114 lines
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114 lines
3.1 KiB
title : "Chat API"
description: ""
lead: ""
date: 2020-10-06T08:48:23+00:00
lastmod: 2020-10-06T08:48:23+00:00
draft: false
images: []
parent: "qml"
toc: true
The wallet model (exposed as `chatsModel`) is used for functions pertaining to chatting.
### Methods
Methods can be invoked by calling them directly on the `chatsModel`, ie `chatsModel.getOldestMessageTimestamp()`.
#### `getOldestMessageTimestamp()` : `QVariant<int64>`
Returns the last set UNIX timestamp of the oldest message. See `setLastMessageTimestamp` for logic on how this is determined.
*chatsModel.sendMessage(message: string)* - send a message to currently active channel
*chatsModel.joinChat(channel: string, chatTypeInt: int)* - join a channel
*chatsModel.groups.join()* - confirm joining group
*chatsModel.leaveActiveChat()* - leave currently active channel
*chatsModel.clearChatHistory()* - clear chat history of currently active channel
*chatsModel.groups.rename(newName: string)* - rename current active group
*chatsModel.blockContact(id: string)* - block contact
*chatsModel.addContact(id: string)*
*chatsModel.groups.create(groupName: string, pubKeys: string)*
### Signals
The `chatsModel` exposes the following signals, which can be consumed in QML using the `Connections` component (with a target of `chatsModel` and prefixed with `on`).
| Name | Parameters | Description |
| `oldestMessageTimestampChanged` | none | fired when the oldest message timestamp has changed |
### QtProperties
The following properties can be accessed directly on the `chatsModel`, ie `chatsModel.oldestMsgTimestamp`
| Name | Type | Accessibility | Signal | Description |
| `oldestMsgTimestamp` | `QVariant<int64>` | `read` | `oldestMessageTimestampChanged` | Gets the last set UNIX timestamp of the oldest message. See `setLastMessageTimestamp` for logic on how this is determined. |
### WIP
#### ChannelsList
`QAbstractListModel` to expose chat channels.
The following roles are available to the model when bound to a QML control:
| Name | Description |
| `name` | name of the channel |
*chatsModel.chats* - get channel list (list)
channel object:
* name -
* timestamp -
* lastMessage.text -
* unviewedMessagesCount -
* identicon -
* chatType -
* color -
*chatsModel.activeChannelIndex* -
*chatsModel.activeChannel* - return currently active channel (object)
active channel object:
* id -
* name -
* color -
* identicon -
* chatType - (int)
* members - (list)
* userName
* pubKey
* isAdmin
* joined
* identicon
* isMember(pubKey: string) - check if `pubkey` is a group member (bool)
* isAdmin(pubKey: string) - check if `pubkey` is a group admin (bool)
*chatsModel.messageList* - returns messages for the current channel (list)
message object:
* userName -
* message -
* timestamp -
* clock -
* identicon -
* isCurrentUser -
* contentType -
* sticker -
* fromAuthor -
* chatId -
* sectionIdentifier -
* messageId -