Main changes:
- Bump status-go to include the sync saved addresses implementation
- Use saved addresses modifier API from messaging instead of wallet
in order to have incremental sync
- Update saved addresses model on sync changes for saved addresses
Depends on statug-go favourite flag extension and merging of `favourites`
with `saved_address` tables and API
Additional changes:
- Remove duplicate name instead of ESN
Closes: #6546
- all unused/unnecessary files remove
- `status-lib` references updated due to cleaning on that side
- necessary submodules added (those removed from status lib)
When we started with refactor we had to somehow separate "new"
and "old" signals that's why most of signals had prefix "new-", now
since we don't collide any more with "old" signal names (since we
removed all old code) we are free to sort out that signals naming,
what this commit does.