This commit is the first of implementing community permissions.
**It is not implementing the complete feature**, rather does it
introduce the first pieces, such that we can get code reviewed and
merged before it grows too big.
To review these features, please make sure to
1. Enable wallet (Settings -> Advanced -> Wallet toggle)
2. Enable community permissions (Settings -> Advanced -> Community
Permissions toggle)
You'll have to restart the app after doing so.
The commit introduces the following:
**UI, API calls and view models to CRUD community permissions**
After creating a community, the user can go to the community
settings and create new token permissions. The user can also update
and delete existing permissions.
**Asset and collectible view models**
To create community token permissions, users have to select
the token criteria. This commit introduces the `assetsModel` for ERC20
tokens and `collectiblesModel` for `ERC721` tokens.
The latter only supports custom minted community tokens at this point.
**This commit requires:**
When a community link is shared with a user and that user visits that community, it turns out that the chat objects for that community have not been created yet.
This results in chat data being malformed/non-existent until another message signal is processed that updates the chats in memory. This update can someimes occur earlier, sometimes later, which is why the issue isn't always reproducible.
This commit ensures we're loading chats from status-go again upon spectating, to ensure they exist in memory when we try to access the data in the UI.
AppController executes status-go Logout function when it's being deleted, and that will stop all status-go services and kill pending mailserver requests. If StatusFoundation is deleted before the AppController, it's possible for some tasks to freeze the app on logout
As of #9596, task-runner is no longer used.
Due to how the build system works, task-runner was providing nim-stew,
nim-bearssl and nim-chronos to the project, even though these are also
top-level dependencies - effectively this means there were multiple
versions of these libraries in the source tree and it is not entirely
intuitive which is actually used - adding to the confusion, the
submodule was pinning different versions.
This PR removes task-runner and resets the other dependencies to the
versions in task-runner thus minimising collateral changes.
A duplicate copy of bearssl is also removed.
- fix add-account-modal custom derivation checkbox blocking all workflows
- fix, improve and enable wallet tests
- wait_for_text_matching alternative, to is_text_matching, to check also for content as squish driver API
- add objectName based lookup for in some places where user-text was used
- add workaround to retry for 10 seconds add watch due to flakiness
- rename SquishDriver.type to type.text not to conflict with python's type
- add optional timeout to some APIs
- ignore error for extra step in reaching onboarding seedphrase in linux
Updates: #9576
This commit resolves a crash happened due to connection to
flow was run in the background.
Also updated the keycard synchronization process with the current state of
the application and is the first step of many which leads towards completion
of entire syncing feature.
Model with community tokens was moved to section_item - every section has its own model.
Every deployed smart contract is saved to database with "In Progress" state.
The app listenes to deployed transaction and updates contract state in database to "Failed" or "Deployed".
Corresponding model is updated.
Issue #9233
The issue was caused by some calls that try to update the activeSection's item, but during chat loading, the activeSection had the possibility of being empty, thus causing a crash.
The fix here is to create a LoadingItem and set it as active during the time the chats load (if the last active section was a community or chat). Then, the updates go to that Item and do nothing, but that's normal.
as we're dealing with local file URLs only here, we don't want to turn
the plus signs (`+`) into spaces (leads to failing to open the file,
emits an exception, crashes later on in our JS code)
Closing #9470
Adding Did You Know Splash Screen that will be shown when AppMain is completed.
The SplashScreen runs for 30 seconds and will randomly iterate through `fun messages` every 5 seconds.
- Bump status-go head that include the required specific changes
- fetch token balance (native or ERC20) and cache historical token quantity data
- fetch FIAT currency
- Extend presentation layer (NIM and QML) to account for API changes
- Remove timed request and other optimizations from the time of fetching
balance history every time instead of querying cache
- Add C++ integration debugging tests and update network chain configuration (outdated)
Closes: #8175