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This module implementes API for libp2p peer.Serialization/Deserialization helpers


PeerId = object
  data*: seq[byte]
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func `$`(pid: PeerId): string {....raises: [], public, ...tags: [].}
Return base58 encoded pid representation.   Source   Edit
func cmp(a, b: PeerId): int {....raises: [], public, ...tags: [].}
Compares two peer ids a and b. Returns:

0 iff a == b
< 0 iff a < b
> 0 iff a > b

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func empty(pid: PeerId): bool {....raises: [], public, ...tags: [].}
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func extractPublicKey(pid: PeerId; pubkey: var PublicKey): bool {....raises: [],
    public, ...tags: [RootEffect].}

Returns true if public key was successfully decoded from PeerId pidand stored to pubkey.

Returns false otherwise.

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func getField(pb: ProtoBuffer; field: int; pid: var PeerId): ProtoResult[bool] {.
    inline, ...raises: [], public, ...tags: [].}
Read PeerId from ProtoBuf's message and validate it   Source   Edit
func hasPublicKey(pid: PeerId): bool {....raises: [], public, ...tags: [].}
Returns true if pid is small enough to hold public key inside.   Source   Edit
func hex(pid: PeerId): string {....raises: [], public, ...tags: [].}
Returns hexadecimal string representation of pid.   Source   Edit
func init(pid: var PeerId; data: openArray[byte]): bool {....raises: [], public,
    ...tags: [].}

Initialize peer id from raw binary representation data.

Returns true if peer was successfully initialiazed.

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func init(pid: var PeerId; data: string): bool {....raises: [], public, ...tags: [].}

Initialize peer id from base58 encoded string representation.

Returns true if peer was successfully initialiazed.

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func init(t: typedesc[PeerId]; data: openArray[byte]): Result[PeerId, cstring] {.
    ...raises: [], public.}
Create new peer id from raw binary representation data.   Source   Edit
func init(t: typedesc[PeerId]; data: string): Result[PeerId, cstring] {.
    ...raises: [], public.}
Create new peer id from base58 encoded string representation data.   Source   Edit
func init(t: typedesc[PeerId]; pubkey: PublicKey): Result[PeerId, cstring] {.
    ...raises: [], public.}
Create new peer id from public key pubkey.   Source   Edit
func init(t: typedesc[PeerId]; seckey: PrivateKey): Result[PeerId, cstring] {.
    ...raises: [], public.}
Create new peer id from private key seckey.   Source   Edit
func match(pid: PeerId; pubkey: PublicKey): bool {....raises: [], public,
    ...tags: [RootEffect].}
Returns true if pid matches public key pubkey.   Source   Edit
func match(pid: PeerId; seckey: PrivateKey): bool {....raises: [], public,
    ...tags: [RootEffect].}
Returns true if pid matches private key seckey.   Source   Edit
func shortLog(pid: PeerId): string {....raises: [], public, ...tags: [].}
Returns compact string representation of pid.   Source   Edit
func toBytes(pid: PeerId; data: var openArray[byte]): int {....raises: [], public,
    ...tags: [].}

Store PeerId pid to array of bytes data.

Returns number of bytes needed to store pid.

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func validate(pid: PeerId): bool {....raises: [], public, ...tags: [].}
Validate check if pid is empty or not.   Source   Edit
func write(pb: var ProtoBuffer; field: int; pid: PeerId) {....raises: [], public,
    ...tags: [].}
Write PeerId value peerid to object pb using ProtoBuf's encoding.   Source   Edit
func write(vb: var VBuffer; pid: PeerId) {....raises: [], public, ...tags: [].}
Write PeerId value peerid to buffer vb.   Source   Edit


template `<=`(a, b: PeerId): bool
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template `<`(a, b: PeerId): bool
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template `==`(a, b: PeerId): bool
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template `>=`(a, b: PeerId): bool
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template `>`(a, b: PeerId): bool
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template formatItIMPL(it: PeerId): auto
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template getBytes(pid: PeerId): seq[byte]
Return PeerId pid as array of bytes.   Source   Edit
template hash(pid: PeerId): Hash
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template len(pid: PeerId): int
Returns length of pid binary representation.   Source   Edit