This adds support for letter identicons by using the `icon.isLetterIdenticon`
StatusListItem {
title: "Some name"
icon.isLetterIdenticon: true
icon.background.color: "orange"
Adding picker button
* As an example it opens Qt's ColorDialog, as soon as
a color is selected there, the button is colored
with that. Final color picker to be implemented in
a seperate task.
Also minor improvements in main.qml and
This just introduces a new `StatusImageSettings` property `isIdenticon`
which can be used to determine whether a `StatusRoundedImage` should
render with a background + border (which is the case for identicons).
It also updates the `StatusChatList` delegate to consider that property
and have it properly decide how to render the UI.
This property enables users to pass as factory function to `StatusChatList`
component that determines the profile image of a given chat id.
import StatusQ.Components 0.1
StatusChatList {
profileImageFn: function (id) {
// `id` is the model id of the current chat item iterator
return ... // has to return a profile image url
In addition to this property, this commit also makes the component
expect an optional `model.identityImage` in case it's already provided.
That way, `profileImageFn` can be omitted.
Chat list items can open a context on right click as well, so `StatusChatList`
needs to provide an API for users to pass down a `StatusPopupMenu` accordingly.
This is now possible with a dedicated `popupMenu` proporty that can be
used as follows:
StatusChatList {
popupMenu: StatusPopupMenu {
property string chatId
openHandler: function () {
StatusMenuItem {
As will all `popupMenu` properties in StatusQ component, having this explicit API
option enables us to have control over how triggering components (in this case chat
list items) behave when they open a context menu (e.g. keeping them highlighted as long
as the menu is active).
When defining a `chatId` property, `StatusChatList` will hydrate it with the id of
the chat list item that has triggered the menu.
If there's more logic to be executed upon opening the menu, `openHandler` serves
as a hook similar to other popup menus. Inside the hook, users have access to the
specific `chatId`.
This is because we ran into issues where some component compositions
caused scrollviews to be nested which rendered them non-functional.
For now we're rolling back the idea of components being smart enough
to become scrollable by themselves and have StatusQ consumers handle
scroll behaviour.
This is a wrapping component that can be used to render community chat
lists and categories. It takes care of rendering categories, the top
chat list, as well as becominng scrollable in case the content outgrows
the available space.
import StatusQ.Components 0.1
StatusChatListAndCategories {
chatList.model: ... // non-categorized chat items, pass all chat items here, the component will take care of filtering categorized items out
categoryListModel: ... // available categories (need to have `id` and `name`)
selectedChatId: ...
showCategoryActionButtons: true // default `false` - useful when only admin users can create and mutate categories/channels
onChatItemSelected: ... // `id` is available for selected chat id
categoryPopupMenu: StatusPopupMenu { // optional popup menu for category items
property string categoryId // define this property to have it hydrated with correct id and make it available inside menu items
popupMenu: StatusPopupMenu { ... } // optional popup menu for whole list, will be triggered with right-click
This uses the newly introduced `filterFn` in `StatusChatList` to hide chat items
that don't belong to a given category.
It also optionally exposes the `categoryId` on the provided popup menu, so it has
access to it inside menu item triggers.
Chat lists can belong to a category inside of communities, so they should
hold a property `categoryId` that represents that. In addition,
this commit introduces a `filterFn` function that can be used to conditionally
show/hide chat list items.