Igor Mandrigin 31924f19ef
Workaround to support parallel iOS builds on the same Jenkins runner.
Realm download script didn't support it, so the simplest solution is
just to patch it and replace before iOS builds.

Signed-off-by: Igor Mandrigin <>
2018-08-15 16:50:01 +02:00

278 lines
11 KiB

// Copyright 2016 Realm Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
'use strict';
const fs = require('fs-extra');
const path = require('path');
const os = require('os');
const child_process = require('child_process');
const fetch = require('node-fetch');
const ini = require('ini');
const decompress = require('decompress');
const crypto = require("crypto");
const LOCKFILE_NAME = 'download-realm.lock';
function makeid() {
return crypto.randomBytes(20).toString('hex');
const TEMP_DIR = os.tmpdir() + "/" + makeid();
function exec() {
const args = Array.from(arguments);
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
function callback(error, stdout, stderr) {
if (error) {
} else {
child_process.exec.apply(null, args);
function printProgress(input, totalBytes, archive) {
const ProgressBar = require('progress');
const StreamCounter = require('stream-counter');
const message = `Downloading ${archive} [:bar] (:ratek)`;
const bar = new ProgressBar(message, {
complete: '=',
incomplete: ' ',
width: process.stdout.columns - message.length,
total: totalBytes / 1024
input.pipe(new StreamCounter()).on('progress', function() {
bar.tick((this.bytes / 1024) - bar.curr);
function download(serverFolder, archive, destination) {
const url = `${serverFolder}/${archive}`;
console.log(`Download url: ${url}`);
return fetch(url).then((response) => {
if (response.status !== 200) {
throw new Error(`Error downloading ${url} - received status ${response.status} ${response.statusText}`);
const lastModified = new Date(response.headers.get('Last-Modified'));
return fs.exists(destination)
.then(exists => {
if (!exists) {
return saveFile();
} else {
return fs.stat(destination)
.then(stat => {
if (stat.mtime.getTime() !== lastModified.getTime()) {
return saveFile();
function saveFile() {
if (process.stdout.isTTY) {
printProgress(response.body, parseInt(response.headers.get('Content-Length')), archive);
} else {
console.log(`Downloading ${archive}`);
return new Promise((resolve) => {
const file = fs.createWriteStream(destination);
response.body.pipe(file).once('finish', () => file.close(resolve));
}).then(() => fs.utimes(destination, lastModified, lastModified));
function extract(downloadedArchive, targetFolder, archiveRootFolder) {
console.log(`Extracting ${path.basename(downloadedArchive)} => ${targetFolder}`);
console.log(`III Extracting ${downloadedArchive} => ${targetFolder}`);
if (!archiveRootFolder) {
return decompress(downloadedArchive, targetFolder);
} else {
const tempExtractLocation = path.resolve(TEMP_DIR, path.basename(downloadedArchive, path.extname(downloadedArchive)));
return decompress(downloadedArchive, tempExtractLocation)
.then(() => fs.readdir(path.resolve(tempExtractLocation, archiveRootFolder)))
.then(items => Promise.all( => {
const source = path.resolve(tempExtractLocation, archiveRootFolder, item);
const target = path.resolve(targetFolder, item);
return fs.copy(source, target, { filter: n => path.extname(n) !== '.so' });
.then(() => fs.remove(tempExtractLocation))
function acquire(desired, target) {
const corePath = desired.CORE_ARCHIVE && path.resolve(TEMP_DIR, desired.CORE_ARCHIVE);
const syncPath = desired.SYNC_ARCHIVE && path.resolve(TEMP_DIR, desired.SYNC_ARCHIVE);
return fs.emptyDir(target)
.then(() => corePath && download(desired.CORE_SERVER_FOLDER, desired.CORE_ARCHIVE, corePath))
.then(() => corePath && extract(corePath, target, desired.CORE_ARCHIVE_ROOT))
.then(() => syncPath && download(desired.SYNC_SERVER_FOLDER, desired.SYNC_ARCHIVE, syncPath))
.then(() => syncPath && extract(syncPath, target, desired.SYNC_ARCHIVE_ROOT))
.then(() => writeLockfile(target, desired))
function getSyncCommitSha(version) {
return exec(`git ls-remote --tags "v${version}^{}"`)
.then(stdout => {
if (!stdout) {
return exec(`git ls-remote --tags "v${version}"`)
} else {
return stdout;
}).then(stdout => /([^\t]+)/.exec(stdout)[0]);
function getCoreRequirements(dependencies, options, required = {}) {
required.CORE_SERVER_FOLDER = `core/v${dependencies.REALM_CORE_VERSION}`;
let flavor = options.debug ? 'Debug' : 'Release';
switch (options.platform) {
case 'mac':
required.CORE_SERVER_FOLDER += `/macos/${flavor}`;
required.CORE_ARCHIVE = `realm-core-${flavor}-v${dependencies.REALM_CORE_VERSION}-Darwin-devel.tar.gz`;
return Promise.resolve(required);
case 'ios':
flavor = flavor === 'Debug' ? 'MinSizeDebug' : flavor;
required.CORE_SERVER_FOLDER += `/ios/${flavor}`;
required.CORE_ARCHIVE = `realm-core-${flavor}-v${dependencies.REALM_CORE_VERSION}-iphoneos.tar.gz`;
return Promise.resolve(required);
case 'win': {
if (!options.arch) throw new Error(`Specifying '--arch' is required for platform 'win'`);
const arch = options.arch === 'ia32' ? 'Win32' : options.arch;
required.CORE_SERVER_FOLDER += `/windows/${arch}/nouwp/${flavor}`;
required.CORE_ARCHIVE = `realm-core-${flavor}-v${dependencies.REALM_CORE_VERSION}-Windows-${arch}-devel.tar.gz`;
return Promise.resolve(required);
case 'linux':
required.CORE_SERVER_FOLDER = 'core';
required.CORE_ARCHIVE = `realm-core-${dependencies.REALM_CORE_VERSION}.tgz`;
required.CORE_ARCHIVE_ROOT = `realm-core-${dependencies.REALM_CORE_VERSION}`;
return Promise.resolve(required);
return Promise.reject(new Error(`Unsupported core platform '${options.platform}'`));
function getSyncRequirements(dependencies, options, required = {}) {
required.SYNC_SERVER_FOLDER = 'sync';
let flavor = options.debug ? 'Debug' : 'Release';
switch (options.platform) {
case 'mac':
required.SYNC_ARCHIVE = `realm-sync-node-cocoa-${dependencies.REALM_SYNC_VERSION}.tar.gz`;
required.SYNC_ARCHIVE_ROOT = `realm-sync-node-cocoa-${dependencies.REALM_SYNC_VERSION}`;
return Promise.resolve(required);
case 'ios':
required.SYNC_ARCHIVE = `realm-sync-cocoa-${dependencies.REALM_SYNC_VERSION}.tar.gz`;
required.SYNC_ARCHIVE_ROOT = `core`;
return Promise.resolve(required);
case 'win': {
const arch = options.arch === 'ia32' ? 'Win32' : options.arch;
required.SYNC_ARCHIVE = `realm-sync-${flavor}-v${dependencies.REALM_SYNC_VERSION}-Windows-${arch}-devel.tar.gz`;
return getCoreRequirements(dependencies, options, required)
.then(() => getSyncCommitSha(dependencies.REALM_SYNC_VERSION))
.then(sha => {
required.SYNC_SERVER_FOLDER += `/sha-version/${sha}`;
return required;
return Promise.reject(new Error(`Unsupported sync platform '${options.platform}'`));
function writeLockfile(target, contents) {
return fs.writeFile(path.resolve(target, LOCKFILE_NAME), ini.encode(contents));
function readLockfile(target) {
try {
return ini.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(target, LOCKFILE_NAME), 'utf8'));
} catch (e) {
return null;
function shouldSkipAcquire(target, requirements, force) {
if (force) {
console.log('Skipping lockfile check as --force is enabled');
return false;
const existingLockfile = readLockfile(target);
if (!existingLockfile) {
console.log('No lockfile found at the target, proceeding.');
return false;
if (!Object.keys(requirements).every(key => existingLockfile[key] === requirements[key])) {
console.log('Target directory has a differing lockfile, overwriting.');
return false;
console.log('Matching lockfile already exists at target - nothing to do (use --force to override)');
return true;
const optionDefinitions = [
{ name: 'platform', type: String, defaultOption: true },
{ name: 'arch', type: String },
{ name: 'sync', type: Boolean },
{ name: 'debug', type: Boolean },
{ name: 'force', type: Boolean },
const options = require('command-line-args')(optionDefinitions);
if (options.platform === '..\\win') {
options.platform = 'win'; // handle gyp idiocy
const vendorDir = path.resolve(__dirname, '../vendor');
let realmDir = path.resolve(vendorDir, `realm-${options.platform}`);
if (options.arch) {
realmDir += `-${options.arch}`;
if (options.debug) {
realmDir += '-dbg'
const dependencies = ini.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname, '../dependencies.list'), 'utf8'));
(options.sync ? getSyncRequirements : getCoreRequirements)(dependencies, options)
.then(requirements => {
console.log('Resolved requirements:', requirements);
if (!shouldSkipAcquire(realmDir, requirements, options.force)) {
return acquire(requirements, realmDir)
.then(() => console.log('Success'))
.catch(error => {