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2021-09-02 21:14:19 +00:00
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2021-09-02 21:14:19 +00:00
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< p class = "section__text text-s lg:text-base italic l:max-w-md" > We take inspiration from core internet architecture, existing survey work and other efforts that have been done to decompose the problem into orthogonal pieces.< / p >
2021-09-02 21:14:19 +00:00
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< time class = "text-xxs opacity-75" > December 03, 2021< / time >
< a href = "/ethics-surveillance-tech" class = "text-xs lg:text-base font-semibold hover:underline" > Opinion: Pseudo-ethics in the Surveillance Tech Industry< / a >
2021-09-02 21:14:19 +00:00
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2022-01-11 20:48:02 +00:00
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< time class = "text-xxs opacity-75" > November 03, 2021< / time >
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< time class = "text-xxs opacity-75" > August 06, 2021< / time >
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< time class = "text-xxs opacity-75" > June 04, 2021< / time >
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< time class = "text-xxs opacity-75" > March 05, 2021< / time >
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< time class = "text-xxs opacity-75" > November 10, 2020< / time >
< a href = "/waku-v2-ethereum-messaging" class = "text-xs lg:text-base font-semibold hover:underline" > [Talk] Vac, Waku v2 and Ethereum Messaging< / a >
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< time class = "text-xxs opacity-75" > September 28, 2020< / time >
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< time class = "text-xxs opacity-75" > July 01, 2020< / time >
< a href = "/waku-v2-plan" class = "text-xs lg:text-base font-semibold hover:underline" > What's the Plan for Waku v2?< / a >
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< time class = "text-xxs opacity-75" > April 27, 2020< / time >
< a href = "/feasibility-discv5" class = "text-xs lg:text-base font-semibold hover:underline" > Feasibility Study: Discv5< / a >
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< time class = "text-xxs opacity-75" > April 16, 2020< / time >
< a href = "/wechat-replacement-need" class = "text-xs lg:text-base font-semibold hover:underline" > What Would a WeChat Replacement Need?< / a >
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< time class = "text-xxs opacity-75" > April 09, 2020< / time >
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< time class = "text-xxs opacity-75" > February 14, 2020< / time >
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< time class = "text-xxs opacity-75" > February 07, 2020< / time >
< a href = "/dns-based-discovery" class = "text-xs lg:text-base font-semibold hover:underline" > DNS Based Discovery< / a >
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< time class = "text-xxs opacity-75" > December 03, 2019< / time >
< a href = "/fixing-whisper-with-waku" class = "text-xs lg:text-base font-semibold hover:underline" > Fixing Whisper with Waku< / a >
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< time class = "text-xxs opacity-75" > November 08, 2019< / time >
< a href = "/feasibility-semaphore-rate-limiting-zksnarks" class = "text-xs lg:text-base font-semibold hover:underline" > Feasibility Study: Semaphore rate limiting through zkSNARKs< / a >
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< time class = "text-xxs opacity-75" > October 04, 2019< / time >
< a href = "/remote-log" class = "text-xs lg:text-base font-semibold hover:underline" > P2P Data Sync with a Remote Log< / a >
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< time class = "text-xxs opacity-75" > August 02, 2019< / time >
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< time class = "text-xxs opacity-75" > July 19, 2019< / time >
< a href = "/p2p-data-sync-for-mobile" class = "text-xs lg:text-base font-semibold hover:underline" > P2P Data Sync for Mobile< / a >
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