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Status Mailserver

This folder contains setup for running your own Status Mailserver. It uses:


This Makefile uses two tools: jq and docker-compose.


To simply start a container run make, other commands include:

  • make start - Starts the status-go-mailserver container.
  • make stop - Stops the container.
  • make show - Shows you current status of the container.
  • make logs - Shows you logs of the container.
  • make config - Creates ${DATA_PATH}/config.json with your Public IP.
  • make enode - Shows enode:// address of the container.


All settings are passed through environment variables:

  • PUBLIC_IP - Your IP visible from the internet and advertised by the Mailserver.
  • LISTEN_PORT - Mailserver TCP & UDP port, by default it's 30303 but you might want to use 443.
  • RPC_PORT - Control port making it possible to use the JSON-RPC API.
  • API_MODULES - API modules to be made available via the RPC_PORT.
  • DATA_PATH - Location of Mailserver storage and keys. (Default: /var/tmp/status-go-mail)
  • CONTAINER_NAME - Name of the container that will be created.
  • REGISTER_TOPIC - Mynamic mailserver discovery topic. (Default: whispermail)
  • MAIL_PASSWORD - Basic HTTP auth password for mailserver. (Default: status-offline-inbox)
  • LOG_LEVEL - Set level of log messages to show. (ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE)

The generated configuration file end up under ${DATA_PATH}/config.json.

Known Issues

If the discovery of your Public IP does not work please simply export the PUBLIC_IP env variable. You can also set LISTEN_PORT to something else to avoid firewall issues.

$ export PUBLIC_IP=
$ export LISTEN_PORT=443
$ make
docker-compose up -d
Creating status-go-mailserver ... done
CONTAINER ID        NAMES                  STATUS              PORTS
bee56564926d        status-go-mailserver   Up 6 minutes        8080/tcp,>8545/tcp, 30303-30304/udp,>30303/tcp
Your mailserver is listening on:
Make sure that address and port are available from the internet!
Your enode address is:


Should I change the MailServerPassword in the WhisperConfig section for better security?

This password is only used to symmetrically secure history requests. It is not used to secure messages or authorize users in any way. Whisper protocol requires each messages to be encrypted so a client and mailserver needs to agree on some password.