Extract private groups, reactions, stickers and transactions procs to individual view files
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API available to QML
walletModel.currentAccount - returns current account (object) walletModel.currentAccount.name - walletModel.currentAccount.address - walletModel.currentAccount.iconColor - walletModel.currentAccount.balance - walletModel.currentAccount.path - walletModel.currentAccount.walletType -
walletModel.transactions - list of transactions (list)
each transaction is an object containing:
- typeValue
- address
- blockNumber
- blockHash
- timestamp
- gasPrice
- gasLimit
- gasUsed
- nonce
- txStatus
- value
- fromAddress
- to
walletModel.assets - list of assets (list)
each list is an object containing:
- name
- symbol
- value
- fiatValue
walletModel.totalFiatBalance - returns total fiat balance of all accounts (string)
walletModel.accounts - list of accounts (list)
each account is an object containing:
- name
- address
- iconColor
- balance
walletModel.defaultCurrency - get current currency (string)
walletModel.setDefaultCurrency(currency: string) - set a new default currency, currency
should be a symbol like "USD"
walletModel.hasAsset(account: string, symbol: string) - returns true if token with symbol
is enabled, false other wise (boolean)
walletModel.toggleAsset(symbol: string, checked: bool, address: string, name: string, decimals: int, color: string) - enables a token with symbol
or disables it it's already enabled
walletModel.addCustomToken(address: string, name: string, symbol: string, decimals: string) - add a custom token to the wallet
walletModel.loadTransactionsForAccount(address: string) - loads transaction history for an address
walletModel.onSendTransaction(from_value: string, to: string, value: string, password: string) - transfer a value in ether from one account to another
walletModel.deleteAccount(address: string) - delete an address from the wallet
generateNewAccount(password: string, accountName: string, color: string) -
addAccountsFromSeed(seed: string, password: string, accountName: string, color: string) -
addAccountsFromPrivateKey(privateKey: string, password: string, accountName: string, color: string) -
addWatchOnlyAccount(address: string, accountName: string, color: string) -
changeAccountSettings(address: string, accountName: string, color: string) -
chatsModel.chats - get channel list (list)
channel object:
- name -
- timestamp -
- lastMessage.text -
- unviewedMessagesCount -
- identicon -
- chatType -
- color -
chatsModel.activeChannelIndex - chatsModel.activeChannel - return currently active channel (object)
active channel object:
- id -
- name -
- color -
- identicon -
- chatType - (int)
- members - (list)
- userName
- pubKey
- isAdmin
- joined
- identicon
- isMember(pubKey: string) - check if
is a group member (bool) - isAdmin(pubKey: string) - check if
is a group admin (bool)
chatsModel.messageList - returns messages for the current channel (list)
message object:
- userName -
- message -
- timestamp -
- clock -
- identicon -
- isCurrentUser -
- contentType -
- sticker -
- fromAuthor -
- chatId -
- sectionIdentifier -
- messageId -
chatsModel.sendMessage(message: string) - send a message to currently active channel
chatsModel.joinChat(channel: string, chatTypeInt: int) - join a channel
chatsModel.groups.join() - confirm joining group
chatsModel.leaveActiveChat() - leave currently active channel
chatsModel.clearChatHistory() - clear chat history of currently active channel
chatsModel.groups.rename(newName: string) - rename current active group
chatsModel.blockContact(id: string) - block contact
chatsModel.addContact(id: string)
chatsModel.groups.create(groupName: string, pubKeys: string)
TODO: document all exposed APIs to QML