
4.5 KiB


Note about the api stability: this package is under heavy development, and it's not intended for production purposes. Its api may change without previous notice.

This package provides an easy way to interact with status messaging system. This package allows you to create applications that interact with the status messaging system


This library was initially created to have a low-dependency way to interact with status messaging system.

Build status



This project is under heavy development process, here is a list of supported features:

Status messaging basic interaction

  • Setup a new connection
  • Close a specific connection
  • Sign up on the platform
  • Login as a specific account
  • Documented API for basic sdk interaction

Public channels interaction

  • Join public channels
  • Publish messages on public channels
  • Subscribe to public channels
  • Unsubscribe from a public channel
  • Documented API for public channels interaction
  • Working examples for public channel interaction

Contact management

  • Invite new contact
  • Accept a contact request

1 to 1 messages interaction

  • Send 1 to 1 conversation
  • Subscribe to 1 to 1 conversation
  • Unsubscribe from a 1 to 1 conversation
  • Documented API for 1 to 1 conversation
  • Working examples for 1 to 1 conversations

Private groups interaction

  • Publish messages on private groups
  • Subscribe to private groups
  • Unsubscribe from a private groups
  • Documented API for private groups interaction
  • Working examples for private groups interaction

Code Example

You'll find some code examples on the examples folder


status-go-sdk is a lightweight dependency package, that means we try to avoid as much external dependencies as possible. You can install it by running:

go get

However, and to run some examples or you may also want to install go-ethereum/rpc with

go get

If you are developing, run:

make dev-deps

API Reference



status-go-sdk currently runs tests under

make test

End-to-end tests are still in the works

How to use?

status-go-sdk relies on a running instance of statusd, we can quickly configure it by following its official instructions, but you can use this as a quick-start:

# Clone status-go
mkdir $GOPATH/src/status-im/
cd $GOPATH/src/status-im/
git clone
cd status-go

# Build it and run it
 make statusgo && ./build/bin/statusd -shh=true -standalone=false -http=true -status=http -networkid=1

With this you'll have a statusd server running on 8545 port.

status-go-sdk receives as parameter an RPCClient interface, this allows you to use it in many different ways, here we will use a basic example relying on go-ethereum/rpc client.

package main

import (


func main() {
  // Here we create a new remote client against our running statusd
	rpcClient, err := rpc.Dial("http://localhost:8545")

  // Setting up a new sdk client
	client := sdk.New(rpcClient)

  // We signup and login as a new account
	a, err := client.SignupAndLogin("password")

  // Joining a new channel
	ch, err := a.JoinPublicChannel("my_channel")

  // We will be sending messages to that channel every 3 seconds
	for range time.Tick(3 * time.Second) {
		message := fmt.Sprintf("PING : %d", time.Now().Unix())
		_ = ch.Publish(message)

func checkErr(err error) {
	if err != nil {

If you want to subscribe to this same channel you could easily do it with Subscribe method like:

_, _ = ch.Subscribe(func(m *sdk.Msg) {
  log.Println("Message from ", m.From, " with body: ", m.Raw)

  if strings.Contains(m.Raw, "PING :") {
    time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)
    message := fmt.Sprintf("PONG : %d", time.Now().Unix())
    _ = ch.Publish(message)


Please have a look at examples folder for some working examples


Please check the contributing guideline.


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