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# Description
This document provides information on how to start developing Status App.
# Getting Started
To start developing start a shell for platform you are interested in.
make shell TARGET=android
This step will take a while the first time as it will download all dependencies.
To build the app, your can simply run on of the following:
make release-android
make release-ios
For more `make` targets run `make help`.
# Development
There are three steps necessary to start development, in this case for Android:
1. `make run-clojure` - Compiles Clojure into JavaScript, watches for changes on cljs files, and hot-reloads code in the app
2. `make run-metro` - Starts metro bundler and watches JavaScript code
3. `make run-android` - Builds the Android app and starts it on the device
The first two will continue watching for changes and keep re-building the app. They need to be ready first.
The last one will exit once the app is up and ready.
# Updating Dependencies
* `make nix-update-pods` - iOS CocoaPods dependencies (updates `ios/Podfile` and `ios/Podfile.loc`)
* `make nix-update-gradle` - Android Gradle/Maven dependencies (updates `nix/deps/gradle/deps.json`)
* `make nix-update-clojure` - Clojure Maven dependencies (updates `nix/deps/clojure/deps.json`)
* `make nix-update-gems` - Fastlane Ruby dependencies (updates `fastlane/Gemfile.lock` and `fastlane/gemset.nix`)
# Manual Steps
There are a few manual steps you might want to do in order to start contributing.
## Genymotion Virtualization
Optionally set up Genymotion if you don't want to use Android Virtual Device:
## Android Development Environment
You can also setup Android Development Environment + Simulator:
## Configure GitHub Account
The optimal way of pushing to GitHubis using SSH instead of user/pass auth.
It's recommented that you [add your public SSH key to your GitHub account](
## Configure GPG Keys for signing commits
In order to increase security we require all commits in `status-react` repo to be signed with a GPG key.
1. [Generate a new GPG key](
2. [Setup Git to use your GPG key](
3. [Setup Git to sign commits](
4. [Setup GitHub to validate commits](