v2 in the Browser</a>
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<time class="text-xxs opacity-75">August 06, 2021</time>
<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s0ATpQ4_XFc&ab_channel=OsakaThorp" class="text-xs lg:text-base font-semibold hover:underline">Vac, Waku v2 and Ethereum Messaging</a>
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<time class="text-xxs opacity-75">July 23, 2021</time>
<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S782Ppzvkd0&ab_channel=ZeroKnowledge" class="text-xs lg:text-base font-semibold hover:underline">ZKPodcast: ZKPs for Spam Protection & Decentralized Messaging with Status</a>
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<time class="text-xxs opacity-75">July 21, 2021</time>
<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rQOp3qoDF0g&ab_channel=AmphiPoissy" class="text-xs lg:text-base font-semibold hover:underline">Franck Royer : DappConnect: Enabling decentralised communications using Waku</a>
<li class="flex flex-col w-full sm:w-1/2 lm:max-w-screen-xs mb-5 lg:mb-8">
<time class="text-xxs opacity-75">November 09, 2020</time>
<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUDy1MoeYnI&ab_channel=TaipeiEthereumMeetup" class="text-xs lg:text-base font-semibold hover:underline">Oskar Thoren | Vac, Waku v2 and Ethereum Messaging</a>
<li class="flex flex-col w-full sm:w-1/2 lm:max-w-screen-xs mb-5 lg:mb-8">
<time class="text-xxs opacity-75">March 03, 2020</time>
<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6lLT33tsJjs&ab_channel=AmphiStGermain" class="text-xs lg:text-base font-semibold hover:underline">Dean Eigenman & Oskar Thoren: From Whisper to Waku</a>
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<time class="text-xxs opacity-75">August 12, 2019</time>
<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zxN-PqYkZ1M&ab_channel=EthereumFoundation" class="text-xs lg:text-base font-semibold hover:underline">Private and Reliable Data Sync for Messaging Over Whisper by Dean Eigenmann & Oskar Thoren (Devcon5)</a>
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<time class="text-xxs opacity-75">August 06, 2021</time>
<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s0ATpQ4_XFc&ab_channel=OsakaThorp" class="text-xs lg:text-base font-semibold hover:underline">Vac, Waku v2 and Ethereum Messaging</a>
<li class="flex flex-col w-full sm:w-1/2 lm:max-w-screen-xs mb-5 lg:mb-8">
<time class="text-xxs opacity-75">July 23, 2021</time>
<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S782Ppzvkd0&ab_channel=ZeroKnowledge" class="text-xs lg:text-base font-semibold hover:underline">ZKPodcast: ZKPs for Spam Protection & Decentralized Messaging with Status</a>
<li class="flex flex-col w-full sm:w-1/2 lm:max-w-screen-xs mb-5 lg:mb-8">
<time class="text-xxs opacity-75">July 21, 2021</time>
<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rQOp3qoDF0g&ab_channel=AmphiPoissy" class="text-xs lg:text-base font-semibold hover:underline">Franck Royer : DappConnect: Enabling decentralised communications using Waku</a>
<li class="flex flex-col w-full sm:w-1/2 lm:max-w-screen-xs mb-5 lg:mb-8">
<time class="text-xxs opacity-75">November 09, 2020</time>
<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUDy1MoeYnI&ab_channel=TaipeiEthereumMeetup" class="text-xs lg:text-base font-semibold hover:underline">Oskar Thoren | Vac, Waku v2 and Ethereum Messaging</a>
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