2020-11-26 11:37:24 +02:00

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Waku v2 JSON-RPC REST API 0.0.1 Raw Hanno Cornelius <hanno@status.im>

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Wire Protocol
    1. Transport
    2. Types
    3. Method naming
    4. Debug API
    5. Relay API
    6. Store API
    7. Filter API
  3. Example usage
  4. Changelog
  5. Copyright


This specification describes the JSON-RPC API that Waku v2 nodes MAY adhere to. Refer to the Waku v2 specification for more information on Waku v2.

Wire Protocol


Nodes SHOULD expose an accessible JSON-RPC API. The JSON-RPC version SHOULD be 2.0. Below is an example request:



Field Description
jsonrpc Contains the used JSON-RPC version (Default: 2.0)
method Contains the JSON-RPC method that is being called
params An array of parameters for the request
id The request ID


In this specification, the primitive types Boolean, String, Number and Null, as well as the structured types Array and Object, are to be interpreted according to the JSON-RPC specification. It also adopts the same capitalisation conventions.

The following structured types are defined for use throughout the document:


Refer to Waku Message specification for more information.

WakuMessage is an Object containing the following fields:

Field Type Inclusion Description
payload String mandatory The message payload
contentTopic Number optional Message content topic for optional content-based filtering
version Number optional Message version. Used to indicate type of payload encryption. Default version is 0 (no payload encryption).

Method naming

The JSON-RPC methods in this document are designed to be mappable to HTTP REST endpoints. Method names follow the pattern <method_type>_waku_<protocol_version>_<api>_<api_version>_<resource>

  • <method_type>: prefix of the HTTP method type that most closely matches the JSON-RPC function. Supported method_type values are get, post, put, delete or patch.
  • <protocol_version>: Waku version. Currently v2.
  • <api>: one of the listed APIs below, e.g. store, debug, or relay.
  • <api_version>: API definition version. Currently v1 for all APIs.
  • <resource>: the resource or resource path being addressed

The method post_waku_v2_relay_v1_message, for example, would map to the HTTP REST endpoint POST /waku/v2/relay/v1/message.

Debug API


The following structured types are defined for use on the Debug API:


WakuInfo is an Object containing the following fields:

Field Type Inclusion Description
listenStr String mandatory Address that the node is listening for


The get_waku_v2_debug_v1_info method retrieves information about a Waku v2 node




  • WakuInfo - information about a Waku v2 node

Relay API

Refer to the Waku Relay specification for more information on the relaying of messages.


The following structured types are defined for use on the Relay API:


WakuRelayMessage is an Object containing the following fields:

Field Type Inclusion Description
payload String mandatory The payload being relayed
contentTopic Number optional Message content topic for optional content-based filtering


The post_waku_v2_relay_v1_message method publishes a message to be relayed on a PubSub topic


Field Type Inclusion Description
topic String mandatory The PubSub topic being published on
message WakuRelayMessage mandatory The message being relayed


  • Bool - true on success or an error on failure.


The post_waku_v2_relay_v1_subscriptions method subscribes a node to an array of PubSub topics.


Field Type Inclusion Description
topics Array[String] mandatory The PubSub topics being subscribed to


  • Bool - true on success or an error on failure.


The delete_waku_v2_relay_v1_subscriptions method unsubscribes a node from an array of PubSub topics.


Field Type Inclusion Description
topics Array[String] mandatory The PubSub topics being unsubscribed from


  • Bool - true on success or an error on failure.


The get_waku_v2_relay_v1_messages_head method returns the latest message on a subscribed PubSub topic. The server MUST respond with an error if no subscription exists for the polled topic. If no message has yet been received on the polled topic, the server MUST block until a message is received or a timeout is reached. This method can be used to long poll a topic for new messages.


Field Type Inclusion Description
topic String mandatory The PubSub topic to poll for the latest message


Store API

Refer to the Waku Store specification for more information on message history retrieval.


The following structured types are defined for use on the Store API:


StoreResponse is an Object containing the following fields:

Field Type Inclusion Description
messages Array[WakuMessage] mandatory Array of retrieved historical messages
pagingOptions PagingOptions conditional Paging information from which to resume further historical queries


PagingOptions is an Object containing the following fields:

Field Type Inclusion Description
pageSize Number mandatory Number of messages to retrieve per page
cursor Index optional Message Index from which to perform pagination. If not included and forward is set to true, paging will be performed from the beginning of the list. If not included and forward is set to false, paging will be performed from the end of the list.
forward Bool mandatory true if paging forward, false if paging backward


Index is an Object containing the following fields:

Field Type Inclusion Description
digest String mandatory A hash for the message at this Index
receivedTime Number mandatory UNIX timestamp at which the message at this Index was received


The get_waku_v2_store_v1_messages method retrieves historical messages on specific content topics. This method MAY be called with PagingOptions, to retrieve historical messages on a per-page basis. If the request included PagingOptions, the node MUST return messages on a per-page basis and include PagingOptions in the response. These PagingOptions MUST contain a cursor pointing to the Index from which a new page can be requested.


Field Type Inclusion Description
topics Array[Number] mandatory Array of content topics to query for historical messages
pagingOptions PagingOptions optional Pagination information


  • StoreResponse - the response to a query for historical messages.

Filter API

Refer to the Waku Filter specification for more information on content filtering.


The following structured types are defined for use on the Filter API:


ContentFilter is an Object containing the following fields:

Field Type Inclusion Description
topics Array[Number] mandatory Array of message content topics


The post_waku_v2_filter_v1_subscription method creates a subscription in a light node for messages that matches a content filter and, optionally, a PubSub topic.


Field Type Inclusion Description
contentFilters Array[ContentFilter] mandatory Array of content filters being subscribed to
topic String optional Message topic


  • Bool - true on success or an error on failure.


The delete_waku_v2_filter_v1_subscription method removes subscriptions in a light node matching a content filter and, optionally, a PubSub topic.


Field Type Inclusion Description
contentFilters Array[ContentFilter] mandatory Array of content filters being unsubscribed from
topic String optional Message topic


  • Bool - true on success or an error on failure.

Example usage

Store API


This method is part of the store API and the specific resources to retrieve are (historical) messages. The protocol (waku) is on v2, whereas the Store API definition is on v1.

  1. get all the historical messages for content topic 1; no paging required


curl -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"id","method":"get_waku_v2_store_v1_messages", "params":[[1]]}' --header "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:8545

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": "id",
  "method": "get_waku_v2_store_v1_messages",
  "params": [


  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": "id",
  "result": {
    "messages": [
        "payload": [
        "contentTopic": 1,
        "version": 0
        "payload": [
        "contentTopic": 1,
        "version": 0
        "payload": [
        "contentTopic": 1,
        "version": 0
    "pagingInfo": null
  "error": null

  1. get a single page of historical messages for content topic 1; 2 messages per page, backward direction. Since this is the initial query, no cursor is provided, so paging will be performed from the end of the list.


curl -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"id","method":"get_waku_v2_store_v1_messages", "params":[[1],{"pageSize":2,"forward":false}]}' --header "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:8545

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": "id",
  "method": "get_waku_v2_store_v1_messages",
  "params": [
      "pageSize": 2,
      "forward": false


  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": "id",
  "result": {
    "messages": [
        "payload": [
        "contentTopic": 1,
        "version": 0
        "payload": [
        "contentTopic": 1,
        "version": 0
    "pagingInfo": {
      "pageSize": 2,
      "cursor": {
        "digest": "abcdef",
        "receivedTime": 1605887187
      "forward": false
  "error": null

  1. get the next page of historical messages for content topic 1, using the cursor received above; 2 messages per page, backward direction.


curl -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"id","method":"get_waku_v2_store_v1_messages", "params":[[1],{"pageSize":2,"cursor":{"digest":"abcdef","receivedTime":1605887187.00},"forward":false}]}' --header "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:8545

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": "id",
  "method": "get_waku_v2_store_v1_messages",
  "params": [
      "pageSize": 2,
      "cursor": {
        "digest": "abcdef",
        "receivedTime": 1605887187
      "forward": false


  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": "id",
  "result": {
    "messages": [
        "payload": [
        "contentTopic": 1,
        "version": 0
    "pagingInfo": {
      "pageSize": 2,
      "cursor": {
        "digest": "123abc",
        "receivedTime": 1605866187
      "forward": false
  "error": null




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