2018-09-06 12:04:12 +02:00
(ns status-im.mailserver.core
2018-08-22 23:31:22 +02:00
(:require [clojure.string :as string]
2018-09-06 12:04:12 +02:00
[re-frame.core :as re-frame]
2018-08-22 23:31:22 +02:00
[status-im.data-store.mailservers :as data-store.mailservers]
2018-09-06 12:04:12 +02:00
[status-im.i18n :as i18n]
[status-im.fleet.core :as fleet]
[status-im.accounts.update.core :as accounts.update]
2018-09-24 17:59:02 +02:00
[status-im.utils.fx :as fx]
[status-im.ui.screens.navigation :as navigation]))
2018-06-01 10:04:48 +02:00
2018-05-29 12:16:22 +02:00
(def enode-address-regex #"enode://[a-zA-Z0-9]+\@\b\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\b:(\d{1,5})")
(def enode-url-regex #"enode://[a-zA-Z0-9]+:(.+)\@\b\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\b:(\d{1,5})")
2018-06-01 10:04:48 +02:00
(defn- extract-address-components [address]
(rest (re-matches #"enode://(.*)@(.*)" address)))
2018-05-29 12:16:22 +02:00
(defn- extract-url-components [address]
(rest (re-matches #"enode://(.*?):(.*)@(.*)" address)))
(defn valid-enode-url? [address]
(re-matches enode-url-regex address))
(defn valid-enode-address? [address]
(re-matches enode-address-regex address))
2018-06-01 10:04:48 +02:00
(defn build-url [address password]
(let [[initial host] (extract-address-components address)]
(str "enode://" initial ":" password "@" host)))
2018-09-24 17:59:02 +02:00
(fx/defn set-input [{:keys [db]} input-key value]
2018-06-01 10:04:48 +02:00
{:db (update
{:value value
:error (case input-key
:id false
:name (string/blank? value)
2018-05-29 12:16:22 +02:00
:url (not (valid-enode-url? value)))})})
2018-06-01 10:04:48 +02:00
2018-06-13 15:37:51 +02:00
(defn- address->mailserver [address]
(let [[enode password url :as response] (extract-url-components address)]
(cond-> {:address (if (seq response)
(str "enode://" enode "@" url)
:user-defined true}
password (assoc :password password))))
(defn- build [id mailserver-name address]
(assoc (address->mailserver address)
2018-09-18 10:13:35 +02:00
:id id
2018-06-13 15:37:51 +02:00
:name mailserver-name))
2018-09-24 17:59:02 +02:00
(defn connected? [{:keys [db]} id]
2018-06-13 15:37:51 +02:00
(= (:inbox/current-id db) id))
2018-06-01 10:04:48 +02:00
2018-09-24 17:59:02 +02:00
(defn fetch [{:keys [db] :as cofx} id]
2018-09-04 14:15:50 +02:00
(get-in db [:inbox/wnodes (fleet/current-fleet db) id]))
2018-06-13 15:37:51 +02:00
(defn fetch-current [{:keys [db] :as cofx}]
2018-09-24 17:59:02 +02:00
(fetch cofx (:inbox/current-id db)))
2018-06-13 15:37:51 +02:00
2018-07-13 08:04:02 +02:00
(defn preferred-mailserver-id [{:keys [db] :as cofx}]
2018-09-04 14:15:50 +02:00
(get-in db [:account/account :settings :wnode (fleet/current-fleet db)]))
2018-07-13 08:04:02 +02:00
(defn- round-robin
"Find the choice and pick the next one, default to first if not found"
[choices current-id]
(let [next-index (reduce
(fn [index choice]
(if (= current-id choice)
(reduced (inc index))
(inc index)))
(nth choices
(count choices)))))
2018-06-13 15:37:51 +02:00
(defn selected-or-random-id
2018-07-13 08:04:02 +02:00
"Use the preferred mailserver if set & exists, otherwise picks one randomly
if current-id is not set, else round-robin"
2018-06-13 15:37:51 +02:00
[{:keys [db] :as cofx}]
2018-09-04 14:15:50 +02:00
(let [current-fleet (fleet/current-fleet db)
current-id (:inbox/current-id db)
preference (preferred-mailserver-id cofx)
choices (-> db :inbox/wnodes current-fleet keys)]
2018-06-13 15:37:51 +02:00
(if (and preference
2018-09-24 17:59:02 +02:00
(fetch cofx preference))
2018-06-13 15:37:51 +02:00
2018-07-13 08:04:02 +02:00
(if current-id
(round-robin choices current-id)
(rand-nth choices)))))
2018-06-01 10:04:48 +02:00
(def default? (comp not :user-defined fetch))
2018-09-24 17:59:02 +02:00
(fx/defn delete
[{:keys [db] :as cofx} id]
2018-09-06 12:04:12 +02:00
(merge (when-not (or
2018-09-24 17:59:02 +02:00
(default? cofx id)
(connected? cofx id))
2018-09-06 12:04:12 +02:00
{:db (update-in db [:inbox/wnodes (fleet/current-fleet db)] dissoc id)
:data-store/tx [(data-store.mailservers/delete-tx id)]})
{:dispatch [:navigate-back]}))
2018-06-01 10:04:48 +02:00
2018-09-24 17:59:02 +02:00
(fx/defn set-current-mailserver
[{:keys [db] :as cofx}]
{:db (assoc db :inbox/current-id
(selected-or-random-id cofx))})
2018-06-13 15:37:51 +02:00
2018-09-24 17:59:02 +02:00
(fx/defn add-custom-mailservers
[{:keys [db]} mailservers]
2018-09-04 14:15:50 +02:00
{:db (reduce (fn [db {:keys [id fleet] :as mailserver}]
(assoc-in db [:inbox/wnodes fleet id]
2018-06-13 15:37:51 +02:00
(-> mailserver
2018-09-04 14:15:50 +02:00
(dissoc :fleet)
2018-06-13 15:37:51 +02:00
(assoc :user-defined true))))
2018-09-24 17:59:02 +02:00
(fx/defn edit [{:keys [db] :as cofx} id]
2018-06-01 10:04:48 +02:00
(let [{:keys [id
2018-09-24 17:59:02 +02:00
name]} (fetch cofx id)
url (when address (build-url address password))]
(fx/merge cofx
(set-input :id id)
(set-input :url (str url))
(set-input :name (str name))
(navigation/navigate-to-cofx :edit-mailserver nil))))
(fx/defn upsert
2018-09-24 18:27:04 +02:00
[{{:mailservers/keys [manage] :account/keys [account] :as db} :db
random-id-generator :random-id-generator :as cofx}]
2018-06-01 10:04:48 +02:00
(let [{:keys [name url id]} manage
2018-09-04 14:15:50 +02:00
current-fleet (fleet/current-fleet db)
2018-06-01 10:04:48 +02:00
mailserver (build
(or (:value id)
2018-09-24 18:27:04 +02:00
(keyword (string/replace (random-id-generator) "-" "")))
2018-06-01 10:04:48 +02:00
(:value name)
(:value url))
2018-09-24 17:59:02 +02:00
current (connected? cofx (:id mailserver))]
2018-06-01 10:04:48 +02:00
{:db (-> db
(dissoc :mailservers/manage)
2018-09-04 14:15:50 +02:00
(assoc-in [:inbox/wnodes current-fleet (:id mailserver)] mailserver))
2018-06-01 10:04:48 +02:00
:data-store/tx [{:transaction
(data-store.mailservers/save-tx (assoc
2018-09-04 14:15:50 +02:00
2018-06-01 10:04:48 +02:00
;; we naively logout if the user is connected to the edited mailserver
2018-09-06 12:04:12 +02:00
:success-event (when current [:accounts.logout.ui/logout-confirmed])}]
2018-06-01 10:04:48 +02:00
:dispatch [:navigate-back]}))
2018-09-06 12:04:12 +02:00
2018-09-24 17:59:02 +02:00
(fx/defn show-connection-confirmation
[{:keys [db]} mailserver-id]
2018-09-06 12:04:12 +02:00
(let [current-fleet (fleet/current-fleet db)]
{:title (i18n/label :t/close-app-title)
:content (i18n/label :t/connect-wnode-content
{:name (get-in db [:inbox/wnodes current-fleet mailserver-id :name])})
:confirm-button-text (i18n/label :t/close-app-button)
:on-accept #(re-frame/dispatch [:mailserver.ui/connect-confirmed current-fleet mailserver-id])
:on-cancel nil}}))
2018-09-24 17:59:02 +02:00
(fx/defn show-delete-confirmation
[{:keys [db]} mailserver-id]
2018-09-06 12:04:12 +02:00
{:title (i18n/label :t/delete-mailserver-title)
:content (i18n/label :t/delete-mailserver-are-you-sure)
:confirm-button-text (i18n/label :t/delete-mailserver)
:on-accept #(re-frame/dispatch [:mailserver.ui/delete-confirmed mailserver-id])}})
2018-09-24 17:59:02 +02:00
(fx/defn save-settings
[{:keys [db] :as cofx} current-fleet mailserver-id]
2018-09-06 12:04:12 +02:00
(let [settings (get-in db [:account/account :settings])]
2018-09-24 17:59:02 +02:00
(accounts.update/update-settings cofx
(assoc-in settings [:wnode current-fleet] mailserver-id)
{:success-event [:accounts.update.callback/save-settings-success]})))
2018-09-06 12:04:12 +02:00
2018-09-24 17:59:02 +02:00
(fx/defn set-url-from-qr
[cofx url]
2018-09-06 12:04:12 +02:00
(assoc (set-input :url url cofx)
:dispatch [:navigate-back]))