Use new status-go function to update group chat details.
Changes in RenameGroupPopup to handle choosing colors and images.
Changes in EditCroppedImagePanel to handle background component.
Issue #5982
Added new option add / remove contacts in dropdown and created navigation to modify the loaded component in the toolbar.
Enabled addition of new members into a group chat by the admin.
Enabled removal of members of a group chat by the admin.
Added into `ChatContentView` components related to chat toolbar:
- `StatusTagSelector` and its corresponding logic
- Moved `StatusChatInfoButton` from toolbar to content view.
Added `esc` key event to leave the group chat add / remove panel.
Updated `StatusQ` link.
Within this commit apart of `ChatContextMenuView` and `MessageContextMenuView`
some other things are fixed:
- pinned messages model (`asyncFetchChatMessagesTask`), which was corrupted most
likely by resolving conflicts
- `pinned by` part of the pinned messages
- set/remove local nickname for a contact
- contacts in a message list and pinned by name, contact in a pinned message list
and pinned by name, one to one chat details and chat tool bar are updated in a way
that they are responsive to the contact's updates
- pinned messages updated received from remote (from the `status-go`) is handled
- admin flag exposed to qml for chat/channel
- `CreateChannelPopup` updated
- `createPopup` function added to the `Global` singleton
- `PinnedMessagesPopup` component moved to `AppMain` and shared
among components beneath
- `chatType` added to `Constants` to group chat type related values
- `messageContentType` added to `Constants` to group message content type related
- `MessageStore` maintained per message list now
- added new `ChatContentView` component used to display chat/channel content
- components updated to display messages from the new backend
- `StatusChatToolBar` appropriately updated
- mute/unmute feature added to chat/channel list as well as to `StatusChatToolBar`
The openPopup function was declared in AppMain
and used via dynamic scoping in many places in the
application. Moved function to Global component
and updated all places to call it via Global instead.
Changes done on the backend side related to the new chat/channel/categories model
are applied here. Necessary changes done on the `statusq` may be seen in PR-486.
Parts of the code which are not refactored yet are commented out.
Displayed chats/categories/channels since now are using refactored backend.