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Identify and Push Identify implementation


Identify = ref object of LPProtocol
  peerInfo*: PeerInfo
  sendSignedPeerRecord*: bool
  observedAddrManager*: ObservedAddrManager
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IdentifyError = object of LPError
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IdentifyInfo {.public.} = object
  pubkey*: Option[PublicKey]
  peerId*: PeerId
  addrs*: seq[MultiAddress]
  observedAddr*: Option[MultiAddress]
  protoVersion*: Option[string]
  agentVersion*: Option[string]
  protos*: seq[string]
  signedPeerRecord*: Option[Envelope]
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IdentifyPush = ref object of LPProtocol
  identifyHandler: IdentifyPushHandler
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IdentifyPushHandler = proc (peer: PeerId; newInfo: IdentifyInfo): Future[void] {.
    ...gcsafe, raises: [], public().}
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AgentVersion = "nim-libp2p/0.0.1"
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IdentifyCodec = "/ipfs/id/1.0.0"
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IdentifyPushCodec = "/ipfs/id/push/1.0.0"
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ProtoVersion = "ipfs/0.1.0"
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proc decodeMsg(buf: seq[byte]): Option[IdentifyInfo] {....raises: [],
    tags: [RootEffect, WriteIOEffect, TimeEffect].}
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proc identify(self: Identify; conn: Connection; remotePeerId: PeerId): Future[
    IdentifyInfo] {....gcsafe, stackTrace: false, ...gcsafe, raises: [], raises: [],
                    raises: [], tags: [RootEffect].}
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proc init(p: IdentifyPush) {....raises: [], tags: [].}
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proc new(T: typedesc[Identify]; peerInfo: PeerInfo; sendSignedPeerRecord = false): T:type {.
    ...raises: [].}
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proc new(T: typedesc[IdentifyPush]; handler: IdentifyPushHandler = nil): T:type {.
    public, ...raises: [].}
Create a IdentifyPush protocol. handler will be called every time a peer sends us new PeerInfo   Source   Edit
proc push(p: IdentifyPush; peerInfo: PeerInfo; conn: Connection): Future[void] {.
    public(), stackTrace: false, ...gcsafe, raises: [], raises: [], raises: [],
    tags: [RootEffect].}
Send new peerInfos to a connection   Source   Edit


method init(p: Identify) {....raises: [], tags: [].}
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template expandItIMPL(record: auto; it_name: static string; it: IdentifyInfo)
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