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Status Bootnode

This folder contains setup for running your own Bootnode. It uses:


This Makefile uses two tools: jq and docker-compose.


To simply start a container run make, other commands include:

  • make start - Starts the status-go-bootnode container.
  • make stop - Stops the container.
  • make show - Shows you current status of the container.
  • make logs - Shows you logs of the container.
  • make enode - Shows enode address of bootnode.
  • make keys/nodekey - Creates unique identity for bootnode.


All settings are passed through environment variables:

  • LISTEN_PORT - Bootnode UDP port, by default it's 30301 but you might want to use 443.
  • RPC_PORT - Control port making it possible to use the JSON-RPC API.
  • API_MODULES - API modules to be made available via the RPC_PORT.
  • CONTAINER_IMG - Name of the container image. (default: statusteam/status-go)
  • CONTAINER_TAG - Tag of container image to use. (default: v0.64.3)
  • CONTAINER_NAME - Name of the container that will be created. (default: status-go-bootnode)
  • LOG_LEVEL - Set level of log messages to show. (valid: 1=ERROR, 2=WARN, 3=INFO, 4=DEBUG, 5=TRACE)
  • COMPOSE_UP_FLAGS - Allows passing flags to docker-compose up