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# migrate
__Database migrations written in Go. Use as [CLI](#cli-usage) or import as [library](#use-in-your-go-project).__
* Migrate reads migrations from [sources](#migration-sources)
and applies them in correct order to a [database](#databases).
* Drivers are "dumb", migrate glues everything together and makes sure the logic is bulletproof.
(Keeps the drivers lightweight, too.)
* Database drivers don't assume things or try to correct user input. When in doubt, fail.
Forked from [mattes/migrate](
## Databases
Database drivers run migrations. [Add a new database?](database/driver.go)
* [PostgreSQL](database/postgres)
* [PGX](database/pgx)
* [Redshift](database/redshift)
* [Ql](database/ql)
* [Cassandra](database/cassandra)
* [SQLite](database/sqlite)
* [SQLite3](database/sqlite3) ([todo #165](
* [SQLCipher](database/sqlcipher)
* [MySQL/ MariaDB](database/mysql)
* [Neo4j](database/neo4j)
* [MongoDB](database/mongodb)
* [CrateDB](database/crate) ([todo #170](
* [Shell](database/shell) ([todo #171](
* [Google Cloud Spanner](database/spanner)
* [CockroachDB](database/cockroachdb)
* [ClickHouse](database/clickhouse)
* [Firebird](database/firebird)
* [MS SQL Server](database/sqlserver)
### Database URLs
Database connection strings are specified via URLs. The URL format is driver dependent but generally has the form: `dbdriver://username:password@host:port/dbname?param1=true&param2=false`
Any [reserved URL characters]( need to be escaped. Note, the `%` character also [needs to be escaped](
Explicitly, the following characters need to be escaped:
`!`, `#`, `$`, `%`, `&`, `'`, `(`, `)`, `*`, `+`, `,`, `/`, `:`, `;`, `=`, `?`, `@`, `[`, `]`
It's easiest to always run the URL parts of your DB connection URL (e.g. username, password, etc) through an URL encoder. See the example Python snippets below:
$ python3 -c 'import urllib.parse; print(urllib.parse.quote(input("String to encode: "), ""))'
String to encode: FAKEpassword!#$%&'()*+,/:;=?@[]
$ python2 -c 'import urllib; print urllib.quote(raw_input("String to encode: "), "")'
String to encode: FAKEpassword!#$%&'()*+,/:;=?@[]
## Migration Sources
Source drivers read migrations from local or remote sources. [Add a new source?](source/driver.go)
* [Filesystem](source/file) - read from filesystem
* [io/fs](source/iofs) - read from a Go [io/fs](
* [Go-Bindata](source/go_bindata) - read from embedded binary data ([jteeuwen/go-bindata](
* [pkger](source/pkger) - read from embedded binary data ([markbates/pkger](
* [GitHub](source/github) - read from remote GitHub repositories
* [GitHub Enterprise](source/github_ee) - read from remote GitHub Enterprise repositories
* [Bitbucket](source/bitbucket) - read from remote Bitbucket repositories
* [Gitlab](source/gitlab) - read from remote Gitlab repositories
* [AWS S3](source/aws_s3) - read from Amazon Web Services S3
* [Google Cloud Storage](source/google_cloud_storage) - read from Google Cloud Platform Storage
## CLI usage
* Simple wrapper around this library.
* Handles ctrl+c (SIGINT) gracefully.
* No config search paths, no config files, no magic ENV var injections.
__[CLI Documentation](cmd/migrate)__
### Basic usage
$ migrate -source file://path/to/migrations -database postgres://localhost:5432/database up 2
### Docker usage
$ docker run -v {{ migration dir }}:/migrations --network host migrate/migrate
-path=/migrations/ -database postgres://localhost:5432/database up 2
## Use in your Go project
* API is stable and frozen for this release (v3 & v4).
* Uses [Go modules]( to manage dependencies.
* To help prevent database corruptions, it supports graceful stops via `GracefulStop chan bool`.
* Bring your own logger.
* Uses `io.Reader` streams internally for low memory overhead.
* Thread-safe and no goroutine leaks.
__[Go Documentation](
import (
_ ""
_ ""
func main() {
m, err := migrate.New(
Want to use an existing database client?
import (
_ ""
_ ""
func main() {
db, err := sql.Open("postgres", "postgres://localhost:5432/database?sslmode=enable")
driver, err := postgres.WithInstance(db, &postgres.Config{})
m, err := migrate.NewWithDatabaseInstance(
"postgres", driver)
m.Up() // or m.Step(2) if you want to explicitly set the number of migrations to run
## Getting started
Go to [getting started](
## Tutorials
* [CockroachDB](database/cockroachdb/
* [PostgreSQL](database/postgres/
(more tutorials to come)
## Migration files
Each migration has an up and down migration. [Why?](
[Best practices: How to write migrations.](
## Versions
Version | Supported? | Import | Notes
**master** | :white_check_mark: | `import ""` | New features and bug fixes arrive here first |
**v4** | :white_check_mark: | `import ""` | Used for stable releases |
**v3** | :x: | `import ""` (with package manager) or `import ""` (not recommended) | **DO NOT USE** - No longer supported |
## Development and Contributing
Yes, please! [`Makefile`](Makefile) is your friend,
read the [development guide](
Also have a look at the [FAQ](
Looking for alternatives? [](