- the new C++ EmojiModel provides a simple wrapper around the existing
JSON to facilitate a faster access and to be able to search/filter in
QML using SFPM
- no more nested GridViews inside Repeaters
- get rid of emoji manipulation and search/filter using JavaScript
- included the C++ script to generate the emojiList.js
- make it possible to configure the locale of the validator
- use the correct default decimal point in AmountValidator
- update/add the relevant tests for AmountToSendNew
Add a new NetworkChecker QObject to StatusQ to be used in checking
internet connection status. This is used by the WebEngineLoader
to only allow loading of web pages when there is an active internet
to cover for a corner case on MacOS where the internet connection is
not reestablished if the WebEngineView was loaded without an active
internet connection.
Closes: #15598, #15806
- some minor visual fixes (padding & clear button color)
- make it always paste plain text, eventhough the base component has to
stay RichText
- use it in SendModal->RecipientView
- add a storybook page
- added QML tests
TLDR: later this should form a basic building block for a new
TokenSelector picker component, potentially replacing the current
HoldingSelector* and TokenListView components (support for collectibles
TBD as part of https://github.com/status-im/status-desktop/issues/15121)
- create reusable `TokenSelectorAssetDelegate` and `TokenSelectorView`
- add corresponding SB page, showcasing the flow/integration and the
separation of concerns between the view, adaptor and delegate layers
- add QML testcase for TokenSelectorView
- don't display crypto symbol for token balances per chain tags
- update the stores and SB pages
- add some missing formatter functions to LocaleUtils and CurrenciesStore
Now SubmodelProxyModel doesn't affect source model therefore it's
possible to safely use multiple SubmodelProxyModels over the same source
Closes: #14550
- hide the permissions row and tokens when the community is free to join
- fix evaluating the `requirementsMet` property which affects the lock
icon state; that role was never part of the model
- add a helper C++ method `isTokenGatedCommunity`
- adjust the SB models, adding different variations of the
permissionsModel for the CommunitiesPortalLayoutPage
- since the window can be a combination of several states (e.g.
maximized + fullscreen + minimized), use the newer `windowStates()` to
track and toggle them
- call `makeStatusAppActive()` in all the identical codepaths (clicking
tray icon, activating a mac or win instance, running a second instance,
- fixes restoring the window to its previous state(s) when activating
from the tray or dock icon
- use some more standard keyboard shortcuts
- gives an overview of all the `Theme.palette.foo` colors
- the color name/code can be copied to clipboard
- light/dark variant supported via storybook's "Dark mode" switch
- integrated search (both the color name and value)
Whenever source model emits layoutAboutToBeChanged/layoutChanged,
persisten model are updated appropriately, also scenario when items are
removed is covered.
Closes: #14244Closes: #14245
Earier attempts to initialize proxy may fail bc left/right models
may be not ready when they are set. It may lead to a situation where
the model remains uninitialized and reporint 0 row count.
- don't use the expensive `ExpressionFoo` in SFPM, just use
`AnyOf/AllOf` combinations where possible
- in HoldingsSelectionModel, don't call the `getTokenByKey` twice to
construct the `text`, once is enough
- lastly, rewrite the JS helper `PermissionsHelpers.getTokenByKey` to
C++; this method gets called recursively way too often from many places
In the longterm, we should provide a specific C++ transformation model
for SharedAddressesPermissionsPanel to follow the UI requirements more
closely; that way we'd be able to fix the issues here for good
- implement the eligibility check in C++, returning the highest possible
role the user would be allowed to join under
- enable/disable the "Share" button based on the above permissions check
- remove all the locally placed components, access teh popup only via
- calculate the `accessType` internally based on the permissions present
- update the eligibility as the async check for permissions is finished
- fix the permissions panel background color
- partially revert the share/finish/cancel buttons behavior; it must be
one button due to StatusStackModal limitations
- fix some other minor UI issues or differences to current Figma designs
- adjust SB, add the possibility to play around with different
permission models
The root cause of this issue is that the `TextEdit.text` was replaced on hover to add specific styling for the hovered state. As a result the selection was dropped.
To fix this I've moved the highlighted hyperlink style to the StatusSyntaxHighlighter.
Generic filter for handling undefined values. This kind of filtering
cannot be done using ValueFilter. On the other hand using
FastExpressionFilter is much more costy in terms of performance
Closes: #13638