Lukáš Tinkl 3281e841db fix: Optimize ContactsView & MembersTabPanel settings pages
- removed nested ListViews inside StackLayouts, in order to reduce the
memory footprint and improve performance, and also to be able to better
manage the scrolling
- no more unrolled multiple listviews, which again hurt the performance;
now the views instantiate the delegates dynamically on the fly
- the tab bar and the search fields now stick to the top of the page,
with the users list view scrolling independently
- both views now uniformly use the common `ContactListItemDelegate`
- the received/sent CRs are now combined into one `pendingContacts`
- factored out common search/filter criteria into a new, separate SFPM
`UserFilterContainer` component
- fix an issue where StatusContactVerificationIcons wasn't properly
displaying the "blocked" state/icon
- fix documentation comments, removed relative imports, and updated some

Fixes #16612
Fixes #16958
2025-01-14 10:31:58 +01:00

178 lines
5.6 KiB

import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
import utils 1.0
import StatusQ 0.1
import StatusQ.Controls 0.1
import StatusQ.Controls.Validators 0.1
import StatusQ.Core 0.1
import StatusQ.Core.Backpressure 0.1
import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1
import StatusQ.Popups 0.1
import AppLayouts.Profile.stores 1.0
StatusModal {
id: root
property ContactsStore contactsStore
headerSettings.title: qsTr("Send Contact Request to chat key")
padding: d.contentMargins
QtObject {
id: d
readonly property int maxMsgLength: 280
readonly property int minMsgLength: 1
readonly property int msgHeight: 152
readonly property int contentSpacing: 5
readonly property int contentMargins: 16
property int minChatKeyLength: 4 // ens or chat key
property string realChatKey: ""
property string resolvedPubKey: ""
property string elidedChatKey: realChatKey.length > 32?
realChatKey.substring(0, 15) + "..." + realChatKey.substring(realChatKey.length - 16) :
property bool validChatKey: false
property bool showPasteButton: true
property bool showChatKeyValidationIndicator: false
property int showChatKeyValidationIndicatorSize: 24
property var lookupContact: Backpressure.debounce(root, 400, function (value) {
function textChanged(text) {
const urlContactData = Utils.parseContactUrl(text)
if (urlContactData) {
// Ignore all the data from the link, because it might be malformed.
// Except for the publicKey.
d.realChatKey = urlContactData.publicKey
Qt.callLater(d.lookupContact, urlContactData.publicKey);
d.resolvedPubKey = ""
d.realChatKey = text
if(d.realChatKey === "") {
d.showPasteButton = true
d.showChatKeyValidationIndicator = false
if (text.length < d.minChatKeyLength) {
d.validChatKey = false
if (Utils.isStatusDeepLink(text)) {
text = Utils.getChatKeyFromShareLink(text)
Qt.callLater(d.lookupContact, text);
Connections {
target: root.contactsStore
function onResolvedENS(resolvedPubKey: string, resolvedAddress: string, uuid: string) {
d.showPasteButton = false
d.showChatKeyValidationIndicator = true
d.resolvedPubKey = resolvedPubKey
d.validChatKey = (resolvedPubKey !== "")
Component {
id: chatKeyValidationIndicator
Item {
implicitWidth: d.showChatKeyValidationIndicatorSize
implicitHeight: d.showChatKeyValidationIndicatorSize
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
StatusIcon {
anchors.fill: parent
icon: d.validChatKey? "checkmark-circle" : "close-circle"
color: d.validChatKey? Theme.palette.successColor1 : Theme.palette.dangerColor1
Component {
id: pasteButtonComponent
StatusButton {
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
borderColor: Theme.palette.primaryColor1
size: StatusBaseButton.Size.Tiny
text: qsTr("Paste")
onClicked: {
d.realChatKey = ClipboardUtils.text
d.showPasteButton = false
contentItem: Column {
id: content
spacing: d.contentSpacing
StatusInput {
id: chatKeyInput
input.edit.objectName: "SendContactRequestModal_ChatKey_Input"
placeholderText: qsTr("Enter chat key here")
input.text: input.edit.focus? d.realChatKey : d.elidedChatKey
input.rightComponent: {
return pasteButtonComponent
else if(d.showChatKeyValidationIndicator)
return chatKeyValidationIndicator
return null
input.onTextChanged: {
StatusInput {
id: messageInput
input.edit.objectName: "SendContactRequestModal_SayWhoYouAre_Input"
charLimit: d.maxMsgLength
placeholderText: qsTr("Say who you are / why you want to become a contact...")
input.multiline: true
minimumHeight: d.msgHeight
maximumHeight: d.msgHeight
input.verticalAlignment: TextEdit.AlignTop
validators: [StatusMinLengthValidator {
minLength: d.minMsgLength
errorMessage: Utils.getErrorMessage(messageInput.errors, qsTr("who are you"))
rightButtons: [
StatusButton {
enabled: d.validChatKey && messageInput.valid
objectName: "SendContactRequestModal_Send_Button"
text: qsTr("Send Contact Request")
onClicked: {
root.contactsStore.sendContactRequest(d.resolvedPubKey, messageInput.text)