2018-10-18 02:05:02 +02:00
(ns ^{:doc "Mailserver events and API"}
(:require [re-frame.core :as re-frame]
[status-im.accounts.db :as accounts.db]
[status-im.fleet.core :as fleet]
[status-im.native-module.core :as status]
2019-03-28 16:48:10 +02:00
[status-im.utils.platform :as platform]
2018-10-18 02:05:02 +02:00
[status-im.transport.utils :as transport.utils]
[status-im.utils.fx :as fx]
[status-im.utils.utils :as utils]
[taoensso.timbre :as log]
[status-im.transport.db :as transport.db]
2018-12-12 16:56:57 +01:00
[status-im.transport.message.protocol :as protocol]
2018-10-18 02:05:02 +02:00
[clojure.string :as string]
2018-08-22 23:31:22 +02:00
[status-im.data-store.mailservers :as data-store.mailservers]
2018-09-06 12:04:12 +02:00
[status-im.i18n :as i18n]
2018-12-03 14:19:56 -05:00
[status-im.utils.handlers :as handlers]
2018-09-06 12:04:12 +02:00
[status-im.accounts.update.core :as accounts.update]
2019-01-23 20:15:07 +02:00
[status-im.ui.screens.navigation :as navigation]
2019-02-01 14:21:23 +02:00
[status-im.transport.partitioned-topic :as transport.topic]
[status-im.ui.screens.mobile-network-settings.utils :as mobile-network-utils]))
2018-06-01 10:04:48 +02:00
2018-10-18 02:05:02 +02:00
;; How do mailserver work ?
;; - We send a request to the mailserver, we are only interested in the
;; messages since `last-request` up to the last seven days
;; and the last 24 hours for topics that were just joined
;; - The mailserver doesn't directly respond to the request and
;; instead we start receiving messages in the filters for the requested
;; topics.
;; - If the mailserver was not ready when we tried for instance to request
;; the history of a topic after joining a chat, the request will be done
;; as soon as the mailserver becomes available
2018-05-29 12:16:22 +02:00
2018-06-01 10:04:48 +02:00
2018-10-18 02:05:02 +02:00
(def one-day (* 24 3600))
(def seven-days (* 7 one-day))
2019-04-04 16:55:35 +03:00
(def max-request-range one-day)
2018-10-18 02:05:02 +02:00
(def maximum-number-of-attempts 2)
(def request-timeout 30)
2019-03-01 10:36:49 +01:00
(def min-limit 100)
2019-02-06 15:09:13 +01:00
(def max-limit 2000)
2019-02-21 12:24:38 +01:00
(def backoff-interval-ms 3000)
2019-02-06 15:09:13 +01:00
(def default-limit max-limit)
2018-10-18 02:05:02 +02:00
(def connection-timeout
"Time after which mailserver connection is considered to have failed"
2019-02-06 15:09:13 +01:00
(def limit (atom default-limit))
2019-03-01 10:36:49 +01:00
(def success-counter (atom 0))
2018-06-13 15:37:51 +02:00
2018-09-24 17:59:02 +02:00
(defn connected? [{:keys [db]} id]
2018-10-18 02:05:02 +02:00
(= (:mailserver/current-id db) id))
2018-06-01 10:04:48 +02:00
2018-09-24 17:59:02 +02:00
(defn fetch [{:keys [db] :as cofx} id]
2018-10-18 02:05:02 +02:00
(get-in db [:mailserver/mailservers (fleet/current-fleet db) id]))
2018-06-13 15:37:51 +02:00
(defn fetch-current [{:keys [db] :as cofx}]
2018-10-18 02:05:02 +02:00
(fetch cofx (:mailserver/current-id db)))
2018-06-13 15:37:51 +02:00
2018-07-13 08:04:02 +02:00
(defn preferred-mailserver-id [{:keys [db] :as cofx}]
2018-10-18 02:05:02 +02:00
(get-in db [:account/account :settings :mailserver (fleet/current-fleet db)]))
2018-07-13 08:04:02 +02:00
(defn- round-robin
"Find the choice and pick the next one, default to first if not found"
[choices current-id]
(let [next-index (reduce
(fn [index choice]
(if (= current-id choice)
(reduced (inc index))
(inc index)))
(nth choices
(count choices)))))
2018-06-13 15:37:51 +02:00
(defn selected-or-random-id
2018-07-13 08:04:02 +02:00
"Use the preferred mailserver if set & exists, otherwise picks one randomly
if current-id is not set, else round-robin"
2018-06-13 15:37:51 +02:00
[{:keys [db] :as cofx}]
2018-09-04 14:15:50 +02:00
(let [current-fleet (fleet/current-fleet db)
2018-10-18 02:05:02 +02:00
current-id (:mailserver/current-id db)
2018-09-04 14:15:50 +02:00
preference (preferred-mailserver-id cofx)
2018-10-18 02:05:02 +02:00
choices (-> db :mailserver/mailservers current-fleet keys)]
2018-06-13 15:37:51 +02:00
(if (and preference
2018-09-24 17:59:02 +02:00
(fetch cofx preference))
2018-06-13 15:37:51 +02:00
2018-07-13 08:04:02 +02:00
(if current-id
(round-robin choices current-id)
(rand-nth choices)))))
2018-06-01 10:04:48 +02:00
2018-09-24 17:59:02 +02:00
(fx/defn set-current-mailserver
[{:keys [db] :as cofx}]
2018-10-18 02:05:02 +02:00
{:db (assoc db :mailserver/current-id
2018-09-24 17:59:02 +02:00
(selected-or-random-id cofx))})
2018-06-13 15:37:51 +02:00
2018-09-24 17:59:02 +02:00
(fx/defn add-custom-mailservers
[{:keys [db]} mailservers]
2018-09-04 14:15:50 +02:00
{:db (reduce (fn [db {:keys [id fleet] :as mailserver}]
2018-10-18 02:05:02 +02:00
(assoc-in db [:mailserver/mailservers fleet id]
2018-06-13 15:37:51 +02:00
(-> mailserver
2018-09-04 14:15:50 +02:00
(dissoc :fleet)
2018-06-13 15:37:51 +02:00
(assoc :user-defined true))))
2018-10-18 02:05:02 +02:00
(defn add-peer! [enode]
(status/add-peer enode
2018-12-03 14:19:56 -05:00
(handlers/response-handler #(log/debug "mailserver: add-peer success" %)
#(log/error "mailserver: add-peer error" %))))
2018-10-18 02:05:02 +02:00
Add mailservers confirmations & use peer count for online status
We now check that we are only connected to some `peers` instead of using `NetInfo` from `react-native`.
This is because it has been reported to be quite flaky at times, not reporting online status after sleeping, and for privacy concerns (on ios it pings `apple.com`, on desktop `google.com`).
Adds a new banner `Wallet Offline` and change `Connecting to peers` to `Chat offline`.
A message will be marked as `Sent` only if it made it to the mailserver you are connected to, which will increase the guarantees that we can make about a message (if you see it as sent, it has reached at least a mailserver), this has the consequence that:
- If you are not connected to any mailserver or the mailserver is non responsive/down, and you send a message, it will be marked as `Not sent`, although it might have been actually made it in the network.
Probably this is something that we would like to communicate to the user through UX (i.e. tick if made it to at least a peer, double tick if it made to a mailserver )
Currently I have only enabled this feature in nightlies & devs, I would give it a run and see how we feel about it.
2018-12-06 11:53:45 +01:00
;; We now wait for a confirmation from the mailserver before marking the message
;; as sent.
(defn update-mailservers! [enodes]
(.stringify js/JSON (clj->js enodes))
2018-12-03 14:19:56 -05:00
(handlers/response-handler #(log/debug "mailserver: update-mailservers success" %)
#(log/error "mailserver: update-mailservers error" %))))
Add mailservers confirmations & use peer count for online status
We now check that we are only connected to some `peers` instead of using `NetInfo` from `react-native`.
This is because it has been reported to be quite flaky at times, not reporting online status after sleeping, and for privacy concerns (on ios it pings `apple.com`, on desktop `google.com`).
Adds a new banner `Wallet Offline` and change `Connecting to peers` to `Chat offline`.
A message will be marked as `Sent` only if it made it to the mailserver you are connected to, which will increase the guarantees that we can make about a message (if you see it as sent, it has reached at least a mailserver), this has the consequence that:
- If you are not connected to any mailserver or the mailserver is non responsive/down, and you send a message, it will be marked as `Not sent`, although it might have been actually made it in the network.
Probably this is something that we would like to communicate to the user through UX (i.e. tick if made it to at least a peer, double tick if it made to a mailserver )
Currently I have only enabled this feature in nightlies & devs, I would give it a run and see how we feel about it.
2018-12-06 11:53:45 +01:00
2018-10-18 02:05:02 +02:00
(defn remove-peer! [enode]
(let [args {:jsonrpc "2.0"
:id 2
:method "admin_removePeer"
:params [enode]}
payload (.stringify js/JSON (clj->js args))]
(status/call-private-rpc payload
2018-12-03 14:19:56 -05:00
(handlers/response-handler #(log/debug "mailserver: remove-peer success" %)
#(log/error "mailserver: remove-peer error" %)))))
2018-10-18 02:05:02 +02:00
(fn [enode]
(add-peer! enode)))
(fn [enode]
(remove-peer! enode)))
Add mailservers confirmations & use peer count for online status
We now check that we are only connected to some `peers` instead of using `NetInfo` from `react-native`.
This is because it has been reported to be quite flaky at times, not reporting online status after sleeping, and for privacy concerns (on ios it pings `apple.com`, on desktop `google.com`).
Adds a new banner `Wallet Offline` and change `Connecting to peers` to `Chat offline`.
A message will be marked as `Sent` only if it made it to the mailserver you are connected to, which will increase the guarantees that we can make about a message (if you see it as sent, it has reached at least a mailserver), this has the consequence that:
- If you are not connected to any mailserver or the mailserver is non responsive/down, and you send a message, it will be marked as `Not sent`, although it might have been actually made it in the network.
Probably this is something that we would like to communicate to the user through UX (i.e. tick if made it to at least a peer, double tick if it made to a mailserver )
Currently I have only enabled this feature in nightlies & devs, I would give it a run and see how we feel about it.
2018-12-06 11:53:45 +01:00
(fn [enodes]
(update-mailservers! enodes)))
2019-03-01 10:36:49 +01:00
(defn decrease-limit []
(max min-limit (/ @limit 2)))
(defn increase-limit []
(min max-limit (* @limit 2)))
2019-02-06 15:09:13 +01:00
(fn [n]
(reset! limit n)))
2019-03-01 10:36:49 +01:00
(fn []
(if (>= @success-counter 2)
(reset! limit (increase-limit))
(swap! success-counter inc))))
2019-02-06 15:09:13 +01:00
2019-03-01 10:36:49 +01:00
(fn []
(reset! limit (decrease-limit))
(reset! success-counter 0)))
2019-02-06 15:09:13 +01:00
2018-10-18 02:05:02 +02:00
(defn mark-trusted-peer! [web3 enode]
(.markTrustedPeer (transport.utils/shh web3)
(fn [error response]
(if error
(re-frame/dispatch [:mailserver.callback/mark-trusted-peer-error error])
(re-frame/dispatch [:mailserver.callback/mark-trusted-peer-success response])))))
(fn [{:keys [address web3]}]
(mark-trusted-peer! web3 address)))
(fx/defn generate-mailserver-symkey
[{:keys [db] :as cofx} {:keys [password id] :as mailserver}]
(let [current-fleet (fleet/current-fleet db)]
{:db (assoc-in db [:mailserver/mailservers current-fleet id :generating-sym-key?] true)
[{:password password
:web3 (:web3 db)
:on-success (fn [_ sym-key-id]
(re-frame/dispatch [:mailserver.callback/generate-mailserver-symkey-success mailserver sym-key-id]))
:on-error #(log/error "mailserver: get-sym-key error" %)}]}))
(defn registered-peer?
"truthy if the enode is a registered peer"
[peers enode]
2018-11-26 11:53:21 +01:00
(let [registered-enodes (into #{} (map :enode) peers)]
(contains? registered-enodes enode)))
2018-10-18 02:05:02 +02:00
(defn update-mailserver-state [db state]
(assoc db :mailserver/state state))
(fx/defn mark-trusted-peer
[{:keys [db] :as cofx}]
(let [{:keys [address sym-key-id generating-sym-key?] :as mailserver} (fetch-current cofx)]
(fx/merge cofx
{:db (update-mailserver-state db :added)
:mailserver/mark-trusted-peer {:web3 (:web3 db)
:address address}}
(when-not (or sym-key-id generating-sym-key?)
(generate-mailserver-symkey mailserver)))))
(fx/defn add-peer
[{:keys [db] :as cofx}]
(let [{:keys [address sym-key-id generating-sym-key?] :as mailserver} (fetch-current cofx)]
(fx/merge cofx
{:db (-> db
(update-mailserver-state :connecting)
(update :mailserver/connection-checks inc))
:mailserver/add-peer address
Add mailservers confirmations & use peer count for online status
We now check that we are only connected to some `peers` instead of using `NetInfo` from `react-native`.
This is because it has been reported to be quite flaky at times, not reporting online status after sleeping, and for privacy concerns (on ios it pings `apple.com`, on desktop `google.com`).
Adds a new banner `Wallet Offline` and change `Connecting to peers` to `Chat offline`.
A message will be marked as `Sent` only if it made it to the mailserver you are connected to, which will increase the guarantees that we can make about a message (if you see it as sent, it has reached at least a mailserver), this has the consequence that:
- If you are not connected to any mailserver or the mailserver is non responsive/down, and you send a message, it will be marked as `Not sent`, although it might have been actually made it in the network.
Probably this is something that we would like to communicate to the user through UX (i.e. tick if made it to at least a peer, double tick if it made to a mailserver )
Currently I have only enabled this feature in nightlies & devs, I would give it a run and see how we feel about it.
2018-12-06 11:53:45 +01:00
;; Any message sent before this takes effect will not be marked as sent
;; probably we should improve the UX so that is more transparent to the user
:mailserver/update-mailservers [address]
2018-10-18 02:05:02 +02:00
:utils/dispatch-later [{:ms connection-timeout
:dispatch [:mailserver/check-connection-timeout]}]}
(when-not (or sym-key-id generating-sym-key?)
(generate-mailserver-symkey mailserver)))))
(fx/defn connect-to-mailserver
"Add mailserver as a peer using `::add-peer` cofx and generate sym-key when
it doesn't exists
Peer summary will change and we will receive a signal from status go when
this is successful
A connection-check is made after `connection timeout` is reached and
mailserver-state is changed to error if it is not connected by then"
[{:keys [db] :as cofx}]
(let [{:keys [address] :as mailserver} (fetch-current cofx)
{:keys [peers-summary]} db
added? (registered-peer? peers-summary
(fx/merge cofx
{:db (dissoc db :mailserver/current-request)}
(if added?
(fx/defn peers-summary-change
"There is only 2 summary changes that require mailserver action:
- mailserver disconnected: we try to reconnect
- mailserver connected: we mark the mailserver as trusted peer"
[{:keys [db] :as cofx} previous-summary]
(when (:account/account db)
(let [{:keys [peers-summary peers-count]} db
{:keys [address sym-key-id] :as mailserver} (fetch-current cofx)
mailserver-was-registered? (registered-peer? previous-summary
mailserver-is-registered? (registered-peer? peers-summary
mailserver-added? (and mailserver-is-registered?
(not mailserver-was-registered?))
mailserver-removed? (and mailserver-was-registered?
(not mailserver-is-registered?))]
(mark-trusted-peer cofx)
(connect-to-mailserver cofx)))))
2018-12-12 16:56:57 +01:00
(defn adjust-request-for-transit-time
(let [ttl (:ttl protocol/whisper-opts)
whisper-tolerance (:whisper-drift-tolerance protocol/whisper-opts)
adjustment (+ whisper-tolerance ttl)
adjusted-from (- (max from adjustment) adjustment)]
(log/debug "Adjusting mailserver request" "from:" from "adjusted-from:" adjusted-from)
2019-02-27 18:43:56 +05:45
(defn chats->never-synced-public-chats [chats]
(into {} (filter (fn [[k v]] (:might-have-join-time-messages? v)) chats)))
(fx/defn handle-request-success [{{:keys [chats] :as db} :db}
{:keys [request-id topics]}]
2019-02-27 12:50:41 +01:00
(when (:mailserver/current-request db)
2019-02-27 18:43:56 +05:45
(let [by-topic-never-synced-chats (reduce-kv
#(assoc %1 (transport.utils/get-topic %2) %3)
(chats->never-synced-public-chats chats))
never-synced-chats-in-this-request (select-keys by-topic-never-synced-chats (vec topics))]
(if (seq never-synced-chats-in-this-request)
{:db (-> db
((fn [db] (reduce
(fn [db chat]
(assoc-in db [:chats (:chat-id chat) :join-time-mail-request-id] request-id))
(vals never-synced-chats-in-this-request))))
(assoc-in [:mailserver/current-request :request-id] request-id))}
{:db (assoc-in db [:mailserver/current-request :request-id] request-id)}))))
2019-02-27 12:50:41 +01:00
2019-04-04 16:55:35 +03:00
(defn request-messages! [web3 {:keys [sym-key-id address]} {:keys [topics cursor to from force-to?] :as request}]
2018-12-12 16:56:57 +01:00
;; Add some room to from, unless we break day boundaries so that messages that have
;; been received after the last request are also fetched
2019-03-12 14:17:32 +01:00
(let [actual-from (adjust-request-for-transit-time from)
2019-02-06 15:09:13 +01:00
actual-limit (or (:limit request)
2019-03-12 14:17:32 +01:00
2018-12-12 16:56:57 +01:00
(log/info "mailserver: request-messages for: "
" topics " topics
" from " actual-from
2019-04-04 16:55:35 +03:00
" force-to? " force-to?
" to " to
2019-04-16 10:14:04 +03:00
" range " (- to from)
2018-12-12 16:56:57 +01:00
" cursor " cursor
2019-03-12 14:17:32 +01:00
" limit " actual-limit)
2018-12-12 16:56:57 +01:00
(.requestMessages (transport.utils/shh web3)
2019-04-04 16:55:35 +03:00
(clj->js (cond-> {:topics topics
:mailServerPeer address
:symKeyID sym-key-id
:timeout request-timeout
:limit actual-limit
:cursor cursor
:from actual-from}
(assoc :to to)))
2018-12-12 16:56:57 +01:00
(fn [error request-id]
(if-not error
2019-02-27 12:50:41 +01:00
(log/info "mailserver: messages request success for topic " topics "from" from "to" to)
2019-02-27 18:43:56 +05:45
(re-frame/dispatch [:mailserver.callback/request-success {:request-id request-id :topics topics}]))
2019-02-19 09:24:53 +01:00
(log/error "mailserver: messages request error for topic " topics ": " error)
2019-02-27 12:50:41 +01:00
(utils/set-timeout #(re-frame/dispatch [:mailserver.callback/resend-request {:request-id nil}])
2019-02-21 12:24:38 +01:00
2018-10-18 02:05:02 +02:00
(fn [{:keys [web3 mailserver request]}]
(request-messages! web3 mailserver request)))
(defn get-mailserver-when-ready
"return the mailserver if the mailserver is ready"
[{:keys [db] :as cofx}]
(let [{:keys [sym-key-id] :as mailserver} (fetch-current cofx)
mailserver-state (:mailserver/state db)]
(when (and (= :connected mailserver-state)
2019-04-04 16:55:35 +03:00
(defn topic->request
[default-request-to requests-from requests-to]
(fn [[topic {:keys [last-request]}]]
(let [force-request-from (get requests-from topic)
force-request-to (get requests-to topic)]
(when (or force-request-from
(> default-request-to last-request))
(let [from (or force-request-from
(max last-request
(- default-request-to max-request-range)))
to (or force-request-to default-request-to)]
{:topic topic
:from from
:to to
:force-to? (not (nil? force-request-to))})))))
(defn aggregate-requests
[acc {:keys [topic from to force-to?]}]
(update acc [from to force-to?]
(fn [{:keys [topics]}]
{:topics ((fnil conj #{}) topics topic)
:from from
:to to
;; To is sent to the mailserver only when force-to? is true,
;; also we use to calculate when the last-request was sent.
:force-to? force-to?})))
2018-10-18 02:05:02 +02:00
(defn prepare-messages-requests
2019-04-04 16:55:35 +03:00
[{{:keys [:mailserver/requests-from
:mailserver/topics]} :db}
(keep (topic->request default-request-to requests-from requests-to))
(completing aggregate-requests vals)
2018-10-18 02:05:02 +02:00
(fx/defn process-next-messages-request
[{:keys [db now] :as cofx}]
2019-02-01 14:21:23 +02:00
(when (and
(mobile-network-utils/syncing-allowed? cofx)
(transport.db/all-filters-added? cofx)
(not (:mailserver/current-request db)))
2018-10-18 02:05:02 +02:00
(when-let [mailserver (get-mailserver-when-ready cofx)]
(let [request-to (or (:mailserver/request-to db)
(quot now 1000))
2019-02-01 14:21:23 +02:00
requests (prepare-messages-requests cofx request-to)
web3 (:web3 db)]
2019-04-04 16:55:35 +03:00
(log/debug "Mailserver: planned requests " requests)
2018-10-18 02:05:02 +02:00
(if-let [request (first requests)]
2019-02-01 14:21:23 +02:00
{:db (assoc db
:mailserver/pending-requests (count requests)
:mailserver/current-request request
:mailserver/request-to request-to)
:mailserver/request-messages {:web3 web3
:mailserver mailserver
:request request}}
2018-10-18 02:05:02 +02:00
{:db (dissoc db
2019-04-04 16:55:35 +03:00
2018-10-18 02:05:02 +02:00
(fx/defn add-mailserver-trusted
"the current mailserver has been trusted
update mailserver status to `:connected` and request messages
if mailserver is ready"
[{:keys [db] :as cofx}]
(fx/merge cofx
{:db (update-mailserver-state db :connected)}
(fx/defn add-mailserver-sym-key
"the current mailserver sym-key has been generated
add sym-key to the mailserver in app-db and request messages if
mailserver is ready"
[{:keys [db] :as cofx} {:keys [id]} sym-key-id]
(let [current-fleet (fleet/current-fleet db)]
(fx/merge cofx
{:db (-> db
(assoc-in [:mailserver/mailservers current-fleet id :sym-key-id] sym-key-id)
(update-in [:mailserver/mailservers current-fleet id] dissoc :generating-sym-key?))}
(fx/defn change-mailserver
"mark mailserver status as `:error` if custom mailserver is used
otherwise try to reconnect to another mailserver"
[{:keys [db] :as cofx}]
2019-02-26 12:23:58 +01:00
(when-not (zero? (:peers-count db))
(if-let [preferred-mailserver (preferred-mailserver-id cofx)]
(let [current-fleet (fleet/current-fleet db)]
(update-mailserver-state db :error)
{:title (i18n/label :t/mailserver-error-title)
:content (i18n/label :t/mailserver-error-content)
:confirm-button-text (i18n/label :t/mailserver-pick-another)
:on-accept #(re-frame/dispatch
2019-03-28 16:48:10 +02:00
[:navigate-to (if platform/desktop?
2019-02-26 12:23:58 +01:00
:extra-options [{:text (i18n/label :t/mailserver-retry)
:onPress #(re-frame/dispatch
:style "default"}]}})
(let [{:keys [address]} (fetch-current cofx)]
(fx/merge cofx
{:mailserver/remove-peer address}
2018-10-18 02:05:02 +02:00
(fx/defn check-connection
"connection-checks counter is used to prevent changing
mailserver on flaky connections
if there is more than one connection check pending
decrement the connection check counter
change mailserver if mailserver is connected"
[{:keys [db] :as cofx}]
2018-12-08 17:34:30 +02:00
;; check if logged into account
(when (contains? db :account/account)
2018-11-26 17:52:29 +02:00
(let [connection-checks (dec (:mailserver/connection-checks db))]
(if (>= 0 connection-checks)
(fx/merge cofx
{:db (dissoc db :mailserver/connection-checks)}
(when (= :connecting (:mailserver/state db))
2019-02-05 14:04:06 +02:00
2018-11-26 17:52:29 +02:00
{:db (update db :mailserver/connection-checks dec)}))))
2018-10-18 02:05:02 +02:00
(fx/defn reset-request-to
[{:keys [db]}]
{:db (dissoc db :mailserver/request-to)})
(fx/defn network-connection-status-changed
"when host reconnects, reset request-to and
reconnect to mailserver"
[{:keys [db] :as cofx} is-connected?]
(when (and (accounts.db/logged-in? cofx)
(fx/merge cofx
(fx/defn remove-chat-from-mailserver-topic
"if the chat is the only chat of the mailserver topic delete the mailserver topic
and process-next-messages-requests again to remove pending request for that topic
otherwise remove the chat-id of the chat from the mailserver topic and save"
[{:keys [db now] :as cofx} chat-id]
(let [topic (get-in db [:transport/chats chat-id :topic])
{:keys [chat-ids] :as mailserver-topic} (update (get-in db [:mailserver/topics topic])
disj chat-id)]
(if (empty? chat-ids)
(fx/merge cofx
{:db (update db :mailserver/topics dissoc topic)
:data-store/tx [(data-store.mailservers/delete-mailserver-topic-tx topic)]}
{:db (assoc-in db [:mailserver/topics topic] mailserver-topic)
:data-store/tx [(data-store.mailservers/save-mailserver-topic-tx
{:topic topic
:mailserver-topic mailserver-topic})]})))
2019-04-04 16:55:35 +03:00
(defn calculate-gap
[{:keys [gap-from
last-request] :as config}
{:keys [request-from
(merge config
(nil? gap-from)
{:gap-from request-to
:gap-to request-to
:last-request request-to}
;;------GF GT--------LRT F---T
(> request-from last-request)
{:gap-from last-request
:gap-to request-from
:last-request request-to}
;;------GF GT--------LRT
;; F----------T
(and (>= last-request request-from gap-to)
(> request-to last-request))
{:last-request request-to}
;;------GF GT--------LRT
;; F----T
(and (>= last-request request-from gap-to)
(>= last-request request-to gap-to))
;;------GF GT--------LRT
;; F-------T
(and (> gap-to request-from gap-from)
(>= last-request request-to gap-to))
{:gap-to request-from}
;;------GF GT--------LRT
;; F-T
(and (> gap-to request-from gap-from)
(> gap-to request-to gap-from))
;;------GF GT--------LRT
;; F------T
(and (>= gap-from request-from)
(> gap-to request-to gap-from))
{:gap-from request-to}
;; F---T
(and (>= gap-from request-from)
(>= gap-from request-to)
(= gap-from last-request))
{:gap-from request-to}
;;------GF GT--------LRT
;; F---T
(and (>= gap-from request-from)
(>= gap-from request-to))
;;------GF GT--------LRT
;; F-------------T
(and (>= gap-from request-from)
(>= last-request request-to gap-to))
{:gap-from last-request
:gap-to last-request
:last-request last-request}
;;------GF GT--------LRT
;; F------------------------T
(and (>= gap-from request-from)
(>= request-to last-request))
{:gap-from request-to
:gap-to request-to
:last-request request-to}
;;------GF GT--------LRT
;; F-----------------T
(and (> gap-to request-from gap-from)
(>= request-to last-request))
{:gap-to request-from
:last-request request-to})))
(defn get-updated-mailserver-topics [db requested-topics from to]
(keep (fn [topic]
(when-let [config (get-in db [:mailserver/topics topic])]
[topic (calculate-gap config
{:request-from from
:request-to to})])))
2018-10-18 02:05:02 +02:00
(fx/defn update-mailserver-topics
"TODO: add support for cursors
if there is a cursor, do not update `last-request`"
2018-12-13 12:23:16 +01:00
[{:keys [db now] :as cofx} {:keys [request-id cursor]}]
2018-10-18 02:05:02 +02:00
(when-let [request (get db :mailserver/current-request)]
(let [{:keys [from to topics]} request
2019-04-04 16:55:35 +03:00
mailserver-topics (get-updated-mailserver-topics db topics from to)]
2018-10-18 02:05:02 +02:00
(log/info "mailserver: message request " request-id
"completed for mailserver topics" topics "from" from "to" to)
(if (empty? mailserver-topics)
;; when topics were deleted (filter was removed while request was pending)
(fx/merge cofx
{:db (dissoc db :mailserver/current-request)}
2018-12-13 12:23:16 +01:00
;; If a cursor is returned, add cursor and fire request again
(if (seq cursor)
(when-let [mailserver (get-mailserver-when-ready cofx)]
2019-02-04 15:29:47 +01:00
(let [request-with-cursor (assoc request :cursor cursor)]
{:db (assoc db :mailserver/current-request request-with-cursor)
:mailserver/request-messages {:web3 (:web3 db)
:mailserver mailserver
:request request-with-cursor}}))
2019-04-04 16:55:35 +03:00
(let [{:keys [chat-id] :as current-request} (db :mailserver/current-request)
gaps (db :mailserver/fetching-gaps-in-progress)
fetching-gap-completed? (= (get gaps chat-id)
[:from :to :force-to? :topics :chat-id]))]
(fx/merge cofx
{:db (-> db
(dissoc :mailserver/current-request)
(update :mailserver/requests-from
#(apply dissoc % topics))
(update :mailserver/requests-to
#(apply dissoc % topics))
(update :mailserver/topics merge mailserver-topics)
(update :mailserver/fetching-gaps-in-progress
(fn [gaps]
(if fetching-gap-completed?
(dissoc gaps chat-id)
:data-store/tx (mapv (fn [[topic mailserver-topic]]
{:topic topic
:mailserver-topic mailserver-topic}))
2018-10-18 02:05:02 +02:00
2018-11-22 10:22:02 +01:00
(fx/defn retry-next-messages-request
[{:keys [db] :as cofx}]
(fx/merge cofx
{:db (dissoc db :mailserver/request-error)}
2018-12-13 12:23:16 +01:00
;; At some point we should update `last-request`, as eventually we want to move
;; on, rather then keep asking for the same data, say after n amounts of attempts
2018-11-22 10:22:02 +01:00
(fx/defn handle-request-error
[{:keys [db]} error]
{:db (-> db
2019-02-27 18:43:56 +05:45
(assoc :mailserver/request-error error)
2018-11-22 10:22:02 +01:00
(dissoc :mailserver/current-request
(fx/defn handle-request-completed
2019-04-04 16:55:35 +03:00
[{{:keys [chats]} :db :as cofx}
{:keys [requestID lastEnvelopeHash cursor errorMessage]}]
2018-11-22 10:22:02 +01:00
(when (accounts.db/logged-in? cofx)
2019-02-27 18:43:56 +05:45
(if (empty? errorMessage)
(let [never-synced-chats-in-request
(->> (chats->never-synced-public-chats chats)
(filter (fn [[k v]] (= requestID (:join-time-mail-request-id v))))
(if (seq never-synced-chats-in-request)
(if (= lastEnvelopeHash
{:mailserver/increase-limit []
:dispatch-n (map
#(identity [:chat.ui/join-time-messages-checked %])
(update-mailserver-topics {:request-id requestID
:cursor cursor}))
{:mailserver/increase-limit []
:dispatch-later (vec
{:ms 1000
:dispatch [:chat.ui/join-time-messages-checked %]})
(update-mailserver-topics {:request-id requestID
:cursor cursor})))
{:mailserver/increase-limit []}
(update-mailserver-topics {:request-id requestID
:cursor cursor}))))
(handle-request-error cofx errorMessage))))
2018-11-22 10:22:02 +01:00
(fx/defn show-request-error-popup
[{:keys [db]}]
(let [mailserver-error (:mailserver/request-error db)]
{:title (i18n/label :t/mailserver-request-error-title)
:content (i18n/label :t/mailserver-request-error-content {:error mailserver-error})
:on-accept #(re-frame/dispatch [:mailserver.ui/retry-request-pressed])
:confirm-button-text (i18n/label :t/mailserver-request-retry)}}))
2018-10-18 02:05:02 +02:00
(fx/defn upsert-mailserver-topic
"if the topic didn't exist
create the topic
else if chat-id is not in the topic
add the chat-id to the topic and reset last-request
there was no filter for the chat and messages for that
so the whole history for that topic needs to be re-fetched"
2019-04-04 16:55:35 +03:00
[{:keys [db now] :as cofx} {:keys [topic chat-id]}]
2019-04-16 10:14:04 +03:00
(let [{:keys [chat-ids] :as current-mailserver-topic}
2018-10-18 02:05:02 +02:00
(get-in db [:mailserver/topics topic] {:chat-ids #{}})]
2019-04-16 10:14:04 +03:00
(when-not (contains? chat-ids chat-id)
(let [{:keys [new-account? public-key]} (:account/account db)
now-s (quot now 1000)
last-request (if (and new-account?
(or (= chat-id :discovery-topic)
(string? chat-id)
(- now-s 10)
(- now-s max-request-range))
mailserver-topic (-> current-mailserver-topic
(assoc :last-request last-request)
(update :chat-ids conj chat-id))]
(fx/merge cofx
{:db (assoc-in db [:mailserver/topics topic] mailserver-topic)
:data-store/tx [(data-store.mailservers/save-mailserver-topic-tx
{:topic topic
:mailserver-topic mailserver-topic})]})))))
2019-01-31 13:32:06 +01:00
2018-12-12 09:55:59 +01:00
(fx/defn fetch-history
2019-04-04 16:55:35 +03:00
[{:keys [db] :as cofx} chat-id {:keys [from to]}]
(log/debug "fetch-history" "chat-id:" chat-id "from-timestamp:" from)
2019-01-23 20:15:07 +02:00
(let [public-key (accounts.db/current-public-key cofx)
topic (or (get-in db [:transport/chats chat-id :topic])
2019-04-04 16:55:35 +03:00
(transport.topic/public-key->discovery-topic-hash public-key))]
(fx/merge cofx
{:db (cond-> (assoc-in db [:mailserver/requests-from topic] from)
(assoc-in [:mailserver/requests-to topic] to))}
(fx/defn fill-the-gap
[{:keys [db] :as cofx} {:keys [exists? from to topic chat-id]}]
(let [mailserver (get-mailserver-when-ready cofx)
request {:from from
:to to
:force-to? true
:topics [topic]
:chat-id chat-id}]
(when exists?
(-> db
:mailserver/pending-requests 1
:mailserver/current-request request
:mailserver/request-to to)
(update :mailserver/fetching-gaps-in-progress
assoc chat-id request))
{:web3 (:web3 db)
:mailserver mailserver
:request request}})))
2018-10-18 02:05:02 +02:00
(fx/defn resend-request
[{:keys [db] :as cofx} {:keys [request-id]}]
2019-02-27 12:50:41 +01:00
(let [current-request (:mailserver/current-request db)]
;; no inflight request, do nothing
(when (and current-request
;; the request was never successful
(or (nil? request-id)
;; we haven't received the request-id yet, but has expired,
;; so we retry even though we are not sure it's the current
;; request that failed
(nil? (:request-id current-request))
;; this is the same request that we are currently processing
(= request-id (:request-id current-request))))
(if (<= maximum-number-of-attempts
(:attempts current-request))
(fx/merge cofx
{:db (update db :mailserver/current-request dissoc :attempts)}
(if-let [mailserver (get-mailserver-when-ready cofx)]
(let [{:keys [topics from to cursor limit] :as request} current-request
web3 (:web3 db)]
(log/info "mailserver: message request " request-id "expired for mailserver topic" topics "from" from "to" to "cursor" cursor "limit" (decrease-limit))
{:db (update-in db [:mailserver/current-request :attempts] inc)
2019-03-01 10:36:49 +01:00
:mailserver/decrease-limit []
2019-02-27 12:50:41 +01:00
:mailserver/request-messages {:web3 web3
:mailserver mailserver
:request (assoc request :limit (decrease-limit))}})
2019-03-01 10:36:49 +01:00
{:mailserver/decrease-limit []})))))
2018-10-18 02:05:02 +02:00
(fx/defn initialize-mailserver
[cofx custom-mailservers]
(fx/merge cofx
2019-02-06 15:09:13 +01:00
{:mailserver/set-limit default-limit}
2018-10-18 02:05:02 +02:00
(add-custom-mailservers custom-mailservers)
(def enode-address-regex #"enode://[a-zA-Z0-9]+\@\b\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\b:(\d{1,5})")
(def enode-url-regex #"enode://[a-zA-Z0-9]+:(.+)\@\b\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\b:(\d{1,5})")
(defn- extract-address-components [address]
(rest (re-matches #"enode://(.*)@(.*)" address)))
(defn- extract-url-components [address]
(rest (re-matches #"enode://(.*?):(.*)@(.*)" address)))
(defn valid-enode-url? [address]
(re-matches enode-url-regex address))
(defn valid-enode-address? [address]
(re-matches enode-address-regex address))
(defn build-url [address password]
(let [[initial host] (extract-address-components address)]
(str "enode://" initial ":" password "@" host)))
(fx/defn set-input [{:keys [db]} input-key value]
{:db (update
{:value value
:error (case input-key
:id false
:name (string/blank? value)
:url (not (valid-enode-url? value)))})})
(defn- address->mailserver [address]
(let [[enode password url :as response] (extract-url-components address)]
(cond-> {:address (if (seq response)
(str "enode://" enode "@" url)
:user-defined true}
password (assoc :password password))))
(defn- build [id mailserver-name address]
(assoc (address->mailserver address)
:id id
:name mailserver-name))
(def default? (comp not :user-defined fetch))
2018-09-24 17:59:02 +02:00
(fx/defn edit [{:keys [db] :as cofx} id]
2018-06-01 10:04:48 +02:00
(let [{:keys [id
2018-09-24 17:59:02 +02:00
name]} (fetch cofx id)
url (when address (build-url address password))]
(fx/merge cofx
(set-input :id id)
(set-input :url (str url))
(set-input :name (str name))
(navigation/navigate-to-cofx :edit-mailserver nil))))
(fx/defn upsert
2018-10-18 02:05:02 +02:00
[{{:mailserver.edit/keys [mailserver] :account/keys [account] :as db} :db
2018-09-24 18:27:04 +02:00
random-id-generator :random-id-generator :as cofx}]
2018-10-18 02:05:02 +02:00
(let [{:keys [name url id]} mailserver
2018-09-04 14:15:50 +02:00
current-fleet (fleet/current-fleet db)
2018-06-01 10:04:48 +02:00
mailserver (build
(or (:value id)
2018-09-24 18:27:04 +02:00
(keyword (string/replace (random-id-generator) "-" "")))
2018-06-01 10:04:48 +02:00
(:value name)
(:value url))
2018-09-24 17:59:02 +02:00
current (connected? cofx (:id mailserver))]
2018-06-01 10:04:48 +02:00
{:db (-> db
2018-10-18 02:05:02 +02:00
(dissoc :mailserver.edit/mailserver)
(assoc-in [:mailserver/mailservers current-fleet (:id mailserver)] mailserver))
2018-06-01 10:04:48 +02:00
:data-store/tx [{:transaction
(data-store.mailservers/save-tx (assoc
2018-09-04 14:15:50 +02:00
2018-06-01 10:04:48 +02:00
;; we naively logout if the user is connected to the edited mailserver
2018-09-06 12:04:12 +02:00
:success-event (when current [:accounts.logout.ui/logout-confirmed])}]
2018-06-01 10:04:48 +02:00
:dispatch [:navigate-back]}))
2018-09-06 12:04:12 +02:00
2018-10-18 02:05:02 +02:00
(fx/defn delete
[{:keys [db] :as cofx} id]
(merge (when-not (or
(default? cofx id)
(connected? cofx id))
{:db (update-in db [:mailserver/mailservers (fleet/current-fleet db)] dissoc id)
:data-store/tx [(data-store.mailservers/delete-tx id)]})
{:dispatch [:navigate-back]}))
2018-09-24 17:59:02 +02:00
(fx/defn show-connection-confirmation
[{:keys [db]} mailserver-id]
2018-09-06 12:04:12 +02:00
(let [current-fleet (fleet/current-fleet db)]
{:title (i18n/label :t/close-app-title)
2018-10-18 02:05:02 +02:00
:content (i18n/label :t/connect-mailserver-content
{:name (get-in db [:mailserver/mailservers current-fleet mailserver-id :name])})
2018-09-06 12:04:12 +02:00
:confirm-button-text (i18n/label :t/close-app-button)
:on-accept #(re-frame/dispatch [:mailserver.ui/connect-confirmed current-fleet mailserver-id])
:on-cancel nil}}))
2018-09-24 17:59:02 +02:00
(fx/defn show-delete-confirmation
[{:keys [db]} mailserver-id]
2018-09-06 12:04:12 +02:00
{:title (i18n/label :t/delete-mailserver-title)
:content (i18n/label :t/delete-mailserver-are-you-sure)
:confirm-button-text (i18n/label :t/delete-mailserver)
:on-accept #(re-frame/dispatch [:mailserver.ui/delete-confirmed mailserver-id])}})
2018-09-24 17:59:02 +02:00
(fx/defn set-url-from-qr
[cofx url]
2018-10-18 02:05:02 +02:00
(assoc (set-input cofx :url url)
2018-09-06 12:04:12 +02:00
:dispatch [:navigate-back]))
2018-10-18 02:05:02 +02:00
(fx/defn save-settings
[{:keys [db] :as cofx} current-fleet mailserver-id]
(let [{:keys [address]} (fetch-current cofx)
2019-03-01 10:36:49 +01:00
settings (get-in db [:account/account :settings])
;; Check if previous mailserver was pinned
pinned? (get-in settings [:mailserver current-fleet])]
2018-10-18 02:05:02 +02:00
(fx/merge cofx
{:db (assoc db :mailserver/current-id mailserver-id)
:mailserver/remove-peer address}
2019-03-01 10:36:49 +01:00
(when pinned?
(accounts.update/update-settings (assoc-in settings [:mailserver current-fleet] mailserver-id)
(fx/defn unpin
[{:keys [db] :as cofx}]
(let [current-fleet (fleet/current-fleet db)
settings (get-in db [:account/account :settings])]
(fx/merge cofx
(accounts.update/update-settings (update settings :mailserver dissoc current-fleet)
(fx/defn pin
[{:keys [db] :as cofx}]
(let [current-fleet (fleet/current-fleet db)
mailserver-id (:mailserver/current-id db)
settings (get-in db [:account/account :settings])]
(fx/merge cofx
2018-10-18 02:05:02 +02:00
(accounts.update/update-settings (assoc-in settings [:mailserver current-fleet] mailserver-id)