- Added steps to leave the created groups chats so the reusable accounts will keep clean.
- Replaced reusable accounts to fresh ones since there where lots of groups chats created under the existing ones.
- Added `relyon-mailserver` tag in `adminGroupChat` because it is needed a cleanup of the chat in all users (and the new created chat info is not available always due to `mailServer`).
- Created `bdd_hooks` that contain the sing up steps just only once in the feature start and the needed start steps depending on the test case.
- Updated feature files removing sign up steps and given/when/then reorganization.
- Created `bdd_hooks` that contain the sing up steps just only once in the feature start and the needed start steps depending on the test case.
- Updated feature files removing sign up steps and given/when/then reorganization.
- Done some cleanups and reorganization in `communitySteps.py` and `searchSteps.py`.
To make the feature files style consistent for direct string and also use it for examples (params), it has been introduced "" to all plain strings and also into the parameters, that now will be written like this: "<example-param>": Applied on the complete `suite_messaging` and in specific statements of the `onboarding / login`.
- Reviewed `suite_messaging/tst_ChatFlow` feature: Cleanup of duplicated steps and separation of action / validation applied.
- Reviewed `suite_messaging/tst_groupChat` feature.
- Added new tag to `Jenkins` file: `relyon-mailserver`.
- Added new `StartupSteps` class to manage init / startup static methods outside bdd steps. It can be used as a util in `hooks` and `steps`.
Created new `suite_messaging` where all related chat tests will be migrated to.
- `tst_ChatFlow` has been moved to new `suite_messaging`. It still contains some broken tests.
- `tst_groupChat` has been moved to new `suite_messaging`. It is now working (but it relies on the mailserver so could fail sometimes).
- `tst_statusLoginPassword` has been moved to new `suite_onboarding`.
- It has been needed to move some object definitions from `chat_names.py` to `global_names.py` since they are shared between different suites.
- Some other minor object and steps definitions have been moved to fit with the new structure.