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Nim-LibP2P Copyright (c) 2020 Status Research & Development GmbH

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ConnEvent = object
  case kind*: ConnEventKind
  of ConnEventKind.Connected:
      incoming*: bool


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ConnEventHandler = proc (peerId: PeerId; event: ConnEvent): Future[void] {.
    ...gcsafe, raises: [Defect].}
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ConnEventKind {.pure.} = enum
  Connected, Disconnected
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ConnManager = ref object of RootObj
  maxConnsPerPeer: int
  inSema*: AsyncSemaphore
  outSema*: AsyncSemaphore
  conns: Table[PeerId, HashSet[Connection]]
  muxed: Table[Connection, MuxerHolder]
  connEvents: array[ConnEventKind, OrderedSet[ConnEventHandler]]
  peerEvents: array[PeerEventKind, OrderedSet[PeerEventHandler]]
  peerStore*: PeerStore
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ConnProvider = proc (): Future[Connection] {....gcsafe, closure, ...raises: [Defect].}
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PeerEvent = object
  case kind*: PeerEventKind
  of PeerEventKind.Joined:
      initiator*: bool


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PeerEventHandler = proc (peerId: PeerId; event: PeerEvent): Future[void] {.
    ...gcsafe, raises: [Defect].}
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PeerEventKind {.pure.} = enum
  Left, Identified, Joined
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proc addConnEventHandler(c: ConnManager; handler: ConnEventHandler;
                         kind: ConnEventKind) {....raises: [Defect],
    tags: [RootEffect].}
Add peer event handler - handlers must not raise exceptions!   Source   Edit
proc addPeerEventHandler(c: ConnManager; handler: PeerEventHandler;
                         kind: PeerEventKind) {....raises: [Defect],
    tags: [RootEffect].}
Add peer event handler - handlers must not raise exceptions!   Source   Edit
proc close(c: ConnManager): Future[void] {.stackTrace: false, ...gcsafe,
    raises: [Defect], tags: [RootEffect].}
cleanup resources for the connection manager   Source   Edit
proc connCount(c: ConnManager; peerId: PeerId): int {....raises: [Defect], tags: [].}
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proc contains(c: ConnManager; conn: Connection): bool {....raises: [Defect],
    tags: [].}
checks if a connection is being tracked by the connection manager   Source   Edit
proc contains(c: ConnManager; muxer: Muxer): bool {....raises: [Defect], tags: [].}
checks if a muxer is being tracked by the connection manager   Source   Edit
proc contains(c: ConnManager; peerId: PeerId): bool {....raises: [Defect], tags: [].}
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proc dropPeer(c: ConnManager; peerId: PeerId): Future[void] {.stackTrace: false,
    ...gcsafe, raises: [Defect], tags: [RootEffect].}
drop connections and cleanup resources for peer   Source   Edit
proc getStream(c: ConnManager; conn: Connection): Future[Connection] {....gcsafe,
    stackTrace: false, ...gcsafe, raises: [Defect], tags: [RootEffect].}
get a muxed stream for the passed connection   Source   Edit
proc getStream(c: ConnManager; peerId: PeerId): Future[Connection] {....gcsafe,
    stackTrace: false, ...gcsafe, raises: [Defect], tags: [RootEffect].}
get a muxed stream for the passed peer from any connection   Source   Edit
proc getStream(c: ConnManager; peerId: PeerId; dir: Direction): Future[
    Connection] {....gcsafe, stackTrace: false, ...gcsafe, raises: [Defect],
                  tags: [RootEffect].}
get a muxed stream for the provided peer with the given direction   Source   Edit
proc new(C: type ConnManager; maxConnsPerPeer = MaxConnectionsPerPeer;
         maxConnections = MaxConnections; maxIn = -1; maxOut = -1): ConnManager {.
    ...raises: [Defect].}
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proc removeConnEventHandler(c: ConnManager; handler: ConnEventHandler;
                            kind: ConnEventKind) {....raises: [Defect],
    tags: [RootEffect].}
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proc removePeerEventHandler(c: ConnManager; handler: PeerEventHandler;
                            kind: PeerEventKind) {....raises: [Defect],
    tags: [RootEffect].}
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proc selectConn(c: ConnManager; peerId: PeerId): Connection {....raises: [Defect],
    tags: [].}
Select a connection for the provided giving priority to outgoing connections   Source   Edit
proc selectConn(c: ConnManager; peerId: PeerId; dir: Direction): Connection {.
    ...raises: [Defect], tags: [].}
Select a connection for the provided peer and direction   Source   Edit
proc selectMuxer(c: ConnManager; conn: Connection): Muxer {....raises: [Defect],
    tags: [WriteIOEffect, TimeEffect].}
select the muxer for the provided connection   Source   Edit
proc storeConn(c: ConnManager; conn: Connection) {....raises: [Defect, LPError],
    raises: [Defect], tags: [WriteIOEffect, TimeEffect, RootEffect].}
store a connection   Source   Edit
proc storeMuxer(c: ConnManager; muxer: Muxer; handle: Future[void] = nil) {.
    ...raises: [Defect, CatchableError], raises: [Defect], tags: [RootEffect].}
store the connection and muxer   Source   Edit
proc trackIncomingConn(c: ConnManager; provider: ConnProvider): Future[
    Connection] {.stackTrace: false, ...gcsafe, raises: [Defect],
                  tags: [RootEffect].}
await for a connection slot before attempting to call the connection provider   Source   Edit
proc trackOutgoingConn(c: ConnManager; provider: ConnProvider; forceDial = false): Future[
    Connection] {.stackTrace: false, ...gcsafe, raises: [Defect],
                  tags: [RootEffect].}
try acquiring a connection if all slots are already taken, raise TooManyConnectionsError exception   Source   Edit
proc triggerConnEvent(c: ConnManager; peerId: PeerId; event: ConnEvent): Future[
    void] {....gcsafe, stackTrace: false, ...gcsafe, raises: [Defect],
            tags: [RootEffect].}
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proc triggerPeerEvents(c: ConnManager; peerId: PeerId; event: PeerEvent): Future[
    void] {....gcsafe, stackTrace: false, ...gcsafe, raises: [Defect],
            tags: [RootEffect].}
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