This adds support for asynchronous validators which are also just `StatusValidator`.
There are a few differences to syncronous validators though:
1. `validate` function doesn't return, it's only used to trigger the async
validation. Ideally it would return an async object like Promise or Observable
but since we have to rely on QML `Connections`, this won't work.
2. As mentioned, `Connections` are needed to listen to async events so the
validation can be resolved.
3. Validation has to be resolved by calling `input.updateValidity` inside the validator.
That API notifies `StatusInput` that validation is has been performed and expects
the name of the validator as well as either a boolean (true), if validation was successful,
or, if validation has failed, a boolean (false) or an error object.
Here's a `StatusENSValidator` as an example:
StatusValidator {
id: root
name: "ensValidator"
errorMessage: "Couldn't resolve ENS name."
readonly property string uuid: Utils.uuid()
property int debounceTime: 600
signal ensResolved(string address)
validate: Backpressure.debounce(root, root.debounceTime, function (name) {
name = name.startsWith("@") ? name.substring(1) : name
walletModel.ensView.resolveENS(name, uuid)
Connections {
target: walletModel.ensView
onEnsWasResolved: {
if (uuid !== root.uuid) {
input.updateValidityAndPendingState(, resolvedAddress !== "")
This property enables users to load any component into the input field.
This is useful for rendering a "clearable" icon button, simple icons or
even more complex buttons.
StatusBaseInput {
component: StatusIcon {
name: "cancel"
color: Theme.palette.dangerColor1
width: 16
The `clearable` property of `StatusBaseInput` also renders and icon button
on the right hand side. With this new feature, `clearable` is just a short-hand
StatusBaseInput {
component: StatusFlatRoundButton {
visible: edit.text.length != 0 &&
statusBaseInput.clearable &&
!statusBaseInput.multiline &&
type: StatusFlatRoundButton.Type.Secondary
width: 24
height: 24 "clear"
icon.width: 16
icon.height: 16
icon.color: Theme.palette.baseColor1
onClicked: {
This allows users to configure how validation is run. There are two modes:
1. `ValidationMode.OnlyWhenDirty`
2. `ValidationMode.Always`
By default, validation happens when the inputs value changes, or on
initial `Component.onCompleted` event. The first mode allows for not
performing validation when the input field is blank and validation.
isn't necessary (yet).
Validators can now define a default `errorMessage` like so:
StatusValidator {
errorMessage: "..."
Because there's no access to runtime validation errors, `errorMessage` have to
be static. However, if applications wish to provide their own `errorMessage`
they can still override it and make it dynamic:
SomeValidator {
errorMessage: input.errors.someValidator ? "Whoopsie" : ""
Renamed StatusExpandableSettingsItem to StatusExpandableItem.
Added support for dofferent types of styles for the item.
Type Primary: Relates to Settings Design
Type Secondary: Relates to Collectibles Design
Type Tertiary: Relates to the Collectibles detailed view design
BREAKING CHANGE: Renamed and expanded features of the StatusExpandableSettingsItem to StatusExpandableItem
This is used to enforce focus on the search input when the popup
is opened. In fact users decide to override the search popup's
`onOpened` handler, they still get access to this API to make use of it.
This margin shows because of `handle` width incuded in `SplitView` width. Handle have `Component` type and can't accessable for getting sizes. I add `magic constant` as hotfix.
Closes: #307
Due to design updates in AddAccount modal, updates are
needed in StatusBaseInput and StatusInput
* Added the possibility of having the icon on the right
* Added secondaryLabel for title
* Added examples in StatusInputPage
This introduces a new API to allow users to provide a function that formats
timestamps in the search results.
StatusSearchPopup {
formatTimestampFn: function (ts) {
return // formatted ts
Turns out the icons used in the navigation bar of the application actually
are designed to be bigger than the usual icons.
We can't just use the original source and scale them up in QML because that
will impact the stroke width of the SVGs as well, hence we need to introduce
a special set of icons that are design bigger but presever the feature ratios.
This adds a new `value` property to the component to set label for a
selected value and also rendering a chevron as an indicator that the list
item becomes clickable.
This changes the share of the model expected to render search results.
The model has changed in the following way:
- `image` field added
- `color` field added
- `badgeIdenticonColor` field renamed to `badgeIconColor`
- `isLetterIdenticon` field renamed to `badgeIsLetterIdenticon`
There are now two new properties in `StatusModalHeaderSettings`:
- `titleElide`
- `subTitleElide`
These can be used to configure the `elide` property of both header titles.
The default values for both of them is `Text.ElideRight`.
This commit add elide flags to text in title and subtitle and add flexibility to width. Now compoents use next rules:
1. If width is set - text should be elided when implicit text width is more than root object width
2. Component grows if width is not set based on inner elements natural sizes
Closes: #335 and #338