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2020-06-22 10:34:07 -04:00

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Adding a sidebar section

The sidebar and each section is defined at AppMain.qml, it contains

  • sidebar - TabBar with TabButton elements
  • main section - StackLayout

The currently displayed section in the StackLayout is determined by the currentIndex property, for example 0 will show the first child (in this case ChatLayout), 1 will show the second child, and so on

This property is being defined by whatever is the currently selected button in the Tabbar with currentIndex: tabBar.currentIndex

TabBar {
    id: tabBar
    TabButton { ... }
    TabButton { ... }

StackLayout {
    currentIndex: tabBar.currentIndex

    ChatLayout {}
    WalletLayout {}

To add a new section, then add a new TabButton to the TabBar, for example:

TabBar {
    TabButton {
        id: myButton
        visible: this.enabled
        width: 40
        height: this.enabled ? 40 : 0
        text: ""
        anchors.topMargin: this.enabled ? 50 : 0
        anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter // needs to be previous button
        background: Rectangle {
            color: Theme.lightBlue
            opacity: parent.checked ? 1 : 0
            radius: 50

        Image {
            anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
            anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
            fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit
            source: parent.checked ? "img/node.svg" : "img/node.svg"

Then a section to the StackLayout

StackLayout {

    Text {
        text: "hello world!"

The section can be any qml element, to create your own custom element, see the next section