Pavel 6558e437f5
Automate sync of colors and icons with Figma (#378)
* remove old icons

* add script for syncing icons

* regenerate icons

* update @status-im/icons exports

* allow scroll in storybook

* migrate to new icons import

* add iconography story

* update root package.json

* fix typo

* add @status-im/colors

* generate colors

* add colors story

* fix ci
2023-04-14 23:27:05 +02:00

15 lines
1.7 KiB

viewBox="0 0 20 20"
d="M10 2.4c-.251 0-.5.012-.745.036l.117 1.194a6.485 6.485 0 0 1 1.256 0l.116-1.194A7.686 7.686 0 0 0 10 2.4Zm-2.207.325a7.557 7.557 0 0 0-1.377.571l.567 1.058a6.357 6.357 0 0 1 1.158-.48l-.348-1.149Zm5.79.571a7.56 7.56 0 0 0-1.376-.57l-.348 1.148c.404.122.792.284 1.158.48l.567-1.058Zm-8.405.83a7.643 7.643 0 0 0-1.053 1.052l.927.762c.266-.324.564-.621.888-.888l-.762-.927Zm10.697 1.052a7.641 7.641 0 0 0-1.053-1.053l-.762.927c.324.267.621.564.888.888l.927-.762Zm1.4 2.615a7.558 7.558 0 0 0-.572-1.377l-1.057.567c.196.366.357.754.48 1.158l1.148-.348ZM3.295 6.416a7.557 7.557 0 0 0-.57 1.377l1.148.348c.122-.404.284-.792.48-1.158l-1.058-.567ZM17.6 10c0-.251-.012-.5-.036-.744l-1.195.116a6.485 6.485 0 0 1 0 1.256l1.195.117A7.7 7.7 0 0 0 17.6 10ZM2.436 9.256a7.683 7.683 0 0 0 0 1.489l1.194-.117a6.481 6.481 0 0 1 0-1.256l-1.194-.116Zm.29 2.95c.145.482.337.942.57 1.378l1.058-.567a6.356 6.356 0 0 1-.48-1.158l-1.149.348Zm13.977 1.378c.234-.436.426-.896.571-1.377l-1.148-.348a6.356 6.356 0 0 1-.48 1.158l1.057.567ZM4.125 14.822c.316.384.669.737 1.053 1.053l.762-.927a6.437 6.437 0 0 1-.888-.888l-.927.762Zm10.697 1.053a7.64 7.64 0 0 0 1.053-1.053l-.927-.762a6.438 6.438 0 0 1-.888.888l.762.927Zm-8.406.829c.436.233.896.425 1.377.57l.348-1.148a6.357 6.357 0 0 1-1.158-.48l-.567 1.058Zm5.79.57c.482-.145.942-.337 1.378-.57l-.567-1.058a6.359 6.359 0 0 1-1.158.48l.348 1.149Zm-2.95.29a7.702 7.702 0 0 0 1.488 0l-.116-1.194a6.486 6.486 0 0 1-1.256 0l-.117 1.194ZM10 11.5a1.5 1.5 0 1 0 0-3 1.5 1.5 0 0 0 0 3Z"